-The First Days in a Nutshell
A summary of testimony from witnesses in the obstruction and perjury trial of former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby:
MARC GROSSMAN: A former undersecretary of state, Grossman said he told Libby on June 11 or 12, 2003, that Valerie Plame, the wife of a prominent war critic, worked at the CIA. Under cross-examination, Grossman acknowledged some inconsistencies in his statements, such as whether the conversations were face-to-face or over the phone.
ROBERT GRENIER: The former No. 3 official at the CIA testified that he told Libby about Plame on June 11, 2003. He originally told investigators he did not recall such a conversation but said he "developed a growing conviction" that he must have said it.
CRAIG SCHMALL: Libby's daily CIA briefer, Schmall testified that Plame and her husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, were discussed during Libby's briefing on June 14, 2003. Schmall based that on his notes from the briefing.
CATHIE MARTIN: Cheney's former spokeswoman, Martin testified that she told Libby sometime before July 6, 2003, that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA.
ARI FLEISCHER: A former White House press secretary, Fleischer recalled Libby telling him about Plame over lunch July 7, 2003, and saying the information was "hush hush." Fleischer relayed that information to reporters. He received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony.
DAVID ADDINGTON: A former counsel to the vice president who now serves as Cheney's chief of staff, Addington said Libby asked him what documents would be available if a CIA employee's spouse was sent overseas. As the leak investigation began, Addington said Libby asked how someone could know a CIA officer was undercover and told him, "I didn't do it."
JUDITH MILLER: A former New York Times reporter, Miller says Libby discussed Plame on June 23 and July 8 of 2003 -- days before Libby says he first learned about the operative. Miller acknowledges she spoke with other government officials, has a spotty memory and cannot be "absolutely, absolutely certain" she did not hear learn about Plame elsewhere.
MATTHEW COOPER: A former Time magazine reporter, Cooper said he had an off-the-record conversation in which Libby confirmed he, too, had heard that Wilson's wife was involved in sending him on the trip to Niger. That appears nowhere in Cooper's notes, however, and his description of the ground rules of the conversation have changed. Defense lawyers say Libby only told Cooper he had heard that, too, from other reporters and did not know whether it was true.
DEBORAH BOND: The chief FBI agent in the leak investigation described the bureau's two interviews with Libby, on Oct. 14 and Nov. 26, 2003. She said Libby said he first learned Wilson's wife worked for the CIA from Cheney about June 12, 2003, but forgot that conversation. Libby told the FBI he thought he was hearing that information for the first time from NBC reporter Tim Russert on July 10 or 11, 2003.
How are AP and the MSM doing?
MARC GROSSMAN: A former undersecretary of state, Grossman said he told Libby on June 11 or 12, 2003, that Valerie Plame, the wife of a prominent war critic, worked at the CIA. Under cross-examination, Grossman acknowledged some inconsistencies in his statements, such as whether the conversations were face-to-face or over the phone.
ROBERT GRENIER: The former No. 3 official at the CIA testified that he told Libby about Plame on June 11, 2003. He originally told investigators he did not recall such a conversation but said he "developed a growing conviction" that he must have said it.
CRAIG SCHMALL: Libby's daily CIA briefer, Schmall testified that Plame and her husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, were discussed during Libby's briefing on June 14, 2003. Schmall based that on his notes from the briefing.
CATHIE MARTIN: Cheney's former spokeswoman, Martin testified that she told Libby sometime before July 6, 2003, that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA.
ARI FLEISCHER: A former White House press secretary, Fleischer recalled Libby telling him about Plame over lunch July 7, 2003, and saying the information was "hush hush." Fleischer relayed that information to reporters. He received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony.
DAVID ADDINGTON: A former counsel to the vice president who now serves as Cheney's chief of staff, Addington said Libby asked him what documents would be available if a CIA employee's spouse was sent overseas. As the leak investigation began, Addington said Libby asked how someone could know a CIA officer was undercover and told him, "I didn't do it."
JUDITH MILLER: A former New York Times reporter, Miller says Libby discussed Plame on June 23 and July 8 of 2003 -- days before Libby says he first learned about the operative. Miller acknowledges she spoke with other government officials, has a spotty memory and cannot be "absolutely, absolutely certain" she did not hear learn about Plame elsewhere.
MATTHEW COOPER: A former Time magazine reporter, Cooper said he had an off-the-record conversation in which Libby confirmed he, too, had heard that Wilson's wife was involved in sending him on the trip to Niger. That appears nowhere in Cooper's notes, however, and his description of the ground rules of the conversation have changed. Defense lawyers say Libby only told Cooper he had heard that, too, from other reporters and did not know whether it was true.
DEBORAH BOND: The chief FBI agent in the leak investigation described the bureau's two interviews with Libby, on Oct. 14 and Nov. 26, 2003. She said Libby said he first learned Wilson's wife worked for the CIA from Cheney about June 12, 2003, but forgot that conversation. Libby told the FBI he thought he was hearing that information for the first time from NBC reporter Tim Russert on July 10 or 11, 2003.
How are AP and the MSM doing?
Homework: Libby: Don't Release Grand Jury Tapes
Little Scooter Libby is toast!! :)
That Gilligan Case sure has misdirection and Soap Opera Intrigue....
But the End it will be the same...
The Smurf will end up being fitted for a baby sized Orange Jumpsuit with Footies!
Good Luck to Smurf on his new career making License Plates for the General Public.
Not even Brewsters Millions will help him then..
I dedicate this Song to Irving "Scooter" Libby! aka THE SMURF
Smurf's Baby Picture
Good song for Scooter! hehe
Looks like smurf was told on june 11th and 12th by a former under sec. of state and a former #3 CIA officia, As well as Chainie
Smurfs CIA briefer says Plame & husband were discussed June 14th. Schmall based that on his notes from the briefing.
Miller says Libby discussed Plame on June 23 and July 8 of 2003 -- days before Libby says he first learned about the operative.
DEBORAH BOND: The chief FBI agent in the leak investigation described the bureau's two interviews with Libby, on Oct. 14 and Nov. 26, 2003. She said Libby said he first learned Wilson's wife worked for the CIA from Cheney about June 12, 2003, but forgot that conversation. Libby told the FBI he thought he was hearing that information for the first time from NBC reporter Tim Russert on July 10 or 11, 2003.
She said he said first learned Wilson's wife worked for the CIA from Cheney about June 12,
Libby told the FBI he thought he was hearing that information for the first time from NBC reporter Tim Russert on July 10 or 11, 2003.
Yeh sure...
They had better put water proof sheets on his little bed...Heehee
Please no more of Mann Coulter or Clarice Feldman!
Thank You!
A little Friday night humor from Anonova News:
Thief caught by false teeth
A suspected car thief was tracked down by police after he left his false teeth at the crime scene.
Police say Wojtek Lekowsky, 54, broke into a car in Czarna Dabrowka in northwest Poland and stole a stereo, but lost his teeth when he tried to make a quick getaway after the car alarm went off.
He was tracked down using dental records. Police charged him with robbery.
Police spokesman Roman Krakowiak said: "He tried to tell us that while the false teeth were his and they had been stolen from him, and he had not been anywhere near the car at the time of the theft. But we knew he is lying through his dentures."
"How are AP and the MSM doing?"
Biloxi's bottom line: Both suck and a waste of my time. Bloggers rule. If you want the fluff fluff foo foo, crapola spin, and bullshit, then turn in the MSM. If you want the meat and potatoes, the bottom line, no sugar coating, and real news, go to the blogsite. I haven't paid attention to one iota of the MSM or some of the geritol network news from the green eye monster tube called "Hellavision." A waste of my time to sit in the unlid coffin or a coach waiting for real news about Irve's trial from the media.
You finally got it Biloxi! Good for you..
Especially after that outing of Meet the Press spin doctors it's real enlightening to see folks as yourself realising that they are nothing but a CON JOB and are paid to manipulate you into THEIR AGENDA and THEIR MINDSET.
Time for Free Thinkers to Emerge from The Caves once again!
How many saw Gerbils Lie-Fest speech ?
Hey Geezerpower,
I strolled your blog site today!
You got some good meet on them bones I see!
Keep up the good work ACE!
Mr. Fitzgerald has alleged that Mr. Libby was involved in helping craft Mr. McClellan's language. But he noted that the statement publicly clearing Mr. Libby also put him in a private bind: Mr. Libby was concerned that he had leaked classified information about Ms. Plame, so he set out to construct a story that would insulate him from being charged with that crime, Mr. Fitzgerald said.
"He has got to tell a story consistent with what the White House has told the world," Mr. Fitzgerald said Thursday. "He is locked in with his feet planted in cement."
Libby Attempts to Bring Bush onto the Bus
"Especially after that outing of Meet the Press spin doctors it's real enlightening to see folks as yourself realising that they are nothing but a CON JOB and are paid to manipulate you into THEIR AGENDA and THEIR MINDSET."
And since I don't have cable, I don't have to waste my breath in the unlid coffin or couch of vegetating my mind on watching Meet the Mess and HardBalls. Timmy and Tweety are beyond nauseating. And the Ann Coulters and Clarice Feldmans in journalism need their own farm to graze at. Today's journalism is pretty much shameful. Many of them are paid journalists in the back pocket of the Gerbil to spread the Gerbil love and uneducate the public. That is why I called this country: the dumbing down of America. Folks need to be educated not entertained. The blogworld has been become the new sheriff in town in the name of journalism. So, many of the senior citizen mindset journalists are getting kicked in the ass by journalists on the web such as David Corn, Murray Waas, FDL, Jason Leopold, and so on.
That's my parting shot for the evening. Got to run. Have a late business meeting tonight. Good night you all. Have a great weekend! Biloximan out!
Thanks GEF
I'm still having fun, and will continue untill the evil cabal moves to paraguay. Well...I might still blog a little bit...heh heh
The MSM doesn't want the public connecting any dots to anything if they do report bits and pieces of anything. The good reporters, they punish to a desk reading the "hard news", while the ass kissers and whores spin away.
a lil blog will do ya, geezer ;)
Where'd the pictures and sidebar go?
What happened to the stats link?
What the Libby Trial Is Revealing: A Failed Cover-Up. The Mainstream Press Even Ignored the Smoking Gun Memo That Linked Bush to Efforts to Make Libby the Fall Guy for the Valerie Plame Outing. This WP Article is a Rare Exception That Gets to the Heart of the Cheney Orchestrated Betrayal of the CIA.
WASHINGTON -- Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is fighting to keep his grand jury testimony about the leak of a CIA operative's name from being released and broadcast in the media.
Libby's grand jury testimony _ the sworn statements he gave to investigators about his conversations with Vice President Dick Cheney and journalists _ is at the heart of his perjury trial. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald plans to play hours of recordings of that testimony in court next week to bolster his case that Libby lied and obstructed the investigation.
Libby: Don't Release Grand Jury Tapes
LOL Good luck Scooter! You're done!! hehe
Anon @ 9:40:
The pics and sidebar (links) seem to be at the bottom of the page! hmmm..
9:40 - they are all the way at the bottom of the page. Sometimes blogger kicks them down there.
I hope the gmen don't come ):
February 2-4, 2007 -- On January 31, 2007, WMR reported that Deputy CIA Director Stephen Kappes told a recent meeting of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers that although he could not get into details about the situation in Iraq because of its classified nature, if people knew what was happening on the ground, they would become instantly depressed. Yesterday, the CIA delivered its classified National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iraq to George W. Bush. The report states that the situation in Iraq is spiraling out of control and paints a gloomy picture for the future of the country. Just as significant, the report does not blame Iran for the violence in Iraq, a position being advanced by the Bush neo-cons in order to justify a U.S. military attack on Iran. As with Iraq, the neo-cons are ginning up some phony intelligence from their "think tanks" in the United States and Israel to blame Iran for the civil war in Iraq.
Libby: Don't Release Grand Jury Tapes
If he don't want them released he is really asking for it. I could imagine being in traffic court, and asking that the ticket not be released. It all depends on who ya are...
That's my parting shot for the evening.
Good Parting shot! I saw Tweety's receeding hairline split on that one and Tim Rusbucket's Eyeballs came all the way out of his head when you said that Biloxi! LOL*)
However let's pay homage to a few brave compatriots like Lou Dobbs, Keith "I need new sneakers" Olbermann, and Our Favorite Good Ole Gumshoe Brian Ross, as well as some unmentionables from PBS, CSPAN, and NPR!
There's still honor and integrity out there! I've seen it!
But alas. The freelance bloggers are where it's at and Citizen Journalists are teaching the corporates some hard lessons...
Cronkite would be proud folks!
Well we need to see the Grand Jury Gone Wild Tapes.. GJGWT
That's where the good meat is at!
Next thing you know he'll ask to be excused from the trial on account that he got a doctors note that says he can't participate any more..
What a crazy Smurf! LOL*)
Libby can ask all he wants but it's hard evidence baby! Fitz is gonna play those get your popcorn and listen to a story.. a story about a man named Lil Irv who lied!
Anon 9:39,
The MSM doesn't want the public connecting any dots to anything if they do report bits and pieces of anything. The good reporters, they punish to a desk reading the "hard news", while the ass kissers and whores spin away.
Suddenly that comment made me think of the wild west nut bags at Faux.
Michelle "Ditzoid" Malkin & Brit "Spin" Hume come to mind as the worst that TV news has to offer..
A huge Hall of Shame...
ROFLMAO! Little scooter can't play today! He is a fever and his tummy hurts! LOL
Clarice and Coulter need jobs at the Weekly World News where their stories might be considered respectable.
correction: that should have been little Scooter has a fever..
Doctors Note:
Little Scooter has got a raging case of Diarrhea today and can't come to court.
Fitz looked at him the day before!
So, Fitz gave little Scooter diarrhea by looking at him?
You're too much GEF!
G'night Folks,
Time for me to slide out...
Heavens to Mergatroid - Stage Right!
GEF must have watched too many cartoons.
I probably have to plead the 5th on that one, too. I remember playing outdoors as well as watching too much TV as a kid.
Goodnight GEF! :)
clcik me for a GOP roll call
Goodnight Everyone!
John Lennon:
Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one.
Hi, all. Been very busy. Haven't read Thursday's FDL commentary on the trial yet.
Team America,
I hope you can get some rest this weekend. Your country needs you ready to go on Monday. You are in my prayers. Peace and love. God Bless.
Oh, BTW, I saw this post on FDL:
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog ยป Labor. I was in Chicago for the AFSCME Convention in August and I was at that rally. I'm not in that pic, though. Small world we live in.
Bloodthirsty Bitches and Pious Pimps of Power: The Rise and Risks of the New Conservative Hate Culture (Hardcover)
Gerry Spence
Amen, Gerry.
Hey Mr Fitzgerald, make a wish list on your blog before I take off from America. You got about 6 months before I think about escaping to a sane country or at least a bit further from retaliation. I'll check back for it every now and then.
Here is Time Magazine's Free Scooter Libby article. Mr. Kinsley gets a C+ for his essay. There are no ad hominem arguments (Coulter is the epitome of argumentum ad personam) but he backs up his position with an if, then statement at the end.
Typical. What are these folks [not]learning in college?
Interesting speculation can be found at the link below.
Jerk, anon.
Gates trying to undo all Rummy's evils?
Makes you wonder about the Battle of Baghdad Airport. If you look at the dates, location, manner of doesn't makes sense at all.
Raw Story had an article how far Senator Pat Roberts went to cover up for Bush/Cheney, their neocon ilk and their blood quest for war, power and greed.
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