What A Long Strange Trip Its Been...

"We're all going back to our day jobs." - Patrick J. Fitzgerald - March 6, 2007
From the Desk of Patrick J. Fitzgerald story began as a blog experiment in October 2005, shortly after the Grand Jury handed up an indictment against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Now, after 18 months and 1512 posts -- this one being 1513 (a small irony in itself) -- it's time to say goodbye.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King Jr.
I was inspired to develop a creative outlet to channel my passion for truth, justice and the American way as well as my affinity for humor, political satire, and groundbreaking investigative journalism. I also wanted to shine a light on good government -- the open, honest and accountable kind -- in a country where the Bill of Rights and Constitution are revered and adhered to; where a zero tolerance for graft, corruption and evildoers are dealt with justly, quickly and efficiently...a country where fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives.
"I guess they can't revoke your soul for trying." - Grateful Dead
This forum quickly morphed into a seemingly never ending blog session fueled by the worst political and corporate scandals of our time all wrapped up in the 109th Congress and the White House. In a nutshell, everything that is wrong with the Bush Administration - its war, its policies, and its total disregard for the truth, was discussed ad nauseam on this little old blog.
"Do you have what it takes for a career in public service?" - PJF
During this process, I have developed a deep and profound respect for Team America and the thousands of other overworked, underpaid and underappreciated dedicated public servants throughout our government, military, and NGO watchdog groups. That includes scores of citizen journalists, bloggers and the many, many visitors and regulars to this blog who have had the courage to speak out, stand up and fight the good fight in this all important battle to protect our freedoms, liberty and Republic.
Who is this "Fitz?"
And finally, as to the inevitable question as to who I am? Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a person behind a blog. Beneath this blog there is more than flesh. Beneath this blog there is an idea...and ideas are bulletproof. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
My answer is this...From the Desk of Patrick J. Fitzgerald was an idea...and he was my father. And my mother...my brother...my friend. He was you...and me....He was all of us.
Merry Fitzmas, Peace, Love, Cheers and Maholo...
You -TIME 2006 Person of the Year ;)
P.S. "Nothing can come of nothing." - Shakespeares and a hoaloha.
As to an Eplilogue...one never knows what the future may hold, but it includes the proverbial "spend more time with my family" because I have observed that they grow up as quickly as I age, and there was a very special person in my life....who never fully understood my time spent on this pupule blog with "online phantoms" -- to her I can only say I am sorry (cue Willie Nelson song) and quote her favorite poet, W. S. Merwin...
Your absence has gone through meLike thread through a needle.Everything I do is stitched with its color.Kiki, e kala maioe iau.Ko Aloha Makamae E Ipo.Aloha No Au Ia 'Oe. Ho'i Hou Ke Aloha.A hui hou.
Here’s where George W. Bush stands in the presidential pardon stakes. It’s not looking too hopeful for Libby.
Richard M. Nixon 863
Ford 382, including Richard M. Nixon
Jimmy Carter 534
Ronald Reagan 393
President Bill Clinton 396
George W. Bush 113
Fitz! :)
It was a wonderful ride.
Adios Amigo!
Quzi, is that really your photo?
Does the owner even know the real Pat Fitzgerald?
Quizi...fitzgeralds office has been aware of this for well over a year and checks in all the time...one early commentor even called them twice and asked if it was real...both times he heard laughter in the background...so don't make a fool of yourself too much longer here. the justice department has a lot of fun too...why don't you?
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Tony Blair at play! I'm the one standing to his right. Ah, Oxford! Those were the days!
Adios ;)
Good bye s-q. You've been a good friend here ;}
I think I may need to join an ex fitz blogger support group! ;D
I'm still here!
Ann Coulter rocks!
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This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr Evil is a skank lover!
This is my last insult to Dr Evil.
Au Revoir Fritz!!
This blog has mostly served a good purpose. Not cool to dupe people, but, at least for me, it moved me toward taking my responsibilities as a citizen of this country and the ideals, principles, and values that it was founded upon much more seriously.
Thank you, Fitzieblogger, for finally being honest with us,although it was not like you outed yourself. We already knew. Anyway, I've enjoyed blogging here. It was a good way to vent about what's happening in the U.S. now.
Good bye to all the real people on this blog. I'll miss reading your comments. I am a real person. Jane is my name. I am a real RN, campaigning for a union shop in my hospital and fighting for universal healthcare and the most good for the most people. I have some of your emails. I will drop you a line sometime to see how you're doing. Peace and love to all. May God Bless you and Keep you.
Ho hummm...It's still early here in Oregon. I slept like a baby knowing that there was truth in the air, but was disappointed to see PBS news last night featuring Victoria Toesuck as Ray Suarez cowtowed like a real pussy to her spin on the trial...so if you're thinking about donating any money to PBS, maybe it should be to Air America.
I will dearly miss this blog and all of the real folks who love truth and common sense. History has been made, and you are part of it...
I must confess that I am not the real Mr. Natural, but I do love truth and reality and find real kinship here. I will miss you-all.
Happy trails & Fare thee well
Where is my girlfriend, SPB?
get back Jan -- she's all mine! LOL
who was that masked man??? peace and love to all from the frozen north.xo
S-Q said...
Goodbye to the REAL people on this blog! I enjoyed the friendship and you know who you are and we can still email one another. :)
No one knows how much I'll miss you my dear, and how much influence this blog has had on me.
Parting with such sweet sorrow
Ranger Gordon...( :
Good luck to you, Fitzieblogger. I hope you find happiness and love :D.
Thank you again for all you put into this blog. You did us all good.
would hope someone has archived the blog for posterity.
The First Amendment acts like a poison on those who would disrespect the Constitution out of hand.
I am thankful to have been able to express my opinions here.
To my friends: Be well, happy, and...free.
Thanks Fitz
Bye, Patriot girl. I'll miss you.
Maybe FDL.
I hope Jan and SPB enjoy their very "special" relationship!
Love to all!
From a very unique Anon.
It's the end of a very bizarre farce. Farewell.
Hey--it was fun. And your blog probably opened many eyes to the truth. Thanks for your effort. Every little bit counts.
Say a prayer Congress picks up the ball and runs with it.
Saint Brigid
By Denis Collins, Juror #9
WaPo's expose on Walter Reed and other VAs...what timing, and Denis Collins, former reporter for WaPo. What a sham.
For a Faux Fitz, not a bad job.
Americans want truth, justice, equality for all, and our Constitution/Rights restored. Truth always wins.
Take care everyone and thank you. Bless you, Miss Jackie.
spb's girlfriend said...
"get back Jan -- she's all mine! LOL"
And what a way to end a blog! Ha! Ha!
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening folks!
It's Wednesday!
Well, I knew that the blog will eventually come to an end. I have to admit that it was fun. I met interesting people to the bizaare on this blog. I am glad that we all stuck together from this trial even though I was a few months later coming on to Fitz's blog from the beginning. So, I do hate goodbyes but I can say thanks for the memories on the blog. As Fitz moves on to his work, so have I. So, thanks Fitz for having me on your blog. I enjoyed your journey to confusion to failure to triumph to victory in this differcult case. I wish everyone on this blog truely success in their endeavor.
S-Q cum back!!! (sniff)
And Thank You to all the intelligent, beautiful, gifted Anons who made this blog so entertaining!
We will miss you!
There are no words to thank you for the time you put into this and the loss it cost you.
I'll say a prayer for you, that all will be well with that special person again soon. Enjoy your life, now that you have it back.
To all the Justice Bloggers: May our dreams of an ethical and honest government become manifest again one day.
Fitzi, I'll check in on Mellow from time to time, hoping to read good news on the wahine front.
Words well spoken it has been great. Thanks to all who got me through some bad times and helped me laugh. I never say good by because you never know when any of us will meet again. I got to understand and like a great man and brilliant lawyer. The Fitz team will grow to be great and I'll be able to say I watched them grow. Randall will always be special because well he's Randall. I'll miss reading and questioning SPB. All my friends on this blog will be with me always. I got to know my Little Angel for more then a year and he is greatest as just Patrick J. Fitzgerald who just needed a little help with his suit and tie. Fitz your future will be rewarded with the love, truth and hardwork you've done for the people.
You said yesterday your name was on the lips of many Americans because of the verdict. My son works at Univeral Studio's in LA. Univeral put all the TV's on CNN by request of the millions of visitors and yes cheers were heard all over the Park as the verdict came in. So your right the world got to know the Fitz team around the world. Thank you
You can continue to blog on my blogsite. That's not going anywhere.
Patriot Girl:
I will missed you. Thank you for all of your wonderful articles. Again, I will missed all the great bloggers here.
"I hope Jan and SPB enjoy their very 'special' relationship! LMAO!
Yeah, right....
anonymous @12:32pm said...
There are no words to thank you for the time you put into this and the loss it cost you.
I'll say a prayer for you, that all will be well with that special person again soon. Enjoy your life, now that you have it back.
I agree. I will also pray for you and your special someone.
Patrick, I know that we all are going to miss your daily post.For quite some time now I have looked forward to it when I got off work. I have great admiration for you. America owes you for helping to heal and bring back our dignity. Much love to you Mr. Fitzgerald. You deserve it. Again thank you so much and I wish you well.
I feel like Dorothy leaving Oz!! I'll miss Fitz, SPB but most of all Miss Jackie. I am glad to know Peaches is coming home soon. God bless you for your honesty and sense of humor. SPB I'll check out your blog from time to time to catch up with you and partake of your wisdom. Fitz keep on keepin' on and welcome back to Chicago!!
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It was a nice illusion....
Thanks for the memories....
..."was a special.."
everyone makes mistakes.
don't join the coulda woulda shoulda club-
go out there, make the time
get her back
'To thine ownself be true'
Its been a great ride Fitz and Co
Oh, I just heard that Fitz is ending his blog. Oh, how sad. Well, I really enjoy being on the blog although I haven't been on the blog that long and didn't follow the case in the beginning. I will miss the blog and the fine people here. Oh, I will especially miss my dear friend, Mr. Biloxi. He told me that he continue his blog. So, I will blog there every now and then. Fantastic job that Fitz and his team on the Libby case. We are cheering in New York. As Fitz said, it is time to move on. Bye for now.
p.s. Fitz, I did see what you wore yesterday at the press conference. You took my advice after all. ;-)
Since Gergen is running his mouth about the Libby case and seems to keep himself out of the loop but in the Grove...
Old Gergen sure does get around. Aloha.
Yes, it has been a long strange trip and I will miss checking in with this blog everyday. Many interesting and good people here and I will miss each of you, your great humor, and reading your comments. To Jackie, thank you for all your comments, loved them, but especially for sharing today about all the televisions at Universal being tuned to CNN when the verdict was announced and all the people cheering. Wow, I can feel that. People wanted justice in this case.
This blog did a lot of good. I sure learned a lot. I really liked the statement in this apparently final post about the ideas underlying this blog being the real deal. So true. Here's to love and life for the author of this blog. Thank you.
And now, what can we do? We can write and call Pelosi, Conyers, Levins and any other member of Congress who wants to pursue this investigation, and demand that they subpoena Mr. Fitzgerald's documents and records from the Libby investigation. There is so much more to be discovered, probably so much more to be prosecuted, let's not stop. Oh, and go read Jason Leopold's article posted at Truthout. Looks like there will be follow-up from Congress.
One thing that has happened to me through my visits to this blog is that I am much more optimistic that we have a future and I believe we, the people of this nation, can make a difference if we stay informed and keep speaking out. Team America Rocks!
I found this blog while surfing the Internet trying to find others who were disatisfied with this Admin lying to us. It was my first foray into blogging and found it so easy to set up one of my own. It's been a joyous ride, knowing others were out there, and following the day to day stuff.
I've emailed some fellow bloggers and am glad to know them even if briefly. We are still PJFlyers and support the promise he/whoever gave us. A forum is a great thing for democracy and not least for peace of mind and stress release.
So we will find each other again.
I want to keep believing he's real. " ... travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham" is a CLASSIC fitzbloggerism. I will miss the witty banter of the faux PJ and my morning laugh. Toodles and aloha.
Fitz, I think this blog should be deleted in a few days. Silly to keep it up now that the ruse is up
I suggest that Fitz and his staff enjoyed this blog. One could see DOJ IPs visiting here all the time late into the night.
Also consider, they might be sad to see it go as well.
And, if in fact, they did read this and its comments, then in fact we/you were speaking to Fitz and his team...via "spinning globe" Fitz.
Furthermore, how do we know that the blog owner does not know them personally? Why is he the only blog on the Internet with the closing argument transcripts?
Finally, if you don't buy these premises, read the freaking profile and get over it - "Shouting 'Faux Faux Faux Merry Fitzmas!' as I pass out indictments," and the blog he links to in his very first post and Green Eggs and Sam Alito.
I am not sure if some of us here are experiencing a case of the reverse Stockholm Syndrome or a milder form of "Yes, Virginia, there is a Fitzmas, just not the dude on the blog" *lol*
Thanks for a E-ticket version of Mr. Toads wild ride, Faux Fitz I had a blast.
This blog is a comprehensive historical document with all it's links and data so leave it up. My two cents.
Oh dear. Not the REAL P.J.? Um, disregard those comments about my undying love and wanting to have your baby and all that other stuff.
Hey Dr. Shock Spock, What you said, yes. And yes, leave the blog up. Too much good stuff here for it to just disappear. I've gone back into old posts from time to time for reference.
Farewell to From the Desk of Patrick J. Fitzgerald.
Salutare senza l'amarezza.
To whom ever writes the page for Mr. fitzgerald ; it's very nice and if this is a true page , congrads to Mr. Fitz. I hope Mr. Libby is not turned loose. Living amongst Mr. Libby's financeers and friends I've experienced the lengths these people will go to silence truth , create anarchy and destroy democracy. These are not nice people. They are not fair people and they do not fight fair. Despite this , they lost. But a bully is just a bully and I can only wait and wonder what they will do next. Tap my phone ? Intercept my fax ? Bug my home and office ? GPS and Bug my car ? Hack my computer? Steal my email? Stalk me ? Microwave me ? RFI me ? Turn bright solar lights on my home ?Attempt to poison me ? Tamper my mail ? Play recordings of me (illegally obtained) at young Republican meetings? Or otherwise try intimidate or frighten me ? All been done. What's next ?
WHAT'S NEXT ? I'm consulting MY trade secret play book. Someone needs to find out the truth about what make THESE people tick.
I feel so loved here.
Sad Jan :[
Watch your thoughts; they lead to attitudes.
Watch your attitudes; they lead to words.
Watch your words; they lead to actions.
Watch your actions; they lead to habits.
Watch your habits; they form your character.
Watch your character; it determines your destiny.
These words of unknown origin tell us that our silent and often subconscious choices shape our future. Every aspect of our lives, at home and at work, can be improved if we use our power to think, reflect and make conscious choices about our thoughts, attitudes, words, actions and habits.
I'm glad I got to read the blog one more time. Sigh. Peace and love to all.
I'll miss all the hairy balls.
So when is this faux blog going off the net?
Will there be a countdown?
Will there be a big bang?
Looking forward to it!
You are the most patriotic of men in these times--you hve done the country more service in your three years (or more?) of tireless devotion and work than an entire two bodies of Congress or anyone else--you have turned the servile and abetting media, shills for the Administration, on their heels and forced them to spin their heads in a 180 degree turn--would that there were more men like you in the world--my deepest thanks, admiration, and best wishes.
I have seen the light. The real owner of this blog is Murray Waas.
Thank You Murray.
Jodee said...
Oh dear. Not the REAL P.J.? Um, disregard those comments about my undying love and wanting to have your baby and all that other stuff.
CIA Leak Trial Winners and Losers
Don'tgo, Fitz!!!
Don't goooo!
But, I still want to have your baby!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
I hope your special person returns to you.
Perfect avatar, jan.
perfect avatar, jan.
Thank you, calamityjane.
Fits my mood ;D
Don't worry Jan, I'm crying right along with you.
Don't worry Jan, I'm crying right beside you.
Don't go.
Good Times
Great song s-q :) I've never heard that one before-perfect.
I like it on lamb chops.
Scooter Libby looking forlorn and nervous Monday night at what proved to be a last supper of sorts at Chef Geoff's downtown. The former Cheney aide sat with a large group, including attorney Ted Wells, but while the others dug into dinner entrees and cocktails, Libby just picked at a small endive salad. He did have his share of the table's three bottles of red, though.
"Nothing was delivered
And I tell this truth to you,
Not out of spite or anger
But simply because it's true. - Bob Dylan"
"Black Fitzmas, so true."
Bye, Faux Fitz. Don't forget to visit the hormone girls for a few laughs.
I agree that this blog was very helpful to many us.. it was a great feeling to believe that we were personally cheering Mr Fitzgerald and team on. And that our words could bolster them. I believe also that it is possible Mr Fitzgerald did read and respond in some manner to this blog and its comments. Like the 'what to wear' issue. ;)
Mr Patrick J Fitzgerald... uhm... you need a blog. ;)
Mr Faux Fitzie... you've a great humor and wit.. many times when I felt disheartened a post from this blog, with all the bravado and upbeat mentality would restore my hope. Good luck with your lady.
"I'm dreaming of a Black Fitzmas, just like the ones I used to know..."
This blog has been an inspiration for many people. Thanks very much Fitzblogger for creating this great and informative work.
Well it has been a great run, while I too give my Mahalo from Hawaii. The ability to reach out and produce the real issues infrequently reaching MSM is a great gift. Savor it, because the more you do, the more it becomes next to indispensable. Our leaders might never know the actual truth distinct from their public pronouncements without a compass such as this, and the larger "noosphere," if you will, the very internet itself.
For everyone here thanks for a great read, and keep in touch.
It's been a fun and informative blog. I just hope that the illusion may not reflect negatively on the credibility of the the real Fitz who allowed this to be done in his name.
Anonymous said...
This blog has been an inspiration for many people. Thanks very much Fitzblogger for creating this great and informative work.
Well said, anonymous.
Informative, entertaining, and inspiring is exactly what this site was.
Thank You, Fitzblogger/s for all the effort you put into this project!
I have to say, I didn't foresee it all coming to a screeching halt...
I will miss you, Justice Bloggers!
But know that each one of us has a job to do. My suggestion to everyone would be to spend time saved from not keeping up with this site, Doing that job, and doing it well! :-)
I have an idea. I think we should all meet up again after the Purification of this country and the world (Yes, I am a positive thinker!) for a Big party in Washington. We will do boisterous, jubilant polkas down the halls of the government buildings!
(And in the meantime, I'll be keeping my eye out for a happy yellow dress that's made for dancing .....)
This is incredible. This is the blog that would not die!!
Hi, stephanie.
Anon @ 11:53,
The real Fitz stands alone on his own
actions. The life Mr. Fitzgerald has chosen and the time he has given of himself for the people of this country tells us the truth about who he
really is as a person.By remaining tight lipped throughout this case,he also showed his trustworthiness.This blog just gave the people a forum to try to thank him and to let everyone know
that we believe in him and we support him.
A long strange trip indeed, and my time spent here was allways a good trip, while rapping to people who feel like kin folks.
Truth, justice and the American way is indeed alive and well here. I have been priveliged to share my viewpoints here and to learn more about the weird happenings in these surealistic times.
Happy trails to all...I'll be seeingya in the now...G:
Remember, you read it here first!
Geezer and Everyone:
Geezer, I know you have visited my blog many times and I just want you to know that you're welcome on my blog anytime. That is true to all of the Justice bloggers. :)
I'm working on it and trying to make it better.
I'm always open to suggestions too. :)
See ya later friends!
I am outta here now...
A nod to Anon at 12:01 re the blog that would not die.
I think there are still things to say and connections to make. Libby's guilty verdict does not end the process, only the special prosecutor.
All of us here only want a better governemnt for the people not the politicians. The November election was a great start but already there are signs of business as usual.
So all of us need to get out there and continued to prod and support. If not our Fitzmas, then others.
And now that Eliot Sptizer is Governor of NY, can we rally around a Spitz-Fitz ticket again.
The PJFlygirls are there for that!
Oh, to signal not the end but the beginning, I changed my sign-in to Meanderer, since I now have to Meander onto other blogs, or focus more on my own.
Hope to find you all again, S-Q, Jackie, SPB, Bluewild, and others I have yet to meet.
Kit Neill
I'll be seeingya in the now...G:
I like that sign-off, Geezer!
And from what I read, "the now" is fast approaching.
YES !!!!!!!
patriot girl said...
Today Show's Hit Job on Dick 'Darth Vader' Cheney
Thanks for the link, Patriot Girl!
Mainstream media, no less .....
The tide is turning.
Hi to you too, Calamity!
As Always, Peace and Love!
anthony said...
Remember, you read it here first!
Was that an actual headline, anthony?! Apparently so.
And of course the story now is that Iran may strike.
People are finally wising up.....
"My answer is this...From the Desk of Patrick J. Fitzgerald was an idea...and he was my father. And my mother...my brother...my friend. He was you...and me....He was all of us."
And I thought politicians were bad.
Good Luck Everybody!
I told ya that Gilligan Trial was rediculous!
Smurf thought he was so clever!
But Smurf used too much gas on that BBQ and the flames of Truth burned his face..
Hee hee hee!
I got Scooters Orange Baby Jumpsuits Ready and they got Footies on them Fitz!
I also got a bib for Smurf's Dribbles..
It's good to see you all again and I just wanted to say Goodbye as well! :)
As the old expression goes...
"See you all in the Funny Papers!" ;)
P.S. Ambien(Cheney) is Next!!
That is a line from the movie V is for Vendetta.
Still no signs of life. Does anyone know CPR?
Maybe Jackie will call Randall for us?
I will miss everyone...
love to all
It's in Congress's hands now. Let's all hope they are ready to do the right thing.
Rep. Henry Waxman should start a blog! HINT HINT, SPB or GEF!
Wax on Wax off the original Karate Kid - search this blog for him.
I wouldn't have guessed.
V for Vendetta is my favorite movie.
Jackie and Randall eloped!!
One last time... LOL
Btw... Justice Bloggers I sent the REAL Fitz an email and invited him to visit my blog. If you would like to say hello to him or to thank him..
This is probably too much to ask for, but I think it would be appreciated by all the loyal bloggers if the REAL Fitzpatrick would surprise us by coming on the blog and for once give us his opinion about his faux blog before it's closed. It would be a nice closure to a blog that we all will miss.
I suspect Jackie knows Randall so maybe she will ask him his opinion.
Jackie and Randall eloped!!
And Fitz gave them away!
I think Jackie might really be CLARICE or BYRON YORK!!!
Fitz, thanks! Now, please concentrate on justice in Illinois. The people of Illinois need someone like you who can right a terrible wrong from the top down!!! You are a great American and very much appreciated!!
Do any of you personally know Patrick Fitzgerald? The one that prosecuted Libby, just in case anyone gets cute with the same name thing.
Is this Jason Leopold's blog since his articles and book was promoted?
"Very Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald enjoying his first post-Libby-verdict beers Tuesday at Old Ebbitt Grill. He convened a late lunch with legal team pals immediately after his news conference on the courthouse steps. Asked how they planned to celebrate, he laughed and said, "We're going back to the office!" Sorry, ladies: He flew home to Chicago yesterday a.m.; don't expect him back anytime soon."
Bush told CNN en Espanol he has to "respect that conviction" but that he "was sad for a man who had worked in my administration," the Post reported. He made his comments, his first about Libby's conviction for perjury and obstruction of justice, as he was leaving for a trip to Latin America.
The president didn't rule out a pardon, which Libby supporters have called upon him to grant.
"He absolutely should do it," Victoria Toensing, a former federal prosecutor, told the Post of a presidential pardon.
"It was a case that never should have been brought in the first place. It's in Scooter Libby's interest to have it happen as soon as possible to stop this madness."
"# "Spence was target before raid on ring," Jerry Seper, and Michael Hedges The Washington Times, July 10, 1989
In which we learn that Craig Spence brought a 15-year old boy on at least one of his midnight tours of the White House, that Spence asked detailed questions about the Delta Force operations, that he partied with former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova and his wife, Victoria Toensing, and that he bragged of having blackmailed a high-ranking Japanese politician, Motoo Shiina."
I love it! This blog is still alive!
Maybe I'll stop crying soon ;D
For the record...Upon reflection of my comment about borderline personalities yesterday -- I did not mean any disrespect to the REAL Justice Bloggers -- so I hope none of you took offense.
I have met many very great patriots here that believe in truth and justice...we had a great time through the trial and I appreciated all of you that spoke the truth! And the laughter was good...
God bless Justice Bloggers and Sweet Justice to All...
Fitzie blogger -- peace and I hope you find what makes you special...
Hi, jan, quzi and all the Justice Bloggers. Peace and love to all.
Peace to you too... sniff
At least the faux blog gives some hope. Some of the people on this can relate to the Wilsons. There are literally 1000s , or 10000s beaten down by the adminstration and can recieve vicarious gratifiation from the verdict as there is little hope for the rest of us unless the after the next presidential election we have a chance for any justice. Lost souls. Poor Fitz. I hope he doesn't worry about any of us showing up in Illinois. I'll never be there. It might create a ' stir' but it's always great to know this can exist where you never were.
Don't be sad, jan. We can all stay in touch on our own blogs. :D.
Now if the girls over at the PJFFC would stop their nonsense, Fitzgerald could rest easy knowing the crazies aren't talking about him. Seriously.
Get a clue, ladies.
Waxman Asks Fitzgerald to
Testify Before Congress?
Newt Gingrich is a hypocrite. He makes me sick.
Go Henry Waxman!!
Anonymous said...
Waxman Asks Fitzgerald to
Testify Before Congress?
Still missing those hairy balls.
I lived in Henry Waxman's district for over 10 years and voted for him every time. So I'm glad he's da man for the follow-up. He's one of the good ones, a man who can stay in office and still be honorable.
So who's gonna get a blog up and running for the testimonies?
patriot girl said...
The investigations and congressional oversight are finally starting to flow.
THAT's what I like to hear!
Been a long great, regular ride.
And how do we know who you were ultimately Fitz Blogger?
So many people attempt to assume, attempt to think it all through and attempt to judge.....
I believe you were here.
The real Fitzgerald was here, he had a special role in speaking on this blog at times.
The rest of the time it was Murray Waas, and the Special Prosecutor's staff, who has access to all of the court documents.
This has just begun an avalanche...
You're the talk of the town Fitz without ever knowing it, finally spurring Congress to action to investigate Cheney and remove his criminal conspiracy from office.
You alone, caused all that, with your investigations. Lets now hope they all do that job, do that duty, and follow the due process of law of the Jury.
Your investigation has also, along with much pressure, stirred England to convene a Grand Jury in which Prince Phillip and others can be convicted for the death of Princess Diana.
This is not an end but a beginning, to the fall of these people...To the fall at last of the Jesuit order, and to bring these absolute parasites on society to justice.
Cheney is not just a domino but a domino effect, in which every other evil-doer will face justice finally for their purposeful and malicious intentions of wanting to start world war 3.
Please Pass this Video on to Every Politician you can get your hands on!
This is a wake up call to America of the Seedy world of Credit Card Usury!
Anonymous said...
Now if the girls over at the PJFFC would stop their nonsense, Fitzgerald could rest easy knowing the crazies aren't talking about him. Seriously.
Get a clue, ladies.
A clue as to what, anonymous?
Re: Waxman Blog Hint Hint!!
It would never work, That's now an old concept.
But I feel we don't need it anymore! We have a new way already!
Shhhhh... ;)
I'm glad you came back to make an appearance. Everyone has been asking me about you! I think they thought I either locked you up or killed you! LOLMAO
Anyway, I responded to you on my blog!
Thanks for the link!
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Fitzy!
Ahhh - life's too short...you're all right, Fitzy.
The Honorable Patrick J. Fitzgerald
Special Counsel
Office of Special Counsel
Bond Federal Building
1400 New York Avenue NV/
Ninth Floor
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Mr. Fitzgerald:
I commend you on your professional and thorough investigation into the disclosure of Valerie Plame Wilson's identity as a covert CIA agent. It is apparent that you followed the facts where they led and served the interests of justice and the American people.
By necessity, your investigation had a narrow legal focus: 'Were any federal criminal statutes violated by White House officials? Your investigation, however, has raised broader questions of national significance. I am writing to invite you to meet to discuss how the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which is the principal oversight committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, can become informed of your views about these broader issues.
The identity of undercover CIA operatives is supposed to be one of the most closely guarded national security secrets. There are a host of adminisrative requirements designed to safeguard this type of information from disclosure. Yet the trial proceedings raise questions about whether senior White House officials, including the Vice President and Senior Advisor to the President Karl Rove, complied with the requirements governing the handling of classified information.
They also raise questions about whether the White House took appropriate remedial action following the leak and whether the existing requirements are sufficient to protect against future leaks. Your perspective on these matters is important.
After the verdict was announced yesterday, one juror expressed the view that former Chief of Staff to the Vice President Lewis "Scooter" Libby was only a"fall gtly." This juror's views encapsulated questions that many in Congress and the public have about whether the
The Honorable Patrick J . Fitzgerald
March 8,2007
Page 2
ultimate responsibility for the outing of Ms. Wilson rests with more senior officials in the White House. This is another area where you have a unique perspective.
I recognize that as a federal prosecutor, you are constrained by the rules of grand jury secrecy. But you undoubtedly recognize that Congress has a responsibility to examine the policy and accountability questions that your investigation has raised. As a result of your investigation,you have a singular understanding of the facts and their implications that bear directly on the issues before Congress.
I respectfully request that you meet with me and the Committee's Ranking Member, Tom Davis, to discuss the possibility of testifying before the Committee and other means by which you can inform the Committee about your views and the insights you obtained during the course
of your investigation.
I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you.
Henry A. Waxman
cc: Tom Davis
Ranking Minority Member
Gotta say that it sure was fun dropping by here. I truly have enjoyed this blog. Thanks to everyone for the good time.
I knew it was Murray Waas!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
JustOneMinute- Crossroads For Fitzgerald
Will he or won't he? Will the Special Counsel, fresh off his victory over Lewis Libby, appear before Henry Waxman's House committee in order to bash Bush? MSNBC is not so sure:
But it is unclear whether Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, who was invited by Chairman Henry Waxman to appear before his committee, will accept the invitation.
Randall Samborn, a spokesman for Fitzgerald, told NBC, "We received the letter today and are reviewing it but decline any further comment before responding to Chairman Waxman directly."
Fitzgerald this week made clear that, unlike earlier independent counsels appointed under a now-expired law, he is not required to submit investigative reports to Congress.
"They would either file charges or not file charges, and then they'd give a lengthy explanation of what they found. That is different than what ordinary prosecutors do. We file charges, and then we're obliged to prove them, or we don't file charges," said Fitzgerald.
If Fitzgerald has plans to run for office as a Democrat, he will show up; if he plans to remain a prosecutor, he will duck what is obviously a politicized show hearing.
My guess - he will be a no show. Too bad - I know Reps have plenty of questions for him.
CLARIFICATION: A "guess" is several notches down from a "Bold Prediction". Call it 2-1 against Fitzgerald showing.
I knew it was Murray Waas!....wery wery similar.
The clue isn't in the candles, ladies. And, if it were, you wouldn't recognize it.
If Fitzgerald has plans to run for office as a Democrat, he will show up; if he plans to remain a prosecutor, he will duck what is obviously a politicized show hearing.
I need this explained to me.
Poor Stephanie.
s-q wrote: I'm glad you came back to make an appearance. Everyone has been asking me about you! I think they thought I either locked you up or killed you! LOLMAO
Well you should have told them that after I moved in with ya, I stopped going online for awhile...
She keeps me in the closet folks! ROFL*)
Anyway, I missed all of yoose too!
I just took a break from the web pipes for awhile...
I kept up with the Trial at good ole FDL and Politics TV but no posting...I said all I had to say about Smurf and his Gilligan Trial.
But Now, I'm back...
And I'm coming for Ambien and Porkrind! They're next on the chopping block..
Then I'm writing a book about it!
How did you get out of that closet? I made it child proof! Get back in there...or else! :)
P.S. Barbecue that Darth and Turdblossom, will ya? :)
I think Fitz will get the go ahead to step up his investigation. Unless he waits till Bush is out of office. Then they will FRY!!!!!!
Murray Maas has done a terrific job of this blog, which must have taken much of his time. It has been an exciting, informative, and entertaining blog for me to visit.
Thanks to PJFs success in the Libby trial the Congress can now start their investigations. Once that ball starts rolling, it cannot be stopped. We have much to look forward to!
I will bring Darth Cheney to his knees!!!!
That is the final answer, my final mission after the secret case filings.....
Then it is up to the new congress to impeach Mister Cheney, for justice must be dealt.
Anonymous said...
Poor Stephanie.
Nnnot so Much.
Who would be so afraid of these people that they would hack their website?
An unraveling stench is in the air as it closer and closer resembles a complete explosion of the criminal elites.....
Nowhere worldwide now, that they can hide, must be too uncomfortable
You just proved our point, Steph.
What I think anon is saying (correctly but in a mean way) is:
Fitz goes after bad guys. He digs that crap up finds out who's it belongs to and then it's up to the rest of us clean it up.
He could not keep his unbiased reputation if he sat with the Dems, held their hand and gave them a play book- he'd have to quit his job first.
Just as it is against the "rules" for the GOP to call DOJ to push them to go after Dems.
Great to see you here ;D
S-Q, you said you didn't know where he was- you bad, bad girl! :O
Poor ladies. You just keep proving the point, clutching your pearls.
Fitz could, and probably should, avoid Waxman's invitation. It smells of partisanship.
Anonymous said...
"Who would be so afraid of these people that they would hack their website?
An unraveling stench is in the air as it closer and closer resembles a complete explosion of the criminal elites.....
Nowhere worldwide now, that they can hide, must be too uncomfortable"
I can't even imagine .....
The best strategy for these people would be to come clean as soon as they possibly can.
That, of course, would serve them best.
Faux Fitz Website
By gawd howdy...We knew you'd be back and that you had the evil doers on the run.
Peace love & harmony toya...
No goodbyes just fare thee well
Funny Papers
Thank you to everyone for your intelligence, wit, and friendship here! It has been a blast! :)
Please, don't forget our troops and let's bring them home now!!
Bring 'Em Home
yes, s-q. As one of the "ladies" referred to on this blog I want the troops home. That, along with and pure truth and justice is my ultimate agenda, regardless of what some may think. This blog has been a high profile resource for me to advance the above agenda.:D
Eric, Larry,Sergey, email me?
Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit
The Associated Press
Friday, March 9, 2007; 12:20 AM
GUATEMALA CITY -- Mayan priests will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate "bad spirits" after President Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday.
We need these guys in Washington!
Invading Iraq Not a New Idea For Bush Clique. 4 Years Before 9/11, Plan Was Set
"best info fast. Judge whether good enough [to] hit S.H. at the same time. Not only UBL" - meaning Osama bin Laden. He added: "Go massive. Sweep it all up. Things related and not."
"S.H.," of course, is Saddam Hussein. The White House has long insisted its strategy for a war against Saddam's Iraq - a war that could now begin in a matter of days - arose from the rubble of the deadly attack that day.
Those words have been seen before, but did Rumsfeld write them or did someone else? The Cabal knows.
Hi Jan, Hi Geezer,
Be vewy vewy quiet!
I'm hunting evildoers...ma ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Gerbil has a real curse on him...Even world leaders that have befriended Bush are in hot water!
Oh, I'm now coming for Gonzo too!
We're gonna lock him up and his cell will contain pictures of the American Constitution for him to read during his stay there!
As they say in Mexico....Look out Ese', we got your number!
Hee hee hee! ;)
GEF- You are quite insane.
It's been fun. If not nerve wrecking watching the case unfold. Now I believe that a whole can of worms is getting ready to come out. They gambled on their dirty tricks to keep the power and they lost. I do hope that the whole bunch of them get busted. These kind of people are dangerous to our society and must be held to account. We need to get someone in the White House that will restore to us the freedom and liberty we are guaranteed in the Constitution. The whole truth from the Fed Res, to the Kennedy Murders. So much has been covered up for years. There is no need for the secrecy. They are covering up their crimes under National Security. Clinton did not pursue the Reagan/Bush Crimes, so I doubt Hillary will. The Mena Connection had him by the gonads. I could be wrong. We are at a crossroads in America. Do we continue our corrupt journey from the past or do we open the windows and air this place out. Take it as far as we can. Get em all Fitz.
That's right Justice Bloggers...
Truth and Justice are coming! We ARE taking our country back!!
Do you hear those boots Gonzo, Turdblossom and Darth?
Those are the boots of Justice...
Hi JB's who could resist posting this? :-D
Disbar him too
Schumer calls on Gonzales to step down
By HOPE YEN, Associated Press Writer 47 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The Senate's No. 3 Democrat said Sunday that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should resign because he is putting politics above the law. Sen. Charles Schumer (news, bio, voting record) cited the
FBI's illegal snooping into people's private lives and the Justice Department's firing of federal prosecutors.
Schumer, D-N.Y., said Gonzales repeatedly has shown more allegiance to
President Bush than to citizens' legal rights since taking his job in early 2005.
He branded Gonzales, a former White House counsel, as one of the most political attorneys general in recent history.
"Attorney General Gonzales is a nice man, but he either doesn't accept or doesn't understand that he is no longer just the president's lawyer, but has a higher obligation to the rule of law and the Constitution even when the president should not want it to be so," Schumer said.
Chuckie all I can say is "Duh" and thanks for waking up!
Gonzales is a BAD burrito!
If gonzo resigns, Mr. Fitzgerald should take his place.
The Main Players
There are three main players in a conspiracy theory: actor A is the conspirator, typically powerful, projects a good (benigh) public face; actor B is the conspiricist, typically powerless but dogged, often admonished by friends to "get a life"; actor C is somewhat on the inside but not central, has information but doesn't know its value, has suspicions that something doesn't add up on that day but is afraid to confide.
I do not presume to know how conspirators think but there is an interesting article by Gary Leupp in CounterPunch called "Neocon Musings" here is a sample:
Staring out the window at the illuminated monuments to the great---your predecessors---you reflect on how rare your genius is. You smile smugly at the foolishness of the masses, the born-agains, the blessedly manipulated. You cannot tell the president that they are special precisely because they are so dumb; to do that would be to tell your boss that he too, is a gullible fool. But concealing that from him and them is essential to the project. Yes, there are risks. The press may yet make trouble, although few aside from Seymour Hersh have threatened us so far, and most reporters won'tattack us lest they get slapped with the defamation charge... always so useful! In any case we know what the president reads, and how little he understands of what he reads. Writers won't turn him against us, unless the wrong people explain to him what they wrote.
"The government's report said costs for classifying information and maintaining secrecy at federal agencies excluding the CIA hit $6.5 billion in 2003, when 14 million documents were classified. Figures from the National Archives' information security oversight office and elsewhere show that the number of documents being classified has jumped 40 percent from 2001. The figure for how much the CIA spends on classifying information isn't available. It's classified. In contrast, the number of documents declassified in 2003 was 43.1 million, about a fifth of the number declassified in 1997, the report added. And for every $120 the government spent maintaining its system of secrecy, it spent only $1 on declassification."
As said before, lack of transparency and openness, fuels the growth of conspiracy theories.
Returning to our players. Actor C fascinates me because they have a dilemma: should they keep quiet or should they, somehow, get the information out to the public without causing themselves embarrassment or jeopardy? And if they decide to get the information out, how should it be done? That is a central question.
Whatever you have to say can wait..
Listen for a minute!
We're respectfully moving this party over to S-Q's Blog...
So move your A##...
Here's the Blog:
Here's a little MTV Motivator Video
The last post?
Moving over to sq's blog, which, GEF says, is where the party is now at.
Hope to see all of you regular bloggers there and, hopefully, now and again on the comments on my own blogsites:
I'm Fitz the Prosecutor Man I'm Fitz the Prosecutor Man I'm strong to the finich Cause I eats me spinach I'm Fitz the Prosecutor Man
Looks like this blog is DEAD!
last post....heehehe
I never knew such an evil existed, until I stated putting two and two together?
Does Fitz have any idea how evil these people are, does he still condone what they have done?
The whole reason that Palestine Israel peace process has never been solved is all thanks to the Vatican church.
Apparently, they see themselves above god and want to turn the Middle East into an amusement park for the high Catholic Church.
I've never seen anything so sick!
Look at the Zionists and Terrorists who belong to this group, or are part of this group called AIPAC.
They would deceptively call themselves Jewish or Christian, but look behind the mask and they are Roman Catholics...
Are they all brainwashed, why do they work for an order as racist as the Jesuit order?
The heart of the illuminati is the Jesuit order? Then there is no evil greater, or church more damned in all the world, then the Vatican.
As long as blogger and "the Google" search engine are in existence this blog will never die - if you don't believe me check out the sitemeter for yourself. :D
Amen, Kreskin
we'd hoped never to see the anthony again
It's great if this blog can be accessible for some time because I haven't had time to read many of the posts yet.
Harriet Miers is no friend to the Federal Prosecutors. She wanted all of the fired!
Including Fitz!
Here is my two cents contribution to keeping this blog on life support a little longer. Gonzales needs to resign, no later than today. And I think Mr. Fitzgerald would be a great choice for Bush to make in replacing Gonzales.
Fitzgerald has a demonstrated commitment to public service, to taking a conservative approach, to being thorough and to doing his job by the book. Of course there would be no more opportunities for AG political corruption and shenanigans; but there would be one less set of fires for the Bush to put out, and the American people would know that a competent and fair person was at the helm.
Besides, the Bushies have lots of other venues for committing their dirty deeds. It's a win-win.
Patrick J. Fitzgerald for AG! And I second that!
sane people said...
we'd hoped never to see the anthony again
The anthony says:
Yeah, yeah! Whatever! Yawn!
evil simply has many names and psedonyms it goes by, Fitz is one of the few that knows that....
and msr edmonds?
Maybe it is time for a final airing out of this "dark cloud" around the vice presidency.....
Forcing the congress to open formal hearings of the Sibel Edmonds case, would quickly unravel all this.
We need to remove these people including chey-knee and we need a Jury fully informed to do it.
there's almost nothing more boring than anthony's delusions except maybe drying paint.
There is nothing boring about this blog. It is about humanity and truth. Care to deny it? Or do we stick our heads in the sand and cover it up?
there's almost nothing more boring than anthony's delusions except maybe drying paint.
Fitz—give us your blog back!
Words and music by Kipp McLeod
I’m on a roll with a sign reading “No Sale”
So mix me up another Molotov cocktail
And top it off with another dichotomy
Because nobody ever reads this stuff anyway
I got a bomb and it’s strapped to my suitcase
Magyver built it with some gum and a shoelace
But don’t you worry ‘cause the skies are safe now
So we can all go all back to sleep and wait it out
REFRAIN: Give me something shiny to play with
I think we need another coming attraction
Make me listen hard when you say it
Just shut me up, make me nod
And show me some big fake tits
The kind you find on a triple-X porn star
Big fake tits
An ice cold beer and a shiny new sports car
I gotta take my mind off my mind
I gotta think we’re all doing fine
Gimmie big fake tits
And a happy meal
I’m on the lawn with a sign reading For Sale
Because I know what civil rights go for retail
We put the constitution up on e-bay
Because nobody reads it anymore anyway
How did the world become so fucking insane?
How did Bin Laden transform into Hussein
My fears are growing and it’s hard to keep them at bay
So think of something that will make me look the other way
Distract me
Distract me
Distract me
It’s not very difficult
I got a gun and I don’t wanna use it
I got a home and I don’t wanna lose it
I served my country and they left me behind
The truth they sold me was a lie of the worst kind
We’re cracking down with our war on terror
Despite a slight geographical error
I’m on the street with a sign reading help me
The world you built has no place for me
We know for a fact that this is the real blog of Patrick J. Fitzgerald and quote from it extensively in an article today.
The News in Two Minutes:
Profile: US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald is no stranger to high profile corruption cases.
He is a 46-year-old, no-nonsense Brookylinite with a rising reputation as a legal star.
The Conrad Black trial, in which he will be supervising a team of four assistant attorneys, is his second major case this month.
It follows his successful prosecution in early March of former key White House official, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who was found guilty of lying to the FBI and a grand jury over revelations about the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame.
"We cannot tolerate perjury. The truth is what drives our judicial system," Mr Fitzgerald said after the conviction.
"If someone knowingly tells a lie under oath during any investigation, it is every prosecutor's duty to respond by investigating and proving that if you can."
In his blog, "From the Desk of Patrick J. Fitzgerald", Mr Fitzgerald describes himself as a long-time opponent of corruption, listing among his interests rugby and "prosecuting evil doers".
"I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school," he says.
"Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found... the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham."
Track record
Born into a working-class Irish American-Catholic family, Mr Fitzgerald once held jobs as a school janitor and doorman.
He received degrees in economics and mathematics from Amherst College before attending Harvard Law School, where he graduated in 1985.
As Assistant Attorney in New York City in 1988, he handled drug-trafficking cases and in 1993 assisted in the prosecution of Mafia figure John Gotti, the boss of the Gambino crime family.
Mr Fitzgerald was also the prosecutor in the case against Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and 11 others charged in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
While in New York, he was responsible for drafting an indictment against al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before the attacks of 11 September 2001.
He told the Washington Post that if the latter ever stood trial, he would like the job of prosecuting him.
"If you're a prosecutor, you'd be insane if you didn't want to go do that," he said. "I'd be lying if I told you I wouldn't be interested."
In 2001, Mr Fitzgerald moved to Chicago where he became US Attorney for Northern Illinois and started an investigation of the political appointees of the Republican Governor George Ryan, who was later found guilty of corruption and jailed for six and a half years.
He very much believes in what he is doing New York lawyer Joshua Dratel
He also indicted a number of top aides to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, a Democrat, on charges of fraud, alleging numerous instances of illegality in hiring practices.
Mr Fitzgerald's reputation in the fight against public corruption has attracted growing plaudits, as well as public scrutiny.
One friend reportedly described him as "Eliot Ness with a Harvard decree", a reference to the tough crime fighter in The Untouchables TV series.
"He comes off as sincere because he is," New York lawyer Joshua Dratel said. "He very much believes in what he is doing."
Another lawyer, David Baugh, described Mr Fitzgerald as a "bit of a moralist, an up by-his bootstraps Catholic boy with a strong sense of right and wrong".
But Mary Jo White, the former US attorney who was his boss in New York, said the prosecutor's strength lies in how he "exercises his power with a real recognition of how awesome it is".
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/03/14 16:56:38 GMT
we the sheeple said...
there's almost nothing more boring than anthony's delusions except maybe drying paint.
Boring delusions, hmmm.
Thanks for your opinion, sheeple!
It feels kind of like a vacated house in here, doesn't it?
It even sounds kind of echo-ey.....
Thanks for that bbc.
Then this must indeed be the blogsite of the real PJF. How can anyone have doubted it? After all, you reported the collapse of WTC7 at least twenty minutes before it happened.
You guys are clairvoyant.
stephanie said...
It feels kind of like a vacated house in here, doesn't it?
It even sounds kind of echo-ey.....
2:34 PM
Right, this has always been the blog of the real Patrick Fitzgerald.
However, they created it as a bit of a parody.
It was run by Murray Waas and his staff at the DOJ most of the time, not Mr. Fitzgerald.
Fitzgerald would come here at certain times to get his point across though, and kind of continue the parody.
I don't think he really believed this silly little blog would turn into such an international phenomenon, just like his long-standing reputation for prosecuting 'evil-doers'
But it did of course and it can.
But, now its over. Nobody will be coming back here.
I do hope Mr Fitzgerald agrees to testify before the House committee, so we can get to the bottom of the crime involved here and simply get rid of Cheney.
It appears that Gonzales is already on his way out the door, a real nice bloke he is.
But I believe to really get rid of these people, including Cheney, we need the Sibel Edmonds hearings to be public.
If what she had was such a threat to national security, then lift the gag already!
We aren't afraid of anything in that closet anymore.
But I happen to know Fitz is a bit grumpy and uncomfortable about all this, because unlike Prosecutor Biloxi, he knows who is at the top.
Who is at the top is a long standing order of criminals known as the Jesuit order....
Spare some alms for the poor?
And they.....the BBC and Guardian should already know that they, claim to be upstanding Catholics who love to serve others.
Only they are just the opposite......and have done more harm to modern day catholics, including the Irish catholic orthodox than anyone can imagine. That's what is shameful.....
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