Nov 10, 2006
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

Previous Posts
- I Love The Smell Of Subpoenas...
- Chicago Tribune Trifecta...
- The Road To The White House...
- Play Ball..!
- Sixty Days Notice Ought To Do It...
- Boss Nancy D'Allessandro Pelosi...
- Who, Me..?
- Chortle Of The Day...
- I Know Nothing...
- In Case You Missed It...

I'm getting my dancing shoes ready this weekend.. Jackie, shall we dance?
Here's your music Twinkletoes..
What's POV mean? Yes Fitz and I will dance till 9pm. I like the music from the 50's 60's and yes I can still get down just not to long I get tired. smile I'm happy for all of us and look foward the the new cases that will be filed. Now as for the Gerbil/Cheney I still they will resign as the it heats up. Just my thoughts only.
Brilliant GEF,
sort of music I just can't keep my feet still ;-) Thanks!
POV = Point of View! :)
Whooo.. Music to my ears.. Don't worry, Jackie. I will have you home by 9 pm. Jackie and I can cut the rug on that music, GEF. Tucker Carlson, eat your heart out!
Dance with me :)
Dance Cool Cat Dance! :)
Jackie and I can cut the rug on that music, GEF
*Go Twinkletoes Go*
Come'on s-q,
Dance with me shugga pie...
GEF: (from the last thread)
Sure...hey, look here we are! :)
You're Quite The Dancer!
Dance with me :)"
You bet Jan! Don't ask the crunch 'n munch prosecutor to dance. Jackie has to get him some dance lessons.. Or maybe twinkle toes can help him out! LOL!
Go twinkle toes, go twinkle toes, it's your birthday, it's your birthday....
Hey GEF, taking this over from the other threat
Well, they better hope that some even smarter group is not out there planning to trap them in their own game..
I think there is a smarter group out there already ;-)
Really I have seen some excellent documentaries on the London Film Festival like "Ground Truth" or "J.Lennon vs. The United States" or the Dixie Chicks's "Shut up and Sing"
The good guys have finally found a way to use the TV and they're doing a much better job than the Dark Site because compared to them people do listen and applaud rather then smirk or frown!
Thanks, GEF! If Emmett Smith can dance on Dancing with Stars, I know that I can...Hey, can Fitz dance? If so, Fitz will dance all over Libby in January.
Let's Go Dance Then; We'll do Europe Trans!
Fitz will dance all over Libby in January.
I hope he doesn't forget to wear his spiked shoes..
The good guys have finally found a way to use the TV and they're doing a much better job than the Dark Site because compared to them people do listen and applaud rather then smirk or frown!
Imagine that... hee hee hee!
Here's one for Geezerpower
Wake up Geezer! :)
Exclusive: A secret first full draft of the Iraq WMD dossier, which shows how Tony Blair persuaded parliament of the case for war, is being concealed by the government. This draft was not written by the intelligence services, as Whitehall claims, but by a Foreign Office spin-doctor. Our political editor, Martin Bright reports.
Thanks for the info with the POV = point of view I'm still stuck on that. Fitz will do find with his dancing all he has to do if follow me. Now you young ladies better what out, Fitz and I could be on Dancing for Justice on TV next. Yes the show will be on at 7 to 8 pm. We'll make Dancing with the Stars look like yesterdays headlines. After 9 pm the little angel's dance card will be open so all of you can join in. Oh SPB do you dance?
SPB does the funky chicken.
All dance to the tune of Yakkity Sax.
(Benny Hill show theme)
That was really cool! :)
C Peach is doing great she has so much support for her follow soldiers. I am so proud of these kids and how they support each other. Still problems in Afghan but with the change of leadership it gives them hope. I let Peach and her follows soldiers know this blog sends prayers for their safty. Thanks for asking about the kids.
"I hope he doesn't forget to wear his spiked shoes.."
Ouch for the little Irve! As tall as Fitz is, he may sqush the little morsel...
SPB I checked and am sorry to have doubted your professional experience as a Special Prosecutor. So I should make it up to you now...
You are an adorable little angel. Please stop knockin' boots on those ho's and always wash your hands after using the toilet.
And get that 3 month old ham sandwich out of your back pocket.
Ouch for the little Irve! As tall as Fitz is, he may sqush the little morsel...
Just give him a glass of water and have his Atty patch up the holes with spackling paste then throw him in the slammer and swallow the key!
"You are an adorable little angel. Please stop knockin' boots on those ho's and always wash your hands after using the toilet."
"And get that 3 month old ham sandwich out of your back pocket."
Oh, I don't think so, Anon.. Knockin' boots on those ho's??? The refridgerator is closed on that deal... Now, maybe ask that question to Cunningham and his hookergate crew on their "bangin!"
Let's Go Dance Then; We'll do Europe Trans!
Okay, then we'll hop off to the Bahamas and dance on the beach...
Mr. Boombastic
"Just give him a glass of water and have his Atty patch up the holes with spackling paste then throw him in the slammer and swallow the key!"
Kind of hard to patch up his little hinny and baby cojones.. How can the little Irve get his groove on? As SPB said, he should have plea bargained with the rugby man.. Man, that is a bitch for little Irve! LOL!
More on Waxman:
Waxman set to probe areas of Bush gov't
LOS ANGELES - The Democratic congressman who will investigate the Bush administration's running of the government says there are so many areas of possible wrongdoing, his biggest problem will be deciding which ones to pursue.
There's the response to Hurricane Katrina, government contracting in Iraq and on homeland security, political interference in regulatory decisions by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration, and allegations of war profiteering, Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., told the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.
"I'm going to have an interesting time because the Government Reform Committee has jurisdiction over everything," Waxman said Friday, three days after his party's capture of Congress put him in line to chair the panel. "The most difficult thing will be to pick and choose."
Republicans have speculated that a Democratic congressional majority will mean a flurry of subpoenas and investigations into everything under the sun as retaliation against the GOP and President Bush.
Not so, Waxman said.
"A lot of people have said to me, `Are you going to now go out and issue a lot of subpoenas and go on a wild payback time?' Well, payback is unworthy," he said. "Doing oversight doesn't mean issuing subpoenas. It means trying to get information."
Subpoenas would be used only as a last result, Waxman said, taking a jab at a previous committee chairman, GOP Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana, who led the committee during part of the Clinton administration.
Among the issues that should have been investigated but weren't, Waxman contended, were the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal, the controversy over the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's name, and the pre-Iraq war use of intelligence.
Ok Blondie then we'll time warp to 1970s New York and Dance in Studio 54
Yep, should've bargained with the rugby man...
How can the little Irve get his groove on?
Well not to worry, we'll let that Ugly Giant in Cell Block 1812 twirl him around in an orange tutu...
"Well not to worry, we'll let that Ugly Giant in Cell Block 1812 twirl him around in an orange tutu...'
I hope little Irve tells his cell mate, C-Note, that he tends to talk in his sleep, wets the bed, drools on his pillow, and needs someone every now and then to rub his tummy and play "nanny boo boo" with him.
This one is nice!
PHOENIX, Arizona (Reuters) - Hispanic voters irked by the Republican hard line on immigration policy turned out in force and helped Democrats win in U.S. congressional elections, according to exit polls and analysts.
Yup, and the hispanic voters gave the GOP a spanking...
Snow: The Bolton Nomination
Is Not Dead.
Nimrod, it’s dead! You're riding a dead hose buddy!
I hope little Irve tells his cell mate, C-Note, that he tends to talk in his sleep, wets the bed, drools on his pillow, and needs someone every now and then to rub his tummy and play "nanny boo boo" with him.
Well, you know C-Note, he's incorrigible. If the Smurf talks in his sleep or drools then C-note will duct tape his mouth. If smurf wets the bed then he'll be a Eunuch by morning and if he asks C-note for a belly rub then C-note will punch through his stomach and pull out his Intestines and show it to him...
Hey GEF:
This little Irve's roommate, C-Note
Little Irve better sleep with one eye open..
Time warp to NY Studio that would be something to see! Good times! :) "Heart of Glass" was Blondie's best song!
And, I love Steven Tyler's voice and of course all of his songs!
"I Don't Want To Miss A Thing", is one of his most beautiful songs!! Thank you! :D
Howard Dean fight back. Go Howard!
Howard Dean responds to Carville's braggadocio:
After the Republicans have admitted to a thumping, why is it that the only one complaining on the Democratic side is James Carville, who today in addition to trashing Howard Dean, praised the RNC, the outfit that brought us the racist ad that defeated Harold Ford, James' supposed candidate for Chair?
Perhaps he's not aware that under Dean in this midterm election the DNC has raised record cash — all hard dollars — including three times as much from major donors, eight times as much online and made a $30 million investment in the '06 cycle, three times as much as the DNC put into the last midterm. Not to mention we made an $8m overhaul of our voter file which was successfully used in 47 states and through the 50 state strategy invested in states like Pennsylvania, Kansas, Indiana and Montana where we had critical victories on Tuesday.
From Jane from FDL:
Since Carville's wife Mary Matalin has been mentioned as possible future head of the RNC I think it's great he's offering suggestions about how the DNC should comport itself.
Well at least he's not next to this guy! He's thinking of a woman..
This anon hopes WaxmannClause has been keeping his shit list and checking it twice . The well read already know whose been naughty or nice...
Well at least the food is good in the Federal Pen..Yessiree 3 squares...and I do mean square!
I like this to smile and to dance, gef:
Tony Sheridan
Was it 1964 ??
Little Irve better hope for door #1: C-Note! He is all man. Now, if he is stucked with door #2, your pic, then he is toasted. He better hope that the jurors don't sentence him to 30 years because it is 30 years being someone's bitch in the pen.
eww.. The food.. I guess eggs benedict and fresh squeezed orange juice days are over for him!
There's gonna be a line outside of those chambers for GOP waiting to Testify...
It's gonna be similar to waiting in the DMV for a license..
Except when each of them come out and the other GOP in line ask what happened they'll all say the same thing:
"Man, I just the worst Waxjob in my life..."
What a week it was! Fitzie, will you dance with me?
when all is said and don folks..
turd blossom is a heck of a handle to have..
I just can't believe anyone would like that label and I think Karl secretly resents it...
I'm so tired tonight...I would dance like Elaine...
I was checking in tonight to put a smile on my face...JBs never let you down...
keep dancing guys...
To Biloxi Only:
This is who they're going to see when they get there to testify!
Go Waxman go.. :)
"Man, I just the worst Waxjob in my life..."
Waxjob... LOL! That's too funny. But, hey, you are right. There will be long line of GOP like the DMV line. They have to tske a ticket and wait for their number to be called. And I hope that they will least wait in line for a finishing photo after Waxjob grills them...
Looks like homeless and jobless Steele lands a new gig:
RNC Taps Homeless-Hustling Pol for New Chief
Okay, after NY, then we're off to Vegas to The Ghost dance floor!
Shake It GEF!
Go Dream Soldier Go...
Nice Tunes... Smooth! :)
Saw your pic. Is that Waxman's evil twin brother. Myron? LOL!
Man, Fitz found his long lost evil twin brother, Chuck! Maybe that was evil Chuckie in the DOJ when we thought Fitz was grouchy. I knew that there was something wrong when Fitz (aka Chuck) started eating the carpet!
OK, let's go, you've got 30 minutes.
ok, I'll do the batman s-q..he he!
Ok let's go back again, this time to high school!
I'll dance with SP Fitzie. You don't even have to look at my adams apple. Oh, I've shave my beard and chest hairs...
Man, Fitz found his long lost evil twin brother, Chuck! Maybe that was evil Chuckie in the DOJ when we thought Fitz was grouchy. I knew that there was something wrong when Fitz (aka Chuck) started eating the carpet!
OMG Bwahahahahaha! Oh the Hunger!..
I was in the pool! I was in the pool!
It was Shrinkage George..
GEF, this is who I saw in the office eating the carpet and I know that it wasn't Fitz! Can't you tell the resemblance?
Hurry up and put the drink down we got more dancing to do...
ROFLMAO*) is that Chuckie ?!
He looks just like Fitz!
Always remember to throw sugar on the carpet before you eat it..
(Donut like flavor)
..get in the car...I'll turn up the volume!
Get out of my head, will ya? I was just listening/watching that Prince video! "Little Red Corvette" and I was getting ready to post it for YOU! Really!! Yikes!!
Get out of my head, will ya?
I just can't control it sometimes...
You missed 9:08..
"He looks just like Fitz!"
Shhhh! That is why he is Fitz's evil twin. No one in the government knows. They look somewhat alike except for the mole that Fitz keeps talking about. But, his future gf will only know that.. Hee hee...
I cannot imagine a 6 foot 2 inches tall rugby man getting on his knees licking sugar off the carpet. That would be a sight to see.. Priceless.. LOL!
How do you like Survivor: The WH Edition
Let's see who's left on the Island ?
I saw that pic on Crooks and Liars. It is more like who will throw the next victim under the bus? Rummy was thrown under the bus by the Gerbil. Now, who is next?
I cannot imagine a 6 foot 2 inches tall rugby man getting on his knees licking sugar off the carpet. That would be a sight to see.. Priceless.. LOL!
Yeah, He'd have to pour sugar across the room for when he bends down he'll be in the right place...
Now, who is next?
You missed 9:08..
No, I watched it :) but I was just shocked over the other one! LOL
"Yeah, He'd have to pour sugar across the room for when he bends down he'll be in the right place..."
That would be a kodak moment. I can see the headlines: SP bends down to pour sugar across the room. The whole world can see the moon (his butt)of the junkyard dog!
Priceless.. Oh what shame on Jackie!
"SP bends down to pour sugar across the room. The whole world can see the moon (his butt)of the junkyard dog!
Priceless.. Oh what shame on Jackie!"
LOL! What would Jackie think of her little angel's butt being exposed for the world to see? Oh, the horror.. Can we sell that on Ebay?
You guys are quite a pair...
Bwahahahahahahaha! ROFL*)
Gotta love those guys at,
new one out tonight on Jonathan Alter and Mike Barnacle's response to Pat Buchanan suggested duly elected President Albert Gore could have the Democratic Nomination for his asking.
Seems Gore is the one they DON'T want in power, Lieberman was a backup VP similar to Rockefella under Ford.
Come On s-q,
We're going to Cuba(Miami) for another Dance!
"What would Jackie think of her little angel's butt being exposed for the world to see?"
Fitz would proudly be given the nickname: the love butt!
Ha! Ha! LOL!
"You guys are quite a pair..." Indeed we are GEF!
"FitzOlicious!" Like the new name Jan!
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And I know Fitz will come after me from my comments.. But, who cares! I'll hide from him..
And I know Fitz will come after me from my comments.. But, who cares! I'll hide from him..
Well if he sends you a target letter, just eat it and say you never got it...
We're going to Cuba(Miami) for another Dance!
Another cool Gloria Estefan song! :) I think you love music as much as I do!?
"Well if he sends you a target letter, just eat it and say you never got it..."
I'll just white out my name and put BaloneyBitch's name. He can carry the torch of graft!
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hee hee..Yup
A trip through the 70s...
Come sit down and relax..we've been globe trotting all night and dancing all over the country...
Oh Come'on one More...Paula will lead!
Nice song...That was a classic!
I can't believe you guys are talking about Fitz's rear.
Anon 9:52
Looks like the same old paranoid larouchie whackjob piffle from cloak and dagger to me. Osama Obama huh? Racist to the core those assholes are.
"Both Alter and Barnacle tried to endorse the unelectable Senator Barach Osama Obama (D. ILL). ( Obama controlled by the Israeli Mossad and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Mafioso Box Gang aka his house on a lot owned by Mobster Anthony Rezko.)
Now listen carefully, punk Alter.
Watch your back!"
Paula rocks! :)
Here is one of my favorite Aerosmith songs..
Love In An Elevator
Jerry: "I don't know what's happening to me."
Kramer: "Simple. You let out one emotion, all the rest will come. It's like Endora's Box."
Jerry: "That was the mother on Bewitched. You mean Pandora."
Kramer: "Yeah, well, she had one too."
Gotta jam that elevator button..
Gotta Run--->g'night!-->Zoooom!
Goodnight! Manyana! :)
Jerry and Kramer:
LOLMAO! Too funny! :)
Good Evening All
GEF good pic:-D
Here's your music Twinkletoes..
Boo hoo I got to the dance too late
Jackie, it would make my year to see them resign...
Good Night:-) Busy day in dc tomorrow...
PHOENIX, Arizona (Reuters) - Hispanic voters irked by the Republican hard line on immigration policy turned out in force and helped Democrats win in U.S. congressional elections, according to exit polls and analysts.
Democrats won control of the U.S. House of Representatives in Tuesday's elections, and clinched control of the Senate by a 51-49 majority when a final race was decided on Thursday.
Exit polls showed more than two-thirds of Hispanics voted for Democrats in House races, while just 27 percent voted for Republicans.
What did the Republican congressmen expect when they voted against increasing minimum wage? The GOP's Gonzales certainly didn't make the Hispanics as proud in the end as they were of him being elected to that position. I'm not Hispanic but I've worked with some very good, proud Hispanics that work their butts off for peanuts. I seen the pride and then the shame in their eyes because of Gonzales. If they didn't get the votes, perhaps they should look at their policies and the way the Hispanic voters were treated. They aren't blind, deaf and dumb.
Some one will miss Hassert!
Yes Judy Biggert-R said it was fun to be in the majority, with Gutierrez-D sitting right next to her grinning. That's why he will not run for Mayor, he can get more done now, ditto for Jackson-D.
Well, I won't miss the bubble butt, Hastert! Just wait until the investigation is thoroughly completely and nail Hastert!
Final posting folks!
This was an interesting week:
1. Democrats take the House and Senate
2. The people have spoken.
3. Nancy Pelosi is the next Speaker of the House.
4. Democrats prepare their agenda to drain the swamp.
5. Pelosi tells the Gerbil to fire Rummy
6. Subpoenagate begins
As I leave you folks, I leave you with the GOP song.
Coming soon: the little soldier song. Featuring Fitz will sing the beginning of the song. And the chorus features the JB bloggers, FBI agent, Jack Eckernrode, Randall Samborn, and Biloxi. We look forward to orange jumpsuit day for the smurf. We will missed you, baby cojones. I'm getting emotional. Must be the gumbo. Need to blow my nose.
Hit it Barbara!
Good night! Biloxi out!
Awesome sum-up SPB!
Hmmm.. Karl Rove...
And they call that moron a genius?
Keep him around for the next election too we'll win back the old Confederacy if Repugs keep following Turdblossom off electoral cliffs!
Karl Rove + loss of the House and Senate = Toast!
I hear 'blossom' has been dropped from that pet name.
7. Biloxi knockin' ho boot.
"7. Biloxi knockin' ho boot."
If that happened, I will never be on this blog nor at the office...
Oy, the memories of handcuffs and lotion... LMAO!
Who's that dancin' fool?*tVq
oopsie... try again with a TINY URL...
" They could not carry any red states and would probably lose blue states including Pennsylvania, Michigan, and yes folks, even California.
Don't be fooled. Obama is bought by Newsweek Magazine and British Intelligence, as of course, is Hillary Lesbian-in-the-closet Clinton.
P.S. - Message to Peter Finn aka Feinberg, Howard Dean's plan worked and he is the hero. And Mr. Finn, the Democratic Party base is going to nominate and re-elect Albert Gore Jr. with or without you.
The only 800-pound Gorilla in the 2008 race is an overdrawn Mossad checkbook.
PPS - Message to Tim Russert NBC General Electric. Since the American People voted for an end to the Iraq War in Tuesday why is it that your two guests on Sunday namely Mega Mossad Lieberman and Keating Five Bank Dick McCain are your guests. Suggestion, Has General Electric paid its light bill? Quebec Power and Light wants to know.
PPPS – Message to U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair aka Dun Blaine Pedophile. Your subpoena’s are being issued now by the new U.S. Congress. Subject: The Downing Street Memo."
Tom Heneghan reports
NO ONE can top them!
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