It will only get hotter in Chicago over the next couple of days.
Speaking of which, the Chicago TV stations showed their priorities today. All of them cut off during the Bush & Blair press conference to go to their regular programming at noon. The NBC station showed the Tony Danza Show (or whatever that is called). Two other stations switched to the news, beginning with the weather!! So, Tony Danza and the weather are more of a priority than Bush, that made me laugh.
That's OK; they were already to the question and answer session in the press conference. Bush did not say anything new. Just take his standard answers to the press and replace "Al Qaeda" or "Saddam" with "Hezbollah."
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The United States is sending Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice back to the Middle East on Saturday for talks on a United Nations resolution to end the 17-day war between Israel and Lebanese Hizbollah guerrillas.
The US military sprayed some 80m litres of Agent Orange on North and South Vietnam.
The aim was to destroy jungle foliage in order to find communist fighters more easily.
Agent Orange contained highly toxic dioxins which have since been blamed for causing cancers and other illnesses.
They have also been blamed for birth defects suffered by the children and even grandchildren of Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese civilians.
This has been strongly contested by the two main companies which made it - Dow and Monsanto - and the US government, the BBC's Bill Hayton in Hanoi says.
A team from New Zealand's Massey University has now shown that the group of 24 Vietnam veterans it tested suffered significant genetic damage, compared with a similar sized group of soldiers who did not serve in Vietnam, our correspondent says.
This may be crucial evidence in the lengthy legal battles still being waged in courts in the US and other countries to prove or disprove the link between Agent Orange and a legacy of illness across three continents, our correspondent says.
Shugs diplomacy-attempts were called air guitar diplomacy already here. Rightfully. We do not make ourselves anything forwards... It lies in the interest of darkpower to further continue the war of Israel, supported by the USA, against Lebanon and Palestina to participate in order to provoke Syria and Iran, in this campaign thus the USA their goal of installing a "new order in the middle east"... means: to prevent that Iran opens its €-based oil stock exchange and finally the entrance to the Persian oil is made possible. That`s the truth!
I don't want to put my finger on it but I think the Euro oil stock is already implemented and so is the "Cross Swap" program which is a trade program with the countries around the Caspean Sea which renders the huge pipeline project build by a conglomerate of Western Oil companies financially inefective...
Excellent suggestion, shall we call their PA's to have them take care of the travel arrangements?
As for lovely Ann I have booked a little shed on the center of the Baghdad Market Square so that she can get some first hand experience of all the horror she suggest "we" should inflict on other human beings...
"As for lovely Ann I have booked a little shed on the center of the Baghdad Market Square"
Be sure they all get the inferior equipment that they don't care our soldiers wear -give them the hummer with holes in the floorboards through for their vacation too...speaking of vacations
S-q our boots display is being moved from the House to in front of the Senate...seems the House decided 5 weeks vacation wasn't enough-so they knocked off a week early from doing nothing! Unbelievable!
Hi guys Blair and Bush had a nice show today. Connie is going back to play the piano. Bush is partying with American Idol's as we have no world problems to deal with. Red states are turning Blue. The lies have caught up with Bush/Cheney. What UN peace keeper would go in to Israel/Lebanon conflict just to get killed by a direct hit. So many problems we need a President to solved them.
Well the Chinese are very short of completing a pipeline that will connect them with Iran ... some 100 klicks are missing and a Chinese company just signed a contract with Iran for exploring one of the biggest Gas fields over there.
So high stakes folks, if the Chinese get more Oil and Gas their economy will not double and not tipple, it will be skyrocketing...
No wonder we as the "oh so mighty western - industry - nations" are scared shitless..
... my thoughts go suffering also to all humans in California, those from the high temperature and the high air humidity must... similarly as in Europe, "only" 9 degrees below (98,6 F/107.6 F)
The San Ramon-based company earned $4.35 billion, or $1.97 per share, for the three months ended in June. That represented an 18 percent increase from net income of $3.68 billion, or $1.76 per share, at the same time last year.
From Thinkprogress:
Eyeing ‘08, McCain drops reform.
Sen. John McCain’s name “is conspicuously absent” from a new bill addressing public financing of presidential campaigns; McCain was the lead sponsor of a virtually identical bill last year. McCain’s spokesperson “did not return calls seeking comment…but several people involved in discussions about the legislation said the senator’s absence was related to his widely expected bid for the presidency in 2008.”
“We’re for staying the course in Iraq and the war on terror.” — Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) shares the conservative national security message for 2006.
Good evening all, I don't know how long I will be on here. We have severe thunderstorms heading our way! Possibly 70 mph winds and 1.75" diameter HAIL! Yikes! Also, flash floods.
"I think the GOP need to see Documentaries from the idiocy in Vietnam."
No, GEF!
We should should send their asses including Dr. Quack to Iraq and Afghanistan for 6 months in the combat areas so they get a taste of what the soldiers deal with on a daily basis.. Oh, let's withhold all of the corrupted GOP and Dr. Quack of rheir paychecks and pay them what they pay to the soldiers!
And Ford realized what mess that was caused in Vietnam.. This Gerbil President is only thinking of profits! Is it funny history repeats itself in the GOP's mindset especially Frist?
Hi SPB, Roger, GEF, How are you? Thanks GEF, I will stay safe! I have been through earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.
Stay the course is getting old and it isn't working! We need a new direction. And, yes, GEF, you would think Vietnam would have been a lesson for senseless wars! (However, I do realize oil is the major factor in this case.) But war is war, and IMHO, no matter what the reason and it is senseless!!
If the Gerbil & his Congress didn't spend the taxpayers money like drunken sailors, we wouldn't have this trillions of $$ debt in the U.S. Now, the next President & Congress will have to raise taxes, ino order to get the debt paid down!
quote: And Ford realized what mess that was caused in Vietnam.. This Gerbil President is only thinking of profits! Is it funny history repeats itself in the GOP's mindset especially Frist?
You got that right Biloxi, but now anytime the Republicans try that tired "CUT AND RUN" vaudeville routine I'll be pointing out the Nixon and Ford Disaster and eventual "CUT AND RUN" and that tells me that the GOP don't read history books!
Maybe they can only read crime syndicate profit reports!
"Maybe they can only read crime syndicate profit reports!"
That true, GEF!
It makes you wonder how many of members of the Gerbil's cabinet have a corporate background or work for a corporate business and campare that to B. Clinton's cabinet in the 8 years when he was in office! It seems to me that the Baron and Gerbil are running this country like a corporate business!
You're correct SPB! And, if they didn't have a oil in their blood, we wouldn't be in any wars! I swear, I never want to see another administration that has any connection to oil companies and/or Halliburton!
When I saw that notice of appeal, I thought it was taken from the T.V. show in the 80's called "Night Court!" We certainly need the change of guards in November!
Night Court was one of my favorites. It just that Notice of Appeal just reminded me if that show...
I was thinking about one of Basheert's comments about how many people are in denial about the economy and their dependence on the credit cards.. Well, she is right!
The creation of the credit cards started in 1951. In 1951, the Franklin National Bank in New York, issued the “Charge It” card. Now, today, that same credit card has become the lifestyle for many Americans and a dependency.. In 2005, according to Consumer Action, the average American carried 11 credit cards. Now, it is up to 18 credit cards.. So, when we hear people say that they are doing o.k., the credit card is the dependency of their lifestyle and not the paycheck. Before the year 1951, it was hard earned money.. This is not the case.. When I said that the Gerbil and Baron are treating this country like a corporate business, they know that how many credit cards that the average Americans hold and know that the credit card is a dependency and lifestyle! After 9/11, the Gerbil told people to buy at the store and spend because he knows that the people will use their credit cards. That is why the Gerbil, Baron, and the oil companies can raise the gas prices and profit fom the consumer spending.. Unfortunately, they watched us like gerbils! For the people who are still in denial about the economy and the debt in this country, I bet they would get off the pot in Novemeber if all credit card companied decide to change the rules and decide to control what the card holder can or can't spend on their credit card.. See how fast they would want to the Gerbil removed from office!
We certainly need the change of guards in November! ------------ Yes, and the sad thing about the current administration is they could call for a cease fire in Lebanon and the Gerbil won't do it! He could put stop to Israel attacking innocent people! That says alot about what family values are to him! Most of the victims of that tragedy are children and they are dying everyday!
The housing market is falling and you're right, most folks already refinanced while rates were low. Now rates are going up and all those that refinanced with an adjustable rate are going to struggle or lose their homes! However, most properties here in Scottsdale are staying the same, expensive!
Tell me what happens when folks max out their credit cards again after refinancing and they can no longer afford the credit card interest much less the principal and they can no longer refinance ?
Visa Usury card American Express Usury card Discover Usury card Master Card Usury card
But, the average American don't understand that! A gentleman who was an economist gave a lecture about the credit card vs. honest money! Also, the credt card debt is alos talked about in Robert Kiyosaki's books and Thomas Stanley's book "Millionaire Next Door" which I read. It is not just the credit cards that you mention but also the diner's card, department store credit cards, and so on...
And yes, refinancing has been a boom for homeowners to do. Thank god I never refinanced my home! But., it really bothers me that majority of people especially college students are not being taught and educated about the money, finance, and the credit card. As Robert Kiyosaki says in his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," he said that his banker never asked for his report card. His banker only ask for his financial statements. Thanks to the uneducated derelict and incompentent leader, the Gerbil, a lot the American people have become financially uneducated rather than finanically intelligent! It is really sad how the Gerbil Admininstration are treated the people like indenture servants.. just throw a bone... Come November, we can turn it around and take back this country!
I know Robert Kiyosaki and he is a wonderful person and of course, very, very smart! He and his wife live here and they are very down to earth people! In fact, I had my photo taken with him not that long ago. :)
Yep, you did good. A home should never be used as a debt payoff tool.
I've seen commercials now advertising for people to refinance to payoff their:
Credit Cards Cars Boats and more..
The greed is outrageous!
The thing is that they raised the rates on adjustable homes so that it would PURPOSELY generate refinances so they can clean up and make the economy look healthy.
There's all sorts of greedy schemes that the foreign FED Bank has got going all with the blessings of the gerbil syndicate!
"I've seen commercials now advertising for people to refinance to payoff their:
Credit Cards Cars Boats and more.."
Exactly, GEF!
It is to still keep Americans in debt. The Americans refinance to pay off their debt and then created another debt. I have gotten a lot of junk mail with refinance as well as on email! Again, all of the ads and infomercals about refinances are all avout keeping Americans enslaved in debt! It just programming people's minds, my friend! Yes, the greed is outrageous!
I had the chace to hear Kiyosaki speak a few years back at a seminar.. All of his talks did coincide with his teachings from his book. I never heard his wife, Kim, speak. But, I look forward to one day hear her speak. And she is a smart cookie.. He married a smart woman!
Tell me what happens when folks max out their credit cards again after refinancing and they can no longer afford the credit card interest much less the principal and they can no longer refinance ? ------------ We will see a ton of foreclosures and bankrupties in this country! Another Great Depression...only worse!!
People are gonna learn the hard way that being a Superpower only makes you a target! --------------- How long can we be the "Superpower" when we owe trillions to China and we buy everything made in China?
"All you're gonna need are the basics: Food, Water, Air, Shelter"
No. my friend! According to Robert Kiyosaki that is a poor person's mentality. People need to learn to be financially intelligence. I am not talking about wealthy or rich! I'm talking about making their money work from them and not work for their money.. The more people depend on the credit card and re-financing, the more that they will always chase the dollar. I usually advise people to really read Kiyosaki books because he does talk about how people can get out of debt and certainly food, shelter, water, and so on is not going to do it.. People have to change their mind set and understand the Income and Expense report.. I sat down with someone that was finanical intelligence and didn't realize that my expense exceeded more of my income because of my lifestyle.. So, that has changed for me... But, I try to educated to people to be aware of their lifestyle and spending and the changing of the CPI (Consumer Price Index)...
You may change your mind when food becomes more expansive than gold.
Well, there always are, my friend, a will be in the future!
But, the real questions that people have to ask themselves, when are going to create a second source of income or passive porfolio as Kiyosaki says.. I do know that taxes will go up, C.O.L. (cost of living) is going up, and C.O.L. will always succeed the paycheck! From the age of 30-65, people's income started to level off (meaning pay raises. Sorry, I can't draw a graph) but at the age of 65, people live only one half or 1/3 of their income.. According to the social security administration 98% of people atthe age of 65, will be dead, broke, still working, or depending on family, friends, or other governmental programs.. So, yes, I aware that this country will be turmoil for quite some time.. But, people need to prepare for their future!
Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally
- I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly
It will only get hotter in Chicago over the next couple of days.
Speaking of which, the Chicago TV stations showed their priorities today. All of them cut off during the Bush & Blair press conference to go to their regular programming at noon. The NBC station showed the Tony Danza Show (or whatever that is called). Two other stations switched to the news, beginning with the weather!! So, Tony Danza and the weather are more of a priority than Bush, that made me laugh.
That's OK; they were already to the question and answer session in the press conference. Bush did not say anything new. Just take his standard answers to the press and replace "Al Qaeda" or "Saddam" with "Hezbollah."
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The United States is sending Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice back to the Middle East on Saturday for talks on a United Nations resolution to end the 17-day war between Israel and Lebanese Hizbollah guerrillas.
US sends Rice to try to end Middle East war
Condoleezza Rice back to the Middle East on Saturday ....
Hope she will be placed in a UN observer post in order to operate the Radio ... that might put her mind in perspective
The US military sprayed some 80m litres of Agent Orange on North and South Vietnam.
The aim was to destroy jungle foliage in order to find communist fighters more easily.
Agent Orange contained highly toxic dioxins which have since been blamed for causing cancers and other illnesses.
They have also been blamed for birth defects suffered by the children and even grandchildren of Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese civilians.
This has been strongly contested by the two main companies which made it - Dow and Monsanto - and the US government, the BBC's Bill Hayton in Hanoi says.
A team from New Zealand's Massey University has now shown that the group of 24 Vietnam veterans it tested suffered significant genetic damage, compared with a similar sized group of soldiers who did not serve in Vietnam, our correspondent says.
This may be crucial evidence in the lengthy legal battles still being waged in courts in the US and other countries to prove or disprove the link between Agent Orange and a legacy of illness across three continents, our correspondent says.
It's a dangerous job for Condi but somebody's gotta do it! LOL
Sweatin' Bullets!
Dick's pic.
Well if she can't keep those Hezzbolahs at bay just by putting on her face who can?
Condi's great adventures!
Condi Travels the Yellow Brick Road
Shugs diplomacy-attempts were called air guitar diplomacy already here.
We do not make ourselves anything forwards...
It lies in the interest of darkpower to further continue the war of Israel, supported by the USA, against Lebanon and Palestina to participate in order to provoke Syria and Iran, in this campaign thus the USA their goal of installing a "new order in the middle east"...
means: to prevent that Iran opens its €-based oil stock exchange and finally the entrance to the Persian oil is made possible.
That`s the truth!
I don't want to put my finger on it but I think the Euro oil stock is already implemented and so is the "Cross Swap" program which is a trade program with the countries around the Caspean Sea which renders the huge pipeline project build by a conglomerate of Western Oil companies financially inefective...
BAAAAAD IRAN tststs...
Hope she will be placed in a UN observer post in order to operate the Radio ... that might put her mind in perspective
why don't we send newt, bill and chris matthews...oh and coulter too..they need some up close research..since they care sooooooooooomuch
Excellent suggestion, shall we call their PA's to have them take care of the travel arrangements?
As for lovely Ann I have booked a little shed on the center of the Baghdad Market Square so that she can get some first hand experience of all the horror she suggest "we" should inflict on other human beings...
Afternoon All,
"As for lovely Ann I have booked a little shed on the center of the Baghdad Market Square"
Be sure they all get the inferior equipment that they don't care our soldiers wear -give them the hummer with holes in the floorboards through for their vacation too...speaking of vacations
S-q our boots display is being moved from the House to in front of the Senate...seems the House decided 5 weeks vacation wasn't enough-so they knocked off a week early from doing nothing! Unbelievable!
Hi guys
Blair and Bush had a nice show today. Connie is going back to play the piano. Bush is partying with American Idol's as we have no world problems to deal with. Red states are turning Blue. The lies have caught up with Bush/Cheney. What UN peace keeper would go in to Israel/Lebanon conflict just to get killed by a direct hit. So many problems we need a President to solved them.
Back up more than a decade ago and see how many other people died over pumping out that oil from the Caspian area.
Well the Chinese are very short of completing a pipeline that will connect them with Iran ... some 100 klicks are missing and a Chinese company just signed a contract with Iran for exploring one of the biggest Gas fields over there.
So high stakes folks, if the Chinese get more Oil and Gas their economy will not double and not tipple, it will be skyrocketing...
No wonder we as the "oh so mighty western - industry - nations" are scared shitless..
Why Israel will lose
... my thoughts go suffering also to all humans in California, those from the high temperature and the high air humidity must... similarly as in Europe, "only" 9 degrees below (98,6 F/107.6 F)
Israeli strikes may boost Hizbullah base
bluewild it's because the press is all full of neocon jew zionists like talmudist al roker! of course they go there instead!
jews! all jews I say!
Evening Justice Bloggers,
One hot day alright!
How Much can gonzo Cover up for gerbil before it gets gonzo ?
GONZO SEEKS SHIELD second story here...
POLL: 87% Americans want Bush Impeached!
Gerbil Freaks out, goes Mental!
Meanwhile gonzo is frozen in corbomite!
You are so strange.....
Sananda, what a glorious day this is.
My influence is so widespread, my power so feared, that even Rancourt denies my existence.
My influence is so widespread, my power so feared, that even Rancourt denies my existence.
Need I repeat myself yet again?
Oh Oh
GEF is having a breakdown!
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening folks!
Happy Friday evening/morning!
I am getting on the blog late.. So busy since this morning!
In the news:
Chevron Profit Hits Record
The San Ramon-based company earned $4.35 billion, or $1.97 per share, for the three months ended in June. That represented an 18 percent increase from net income of $3.68 billion, or $1.76 per share, at the same time last year.
From Thinkprogress:
Eyeing ‘08, McCain drops reform.
Sen. John McCain’s name “is conspicuously absent” from a new bill addressing public financing of presidential campaigns; McCain was the lead sponsor of a virtually identical bill last year. McCain’s spokesperson “did not return calls seeking comment…but several people involved in discussions about the legislation said the senator’s absence was related to his widely expected bid for the presidency in 2008.”
“We’re for staying the course in Iraq
and the war on terror.” — Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) shares the conservative national security message for 2006.
nice try neo hebe but it won't wash.
jeff fisher will bring you to your knees soon.
Good evening all,
I don't know how long I will be on here. We have severe thunderstorms heading our way! Possibly 70 mph winds and 1.75" diameter HAIL! Yikes! Also, flash floods.
Hi Roger, Hi Biloxi,
Here's the Video on Frist 'Stay the Quagmire'
I think the GOP need to see Documentaries from the idiocy in Vietnam. You'd think they'd learn
something but nooooo..
Hi s-q,
Be safe..
Senator Frist(R) Said:
"They’re for cutting and running"
The Boy is dummer than dirt.
"I think the GOP need to see Documentaries from the idiocy in Vietnam."
No, GEF!
We should should send their asses including Dr. Quack to Iraq and Afghanistan for 6 months in the combat areas so they get a taste of what the soldiers deal with on a daily basis.. Oh, let's withhold all of the corrupted GOP and Dr. Quack of rheir paychecks and pay them what they pay to the soldiers!
And Ford realized what mess that was caused in Vietnam.. This Gerbil President is only thinking of profits! Is it funny history repeats itself in the GOP's mindset especially Frist?
Hi SPB, Roger, GEF,
How are you? Thanks GEF, I will stay safe! I have been through earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.
Stay the course is getting old and it isn't working! We need a new direction. And, yes, GEF, you would think Vietnam would have been a lesson for senseless wars!
(However, I do realize oil is the major factor in this case.) But war is war, and IMHO, no matter what the reason and it is senseless!!
If the Gerbil & his Congress didn't spend the taxpayers money like drunken sailors, we wouldn't have this trillions of $$ debt in the U.S. Now, the next President & Congress will have to raise taxes, ino order to get the debt paid down!
And Ford realized what mess that was caused in Vietnam.. This Gerbil President is only thinking of profits! Is it funny history repeats itself in the GOP's mindset especially Frist?
You got that right Biloxi, but now anytime the Republicans try that tired "CUT AND RUN" vaudeville routine I'll be pointing out the Nixon and Ford Disaster and eventual "CUT AND RUN" and that tells me that the GOP don't read history books!
Maybe they can only read crime syndicate profit reports!
Calling for Patrick J. Fitzgerald! Good thing that I don't have to deal with this! Check this out, folks! Hold your laughter!
This is the funniest Notice of Appeal Document
That was funny!
LOL!LMAO! That was very funny SPB!
Tacoma is the armpit of Washington!
"Maybe they can only read crime syndicate profit reports!"
That true, GEF!
It makes you wonder how many of members of the Gerbil's cabinet have a corporate background or work for a corporate business and campare that to B. Clinton's cabinet in the 8 years when he was in office! It seems to me that the Baron and Gerbil are running this country like a corporate business!
You're correct SPB! And, if they didn't have a oil in their blood, we wouldn't be in any wars! I swear, I never want to see another administration that has any connection to oil companies and/or Halliburton!
SQ and GEF:
When I saw that notice of appeal, I thought it was taken from the T.V. show in the 80's called "Night Court!" We certainly need the change of guards in November!
Baron and Gerbil are running this country like a corporate business!
That's right. A failing business at that...
It's a forgon conclusion that Frists words came from the campaign brain the famous Porkrind!
But Porkrind's strategies are failing ..
I'm sure he's become a big liability for the GOP!
Time to cut and run the Porkrind ?
hee hee hee!
I loved that show...
Night Court
LOL! That was a funny show!
sure was... hee hee hee!
The standard charge for a busted hooker was $50 dollars and time served...
Harry the Judge never mentioned but time served meant with the Judge!
They had a great cast and talented writers, that is for sure! LOL
Night Court was one of my favorites. It just that Notice of Appeal just reminded me if that show...
I was thinking about one of Basheert's comments about how many people are in denial about the economy and their dependence on the credit cards.. Well, she is right!
The creation of the credit cards started in 1951. In 1951, the Franklin National Bank in New York, issued the “Charge It” card.
Now, today, that same credit card has become the lifestyle for many Americans and a dependency.. In 2005, according to Consumer Action, the average American carried 11 credit cards. Now, it is up to 18 credit cards.. So, when we hear people say that they are doing o.k., the credit card is the dependency of their lifestyle and not the paycheck. Before the year 1951, it was hard earned money.. This is not the case.. When I said that the Gerbil and Baron are treating this country like a corporate business, they know that how many credit cards that the average Americans hold and know that the credit card is a dependency and lifestyle! After 9/11, the Gerbil told people to buy at the store and spend because he knows that the people will use their credit cards. That is why the Gerbil, Baron, and the oil companies can raise the gas prices and profit fom the consumer spending.. Unfortunately, they watched us like gerbils! For the people who are still in denial about the economy and the debt in this country, I bet they would get off the pot in Novemeber if all credit card companied decide to change the rules and decide to control what the card holder can or can't spend on their credit card.. See how fast they would want to the Gerbil removed from office!
Say ?
I betcha I know which show Fitz really used to like:
2 of them.
Alley McBeal!
I liked them too! ;)
We certainly need the change of guards in November!
Yes, and the sad thing about the current administration is they could call for a cease fire in Lebanon and the Gerbil won't do it! He could put stop to Israel attacking innocent people! That says alot about what family values are to him! Most of the victims of that tragedy are children and they are dying everyday!
Read a little about Usury!
(that's what Credit Cards are)
Visa Usury card
American Express Usury card
Discover Usury card
Master Card Usury card
The reason it seems like everything is ok is because folks are now Refinancing their homes to the kilter for more money to consume and pay off usury!
Howevery that door is closing fast as Foreclosures are on people who are already trapped and can no longer refinance.
Once that door closes completely...
People will be walking around dazed singing: much is that doggie in the window -bling-bling- the one with kaleidescope eyes...
they run it like a country club in the sticks of plum nelly
plum out of the city and nelly in the swamps...
Hillary was right..
"They're running the country like a bad Plantation!"
The gerbil admin got rid of the middle class in Iraq and the result was a civil war between factions..
So guess what happens when they finally get rid of the middle class here in the US ?
*bingo, two points*
The housing market is falling and you're right, most folks already refinanced while rates were low. Now rates are going up and all those that refinanced with an adjustable rate are going to struggle or lose their homes!
However, most properties here in Scottsdale are staying the same, expensive!
Tell me what happens when folks max out their credit cards again after refinancing and they can no longer afford the credit card interest much less the principal and they can no longer refinance ?
Visa Usury card
American Express Usury card
Discover Usury card
Master Card Usury card
But, the average American don't understand that! A gentleman who was an economist gave a lecture about the credit card vs. honest money! Also, the credt card debt is alos talked about in Robert Kiyosaki's books and Thomas Stanley's book "Millionaire Next Door" which I read. It is not just the credit cards that you mention but also the diner's card, department store credit cards, and so on...
And yes, refinancing has been a boom for homeowners to do. Thank god I never refinanced my home!
But., it really bothers me that majority of people especially college students are not being taught and educated about the money, finance, and the credit card. As Robert Kiyosaki says in his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," he said that his banker never asked for his report card. His banker only ask for his financial statements. Thanks to the uneducated derelict and incompentent leader, the Gerbil, a lot the American people have become financially uneducated rather than finanically intelligent! It is really sad how the Gerbil Admininstration are treated the people like indenture servants.. just throw a bone... Come November, we can turn it around and take back this country!
I know Robert Kiyosaki and he is a wonderful person and of course, very, very smart! He and his wife live here and they are very down to earth people! In fact, I had my photo taken with him not that long ago. :)
Thank god I never refinanced my home!
Yep, you did good. A home should never be used as a debt payoff tool.
I've seen commercials now advertising for people to refinance to payoff their:
Credit Cards
and more..
The greed is outrageous!
The thing is that they raised the rates on adjustable homes so that it would PURPOSELY generate refinances so they can clean up and make the economy look healthy.
There's all sorts of greedy schemes that the foreign FED Bank has got going all with the blessings of the gerbil syndicate!
"I've seen commercials now advertising for people to refinance to payoff their:
Credit Cards
and more.."
Exactly, GEF!
It is to still keep Americans in debt. The Americans refinance to pay off their debt and then created another debt. I have gotten a lot of junk mail with refinance as well as on email! Again, all of the ads and infomercals about refinances are all avout keeping Americans enslaved in debt! It just programming people's minds, my friend!
Yes, the greed is outrageous!
I had the chace to hear Kiyosaki speak a few years back at a seminar.. All of his talks did coincide with his teachings from his book. I never heard his wife, Kim, speak. But, I look forward to one day hear her speak. And she is a smart cookie.. He married a smart woman!
Tell me what happens when folks max out their credit cards again after refinancing and they can no longer afford the credit card interest much less the principal and they can no longer refinance ?
We will see a ton of foreclosures and bankrupties in this country! Another Great Depression...only worse!!
Robert and Kim are both very smart and he is a handsome man and she is a beautiful woman! They seem very happy and are good together! :)
We will see a ton of foreclosures and bankrupties in this country! Another Great Depression...only worse!!
That's why I keep telling folks to forget consuming junk and stock up their pantries for the great KABOOM*
All you're gonna need are the basics:
Food, Water, Air, Shelter
If you loose your home, have camping gear to fall back on! Those FEMA trailers may never come!
Use the same mentality of the famous ant. Work diligently to stock up for the looonngg winter that's coming to the USA!
People are gonna learn the hard way that being a Superpower only makes you a target!
People are gonna learn the hard way that being a Superpower only makes you a target!
How long can we be the "Superpower" when we owe trillions to China and we buy everything made in China?
"All you're gonna need are the basics:
Food, Water, Air, Shelter"
No. my friend! According to Robert Kiyosaki that is a poor person's mentality. People need to learn to be financially intelligence. I am not talking about wealthy or rich! I'm talking about making their money work from them and not work for their money.. The more people depend on the credit card and re-financing, the more that they will always chase the dollar. I usually advise people to really read Kiyosaki books because he does talk about how people can get out of debt and certainly food, shelter, water, and so on is not going to do it.. People have to change their mind set and understand the Income and Expense report.. I sat down with someone that was finanical intelligence and didn't realize that my expense exceeded more of my income because of my lifestyle.. So, that has changed for me... But, I try to educated to people to be aware of their lifestyle and spending and the changing of the CPI (Consumer Price Index)...
Maybe right now...But I like to toss that football real long out there in the future....
You may change your mind when food becomes more expansive than gold.
Global warming ain't getting any better you know...
Hence your food and filtered water will become your gold sooner or later!
Money will be worthless...Maybe to
be used to light fires!
see ?
You may change your mind when food becomes more expansive than gold.
Well, there always are, my friend, a will be in the future!
But, the real questions that people have to ask themselves, when are going to create a second source of income or passive porfolio as Kiyosaki says.. I do know that taxes will go up, C.O.L. (cost of living) is going up, and C.O.L. will always succeed the paycheck! From the age of 30-65, people's income started to level off (meaning pay raises. Sorry, I can't draw a graph) but at the age of 65, people live only one half or 1/3 of their income.. According to the social security administration 98% of people atthe age of 65, will be dead, broke, still working, or depending on family, friends, or other governmental programs.. So, yes, I aware that this country will be turmoil for quite some time.. But, people need to prepare for their future!
"people need to prepare for their future!"
Best piece of singlehanded advice you can give to everyone reading this blog Biloxi!
best regards, nice info » »
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