It usually starts out something like this:
THE COURT: Mr. Fitzgerald, are you ready for the opening statement on behalf of the government?
YOURS TRULY: I am, your Honor. Thank you very much and let me state, for the record, what a handsome tie you have on today.
THE COURT: Why, thank you for noticing counselor. My granddaughter gave me this for Kwanza. Is that powdered sugar on your chin? Please proceed.
YOURS TRULY: Your Honor, ladies, gentlemen and GLBT's of the Jury, counsel, good morning my name is Patrick J. Fitzgerald.
This is my first opportunity to discuss with you the evidence that the good guys will present in the matter of the United States of America versus I. Lewis Libby, also known as Scooter Libby, Irve, Little Soldier, Scooter X, Snoop Libby, Cheney's Girl Friday, and Off-the-Record-Liar...
How is it so far? Do you like the politically correct salutation? This could be a long night...your comments/suggestions might be helpful.
Five Tips For Helping Write My Opening Statement
1. Keep it simple (this is not the time to share everything).
2. Talk about the case in broad terms, with a theme (guilt and crime).
3. Remember the jury is the audience (not the judge, the defendant, or Christy @ Firedoglake).
4. Tell a story that paints a picture of our side of the case.
5. Share only the most helpful facts to our side that the jury will learn about during the trial—or the most harmful to the other side.