We Have A Verdict...
Watch for me on Fitz-TV. Is my tie straight? ;)

Jury convicts Libby
Watch for me on Fitz-TV. Is my tie straight? ;)

Jury convicts Libby
Fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way.
OMG -- I just read that!!! Our time has come Justice Bloggers!!!
S-Q are you around?
PS -- wipe the KKs from your face too ;)
YES I am Here!! :D
Give us TRUTH back jurors!
Oh my I am crying like Teddy Bear Wells...LOL
Go Fitzie and Team America!!!
Hi S-Q -- this is so exciting!
I am going to put a tv on too. Be back in jsut a bit...
I am here but gonna watch CNN..brb..
CNN has squat! MSNBC has great coverage.
Truth wins out regardless of the verdict . . Congratulations, Fitz!
Been waiting so long for this moment!
Waiting to see Fitz on the press conference!
So exciting...
OMG -- Guilty on 4 counts -- jsut what I predicted. And S-Q it came on a Tuesday as you predicted!!!
This is so d@mn exciting!
4 counts guilty!!!
Go Fitzie -- we love your work and your team!!!
OMG! Quzi, I have tears in my eyes!!
Could you make them wait till I get back? HA!
How long for the Fitz Press Conference.
Thank you so much, Sir! Thank you! I have no words... (tears of thanks)
Congratulations Fitz!
Some of the colleagues gave coffee watching the verdict. 4 counts. I knew it would be 4 counts. Wsy to go team!
Hurry back Jan!
I know S-Q -- thisis very emotional -- I have been following this trial cosely since Fitzie's press conference for the indictments -- actually even before the indictments -- what I could glean fromthe press
What I love is that there is going to be so much press about this!!!
Guilty...Allways has been and always will be. Could this be a historical moment?
( :
I read it here first, just this minute, but it's just been reported on BBC Radio 4 PM news. As I write they are running a story on it.
I'm happy for you all.
Well done Fitz, and Team America.
What happens next? An appeal? Prison? Pardon? And what happens to Cheney?
Mr. Fitzgerald, and all who have assisted you... there are no words to tell you how much you're appreciated and loved by those who needed to see justice lives inside the borders of our country.
Wine & Roses for you all... SALUTE!
The BBC has just played a clip of Bush's BS about Niger. This, according to the BBC, is what is at the root of the case.
I hope they cuff him and send him to jail today! Walton is not happy with Scooter because he didn't testify, after Wells & team said he would!
"...it was president bush who authorised a leak...", so says a reporter on a clip the beeb, aka auntie, has just played.
I think this constitutes the longest piece of coverage the beeb has given the case, and now they're ontl the next story.
Gilty as charged...6 :
Keep me in mind Sam...
Our boys,Fitz, are going out for drinks tonight! Cheers to the team!
* - Obstruction of Justice: GUILTY
* - False statements to FBI investigators (about Russert conversation): GUILTY
* - False statement to FBI investigators (about Cooper conversation): NOT GUILTY
* - Perjury to the Grand Jury (about Tim Russert conversation): GUILTY
* - Perjury to the Grand Jury (about the Matt Cooper conversation): GUILTY
I hope we see Stephen on the blog today! The verdict will put a smile on his face!
Ted Wells speaking now: He said that he was very disappointed in the jurors.
The jurors did a wonderful job!
Libby will crying like a baby tonight!
Thank you Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Comey.
Thank you.
FDL's server was down but seems to be okay now...let's hope it doesn't crash again!
Give Scootercar a binky and his blankie and lock him up! lol
Oh! Me name is Patrick Fitzgerald,
I'm the leader of the band.
Although we're few in numbers
We're the finest in the land.
We play at wakes and weddings
And at ev'ry fancy ball,
And when we play to scooter's funeral
We play the march from Saul.
Oh! The drums go bang,
And the cymbals clang,
And the horns they blaze away;
Randall pumps the old bassoon
While I the pipes do play;
And Hennessey Tennessee tootles the flute,
And the music is somethin' grand;
A credit to old Ireland is Patrick's Fitgerald's band.
.....up the republic paddy me boy.
Ahhhhhh.. Pooor Binky!!! lol
Thank you Mr. Fitzgerald.
Fitz is watching you...
Oh sheeesh!!!! How oculd I forget!!!
Merry Fitzmas Everyone!!!
Fitzie speaking in two minutes
I'll bet all those nasty neocons who have been attacking Fitzgerald about this trial feel pretty foolish about now.
Here comes Fitz!!!
Meeeerrrrry FITZMAS!
Truth justice and the American way.
Happy day...
We have seen the wonderful works of Justice Clause...Fitzmas has arrived...( :
Fitz, your tie looks perfect!
Now it's times to break out that Italian suit.....
I have been saving this link for this day! Please go to:
listen and celebrate the fanfare for the common man!
words fail me! I'm sure I'll find my voice pretty fast, like
The Dickster is next on the list. Go get em Fitz!
Fitzie looks great and as always delivers a fantastic press conference!
Hi Subway! :)
unseal, unseal, unseal!!!
Yes! UNSEAL!!!
Bring Darth Cheney to his knees!!
I've just heard clips from the press conference on the verdict. I've often seen pics of Fitz, but I've never heard his voice before.
The BBC also reports that bBush accepts the verdict but that he's "saddened"...
I wonder if Cheney's blood clot is getting bigger?....
Thank you Mr. Fitzgerald, Zeidenburg, oh and JUST ALL OF YOU!
Such a rush of emotion after all these years...
Pat and team;
Prissy loves you all, we are making signs, taking them to downtown Columbus which say "Libby Guilty, Thank You Team Fitz"
Hugs and Cheers,
Liberty and Justice served hot today!
~Prissy Patriot
(via PDA)
Merry Fitzmas!! You are "the man"
Your tie was perfectly straight.
Merry Fitzmas All
Saint Brigid
Merry Fitzmas All
Saint Brigid
Merry Fitzmas All
Saint Brigid
Interesting note:
Whe Wells was speaking in fornt of the ocurthouse:
As he was saying Scooter did nothing wrong -- he was shaking his head back and forth like a "NO" gesture...body language speaks volumes and I don't even think Wells was aware that he was doing it.
The juror says they had one unanmimous decision right away. Interesting.
Oh yeah -- Fitz did an awesome ob on his press conference too.
Wells and Scooter are in denial. Scooter is hosed and that is the bottomline. I am gald that jurors worked together as a team with a decision.
Fitz looked great during the press conference.
Looking forward to June 5!
Thank you to the Jury for being fair and balanced!
Note to the Jury: I hope you read all of this someday and laugh and cry as we have! :)
By the way, where is Jackie on the blog? I tried to email her. I know she is happy for Fitz.
Note: Joe Wilson on Larry King tonight --
I wish I was having a drink with Fitz and his team tonight!
Cheers to all!!!
SPB - -I don't know -- I haven't seen her in awhile.
Hey - check my blog for the verdict post! ;)
Jackie is out partying with Randall!
Thank you for this blog! Thank you for providing a place where we Justice Bloggers could come together and support Fitz and Team!! :D
Joe Wilson will be on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and on Larry King tonight.
Just heard it on the radio. (Who cares about the tie at this moment!) Congratulations to a very special Prosecutor and his fantastic team and a great Judge Walton!
Ditto S-Q -- this blog helped get us through this trial!
Fitz this three hours thing is killing me I missed the verdict. Now when do you do the press conference and what channel give more info. I'd asked Randall but he's really busy with the sharks and other animals right now. I told you good things come to those who wait and the jurors were just. Some say the Gerbil has to pardon Libby since no one showed up to support him in his hour of need to busy I guess. The grape picker is really busy on the phone to get his orders from the Dickster now. I guess the Bush policy hasn't changed the JUSTICE SYSTEM yet Gonzo's working on it. I think Judge Reggie did a great job in this case and we got to see real fair justice given to the guilty defendent.
Later but let me know when your on TV on cable.
I put a message to you on your blog. Jackie is with us! And I did post the Fitzgerald Towing pic like we said. He towed Scooter's scooter! Finally! lol
WTG Biloxi!
What a day! Merry Fitzmas!
Hi Jackie! Great news -- isn't it?
Fitzie did an awesome job on his press conference.
I have to get some lunch. bbl
Justice rules!
The note to jury should be: It's been real and it's been fun but Scooter is hosed, FINALLY!
Fitz wiped that short bastard's smirk off his face. I wish I could have seen that Kodak moment! Can't wait for the future case of the WH conspiracy because Scooter's current conviction is small potatoes compare to his future charges in the WH conspiracy. Can't wait for that!
Mr. Fitzgerald is correct that any lie under oath is a serious offense. I am glad he was able to successfully lay this out to the jury. My sadness continues that we could not have a Fitzmas when Clinton lied under oath.
Thank you to the jury for doing the right thing for the People. Thanks to members of Team America.
"Fitzgerald: No further investigation planned"
I don't think Fitz will be taking that cruise yet. Conrad Black case in Chicago starts on March 14. But, at least he has a few days off before that trial begins to relax.
If you bought those tickets for you and your lady friend to go on the cruise ship to the Bahamas, feel free to hand it over to me and my gf. At least, those tickets won't go to waste. lol
Does Wells need a bottle of Bean-O today? lmao
"And now the purges. So they've slashed U.S. Attorney's budgets, trashed rights we have sworn to uphold, and now, tried to toady-up the ranks of our leadership by firing some of our best and brightest, apparently to make room for wingnut-annointed political hacks. Folks who do stuff like this deserve
to get caught."
They are obstructing justice, corrupting the system further and destroying what is left of our contstitution. Every American, including the enablers should be outraged, for the in the end, the enablers always pay the highest price. Ask Scooter.
New Post
Juror says Libby 'seemed like fall guy'
Michael Roston
Published: Tuesday March 6, 2007
Noting that he was the only juror that planned to speak at this time, Dennis Collins offered insight in a post-trial press conference after he and ten fellow citizens found former Vice President I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby guilty of four charges of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making a false statement.
"It seemed like Libby was the fall guy," the jury believed according to Collins.
GeezerPower said...
Truth justice and the American way.
So, Geezer...how do you like my new avatar? Don't get too close to your monitor now! LOL
Democratic lawmakers repond to verdict: 'Don't pardon Libby'
Ron Brynaert
Published: Tuesday March 6, 2007
Update: Dean compares scandal to US attorney dismissals and Walter Reed cover-up
Democratic lawmakers are responding to the verdict in the CIA leak case trial, which found former White House aide I. Lewis Libby guilty on four of five counts.
A statement issued by Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) referred to revelations in the trial that Vice President Dick Cheney could be implicated further in the outing of former CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson. Reid also implored President Bush not to issue a pardon for Libby.
"I welcome the jury's verdict," Reid's statement said. "It's about time that someone in the Bush Administration has been held accountable for the campaign to manipulate intelligence and discredit war critics."
MSNBC commentator Tim Russert has suggested that the verdict bodes poorly for Vice President Dick Cheney, whom Libby served most directly.
"This isn't like a hunting accident where he can walk away for two days and let someone else make the statement," he said.
Well, the "fall guy" should start talking...cuz America is pissed!
"Does Wells need a bottle of Bean-O today?"
More like Rolaids and Preparation H. lol
Amazing! Hate is alive and powerful in this blog. I can't believe how estatic all of you are on this verdict. You act as if this is some major victory for a major injustice that has crippled our country. Scooter got pigeon holed into something that was a non-issue. Being convicted on a testimony that he should have never had to do in the first place. Most everyone already new Valerie Plames identity and it wasn't top secret. This witch hunt was injustice and you all should be seriously ashamed and afraid of the way our justice system is leaning. Some of the words I see in this blog about Libby are mind blowing. You talk about him as if you have experienced pure evil acts from him personally. You probably didn't know jack squat about Libby before all this and you still probably don't know jack squat. You people scare the hell out of me.
Yes,every American I know is pissed.
We can do this the easy way
or we can do this the hard way.
People are pissed to the point where we'd rather do it the hard way!
we know about libby going back to the early 1970's
between he and his friends
a pattern of criminal intent has
connect the dots
Hey, no fair sez Scooter boosters. Perjury about a matter of national security isn't crippling to the country anywhere near as much as a private affair with an adult White House intern.
not if miss lewinsky was mossad
Nasty NeoCon Anon at 2:21
Go to Hell.
plame stumbled on something big
nuclear black market
wilson is the cover story put out there by the usual suspects
Anon 2:21
Most Americans do hate being lied to and having 3000 plus soldiers dead because of those lies. Yes Plame was a covert agent working to find out if Iran had WMDs. Now I know the Bush policy says lie about it like they did with Iraq's never seen WMDs but that was her job. Now we will never know what's really happening with Iran thanks to Bush/Cheney and staff. You are right about one thing. Bush's new policy is to not charge criminal action by White House staff, GOP or friends. Yes Gonzales will put lawyers in the DOJ and Judges to make sure crime does pay. Now all Dems will be charged even if fake charges that's the new policy. Libby had no friends show up to support him in his hour of need. I see your point lying under oath and to investigators and grandjury isn't a crime in your eyes. Now when Bill Clinton said I didn't have sex with that woman, there's an impeachable lie. Bush lied about the WMDs and everything else no a crime because as you say Republicans that lie shouldn't be charged. You are as sick as those criminals in the White House. I guess letting our injured soldiers live with open wounds as mice/roaches bite and infect them is ok with you to as this has been going on for 6 years with the support of the Republicans. Now that the truth is out the liars who did this say they are shocked again lying. But the troops and their families know they talk to each one years ago only to watch them say live on TV we didn't know. But we gave the money to Halliburton to spend for Iraq oil pipe lines. Yes the LIAR-IN-CHIEF rules with your full support. Satan will never win but you keep supporting him ok.
Fitz, I knew you'd do it. The truth is always a very powerful tool to bring to any argument or lawsuit.
Now, go after the worst of the worst.....Cheney himself. Rid us, the American People, of this neocon liar and maniac before we are in a all out and out war with Iran. Bush and Cheney have to be distracted from their "Plan B"....read Iran.
God bless you Fitz and take care of yourself, watch your back.
Scooter was neuron central for a very evil junta still feverishly working to subvert our Republic. The Team has delivered-with the help of the defense-a very detailed schematic that grows simpler to see by the moment.
Much more water has flowed under the bridge than the neocons know, I believe.
No, Fitz needn't file any more indictments. But I must say, I've had to get another cup, as the first overflowed at the thought of one possible arrangement.
Thanks Team. Your names should be immortalized for what you have done for our nation. Perhaps the entire lot of you deserve the Nobel peace prize for bringing a monster into the light, then flogging it with 21st Century ethics. The Republic awakens and is highly motivated.
You are the shape and size of a very powerful vector force that absolutely will not stop.
For Rupert's Screamers, its like having a closed digestive tract, and it's time for number two.
Awesome! Mr. Pitt. ;)
If hes been found guilty? Shouldn't he be Hung or shot for doing this durring a time of war??? Me thinks that the answer would be YES.
If Bush Pardons him, America expect there will be an Impeachment Proceding. Yeah Patrick Fitzgerald!!! Bravo for Justice!!!! Now let that be a lesson to 'em.
Thank you! Teak.
I agree with anon 5:07, but for the reason implied above. I don't know if jr. could pardon anyone.
I believe the game has reached a few checks and is approaching checkmate. There's retirement in the wind and I don't like the possible VP replacements, like Lieberman. I'm hoping whoever it is was was not wired by Irving Kristol but Abraham Lincoln.
Yabba dabba doo.
Anonymous said...
Amazing! Hate is alive and powerful in this blog. I can't believe how estatic all of you are on this verdict. You act as if this is some major victory for a major injustice that has crippled our country.
What in the world is the matter with you man? Do you have eyes and ears? You certainly have a voice, but that doesn't count for much, as an empty head always rattles.
Libby lied along with the whole Neoconservative cabal to sell a war, on false premises, that shouldn't have been fought. A war that cost many thousands of lives and untold damage to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Hate is possible only with someone that you love, and believe me...I have never loved deception, greed, and war.
This is a minor victory for a small part of a major injustice, and yes I am excited, but not as excited as I will be when all of the truth is revealed.
imagine whirled peas
This comment has been removed by the author.
Your verdict against Libby is wrong. You are not really apolitical as you lead people to believe.
"Your verdict against Libby is wrong. You are not really apolitical as you lead people to believe."
Burp....Next! lol
Anthony said "
I've just heard clips from the press conference on the verdict. I've often seen pics of Fitz, but I've never heard his voice before."
I heard him on CNN 2 weeks ago and he sounds like my stockbroker's assistant . I also saw Fitz on CNN outside the courthouse and poor Mr. Fitz has a bald spot. Poor baby. I said , he looks fine but don't tell his girlfriend I said so........ whoaaaaaaaaaaaa
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