Who, Me..?

foe still out there...
"There is little doubt that Daley would likely crush Jackson and Gutierrez at the polls. The mayor is master of all he surveys.
But City Hall is worried about another possible matchup for 2007. Giant patronage armies and fundraising dominance can't help the mayor in this one. It's a contest that all of Illinois--including Jackson--is waiting for:
Daley vs. Fitzgerald." <more>
It's nice to be appreciated. :D
But City Hall is worried about another possible matchup for 2007. Giant patronage armies and fundraising dominance can't help the mayor in this one. It's a contest that all of Illinois--including Jackson--is waiting for:
Daley vs. Fitzgerald." <more>
It's nice to be appreciated. :D
Daley vs. Fitzgerald should be Daley's main concern.
The neopotism kids should have my dad-he claims he doesn't know anybody after 40 years of service hehe
PS Nice pic;-)
Looks like Fitz is gonna be busy for a Loooooonnnggggg time...
Fitz future children may have to go into daddy's line of work just to finish all these cases!
The evildoers are like roaches when you turn on the kitchen light...
They're everywhere! Geez!
This calls for a lifetime supply of Donuts and Crunch -n- Munch!
You are one very busy Special Prosecutor! Thank you for your service to America!! :)
btw...looking great in that photo! :D
Fitz will see that just as the Libby case fell apart so will Daley. As the criminals tell on each other to save themselves Fitz will not have a hard time. As for future children well me thinks he needs time for himself/future wife to past of that dream. As must of us know life is what you make it and I for one think Fitz should try thinking about himself as the criminals are going anywhere. I wish him all that life have to offer and love, children and always smile.
FitzOlicious photo! :D
The Giants win the penant, the Giants win the penant...
Oops...I meant..
The Democrats take the Senate!
hee hee hee..
Yup, Daley and BaloneyBitch should be afraid of the crunch 'n munch prosecutor. Neither one of these nimrods are off the hook. BaloneyBitch will join his buddy Rezko's fate real soon.
"Fitz future children may have to go into daddy's line of work just to finish all these cases!"
Yup, all named Patrick just like all of George Foreman's boys are named George! Just hope Fitz won't load up his kids with Kripsy Kreme donuts!
Yep, he finally came to his senses! Some GOP said that Allen was "shell shocked" from the loss! LOLMAO
P.S. I knew he wouldn't fight it! :)
Yup, all named Patrick just like all of George Foreman's boys are named George! Just hope Fitz won't load up his kids with Kripsy Kreme donuts!
Won't that get confusing during breakfast ?
"Hey Patrick, go get patrick and ask him to tell patrick that he's gonna be late for school!"
Looked like Georgie "Macaca" Allen was gonna cry!
The Dems have to roll up their sleeves now and get to work!! This country is such a mess but I know and respect their priorities.
I will be very happy when I see our troops coming home!! :)
Yep, he finally came to his senses! Some GOP said that Allen was "shell shocked" from the loss!
Allen fought an ugly battle and I don't believe any cutesy crap that he's spewing in front of TV cameras.
I can only wave and say:
Saludos damigos evildoer!
I don't like racism and Allen is a racist! He got what he deserved and that is the boot in the a$$!
Good riddance "Macaca" Allen! LOL
Hundreds of soldiers returning home to Ft Carson Colorado today.
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The Democrats have no excuse now to help set things right...
Lets see if they do the right thing or go for the easy graft!
The Subpoenas will be in storage!
I think you need to get out of that city...Sheesh, Chicago was supposed to be a temporary assignment.
You have enough high crimes and misdemeanors in DC to keep you busy.
I hope you take a nice break after the Libby trial...you deserve it!
why be mayor when one can be president?
"Yup, all named Patrick just like all of George Foreman's boys are named George! Just hope Fitz won't load up his kids with Kripsy Kreme donuts!"
SPB -- Are you saying a little less concentration on the Krispy Kremes and more concentrating on the reproducing? LOL
Fitzie, having a child will changed your world & your heart like you cannot even imagine...I highly recommend it! And the world needs good honest genes for sure!
If Fitz has more than one child...he will have to buy a Krispy Kreme Franchise! LOL
Fitz and Melanie?
If Fitz has more than one child...he will have to buy a Krispy Kreme Franchise!
Hmmm..Maybe I should invent a Donut holder for freehand eating!
:D hee hee hee
What a load of crime-busting genes that would be!
Hmmm..Maybe I should invent a Donut holder for freehand eating!
So, would it look something like this, only have a daily supply of donuts? Just push a button and another one pops into the holder that feeds it to you? LOLMAO!
Keep Those Donuts Coming
Gotta say that that crow that they served at lunch today was mighty tasty!
I AM PREDICTING THAT, THAT COULTER CHIMP CHICK IS ELEVATED TO CHIEF PROGNOSTICATOR FOR JB'S INTERNATIONAL. scoring was as follows: -1 point for each house race off, -4.35 points for each senate race off. just as in politics, the individual with the lowest negative wins. congratulations, you may pick up your prize at Dirksen Federal Building
219 South Dearborn Street, Fifth Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Just push a button and another one pops into the holder that feeds it to you?
Perfect. Include a tracking unit on it and then it follows you around the office as you walk around..
Oh and a remote!
hee hee hee!
Oh and a remote!
How about voice activated? And, you are the only one that can use your donut holder by your fingerprint only!
It's gonna sell...step right up folks and yours first here!
How about voice activated?
I never liked voice activated electronics because folks around you will think you went off the deep end...
Mike: "Hey, who you talking to ?"
Willy: "Uh my Donut holder!"
See what I mean s-q it just doesn't work!
hee hee hee!
Maybe Daley woud like to study poetry under RUMMY..........:)
Hey Swami,
How do you know I am a "chick?" Actually I might be a 400 lb. sumo wrestler from the midwest masquerading as ChimpCoulter
I think you are right about the Prognastication part though...
I voted 33 House and 6 Senate...what was the final score?
Mike: "Hey, who you talking to ?"
Willy: "Uh my Donut holder!"
Okay, you got a point there! That does sound kinda dumb! One might think Dubya was in the room...
I'm laughing so hard I'm cryin'! hehe
Okay, you got a point there! That does sound kinda dumb! One might think Dubya was in the room...
I'm laughing so hard I'm cryin'!
Willy: "Hey Donut holder come here, come here, right now... Turn left, now right, roll, spin...HELP!! Oh no it's attacking me, I want my mommy...(takes shoe off and hits it) get away from me! Hey Mike call 911, I think my Donut Holder has blown a fuse..(runs down the hallway) HELP!!! Run away Donut Holder lookout.."
"Hey Patrick, go get patrick and ask him to tell patrick that he's gonna be late for school!"
That would be an interesting conversation around the breakfast table, GEF!
"SPB -- Are you saying a little less concentration on the Krispy Kremes and more concentrating on the reproducing? LOL"
Hey, I'm not going there on reproducing part. If that happens, Fitz will never getting any work done in the office, CC!
"Fitzie, having a child will changed your world & your heart like you cannot even imagine"
Yes, CC, it would changed Fitz's world but for the better. He will at least have a part of him that will bring joy to his life.
"Fitz and Melanie?"
No Fitz and the Krispy Kreme owner down the street! He dumped Melanie and the runaway bride. The man has hunger pains! LOL!
CC, ten races are still undecided - www.dccc.org - My prediction was +35 and +6 - it currently stands at +29 and +6. Ms. Jackie claims she won becasue she predicted a "House and Senate win" - we may have to give it to her regardless because she is so sweet. :D
Breaking News at 9:
"Man attacked by the newly invented donut holder was last seen in the fetal position hiding in a closet.
The man was wearing one shoe and his mouth was all stuffed with about 60 donuts until the machine ran out of batteries.
We at News 9 contacted the manufacturer who said that the machine was never designed to attack a person but they thought that particular model may have been wrongly manufactured by the same company who make war robots!
The company promised a full refund and the man is resting comfortably in EastWest Hospital."
Mehlman is gonna be next to resign!
Yep, We have co-winners folks..
Fitz and Jackie took the prize..
I'm so glad because a Constitutional Crises would not have been a pretty picture this time around!
I'm sure of that!
You better give Ms. Jackie her prize. She will hound you to death for that prize. And who knows? She might wait at your office for her prize when you least expected. That would make someone choke on coffee and donuts to see that! LOL!
As we say in French: better you than me..
Why would Mehlman resign ?
I'd vote for Jackie any day!
I thought it was 10 undecided, but thanks for the update...
Mehlman likely to leave RNC
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Several Republican sources tell CNN that Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman is all but certain to step down at the end of the year, and the White House already is searching for a replacement or replacements to lead the party into the 2008 presidential campaign cycle.
Why would Mehlman resign ?
LOL!! You're funny!
listening to Webb...love it..he challenged Bush to denounce the nasty politics of this mid-term race dividing people...
I am very proud of the Dems for staying so positive!
Fitz/Jackie 08!
That's the winning ticket! Oh, Fitz, I think Jackie needs to be in bed by 9 pm. So, you better do your campaigning in the daytime! LOL!
Webb's talking about all of the power that has gravitated towards the presidency instead of the legslature...
Ken Mehlman has been EXPOSED!!
Just ask Bill Maher.
Hi Chimpcoulter,
I am very proud of the Dems for staying so positive!
You know Chimpcoulter the worse part about it which was totally wrong was the way this administration villified the Democrats and associated any dissenter with gerbil policies as a Terrorists.
This idea pit law enforcement against ordinary citizens just because of their political views against the GOP.
This MUST be reversed because a house divided cannot stand.
SPB...you are cracking me up! But at least Fitzie will be well-dressed...
Fitz/Jackie 08.. LOL! That's funny, SPB! The rugby man has to give up his donut mornings and afternoon for campaigning.
Some out-of-work GOP staffers may face unemployment
And I wonder if Al Rogers is on that list?
GEF-- I couldn't agree more
Bushie is the Divider not the Decider...
It was shameful the way he tried to make American citizens out to be terrorists!
I think the people are going to take this WH administration down... we are fed up beyond belief! But we would take any help from Fitzie, the Wilsons and the FBI...
"SPB...you are cracking me up! But at least Fitzie will be well-dressed..."
Yes, Fitz will be dressed GQ style on the campaign trail thanks to Jackie. But, if he cut loose the Old Spice, he has a strong chance of winning by a landslide! LOL!
Al Rogers-Male Prostitute.
I have been a DEM all of my voting years and I really took offense to the Gerbil and the Baron calling Dems terrorists!! I have always loved my country and I will always continue to do so!
Breaking News at 9:
"Man attacked by the newly invented donut holder was last seen in the fetal position hiding in a closet.
Sorry, I missed that post!
Was that guy hiding in a closet JEB BUSH?
"Al Rogers-Male Prostitute."
Al Rogers hearts Jeff Gannon
As we speak, Jeff Gannon is giving Al Rogers some helpful hints on becoming a male escort.
Look for some revealing photos of Al in next month's Stud.
..that was a continuation of GEF at 4:37...
You prob missed that one too!
I would like to see the DOJ back off of Daley and spend more energy on Todd a.k.a. Toddler Stroger
.....yes growing up in Chicago and going through the Chicago Public School system. I have seen so much improvement since this Daley took over, that it is hard not to vote for him. The Chicago public schools, more significantly on the South Side were poor, it was more of teacher get control of the class, how I learned anything I don't know. Crime is way down, thanks to Cortez Trotter, Phil Cline, Terry Hillard, Richard J. Daley and the cameras. The city parks are cleaner, improved, roads have improved, the CTA is redoing many El Stations, events such as Chicagoween, Tall Ships, Navy Pier, Milleneum Park have all been done during his tenure. Also all the planters, and decorative wrought iron fences, Cows on parade, funiture on parade just to name a few things. I wish they would back off of Daley is has by far done more good than any mayor, including his father.
hint, hint, DOJ.....Stroger
ho ho...I didn't see that comin...
Anything for ratings huh Rush ?
This is startling news about Pat Tillman and his death. My heart goes out to the Tillman family. When I mention that people will demand for the Gerbil to be removed, they will!
In a remote and dangerous corner of Afghanistan, under the protective roar of Apache attack helicopters and B-52 bombers, special agents and investigators did their work.
They walked the landscape with surviving witnesses. They found a rock stained with the blood of the victim. They re-enacted the killings -- here the U.S. Army Rangers swept through the canyon in their Humvee, blasting away; here the doomed man waved his arms, pleading for recognition as a friend, not an enemy.
"Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat (expletive) Tillman, damn it!" he shouted, again and again.
One of the four shooters, Staff Sgt. Trevor Alders, had recently had PRK laser eye surgery. Although he could see two sets of hands "straight up," his vision was "hazy," he said. In the absence of "friendly identifying signals," he assumed Tillman and an allied Afghan who also was killed were enemy.
Another, Spc. Steve Elliott, said he was "excited" by the sight of rifles, muzzle flashes and "shapes." A third, Spc. Stephen Ashpole, said he saw two figures, and just aimed where everyone else was shooting.
Squad leader Sgt. Greg Baker had 20-20 eyesight, but claimed he had "tunnel vision." Amid the chaos and pumping adrenaline, Baker said he hammered what he thought was the enemy but was actually the allied Afghan fighter next to Tillman who was trying to give the Americans cover: "I zoned in on him because I could see the AK-47. I focused only on him."
All four failed to identify their targets before firing, a direct violation of the fire discipline techniques drilled into every soldier.
Startling findings in probe of Tillman's death
It is simply an outrage..
I'm an Independent voeter but for the Presient and VP of the US to call any American a terrorist is outrageous...made me very angry. Just very ugly divisive politics...
ole swami says. 9 races outstanding. only one looks like it might be a pick up. one race to be determined later. 30 and 6 is most likely outcome.
You prob missed that one too!
Yep, I got distracted with Mehlman resigning...
You know somethin'? You're a very funny guy!! :D Are you actually a comedian in real life or does the thrill of the keyboard just bring out the best in you? LOL
I saw that this morning SPB...it is so sad, almost had me in tears reading it. We need to bring our troops home NOW!!!
Okay Swami...I want one Krispy Kreme...Jackie can have the rest.
Adios amigos! Hasta lluego...
I'm an Independent voeter but for the Presient and VP of the US to call any American a terrorist is outrageous...made me very angry. Just very ugly divisive politics...
That's not the half of it. I'm sure with his unConstitutional Terror Laws in place that the gerbil administration was planning no doubt to use those laws against dissidents!
I guarantee it!
I luv Comedians! ;)
I think there were a lot of angry voters and the young people really got out and voted in this election! Cheers to the young people! :)
See ya later CC! :)
cya CC..
Breaking News:
Classy woman from San Francisco strikes fear in the hearts of the president and vice president.
Hey, with all the GOP staff leaving...I'm thinking about putting in for Tony Snowjobs position...hey Nancy!!... just kidding!! hehe
Nancy Pelosi is to be admired for her guts and courage! :)
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Well, now you know why Pelosi is pushing on her agenda first for the military!
Breaking news:
The Gerbil yearns the bottle again and licking his wounds.. He got screwed. Not once but twice: Congress and Senate.
And I just read that asswipe reporter David Brooks celebrates the Dems wave. Man, he turned his hindparts real quick to the Dems. If the GOP won, he would have been right there using his invisible harpoon on the Dems. Sounds like the NYT is doing some winter ass cleaning in their staff. Amd it looks like butt kissing to me by Brooks.
Now, Brooks hearts Democrats. LMAO!
I luv Comedians! ;)
I know you do and so do I! :)
Hey, Rush Limbaugh needs to retire and go away! He is a sicko!
Rumsfeld replacement (Robert Gates) was director of voting company
by Bev Harris
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Well so much for the DEM Koolaid love..
Murtha & Hoyer 'battle' for Majority Leader post
Man they're already throwing each other under the Bus...
Bad habits they picked up from the GOP!
anon 6:00
I keep saying it, we need to remove control of the Voting process from the Corporations...
No more e-voting machines..
It's falling on death ears with the DEM win...
For GEF only:
I told ya that the people want the gerbil remove and the Democrat have strategy. It will be the people that will put the squeeze on the new Congress to remove the Gerbil!
Democrats are ready to impeach president
Washington: Democratic voters were on Wednesday night pressing for the impeachment of President George W. Bush for his conduct over the Iraq war.
With the Democrats preparing to control both Houses of Congress, they have extensive powers to investigate the president, including the appointment of a special counsel.
Many Democrats are keen to press home their new-found advantage by investigating the president's conduct in the build-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq and any role he may have played in exposing the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame.
Democrats hope to use a populist investigation to pacify their party's Left wing and prepare the ground for subsequent and more wide-ranging investigations into the war.
"These guys are going to be seriously investigated," promised a Democratic House aide, already preparing for Congressional hearings. "But there's a way to make Iraq a winning issue for us and there's a way to make Iraq a losing issue. The Left has to understand what it is to govern. A lot of thesepeople don't know how to be in a majority."
Truth be known, Dennis Hastert has a hell of a lot more to worry about than the Mark Foley scandal. In fact, he may be seeing the writing on the wall regarding his soon departure from Congress as a welcome relief. However, that result is not only contingent upon a Democratic win in November, but a Democratic majority willing to dig through the tangled mess that is Turkish and American “business relations.”
I sure hope Pelosi had a bottle of super heavy duty Purell to use after she had to shake Satan's hand today at their cheesey meeting today. More than likely she'll just bathe in it.
Nice! *thumbs up*
anon 6:05,
Hmmm...we're gonna have to call big and tall for an extra-large Orange Jumpsuit for Denny.
More than likely she'll just bathe in it.
P.S. I like your new avatar! :)
I'm sure Ms. Pelosi called her husband and told him to have her bath water ready at home because she needs to scrub herself from all that fifth and germs that Dubya carries on his hands. She probably can't wait for the human condom to come out!
nosy bear,
She probably can't wait for the human condom to come out!
Yeah, they should come in petite sizes for girls...
Rumsfeld kept speaking about the Cold War today at K-State. (Rummy is also half-deaf since everyone had to repeat their questions.)He also rambled on quite a bit.
Protesters were outside with signs like "Take Cheney with You".
"Yeah, they should come in petite sizes for girls..."
Yup, no glove no love... Especially a handshake for Dubya. Hee hee...
As SPB says often, Georgie yearned the bottle and popped a few pills after the meeting with Ms. Pelosi. He can't stand being told what to do. She is going to be in Dubya's face. And that will priceless to see....
Protesters were outside with signs like "Take Cheney with You".
Ok that was funny...
Bwahahahahahahaha! ROFLMAO*)
"The FBI will not close the investigation into Republican voter intimidation tactics simply because Mr. Allen has conceded the election.
Stay tuned sore losers, sometimes justice is served twice! "
RedRooster post on Huffington Post
I keep saying it, we need to remove control of the Voting process from the Corporations...
I totally agree with ya on that! What are your suggestions?
nosy bear,
As SPB says often, Georgie yearned the bottle and popped a few pills after the meeting with Ms. Pelosi. He can't stand being told what to do. She is going to be in Dubya's face. And that will priceless to see....
Hee hee, sorta like a nagging wife he can't say no to...Nag nag nag...
gerbil will resign in frustration by the end of the year with ear problems..!
I'm so proud of you Fitzie.. Only a grandma can love... You have straightening up to be such a good and fine boy. Your wardrobe looks good in that pic. But, my dear Fitz, you need a tan real bad especially those hands. Tsk, tsk.. Better hitch a ride in Judge Walton's suitcase to Jamaica and work on that tan...
"I think I'd just commit suicide," McCain told reporters, to accompanying laughter from Republicans standing with him. "I don't want to face that eventuality because I don't think it's going to happen."
remember this//
where is McCain??
Dear Fitz,
You are so cute and adorable. Please eat better and take that 3 month old lasagna out of your filing cabinet.
Bundle up warm this summer and wear your mittens and ear muffs too.
Clip your toe nails and nose hairs from now on, wash behind your ears and keep your ass clean because soon I will be kissing it too.
"Hee hee, sorta like a nagging wife he can't say no to...Nag nag nag..."
I would be careful if I were you global evildoer fighter about a nagging wife comment since there are lady bloggers. Although there are some nagging wives, but there some begging men in this world too!
Dubya needs someone like Nancy to knock him down a peg because the real truth is Dubya was never a real man. Someone needs to give him a check up from the neck up. He is a spoiled rich kid that clings to the need of his daddy and pacifier to get him out of trouble. Strong women like Pelosi like and respect strong men regardless of the person's background! A weak, illiterate, and drunk President mixed with an intelligent, outspoken, and witty Speaker of the House is deadly and toxic. Behind a strong woman is a strong man. In the case of Bush, well, he is a lost cause..
Mrs X:
Yes ma'am.... Point well taken...
A Report From Democracy Now, The Journalist Who Broke The Iraqgate Scandal That Involved President George Bush, James Baker And Donald Rumsfeld"
How Bush and Baker committed Billions of dollars to assist Saddam Hussein
remember this//
where is McCain??
I'm gonna send him an email and remind him of that statement! LOL
mrs x,
All true..
Well at least one gerbil will be cleared out of office next year!
Saludos damigos Jeb!
What's that burning behind S-Q in her pic? Did she light off a huge fart?!
I totally agree with ya on that! What are your suggestions?
A Bill proposal with more than 1 million signatures...
The Bill should read:
Amendment to the Constitution on Voting and Voter Rights Act.
1. All Voting should be controlled and regulated solely by the State.
2. Only Paper Ballots will be allowed during all/any elections.
3. The Right to Vote shall not be impinged upon and/or denied to any citizen no matter what the circumstances.
4. No Corporate entities shall infringe on all of the outlines of this Amendment.
I'll come up with more later..
Global Evildoer fighter:
I just hope that next President that gets into office (and that is if it is a man) will carry the strength, charisma, and integrity of this country. Clinton carried the charisma and integrity in this country. His personal life on the other hand is another issue. It takes a real man to admit to his mistakes, take personal reaponsibility for his action and learn from those mistakes. And as you said, at least one gerbil is cleared out of office next year. Let's just hope that we don't repeat again and put in another gerbil!
"What's that burning behind S-Q in her pic? Did she light off a huge fart?!"
Ha! Ha! You all are too much for me..ROTL!
mrs x,
"What's that burning behind S-Q in her pic? Did she light off a huge fart?!"
ROFL... yikes...
"What's that burning behind S-Q in her pic? Did she light off a huge fart?!"
If so, maybe I can ask her to fill up my tank in my car. With the prices so high, I can use her...
That is excellent! :)
1. Instead of "should be"...how about "will be" ??
Almost forgot this one..
5. For Presidential Elections: The Electoral College shall be removed and the people would directly elect the candidates by sheer aggregate of votes in the Nation..
more later..
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Global Evildoer Fighter:
This is certainly a Comedy Central on this blog.. It is a great for
R&R and laugh for me since I got so much work to do.. Got to run.. It is a bit late where I am at. Nice chatting with you sweetie.. Enjoy the rest of your evening... Chao..
It doesn't take much to entertain this crowd! Maybe I will light my hair on fire too for the next encore! Michael Jackson style!
cya Mrs X,
hee hee hee! :)
Okay, next act will be more entertaining than the last! hehe
Just wait until you see this one! LOL It's really HOT! :D
Bye, Mrs. X! Dang, I missed her comments..
I hope that CBS 60 minutes does a special on the passing of Ed Bradley. An honest and good journalist gone. I just hope that there are future Ed Bradleys in the horizon in journalism...
How do you propose you will get the one million signatures?
You ate Fitz's old lasagna right S-Q?
If S-Q ate Mr Fitzgerald's old lasagna she would not be alive today.
"You ate Fitz's old lasagna right S-Q?"
Probably GEF's "shiny shoes."
Fitzgerald sold his old lasagna on Ebay. It outsold Michael Jackson's "Jesus juice."
Guy's ... Hyperferate
and S-Q
I'm saggitarius too
How do ya know there are rednecks around?
They like to talk about farts!
Just ask the Gerbil! He entertains his staff with farts!
Is your birthday this month or next?
Next month
"Just ask the Gerbil! He entertains his staff with farts!"
This is paid advertisement.
Brought to you by the makers of Chef Boyardee.
Huffington Post
Tony Snow: Bush 'Doesn't Absorb a Rejection' in Election
e says;
He only asorbs exponerating-hyperferation statements ..:)
s-q and e,
I too am a saggitarius. Cool :)
Are you saying that S-Q ate something else of Global Evildoer Fighter's?
"Are you saying that S-Q ate something else of Global Evildoer Fighter's?"
Who knows? S-Q kept asking for Global Evildoer's number.. We will never know will we?
This month or next? Mine is next month and E said hers was too.
I would have loved to been a fly on the wall when Madame Pelosi first informed the Devil himself of her power. "Look, you little corrupt dweeb from Texas..I'll have you hanging by your balls so fast if you don't do everything I tell you to do.".
Mid next month
S-Q I still see yor hot to trot.
Meat me down by the river.
R.I.P. Ed Bradley. America will miss you.
Yeah, Joe..
She sure is hot.. Maybe she can meet both us down the river.. She is hotter than Paris.. Bring the beans Joe... And I'll bring the deodorant...
Looks like a Menage a Trois tonite!
Odd... make one wonder :) Fitz is a sag too, right?
"Looks like a Menage a Trois tonite!"
Hmmmm. Yum...
Jan, C, E, Fitz:
That is very cool! :)
Hmmmm. From Jason Leopold's article:
If the Democrats take control of both Houses, they will have the power to challenge Bush's domestic and foreign policies as well as his conduct related to the war in Iraq.
In an interview Sunday with ABC News, Vice President Dick Cheney said he would ignore any subpoenas he received by Democrats if they gained control of Congress.
What Darth Cheney forgotten is that former President Ford was subpoenaed by Congress in the '70's. Like the Gerbil, the Ambien feels that he is above power.
s-q that is cool
You just gotta love this..from a post on Huffpo
WAY cool, s-q :D
Interesting reading thanks GEF, SPB and Fitz for the nice words. Ya I won but Fitz you can give Randell a krispy kreme for me as my prize. I like Randell for taking such good care of Fitz while this case is on. So much news and who's next to be fired. I was glad to hear Bolton was out. I had to write all the winners with my suggestions. Now it's show time and get to work. Hi E, I always think of you and Grandmanuk yes you to T and SQ so smile. 6 miles and Chimpcoulter you too. I often go to CC web site and SPB. But this site is my little angel's.
Come on now PJF, don't you have enough cons to keep you busy? I like to think of Mayor Daley as an average Joe who is just doin' business the way it's always been done. My family is from ChiTown and back in the day I remember my grandfather praising Hizzhonor Mayor Richard J. Daley as lovable crook who should just be left alone and allowed to run the damn city!!!
c, s-q, e and Fitz,
Check out the awesome scope for November:
Good News:
The Jesus Camp is shutting down for several years.
SQ-My photo is a picture from the Hubble telescope. It is the aftermath of an exploding star!! Really quite breathtaking and amazing.
That's an interesting horoscope! LOL Jupiter on Nov. 23...
Ya I agree leave da mayor alone.
Too much else in the swamp to go after. for non-Chicagoans, Chicago is built on a swamp, and they had to make all kinds of deep pylons to built the big buildings (Hancock, Sears, Aon etc on)
And, for those nosy folks interested, GEF and I are always joking back & forth! He said he was gonna call me...so I said come to my blog and I will give you my number..it was amazing how many people hit my blog at that moment! LOLMAO
Jackie I think of you too...and when you come to DC next spring
just maybe you'll come see me..I am only 237 miles from DC...in VA
and I voted for Webb....
All on the blog were always a little light in all the darkness that WAS and a little warmth in all that cold that WAS...but now the sun is shining and full force
and it's great to know each and everyone who blogs here..
we have to keep out lights shining so what we have experienced in the last eight years can never happen again..
I remember when I discovered Fitz's
blog and read your thoughts Jackie as well as SPB's it gave me hope..there was so much darkness then ..
a big hug over the Blogosphere...
a big hope because I know each and everyone of you were a part of keeping our Democracy from perishing from this earth..democracy simply does not exist unless we practice it..
we have to keep the light shining on every crook and cranny..
and the plum Nelly's (plum out of the city and nelly in the swamp) we are our brothers keepers and if democracy does not exist for them it does not exist for us...
I love you all for the brain stirring and brain feeding thoughts
that enrich my life daily now
Top of the Blogasphere to each of you XXXXXXXXX
I know s-q. But they must have got the date wrong- it already happened on the 7th for me :}
Astronomy is one of the things that I love in this world! The stars and planets have always fascinated me! :D
The Swamp
These past 6 years have actually been difficult times for this nation. It seemed it would never end...but you're right, people made the difference! We're not out of the woods yet...but we're getting there! :D
a great listen
BTW...some folks kept coming back to my blog several times too..to see if I had actually posted my phone number! LOL Get outta here...no way! Boo-Yah!
Yeah where is John McCain ?
McCain said he would commit suicide if the DEMs take the Senate.
The DEMs may have another Chair to take if he's gone...
Put out an APB on John McCain, he may be suicidal...
great point
I sent McCain an email but I haven't heard from him! :O)
Yeah, don't they know I don't need a phone to call you ?
I've got the Net...Free Phone..
I sent McCain an email but I haven't heard from him.
He's probably in a DC alley somewhere getting drunk as a skunk and singing cumbaya songs with the hobos...
It's an old habit he picked up from Porkrind...
I've got the Net...Free Phone..
Yep it's the way to reach out and touch someone! LOL And, it's the current thing today to even break up with text messages...just ask Britney Spears! She sent her husband, K-Fed a message to his Crackberry! LOLMAO!
Crackberry! Good one s-q!
I have to wonder what that message said?
Britney in her southern drawl...
"Kevin, you bummmm...your sh*t is outta my house and I want my Ferrari back toooo.. I'm sendin' myyy guys to get it!"
He's probably in a DC alley somewhere getting drunk as a skunk and singing cumbaya songs with the hobos...
LOL! I can just see that! OMG! ROFLMAO
Jan, phone number please.
HA! Yea, right, stanger :}
"Mr. Cheney enjoys an office on the second floor on the House of Representatives that historically has been designated as the Ways and Means chairman," Rangel mused. "And, I've talked with [future Speaker of the House] Nancy Pelosi … and I'm trying to find some way to be gentle as I restore the dignity of that office to the chair."
I hope Charlie gets the office back...
I hope Charlie gets the office back...
I'm thinking he will..LOL
Gimme that phone number gurly gurl.
What happened to you super hero-ness image?
"it was amazing how many people hit my blog at that moment! LOLMAO"
It was Scooter asking for legal advice from you.
I'm in the process of changing it...but it's being stubborn. If you click on my name..you will see the new one though.
I like!
Borat would dsy it was "a-very nice :)"
Well, well, well, Mehlman is stepping down from the GOP.. The GOP party are falling apart by the seams...
Thanks! Hopefully it will work!
I know SPB,
I'm still in a state of uforic shock from the 7th and every day's events since adds more more to my delirium.
I see they are shutting down that Jesus Camp that Haggard was involved in. Those poor kids were being brainwashed!
de‧lir‧i‧um /dɪˈlɪəriəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[di-leer-ee-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -lir‧i‧ums, -lir‧i‧a /-ˈlɪəriə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[-leer-ee-uh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation.
1. Pathology. a more or less temporary disorder of the mental faculties, as in fevers, disturbances of consciousness, or intoxication, characterized by restlessness, excitement, delusions, hallucinations, etc.
2. a state of violent excitement or emotion.
[Origin: 1590–1600; < L dēlīrium frenzy, equiv. to dēlīr(āre) (see deliration) + -ium -ium]
Would Rumsfeld stepping down leave him open to prosecution? In 2004, the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a criminal complaint in Germany on behalf of several Iraqi citizens who alleged that a group of U.S. officials committed war crimes in Iraq. Rumsfeld was among the officials named in the complaint. The Iraqis claimed they were victims of electric shock, severe beatings, sleep and food deprivation and sexual abuse.
"I'm still in a state of uforic shock from the 7th and every day's events since adds more more to my delirium."
I think your definition of delirium really describes the GOP party! LOL!
White House claims it wants to "get rid of partisanship."
Yeah, right! The chimpster is living in a dream world...
I believe the GOP's word is:
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source
hu‧mil‧i‧ty /hyuˈmɪlɪti or, often, yu-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hyoo-mil-i-tee or, often, yoo-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
[Origin: 1275–1325; ME humilite < L humilitās. See humble, -ty2]
—Synonyms lowliness, meekness, submissiveness.
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I'm thinking there's more fray coming tomorrow from Republicans as Rush outs himself as a Liberal and Mehlman was outed as Gay...
Maher promised to out more GOP-in-the -closet tomorrow(Friday Nov 10)..
They'll be leaving the GOP in droves ...
G'night all! :)
And add the words "nimrod" and "corruption"
Good night all... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yup, the GOP will be bailing out in droves.. I just heard that Mehlman is working with Guiliani on his campaign for Prez for 2008 and Bernie Kerik (remember him) will be working with Guiliani. Amazing.. They are three of a kind: the gay, mobster, and the sinner. Sleep tight, GEF!
And sweet dreams to you, Jan!
Good line on those three SBP *LOL*
That Rush drones on and on, doesn't he? Thanks for that post Geffy, G'Night
Final posting:
A GOP Senator who lost in Rhode Island is bailing out from the party.
R.I. senator may leave Republican Party
Chafee said he has not decided what to do after leaving office, but he hoped to stay involved in public life. He said his loss may have helped the country by switching control of Congress.
"The people have spoken all across America. They want the Democrats and Republicans to work together," he said. "I think the president now is going to have to talk to the Democrats. I think that's going to be good for America."
Good night! Biloxi out!
Encore Post:
For Biloxi Only:
A tragic Comedy
I think you'll enjoy this..
Thank you for the laugh! I am in tears from your link. I was just laughing too hard.. Yes, GEF, we will miss them all... Bring out the violins. This song is for the corrupted evildoers that were a contribute to TPMuckraker. You will not be forgotten. Cheers!
Biloxi, Fitz, and the DOJ sing:Memories like the corner of my mind..
The Justice Blogger chorus:
The way we were.. the way we were..
Oh, that was beautiful. Excuse me while I blow my nose! LOL!
Thanks for the laugh. I will sleep good tonight! Good night!
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