Scooter GJ MP3s Coming To iPod...

Seven Hours of Libby Testimony to Be Released
Audio recordings of secret grand jury testimony will be released to public, Reggie rules.
Libby Live: Libby Grand Jury Audio Debate
Libby Live: FBI Agent Bond, Six
Libby Live: FBI Agent Bond, Seven
Here comes the comes the Judge..and the Judge says:
"Release those tapes to the press!"
Judge you da MAN! :)
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening folks!
Good luck in court, Fitz! Busy day for me. Cheers!
Salah's long road to clear name
Attorneys for Mohammed Salah, who was acquitted of racketeering charges last week, have vowed to keep working to clear the name of the Bridgeview man deemed a terrorist by the federal government and to help his family lead a normal life.
"These good people have had their lives put through the wringer," longtime Salah attorney Matthew Piers said Friday. "We are not done fighting on behalf of this family."
Also hanging over Salah's head is a 1998 civil case filed by federal prosecutors in a bid to seize $1.4 million in cash and assets they claimed Salah meant to funnel to Hamas. That civil case was put on hold as a criminal probe into Salah's alleged Hamas links stopped and started over the years.
Happy Monday ;D
Good Morning/Afternoon Justice Bloggers.. :)
Well the Smurf's Gilligan Defense is once again started and the Grand Jury Gone Wild tapes are gonna be shown.
Jeffrees is arguing about technicalities and word such as Push and They Know...
The Press is in for some good meat this week but the problem is that they(the paid press)are under orders not to make too much of this so it will be up to us Bloggers to get around that and something so simple as Billions of Dollars from the rich to impede reports of this Administrations underhandedness and outright lying to go to war.
Don't worry folks, I recycle my electrons when Blogging so no problem...
Oh and as for Cheney resigning when they pry it from his Cold dead hands, that may happen because Cheney will be dead and stone cold when Fitz and Waxman thoroughly investigate him to get to the truth of Iraq and OTHER matters.
Hee hee hee!
Agent Bond is back on the stand...
A Female 007 should be interesting to watch!
So Secretary Money Penny must be a man! :)
I wonder where's Q ? :)
Good Morning GEF! :)
Quzi is around..I just received an email from her. :)
Btw..check your mail.
Oh...Almost forgot to mention..
Smurf is Fu@#$#...
Gov. Rick Perry's former chief of staff is a lobbyist for Merck. Perry is trying to make it a law that all young teens get the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. Merck controlled the studies and research on this vaccine, I take it? Another politician trying to make billions for the drug companies?
Where is congress or the Resident? They probably got their own deals with the FDA/ Big Pharma going on.
They watched the BIG good ole boys do it, now it time for the wannabe bigger ones to follow suit.
Good Morning s-q,
Where you been ?
You missed Smurf's reaction when Judge Walton said the Tapes are ok to be seen!
I think Smurf got arthritis all of sudden cause he's stiff as a board! :)
One of my friends kidnapped me Saturday night and took me to a remote island..I had to wait for a ship to bring me back! LOLMAO
Yeah, little Scooter is gonna be wearing ORANGE very soon! hehe
Now this is an interesting turn of events. I watched Bill Clinton's testimony on TV as the GOP said the public has the right to know. Clinton's attorneys argued it wasn't right as he was a sitting President. Clinton lost the public won. Now Wells/Jeffres is saying it would hurt Libby if the tape were seen but it's ok to read the transcript. A lie is a lie on tape or on paper. With the testimony of Timmy we will only hear more of how the White House/media/news/Journalist spin the news or not report the truth. It is a sad day for Journalism as we find out the White House controls the news the public gets. As for Cheney well he's most likely planning and defending himself to his big business friends.
Hi Jackie,
Big Media spins the news or doesn't report the truth.
Sad affair really. They should all go on strike and demand to be allowed to do their jobs and uphold the Constitution.
Why do you think viewership is down big time ?
As for Cheney well he's most likely planning and defending himself to his big business friends.
He's gonna need a ton of cash to make this one go away!
GEF that's what the 2 trillion budget is about silly. This group will need alot of money to buy their way out as they resign. You didn't think the money was for legal stuff did you.
This trial will set off fireworks when the Dickster takes the stand. Timmy is small stuff but it will allow the pubic to see who they believe Tim or Scooter. Some reporters will try to push this on the back end of the news but the web has it cover and word of mouth works faster then print anyway.
word of mouth works faster then print anyway.
Yep, talk is cheap and bs walks!
No I mean like you heard it through the grapevine that can of word of mouth. GEF it's old school.
Wells is trying to Isolate Libby by saying that Libby never spoke to Cheney about Plame..
That's gonna be an impossible pill to swallow considering that Cheney was the mastermind in the leak.
Oh man and they get paid for this ?
I know what you meant, only trying out a little humor there..
Smurf Trial:
Wells is trying to invent a new scenario.
Poor Smurf is running out of money fast..
GEF & Jackie:
I think if and when all truth comes out... it was more than just Cheney. It involves other countries leaders too..and I think you know which ones.
I would love to know how much of his income comes from foreign investments and Halliburton!
I think if and when all truth comes out... it was more than just Cheney. It involves other countries leaders too..and I think you know which ones.
Yep, the Saudis and the United Arab Emirites are involved and Funny how most of the 9/11 hijackers are from those countries...
That's why folks got a little twitchy when they tried to take over our ports.
One thing is certain s-q. This trial threatens to unravel the whole neo-con magilla and everbody knows it. From 9/11 to Afghanistan and Drugs, and to Iraq and Business Contracts.
Including all the Orwellian Unconstitutional laws now in place.
I can understand why Fitz only charged smurf with obstruction.
He knew he was just exposing a crack in that giant iceberg of corruption.
They know that if all the truth were to be known the people would demand all our leaders to be arrested for complicity.
Biloxi, I don't know what you think of the Salah trial. I have no opinion on whether he was guilty or innocent, but there were some technical violations on which I thought he should get off. When he, an American citizen, was interrogated by the Israelis, he did not have a lawyer representing him until well into the process, and because of that do we know if he was tortured or not? For now, all we have is the testimony of Salah, Israeli agents, and Judy Miller. This trial had some of the feel of other Bush administration charges against "terrorists" who are not getting fair trials, representation etc. The lead prosecutor in Chicago acted like a heavy too: trying to get an anonymous jury because they would be threatened by Muslims if their names were known (thrown out), making snide remarks about all the whites being thrown off the jury, and staring at the ceiling and groaning everytime the defense spoke. It didn't seem very professional to me, and one never knows what really goes on, but one also wonders how badly they wanted to convict. Maybe just get it over and out of public view?
Perhaps that's why even the Democrats in the 109th were in gerbils back pocket and perhaps they still are in the 110th Congress because most of them are Complicit.
After all. None of the 100 hours bills are yet in place and gerbil is about to pull out his veto pen.
Yet he want 2 trillion for more PNAC agenda and everyone seems ok with this..
maybe sometimes the white hats win!
way to go, pross!
GEF said...
I can understand why Fitz only charged smurf with obstruction.
He knew he was just exposing a crack in that giant iceberg of corruption.
Exactly! That iceberg is about to melt though! :)
GEF here's how it works. Bush gets 2 trillion from US Treasury he gives it to war issues, business get contracts without doing the job, Bush/Cheney and friends get funneled money or lost in movement money as done in the past. Now the friends of the Middle East like the Saudi's get oil and other kick backs. As the need is greater now for money with all the investigations and lawsuits these guys need much more to cover their trail. This invasion was all about money and war profiteering. Now Bush was nice to Dems to get them to past the budget as the rubber stamp Congress is gone. Yes their are Dems who followed the idiot but with your name in print as to how you feel about Bush's increase well don't forget the election in 2008. People are sitting at home waiting to run for the same position and use the vote as their playing field against the Bush supporter. You never know who will take the fall for the Gerbil this time.
Good Morning Fitzie and JBs!
I wonder if they will have time to get to Russert today.
Go get 'em, Fitzie!!!
You hit the nail right in the head and if we can figure it out, imagine what people higher up know.
Funny how if your media spins the election and the Administration "allows" the Voting machines to work properly with only few instances of hacking in local elections that the people believe that electronic voting works..
After all. What seemed like Rove loosing his touch could just be that he was held back.
I challenge anybody on this board to show me one instance in which the gerbil syndicate are not controlling through Orweillian laws and/or Signing statements and whether or not there's suspicion of criminal activity being disguised as fighting "a war on terror" ?
I'm waiting..
Hi Quzi...
Hi GEF, S-Q, Jackie, SPB, CJ, et al!!!
Another fun day in court! LOL
At least for most of us...
I hope Smurf made sure to pack extra attends for that bladder problem..
Betcha some Chocolate ice cream that Cheney has bitten all his nails clean off and is working on the skin.
I questioned the strategy used by the defense attorneys comparing Salah to people like Malcolm X, Mandela, and MLK Jr.: One is African-American, one is African American and converted to Muslim faith, and the other is from Africa. I realize that Muslims are being racial profiling and being label as terrorists because of the 9/11 attack. But, it leaves me to wonder about other people who are Middle Eastern who are innocent in this country that are still fighting for justice and are labeled terrorist.
"This trial had some of the feel of other Bush administration charges against "terrorists" who are not getting fair trials, representation etc."
And yes, I do agree with you. It is not just terrorism but also racial profiling in this country. There are other minorites in the U.S. that are not getting fair trials.
Cheney's Fund Manager Attacks ... Cheney
The oil-based energy policies usually associated with Vice President Dick Cheney have just come under scathing attack. There's nothing remarkable about that, of course -- except the person doing the attacking.
Step forward, Jeremy Grantham -- Cheney's own investment manager. "What were we thinking?' Grantham demands in a four-page assault on U.S. energy policy mailed last week to all his clients, including the vice president
Gef go to SPB's blog it has the information that Rubert did lie for the White House about Iraq. Now others will step foward as the truth comes out. Charges can be brought against the media too. I also read about how the Dickster is using the branches of govenment to give his power. He's devised a system where we have not one Commander-in-Chief but two. It's all in the words. The only problem is the Constitution and it can't be changed. Like I said before it's money and alot of it with the need for much more. I read the Middle Class Americans are getting to be listed as poor. Bush/Cheney are reconstruting our form of govenment back to rich and poor. This trial will bring out the American people like we've never seen before it's like a pot boiling over and then it pops.
Cheney's Fund Manager Attacks ... Cheney
I see it's massive CYA time..
Expect that trickle to become a torrent as the Nationwide bus throwing begins in ernest.
Isn't that sweet!
You called it right again about Fitzie and his sports picks! Colts won...LOL
But he does get his indictments right!
Cheney's own people are turning on him. The destruction of Cheney will be his on demise: and that is greed and power. He came from a strong corporate background. It is a cut throat world in corporate. Rest assured, someone is lurking in the wings that want Cheney's power. So, look for more of Cheney "friends" to throw him under the bus. It is the CYA time.
Hi Quzi!
Sorry, belated hello...but we've been chatting via email anyway! :)
Now others will step foward as the truth comes out. Charges can be brought against the media too.
It's happening already Jackie.
I also read about how the Dickster is using the branches of govenment to give his power. He's devised a system where we have not one Commander-in-Chief but two.
I figured out that we had co-presidents back in 2002 and
ambien has the edge on the gerbil.
It's all in the words. The only problem is the Constitution and it can't be changed.
Maybe not but they've added Orweillian cluster laws to nullify it. The masses are not aware of it but we're under the Patriot act and not under the Constitution anymore.
I dare anyone to prove me wrong and yes there is a difference.
Like I said before it's money and alot of it with the need for much more.
Power corrupts exponentially and completely..
I read the Middle Class Americans are getting to be listed as poor. Bush/Cheney are reconstruting our form of govenment back to rich and poor.
Yes, as the jobs are sent overseas and older people retire there will be only two groups of people. Rich or Extremely Poor. The NSAs databases will determine where your children will be placed in that list. If you are from the wrong end then your kid will face a tough challenge to get that Job that pays so and so because of that secret list will determine they are to only be allowed in the low paying service sector. Some American dream eh ?
This trial will bring out the American people like we've never seen before it's like a pot boiling over and then it pops.
Probably another reason why Fitz didn't charge Libby with the real crime of Treason.
Like I said earlier.. I would like to see just what and where Cheney's investments are!
Re: Funds Manager is CYA.. big time!
It is a cut throat world in corporate. Rest assured, someone is lurking in the wings that want Cheney's power. So, look for more of Cheney "friends" to throw him under the bus. It is the CYA time.
Hostile Takeovers are the Pitts..
About Rupert Murdoch:
While at Davos, Rupert Murdoch discusses the rise of the Internet and digital media, but tells us he used News Corp. to manipulate the news.
Asked if his News Corp. managed to shape the agenda on the war in Iraq, Murdoch said: "No, I don't think so. We tried." Asked by Rose for further comment, he said: "We basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East…but we have been very critical of his execution."
Yup, Murdoch admitted that Faux News manipuplated their news. Also to add about Murdoch is that Murdoch's three grown children (from his second wife) were fighting over his money. Murdoch left a bulk of of money in a trust for his two small children (of his thirs wife). He equally divided his share among all the children and they get approximately 100 million worth of shares. But the adult children get no voting rights.. Interesting.. But what is Murdoch admitting to being in the backpocket of the Gerbil and distorting the news? Maybe it is because he has endorsed Hillary Clinton for Prez?
I would like to see just what and where Cheney's investments are!
Halliburton subsidiaries
Other Defense Contractors..
What you really want to see is that mountain of overseas holdings that Ambien has and is not reported here..
He's so cute that he thought we didn't know...
Awwwww... ;-)
Yup, Murdoch admitted that Faux News manipuplated their news
This is Murdoch pulling a massive CYA maneuver so they don't come after him and the sly Fauxes..
Go on tell them Ruppert...
Can we all please just get along now!!
Hee hee hee!
Hi problem...I am doing about five different things while I blog so I miss many comments. Some days my head spins!
"Halliburton subsidiaries
Other Defense Contractors.."
And much more GEF.
Can't wait for Michael Moore to obtain a copy of the Veep's 2006 1009 income tax report to post it on his website. I took a look at the Veep's 2005 income tax return and asked a professional account on some of the Veep's write offs on his return. The Veep certainly manipulated and gotten quite a number of items written off his taxes to get a large amount back from a tax return when the Gerbil didn't.
The Veep's 2006 1099!
GEF said...
What you really want to see is that mountain of overseas holdings that Ambien has and is not reported here..
Uh-huh... those are the ones!
The Veep certainly manipulated and gotten quite a number of items written off his taxes to get a large amount back from a tax return when the Gerbil didn't.
Well that's because Cheney is Greedier that that other President...
Ambien would probably deduct his weekend shoes as a work expense by simply walking by the WH on his way to the store.
He'd have the limo pull over and he'd make like he were going to his office and come back down in case anyone questioned it.
There's a lot of tricks like that.
You can even write off your left n@t that way...
That's why I say get rid of the IRS and just have a flat tax for everybody. No cheating allowed.
Yeah, I have those kind of days where my head Spins but I blame it on GEF! LOL
Well, the IRS will never go away unfortunately, GEF. I hate to tell you this but a lot of tax breaks is to benefit the business owners, big businesses, and the wealthy (the wealthy that have large investment portfolio). I attended a meeting with a tax accountant about the 2006 Income tax season and what items can and cannot be written off the taxes. But I have to agree that the Gerbil has changed the tax codes many times in his Presidency for the wealthy and big businesses to benefit. What he did is cut out tax breaks for the middle class which is the hard and soul of the economy spending. I had coffee with a buddy of mine on late Friday evening that comes from the corporate world, a large manufacturing company that told me that there will be two classes of people in the future: the poor and the wealthy. Middle class is being chopped away. But, I do agree with you about Cheney has abused the IRS system and the tax codes.
Another foot note GEF:
In Robert Kiysaki's book, Cashflow Quadrant, he talks about the four quadrant: employee, self-employed, big business and investors. Employee and self-employed gets very little tax breaks from the IRS and big businsses and investors do get a large amount of tax breaks. But, anyone that filed a 1099 goets a lot more tax breaks. That is why the Gerbil wants the public to stay ignorant in education.
The Veep's 2005 Income Tax return.
It appears that the VP is a major beneficiary of the Hurricane Katrina tax relief act. In particular, he claimed $6.8 million of charitable deductions, which is 77% of his AGI -- well in excess of the 50% limitation that would have applied absent the Katrina legislation. The press release indicates that the charitable contribution reflects the amount of net proceeds from an independent administrator's exercise of the VP's Halliburton options -- apparently, the VP had agreed back in 2001 that he would donate the net proceeds from the options to charities once they were exercised.
Admittedly, I don't know anything about the transactions beyond the info in the press release, but my gut reaction is that the personal check was given in order to make sure the independent administrator had sufficient liquid assets to pay all of the promised charitable contributions before the 50% limit returned on 1/1/06.
Despite the importance of the Katrina legislation to his tax return, it looks like none of the charitable contributions actually went to Katrina-related charities (the press release lists the 3 charitable recipients, all of which were designated in the original 2001 gift agreement). While there's nothing inappropriate about that from a legal perspective, it does demonstrate how the legislation, which was sold to the public as providing relief to Katrina victims, provided significant tax benefits to the VP (and potentially other wealthy individuals) in situations that have nothing to do with Hurricane Katrina.
Like I said. Cheney is a smart businessman and knows how to manipulate the system. I am sure that he will not report all of his charity for 2006 and most likely carry over a portion of charitiable donations.
Yep, gerbil wants no child left behind.
But he's not talking about education, he's talking about prison work camps..
Big Business needs free labor.
Everybody should read My pet goat upside down. It reads just like Moley Hatchet Records played backwards..
"Don't educate worship gerbil..don't educate worship gerbil"
That kind of thing.. :)
Great article by Jason!
The tax law were written for big businesses. That is not what the Gerbil is telling the public. He wants to keep people's mind set as indenture servants.
Like I said. Cheney is a smart businessman and knows how to manipulate the system.
It's easy to manipulate the system if you're the one tweaking the system to your favor.
Why do you think all those Unconstitutional Orwellian tweaks are in place ?
Right. To favor the Rich and Big Business..
We are just commodities now.
People are just things to be consumed or thrown away like an old soda can to these wickedly greedy people.
I'm just wondering when everybody is gonna realize that and say "No Way and No more!"
If there was a pill that said to people: "Wake up Stupid, Wake Up!" I would have a vast market Biloxi.
Cause there's some really asleep sheople out there who'll believe Red is Blue if you drill it into them long enough!
So if you're against the War, you don't support our Troops..
Like Upside down logic or something..
The tax law were written for big businesses. That is not what the Gerbil is telling the public. He wants to keep people's mind set as indenture servants.
Thanks Biloxi...scanning...
Yep..."The Plantation Nation!"
Complete with Big White Massers and Condi-Mima uncle Toms....
People will wake up when sonething affect them emotionally and financially. And people wonder why there are so many immigrant in this country that have successful businesses. It is simply because they are not afraid of hard work. The problem with many people today is that thye wants things easy. When you speak the truth, they go into a denial mode.And yes, once upon of time, hard work used to be the answer. But it is working hard and smart is the the answer. People don't want to hear the word "The Plantation U.S." as if that word referred to African-Americans. On the contrary, it doesn't. People better wake up and take of hold of their future before the Gerbil and company does.
Well the way George W. Bush and his Administration treated and is still treating those people in New Orleans is a testament to him being a Racist.
If I am wrong I sure don't see it by the facts on the ground.
Even to this day and that steams my blood.
If there were any reason big enough to Impeach Bush and Cheney it would have to be their handling of Katrina and those people there.
As they say in New York Biloxi!
Gotta Run Bil/Peeps..
Waxman is in the head of the game of Katrina abuse. That's another investigation that he is working on. Yeah, it is truly a shame what the Gerbil and company did to the Karrina. But, you know God don't like ugly. What the the Gerbil and co. dished out will come and bite them in full circle.
Enjoy your day, GEF! I have appt. later today. So, I will be off the computer for a bit.
It is good thing that people can pause and take a personal inventory of themselves at times. It never hurts to check oneself for humility, otherwise they might turn in a CEO earning 400% more than the people actually doing the work and just trying to keep their family fed.
Looks as though there isn't a "mystery witness".. in little Scooter's trial. Hmmm..
Who can prove it didn't happen?
There are so many documented facts it is crunch time.
If you can't prove it didn't happen, then just shut your mouth.
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