Chicago Tribune Trifecta...

A gloves-off story
"The old man's eyes filled with tears as Peter Fitzgerald was telling a great political story. The former senator explained to a downtown luncheon crowd on Thursday how he outfoxed White House guru Karl Rove and the Illinois Combine pressuring Rove to stop politically independent prosecutors from being brought to this state. "Karl Rove called back and said if you will not appoint anyone [from] out of state, we'll let you pick anybody you want, as long as that person is from Chicago," he said, as laughter broke out at the lunch for the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform. Political operatives know the history. Fitzgerald went to the press first, to announce his choice of New Yorker Patrick Fitzgerald (no relation) as U.S. attorney in Chicago. This angered then-Gov. George Ryan and House Speaker Denny Hastert, City Hall and the crowd that figured they owned the federal hammer in Chicago." <more>
Push to pick prosecutor told
Ryan, Rove both had idea, ex-senator says
The shrinking mayoral campaign
"The audience at a Chicago lunch sponsored by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, a nonpartisan watchdog group, heard a candid, even stirring talk titled "Fitzgerald on Fitzgerald." Former U.S. Sen. Peter Fitzgerald recounted why and how he chose New York federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald as his candidate for U.S. attorney in Chicago. Peter Fitzgerald was determined to attack the Illinois culture of political sleaze by recruiting a U.S. attorney who would eviscerate public corruption here. Thus did Patrick Fitzgerald, who's never run for office or passed out palm cards at a Chicago ward breakfast, become the most powerful force in Illinois politics. (Anybody want to argue with that?)"

Intereting read, Prosecutor...
"Thus did Patrick Fitzgerald, who's never run for office or passed out palm cards at a Chicago ward breakfast, become the most powerful force in Illinois politics. (Anybody want to argue with that?)"
My only argument with that is that it is too narrow of a focus: I predict that Patrick Fitzgerald will become one of the most powerful forces in American politics...and you can take that to the bank!
Go Team Fitzie!
Fitz and Spitz '08!
(Anybody want to argue with that?)
No argument from me!
Nice Info..
hee hee hee!
Good Morning to Fitz and the Justice Bloggers.. :)
too funny. hey fitz, any desire to be attorney general of these fine united states????
Ok so let's see now that we got the
King of Clubs, and the Chance Card out of the way...
Let's concentrate on the
the 4 of Diamonds
Regime Change is upon us people! :)
Another interesting read here:
New Senate, New Probe Into Pre-War Intel
By Jason Leopold
Have a great afternoon all!
^^^ That road leads directly to Cheney. Recall way back when CIA folk complained that he was visiting daily and pressuring them to get us into Iraq.
That is why Fitz is called "The Untouchable" :)
One ringa dingy...two ringa dingy..
Answer your phone! :P
Hello...How are ya...
My name is Arnold Horshack(Snort)..:)
Hi s-q, Nice Avatar! ;)
Hello...How are ya...
My name is Arnold Horshack(Snort)..:)
This is Ernestine...(snort..snort)
"Fair? Sir, we don't have to be fair. We're the phone company."
Thanks GEF! I told ya the next one was hot! hehe
Oh, I have to answer my real life phone...back to work...but I want to play! LOL
cjt said...
^^^ That road leads directly to Cheney. Recall way back when CIA folk complained that he was visiting daily and pressuring them to get us into Iraq.
Heard a wonderful observation comment on Cheney..
They said that America fails to see Cheney was not only VP but He was the lobbiest for Haliburton and the war and America needs to look for the crime in this dual role played by the VP..which I am sure Fitz hhas already seen this angle to Cheney.. ;)
To many Fitzgeralds I'm confused. Who's who and is one of the Fitzgerald my little angel. I just have to wait for SPB on this one I just need the bottom line.
"Thus did Patrick Fitzgerald, who's never run for office or passed out palm cards at a Chicago ward breakfast, become the most powerful force in Illinois politics."
And Peter should have added that Patrick is a person who csn be unbrought and unbossed.
For Jackie only:
Peter Fitzgerald was a former Senator in Illnois who recommended the little angel Pat for the job as U.S. Attorney.. We should thank for Peter as though as he is Republican saw Fitz's ability for the job!
Frankly I think Fitz is too Honest to run for office..
I can imagine him on the Campaign trail telling people the truth...
Maybe a handfull of honest folks will throw him some campaign change..
However if Fitz can stoop to kissing some really ugly babies and telling their mothers they're cute and then tell some old people that he'll protect Medicare while making side deals with the Insurance Companies then bam, all the white collar crooks show up with bags of money show up to back his campaign..
I don't think a Crime fighter should switch sides Biloxi.
It's not too Irish!
"I don't think a Crime fighter should switch sides Biloxi."
Fitz is not fit for any position in politics. Politics doesn't fit him. He is not a phony. He doesn't bullshit people or keep up with the Joneses. We are missing the honest and decent folks in the world that simply want to do their jobs and the right thing. The work ethic in this country is far different. I mentioned unbossed and unbrought. Shirley Chisholm, who was the first African-American woman to run for President in 1972, said that she was unbrought and unbossed.. The Gerbil Administration turned the world of politics into a world of greed, being bossed, and being brought. When you can become brought, there is a price to pay when you sell yourself. And I don't think Fitz is one of them.
Lucky he's on our side. Fitz would make an ingenious politician(criminal)!
Ditto, GEF!
Thanks SPB
I'm worried again about Fitz I only want him to fight cases to much mess with elected jobs. I heard AG Gonzo is on the list to get kicked to the curb. I'm getting to old for this I worry to much I'm going to get a cup of coffee to calm down no Starbucks.
Mrs Jackie,
I'm getting to old for this I worry to much I'm going to get a cup of coffee to calm down no Starbucks.
You sure you don't do comedy ?
WASHINGTON - On Day 1 of the next session of Congress, newly empowered Democrats are promising restrictive rules to "break the link between lobbyists and legislation." The city's veteran lobbyists know what to expect on Day 2: requests for political donations from the Capitol's new stewards.
Ethics watchdog groups are hopeful as incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., readies the Democrats' "Honest Leadership and Open Government" initiative for opening day in January. The plan includes a list of changes designed to clean up what the party calls "a culture of corruption" in Washington.
Let's rock and roll to that.
Melanie Sloan, director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said "creating more and more rules for lobbyists is not the answer to congressional ethics problems. Members themselves need to follow ethics rules and suffer serious consequences for violating those rules."
Thanks Fitz, I was wondering when we would get to see what was said during "Fitz on Fitz"
Something like that should be enshrined in somebodies bio.....
Also would be a great starting piece for a movie....
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