Happy Monday JB's. Hoyer claims that no matter what Pelosi says he will become the new Majority leader. Already there is infighting among the Dems. Can't we all just get along?
I just finished posting a thread on my blog, congratulating John Murtha. I was so happy that he was Pelosi's pick. Murtha is a true leader and an American hero. Murtha spoke truth to power and to the American people regardless of the almost-guaranteed backlash. The sleazely GOP tried to Swift-Boat Murtha and it did not work...Hallelujah! We need more public servants like Murtha.
A very excellent move by Ms. Pelosi to back Murtha. Sorry, Rep. Steny Hoyer.. But Hoyer's words in the month of May came back and bit him in the ass when he attacked comedian Stephen Colbert for poking fun at the Gerbil and defended the Gerbil. Sometimes is it is better to keep your mouth shut and keep your opinions to yourself. But, we do need someone like Murtha who is very strong in military and has been the outspoken critic of the Gerbil and the Ambien.
President Bush's wax likeness is taking a thumpin' these days at Madame Tussaud's celebrity waxworks in Las Vegas. Bush's head suffered about $25,000 in damages when a Madame Tussaud's visitor attacked it the day before last week's elections.
"No one's pushed one over before," said Jack Taylor, spokesman for the tourist attraction. Bush has needed repairs a number of times, mostly from having his nose pinched, Taylor added. "This was the most damage" to one of the wax figures, he said. "People are always touching them, but this was pretty rare."
I cannot imagine what people will do to the real Bush!
I like what Murtha has done for the troops too. He's like a good grandpa...even if rumor says he did steer some contracts to his bro
I agree about women not supporting women when they "make it". When I taught in women's prisons I saw more cooperation and support! Unfortunately some professional women can be another story.
the cost of living in the dc area is outrageous-gotta make 6 figures just to live...I see some private intel firms downsizing and houses going for the begging in northern VA. So maybe the cost will be going down soon. I'm sure the locals blame the GOP loss...
Waxen Dubya defilement is not surprising. Fleshen Dubya is the only Prez to ever have his Inaug motorcade egged. Clinton still has flowers tossed his way around the world. Flesh Dubya has grenades thrown at him.
Apparently I'm the last to read Madsen...though I figured out there must be a proffer...sorry Fitz!
Observers note the unusual professional relationship between Fitzgerald and Karl Rove's defense attorney Robert Luskin. Insiders believe that Fitzgerald may be proffered a carefully crafted deal by Luskin whereby Rove will testify to Cheney's primary role in the outing of Mrs. Wilson and her firm. The sealed indictment of Rove will then be retired permanently. If such a deal is worked out, Fitzgerald may then offer a deal to Lewis I. "Scooter" Libby, Cheney's former Chief of Staff, to also testify against Cheney. With such double-barreled testimony, President Bush will then be compelled to ask Cheney for his resignation or face a very nasty and public indictment.
President Bush likes Will Ferrell's Bush impersonation, but the warm feelings aren't mutual. Ferrell says he has twice turned down invitations from Bush to perform. "In both cases, I especially did not want to do the inevitable photo op afterwards where we are all holding hands. That would have been a gesture of support."
First, a wax museum visitor thumps the chimpster's waxed head and now he gets dissed from Will Farrell..
Anthrax hoaxer may be Free Republic poster: Developing-Rawstory
WASHINGTON - A California man suspected of mailing threatening letters containing a suspicious white powder to celebrities and U.S. politicians has been arrested and could face federal charges on Monday, the FBI said.
Investigators identified Chad Castagana, 39, of Woodland Hills, California, as the person suspected of sending more than a dozen threatening letters to media outlets and the homes of public figures in various cities, the FBI said in a statement on Sunday evening.
A battle is shaping up between Democrats and the White House over the Military Commissions Act, signed into law last month by President George W. Bush. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is expected to take over as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and The (Calif.) Daily Journal reports that Leahy is drafting a bill to undo portions of the new law in an effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants. A spokeswoman for Leahy told the newspaper the bill would be intended to repeal portions of the law that prevent some detainees from pursuing federal court challenges to the government's authority to hold them indefinitely.
Will Farrell's superb impersonation was yanked from SNL due the direct order of Bush One. That is no secret and is just like Nixon's abuse of power having had the Smothers Brothers Show cancelled...at that time it was the #1 rated comedy show on the air.
The House that Rahm Built Rahm Emanuel, Chicago's profane, ruthless, savvy operative, remade the Democrats in his image--and helped the party overcome 12 years of humiliation.
Interesting story on Emanuel, hope he is a good egg, too.
I spoke with Lisa Pinto, receptionist, for Congressman Henry Waxman today. I did tell you that I would notify Waxman to follow up his investigations. As you are aware that Waxman is trying to sort through which investigation that he wants to pursue first. I had told the Ms. Pinto that Waxman should pursue first the Abu Ghraib prison manner since there is the Germany is pursuing Gonzo and Rummy for Abu Ghraib torturing. This will nail the Gerbil and the Ambien. Waxman should investigate that first because that connects to the KBR-Halliburton war profiteers. Ms. Pinto agreed with me. She told me that she will tell Mr. Waxman my recommendation. Waxman will be updated on his website on his investigations. On a foot note, this week is the lame duck session with the GOP congress. So, alot of the Democrats agenda will not be put in place until January. In other words, the Democrats want to wipe the slate clean from the GOP garbage at the end of this year to have a fresh start come January. But, she was very nice on the phone. So, I know can be informed from Waxman's office. I will periodically look on his website for updates.
Testing the Definition of "Terrorism": Luis Posada Carriles and the U.S.
Oct. 6 -- Thirty years ago today, a bomb exploded on a Cubana Airlines plane over the Caribbean Sea, resulting in the death of all 73 passengers on board. The anniversary of this terrorist attack "coincides with a critical juncture in the case of Luis Posada Carriles," the Washington Post explains. Posada is wanted by both Cuba and Venezuela on charges of terrorism for his alleged role in the bombing. He is also suspected of involvement in a series of hotel bombings in Havana, Cuba, in 1997.
Outrage at London sting by US spies Undercover American agents are staging secret 'sting' operations in Britain against criminal and terrorist suspects they want to extradite to the US. In a recent operation, agents from America's Department of Homeland Security set up a suspect by posing as dealers wanting to illegally sell night-vision goggles for export to Iran.
You are welcome.. Man, it was differcult for me to to call Waxman's office because the receptionist's voice mail was full. Waxman has a lot on his plate. Oh, forgot to mantion that he will be updating his investigation on his website under the link: government reform.. I just looke there but nothing is updated yet. I am sure that once he makes the decision on which investigation that he will pursue first, it will be posted on his website. Also, I told Ms. Pinto that I know that Katrina victims and 9/11 families are looking for answers. And these are extremely important and must not be ignored but Abu Ghraib investigation with Germany will nail the Gerbil and the Ambien. With those two nimrods out of the way, at least we can get a more honest and productive investigation into 9/11 and Katrina (and Brownie is certainly not out of the woods).
Hi s-q, by the way about your Blog Entry named Prodigal Son Returns...
gerbil41 is a globalist evildoer, he's a little more tame than the gerbil jr but gerbil41 is an extreme danger to the Constitution of the United States...
Him being on board gives me no comfort...
gerbil41 was the first one who told his buddies about the NWO in his speech..
A new era he said.
Between the gerbils and the clinton's this nation has been sold out!
With the Democrats now in power, this give them the leeway to ask for best prosecutors to work on investigations such as 9/11 an Katrina. When the GOP wwre in charged, the Democrats couldn't any good and bipartisan prosecutors to become invloved in those investigators. I am sure that Fitz's name will come up in a 9/11 investigation and/or the investigation of the President. It would be nice of the unsong Prosecutors to finally get recognition for their work. But, there will be plenty of investigations for the prosecutors to pick and choose... First, we need to work getting the emperor that has been buck naked for 6 years and the Darth Cheney out of office.
Free Republic’s very own Chad Castagana sent the White Powder to Olbermann, anti-war celebrities, journalists, and politicians
C&L reported earlier on the guy who sent the fake anthrax around. Who would have thought that a right wing conservative would be involved in terrorist activities?
"Who would have thought that a right wing conservative would be involved in terrorist activities?"
It makes Bin Laden look like a choir boy. We can't find Bin Laden and yet we have a U.S. citizen invloved in terrorist activities. Makes you question the chimpster saying that our country is "safer."
quote: First, we need to work getting the emperor that has been buck naked for 6 years and the Darth Cheney out of office.
Oh I agree. It should be a Top down effort starting with the cases that involve the head "suspected" evildoers then work your way down to the group leaders, then the hired muscle, and finally the pawns who went along the evildoing for money..
Prioritize it by gravest damage to the Constitution and the Security of the USA..
By Security I mean destroying our work base which will eventually destroy our nation.
The Head Kingpins are all responsible for these grave errors..
One the "terrorist operations" called the Gerbil Administration is dismantled and the two suspected terrorists of this country, Gerbil and Ambien, are removed, people like Porkrind, Hadley/Badley, Andrew Card, Girlfriday and others will be a piece of cake.
"Prioritize it by gravest damage to the Constitution and the Security of the USA.."
And I agree since that is what the Gerbil and the Ambien had tried to destroy in this country..
"The Head Kingpins are all responsible for these grave errors.."
gerbil41 is a globalist evildoer, he's a little more tame than the gerbil jr but gerbil41 is an extreme danger to the Constitution of the United States... =================================== GEF:
Hey there big guy! :)
Well, I couldn't agree with you more! I don't care for ANY of the Bush clan! Gerbil 43 has a track record of failure.. and daddy (Gerbil 41) always gets his little Dubya off the hook! I just wish for once, #43 would have to be held accountable for something!
But, it all goes back to Prescott Bush and the family history...the Bushs & the Walkers..and FOUR generations of Skull & Bones..a family history of crime and corruption! ___________________________________
CHICAGO: Testifying Monday in the federal trial of an American citizen accused of helping finance the Palestinian militant group Hamas, former New York Times reporter Judith Miller portrayed herself as a skeptical journalist who saw no signs that Muhammad Salah had been tortured when she was given unprecedented access to witness his 1993 prison interrogation.
On cross-examination, attorney Deutsch suggested repeatedly that Miller had a bias towards Israel and her sources in Israeli intelligence. "I consider myself a friend of some Israelis," Miller said. "I don't consider myself a friend of Israel."
She declined to comment to E&P following her testimony.
"Have you ever acted as a 'asset' of Mossad? "Deutsch asked, referring to the Isareli spy agency.
"No sir," Miller said, with a soft chuckle.
Fitz, make sure you use disinfectant if Juy is in your presence.
Yes, smart move. With the Democratic party dumping Lamont, and a signal of repudiation of the progressives in the party, she was wise to do this. If the Democratic party thinks that they were voted back in for just treading water, business as usual they had better think again. We are going to need the independant vote and progressive vote in 08. The party had better deliver the goods. Dean was also very instrumental in strengthening the local Democratic base in red states, very important....the party had better recognize who did what and why in this last election.
WASHINGTON -President Bush, appearing at a groundbreaking ceremony Monday for a memorial honoring slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said the National Mall monument will "preserve his legacy for ages
Under overcast skies, Bush joined former President Clinton and a host of civil rights figures and members of Congress to celebrate the monument to be built not far from where King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech on Aug. 28, 1963.
Clinton, who received a standing ovation from the largely black crowd, noted that the memorial will stand between the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. He said it is appropriate for King's memorial to be between the man who helped found the nation and the man who protected the nation's ideals during the Civil War.
I only wished that I could have gone. I look forward to see that memorial of MLK in the near future.
We need help from God to fight these evildoers! :)
Actually, it was Samuel Prescott Bush...Gerbil43's Great-Grandfather...
"Just two years later, in 1901 he returned to Columbus to be General Manager of Buckeye Steel Castings Company, which manufactured railway parts. The company was run by Frank Rockefeller, the brother of oil magnate John D. Rockefeller, and among its clients were the railroads controlled by E. H. Harriman. The Bush and Harriman families would be closely associated at least until the end of World War II. In 1908 Rockefeller retired and Bush became President of Buckeye, a position he would hold until 1927, becoming one of the top industrialists of his generation.
In the spring of 1918, Bush became chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms, and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board of Bernard Baruch - a close associate of E.H. Harriman and Clarence Dillon - with national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with weapons companies including Remington (at the time controlled by Percy Rockefeller- who along with Averill Harriman took time to arrange for Harriman's and Bush's sons Bunny Harriman and Prescott Bush to be admitted to Yale University's Skull and Bones in 1916.) Remington dominance of ammunition and small arms contracts during World War I continued during Bush's government service and many years beyond.
Samuel Bush was a close advisor to President Herbert Hoover."
Legacy: "The filthy gerbils.." ================================= GEF:
I'm sure you already knew all that about the Gerbils and you could probably write the book without researching anything! LOL However, I posted that info for those that may not know much about them. :)
Interesting that the Gerbils and the Rockefellers go way back...
Thank you "einstein you are not" for your comment at 5.32 PM.
This is what smart people like myself would call an ad hominem argument.
That's "ad hominem". Now, you say it. Listen and repeat after me: "AD HOMINEM!"
"einsten you are not” says: "Ad HNMMNHHMHNMMHMNNHHM!!!!"
Anthony responds: "Now for morons like yourself, "einstein you are not", who cannot address the issues but who can only attack the messenger, an ad hominem argument is what happens when someone smarter than yourself like me presents a proposition backed up by evidence that poses a threat to your comfortable little belief system, and, in order to reduce the threat, you have to resort to personal attacks, rather than actually address the issues.
So, “einsten you are not”, do us all a bloody favour, leave the serious discussion on this blog site to the big boys and girls, and just fuck off!
Thanks for the blogg compliment, I'm a good finder-why do ya think my phone is tapped hehe
Can't wait to sue em for it-they'll really hate what I do with the $$...being a thrifty gal, I can live on next to nothing;-)
Fitz globe looks like its about to fly off its axis heehee
Anthony, maybe I missed it but you must be English? I like the way you spell-I'm several tablespoons English too;-) Disregard any trolls
great post Patriot Girl! I like to keep up on that being an Ohioan:-) Notice the AG LOST her spot over that-and the new one will be very busy investigating Blackwell-though most of the investigation part is done-we'll just hand him the file...
Mel Martinez is taking over for Ken "The Talking Point" Mehlman at the GOP. Hmmm… Mel was the guy that passed out talking points on the floor on how to use the Terri Schiavo affair for political gain.
The legal counsel to Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) admitted yesterday that he was the author of a memo citing the political advantage to Republicans of intervening in the case of Terri Schiavo, the senator said in an interview last night.—Martinez, a freshman who was secretary of housing and urban development for most of President Bush's first term, said he had not read the one-page memo. He said he inadvertently passed it to Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), who had worked with him on the issue. After that, officials gave the memo to reporters for ABC News and The Washington Post.
Article 2 - The Executive Branch Section 4 - Disqualification
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
If another Bi-partisan Investigation into 9/11 is not started and all the issues of the people addressed then the People's investigations and conclusions from such documentaries as Terror Storm and Loose Change, convicts the Executive branch of Treason as it concludes that it was an Inside Job with Possibly the Pentagon as being complicit.
yes, t, I'm english, and I rejoice in the differences between AE (american english) and BE (british english). It makes life so much more interesting. visited the USA in 2004, summer, when country was very much divided by forthcoming elections, and watched DNC every night in my room in lower west side YMCA in noo yoik, when not watching red sox! I loved evey minute of the 15 days i spent in america. miss it and can't wait to go back one day. it's now five past ten. must go to bed. sleep innocently, antoine. XXX
If we don't Investigate, Indict and Impeach then the Next President will gain complete Authoritarian rule over the United States and it will be finished...
Sorry, I disgree with you and Patriot Girl on this. We all agree on this blog that the Gerilb and Ambien must be impeached as you mention on Article 2 Section 4. But, putting a rush on impeachment when the Democrats has taken the House since last week only feeds to the naysayer GOPs that the Democrats are seeking revenge. It will be the "eye for an eye" mentality. When the Gerbil took office for the 2 terms, he told the American people that he wanted to gain the public's trust. But, this is the same person who punished and targeted certain companies that voted for Kerry. And the Gerbil did this out of malice and revenge. If the Democrats start acting like that, then the Democrats are no different than the GOPs. But, I think the Democrats are going to do what the Nixon era did: let the American people demand for the Gerbil to be remove and not just simply the blue states.
The House Judiciary Committee carried three articles of impeachment. The 21 Democrats on the Committee all supported Articles 1 and 2. Walter Flowers and James Mann voted against Article 3. Amongst the Republicans, 6 supported Article 1 and 6 supported Article 2, but only 5 members supported both. Only 2 members supported Article 3. Lawrence Hogan, from Maryland, was the only Republican to support all 3 Articles. Of the 17 Republicans on the Committee, 10 voted against all 3 Articles.
Charles Rangel and John Conyers Jr. were the ones on that committee. Ad nthey have the experience in the Nixon impeachment.
This is not the time to remove the Gerbil since there is stil the lame duck session with the GOP. But, in January of 2007, when the Democrats have control in Congress, yes, I do see a push by the people along with live signatures by people (and not just relying on a poll on the internet) to petition to Congresd to have the President removed.
quote: But, I think the Democrats are going to do what the Nixon era did: let the American people demand for the Gerbil to be remove and not just simply the blue states.
Please Mr. Fitzgerald, Help us here in Illinois. Blagojevich is going to lay off state employees for no other reason than "HE CAN'. Please hurry up with those indictments before we all lose our jobs!! I am very serious about this. Please help us!!
I saw the poll. But, where are the actual signatures of the 87% of the Americans who want the Gerbil out????
And how do you think the state of California got to recall ex-Democratic Governor Gray Davis and ousted him out! Petition and live signatures!!!
We should learn from his Porkrind rigged the election and spread bogus propaganda to the world that the American people were behind the President! You talk a lot about using paper ballot so much. What about having written proof from the people that they want the Gerbil gone?
Are referring to Rush Limbaugh? If so, please...Who cares about him.. Now, his popularity is in the toilet, of course he will turn the other cheek.
"NSA "Domestic" Wiretaps.."
Yes, and amongst other things. The Gerbil screwed his own party over. That is why you hear more and more GOPs turning their backs on the Gerbil. The more GOPs turn their backs on the Gerbil the more determine that they want the Gerbil gone.. When that happens, then the media cannot say that JUST the Democrats want to remove the Gerbil. It will the American people plus both political parties wanting the Gerbil gone...
But, where are the actual signatures of the 87% of the Americans who want the Gerbil out????
I have many of them from Ohio-haven't worked on more cause I'm here not there;-)
NSA "Domestic" Wiretaps..yes and when I ask repubs who say "I have NOTHING to hide" I say really? Do you want your daughter-in-law to know what you said about her to your best friend-ya should see the look on their faces...then they say NO rather bluntly heehee
Anthony, this is a free speech zone and someones just jealous of your cool sounding accent;-)
British plan withdrawal as blast kills four Senior British sources have been suggesting for some time that the reason British troops remain in such numbers is that Prime Minister Tony Blair was reluctant to embarrass US President George W.Bush with any withdrawal announcements before last week's US elections.
British army chief General Richard Dannatt provoked controversy last month when he said the British troop presence in southern Iraq "exacerbates the security problems".
There is little doubt that, given the option, British troops would have been pulled out earlier. Britain's agreement to lead the NATO deployment in Afghanistan was based on the assumption that its troops in Iraq would have been largely withdrawn by the start of this year.
The British are preparing to hand Basra over to the Iraqis by March, allowing a cut in forces to just over 3000.
"I have many of them from Ohio-haven't worked on more cause I'm here not there;-)"
But what about the other 50 states? That is what I am getting at. Jackie informed me that in the state of California, two cities had on a ballot measure to impeach the Gerbil the Ambien. Both of them passed. One passed by 77% and the other by 56%. And there are quite of of number of states that had ballot measurers that wanted the impeach the Gerbil and the Ambien. But, I would like to see all of the states have that type of measure. But that took a lot of petitions from the people to get that measure on the ballot. Yes, I do believe a lot of people want the President gone. But, I loke to see actual signatures. And believe me, I have signed many signature to impeach the Gerbil.
The Gerbil is getting what he deserved. His own party is turning on him. The Gerbil knows that if his GOP friends turn on him, then his plans goes up in flames. And he will be a man without a country and party at the end of his Baskin Robbins presidency!
Their power grabs are based on the 9/11 event which is the people have deemed an Inside Job.. =================================== GEF:
So, proving that 9/11 was an inside job...would in fact prove that everything else was a conjob to fool the American people!
Too bad we couldn't have one huge investigation... compiling everything together..connecting every single dot..and that would take them all down by proving 9/11 was a lie. :)
Air Force One crashed in the middle of rural America. Panic stricken the Secret Service mobilized and descended on the farm in force. When they got there, the wreckage was clear. The aircraft was totally destroyed with only a burned hulk left smoldering in a tree line that bordered a farm. Secret Service descended upon the smoking hulk but could find no remains of the crew or the President's staff. To their amazement, a lone farmer was plowing a field not too far away as if nothing at all happened. They hurried over to surround the man's tractor.
"Sir," the senior Secret Service agent asked, panting and out of breath.
"Did you see this terrible accident happen?"
"Yep. Sure did." The man muttered unconcernedly.
"Do you realize that is the President of the United States airplane?"
"Were there any survivors?" the agent gasped.
"Nope. They's all kilt straight out." The farmer sighed cutting off his tractor motor. "I done buried them all myself. Took most of the morning."
"The President of the United States is dead?" The agent gulped in disbelief.
"Well," the farmer sighed, obviously wanting to get back to his work. "He kept a-saying he wasn't ... but you know what a liar he is."
quote: The Gerbil knows that if his GOP friends turn on him, then his plans goes up in flames. And he will be a man without a country and party at the end of his Baskin Robbins presidency!
Well it was such a shock to Porkrind that in front of media he's saying that it changes nothing that the Democrats won but back at the WH he's probably still trying to figure out what went wrong...
Those beads of sweat are overtaking Porkrind as he continually hears gerbil's words as a wicked recording in his mind:
"Obviously, I was working harder than him!" - gerbil
People are suspecting that 9/11 was a Gulf of Tonkin...
Here's the thing s-q..
"If the US Govt has nothing to hide about 9/11 then why not put fourth a wide bi-partisan investigation into it and addressing all the people's questions ?"
Like all the Video/Audio that's still being held by the FBI..
If we could bring Thermite experts to testify on the photos of sliced metals and we can get Demolition experts to testify on Building 7 then those boys up in DC are done for and they know it...
Yes, it was because he didn't deliver to the Gerbil and to the GOP as he promised. And he had to face the same media who he said with conference that the GOP will win November election. And how can you come back to the same medisa in which he now look like an ass?
Right now, Porkrind is a liability. And if the Gerbil's friend won't help him, do you really think the Gerbil will help Porkrind? Nope! Every man for himself. Porkrind is getting what he deserve and more.. And he should be worry because he is on the radar of the Wilsons!
"If the US Govt has nothing to hide about 9/11 then why not put fourth a wide bi-partisan investigation into it and addressing all the people's questions ?" =================================== GEF:
I believe it is on the Dems agenda but Iraq is the first priority! We gotta get our troops out of there asap! It's getting worse everyday!
Also, Katrina investigation and all the other investigations... NSA Warrantless Wiretaps, and all that you previously mentioned.
So, the Dems have so much work to do and I think they will take action...once they are in office.
Next year should be very interesting, to say the least. :)
The blood of up to 1 million victims rests on the hands of anyone involved on 9/11. One has to be a cold, evil narcissistic ass to block that out of the mind and try to justify any actions/accomplishments.
Rescuers are still dying, the mass murderers are responsible for their deaths/illnesses too. Anyone still believing those lies put out, needs to get with researching the truth.
While you are out it, think of who didn't die and about OKC and '93 WTC.
Washington, DC - Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) questioned soon-to-be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) commitment to eradicating corruption with her endorsement of one of the most unethical members in Congress, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), to be Majority Leader of the House of Representatives.
Rep. Murtha was listed in CREW's report Beyond DeLay: The 20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress (and five to watch). As reported in the study and by the news media, Rep, Murtha has been involved in a number of pay-to play schemes involving former staffers and his brother, Robert "Kit" Murtha.
Eight incumbents in CREW's report lost their races to ethics issues.
CREW's report can be found at www.beyonddelay.org.
By MATT APUZZO The Associated Press Monday, November 13, 2006; 6:17 PM
WASHINGTON -- Classified information will be key evidence in the CIA leak trial and Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald went too far in his proposal to limit its release, a federal judge ruled Monday.
Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is charged with lying to investigators in the case and wants to present classified material at his trial in January to show jurors that he had a lot on his mind and couldn't remember details about the leak.
U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton said Libby has a right to use some classified material at trial in January. Walton has not said publicly what must be allowed, and both sides are arguing behind closed doors over how the information will be blacked out for jurors.
Did Israel use a secret new uranium-based weapon in southern Lebanon this summer in the 34-day assault that cost more than 1,300 Lebanese lives, most of them civilians?
We know that the Israelis used American "bunker-buster" bombs on Hizbollah's Beirut headquarters. We know that they drenched southern Lebanon with cluster bombs in the last 72 hours of the war, leaving tens of thousands of bomblets which are still killing Lebanese civilians every week. And we now know - after it first categorically denied using such munitions - that the Israeli army also used phosphorous bombs, weapons which are supposed to be restricted under the third protocol of the Geneva Conventions, which neither Israel nor the United States have signed.
Israel and the U.S. need to examine their own evil policies before judging others. Humanity should demand it.
If the gerbil were impeached tomorrow I would still want a 9/11 investigation to be started because of all those anti-constitutional laws on the books there were instituted because of it.
What are we trying to give to the world if we're curtailing it at home ?
Today on Fox News Sunday, White House counselor Dan Bartlett said the federal government does not need to negotiate lower prices for seniors. Bartlett said that prices have “come down” and drugs are already cheap enough. He concluded, “the proof is in the pudding.”
Bartlett is still laughable telling his lies.
The rescuers have spoken out and made videos on youtube concerning their health and comments about 9/11.
Well SBP, I can only take care of one state-and could really use some help with it*LOL*
Yeah E that was really funny heeheehee
Like all the Video/Audio that's still being held by the FBI..
Yes, Geffy we all want to see it. The pentagon tape Judicial Watch got outta them has so many missing frames, even an novice can see it!
I heard Citgo has some good tape-but someone said that particular station is owned by the pentagon? I haven't verified it-but if that's the case, no wonder...I'm certain it would tell the "rest of the story"...
Lieberman--AKA TurnCoat Joe
And yes S-Q what's done is done-getting our nations kids out of Iraq should be priority one-you know its mine!
Barlett- I have a word for him: "Shut-up!" heehee Good grief if I wanna hear a man lie to me, I'll go to a bar at midnight *LOL*
If the gerbil were impeached tomorrow I would still want a 9/11 investigation to be started because of all those anti-constitutional laws on the books there were instituted because of it. =================================== GEF:
Oh, absolutely! I didn't mean to imply that it should be swept under the rug! No! It's not about revenge...it's about restoring our Constitution and holding that as the highest law of our land! Those laws NEVER should have been broken in the first place!! How can anyone be expected to abide by rules in this country... when the President destroys the very laws that have ruled this country for so many years?
November 13, 2006 -- LATE EDITION. Ken Mehlman to be replaced by Florida Sen. Mel Martinez.
It has been announced that Ken Mehlman will be replaced as Republican National Committee chairman by Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) who will keep his seat in the Senate. Martinez's choice to clean up the RNC is strange considering the fact that Mehlman has been implicated in Pagegate and that Mark Foley's and Tom Reynolds' former Chief of Staff Kirk Fordham, also involved in Pagegate, was Martinez's finance chairman in his Senate campaign. This move may merely be the rearrangement of the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Walton told Fitzgerald to "go back to the drawing board and come forth with a more balanced proposal."
Fitz, ya didn't wanna give the baby man a little somethin' somethin'? Good. Me neither...not that it will help his case even when you do.
Teak, yes thank you for posting that info-young soldier complained these yellow ribbon people probably wouldn't buy him a McDonalds cheeseburger-nice to see Golden Corral DOES support the troops:-)
I used to live in an apartment below the one rented by one of their managers. We were just casual freinds that hardly knew each just and mostly by mail box chat sometimes, but about 3-4 times a week she would come home at night, knock on my door later and just just ravaged my young male bod.
ast Saturday, Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold announced that he will not seek the Democratic nomination for president. The next day, he held his 1,000th town hall meeting among his constituents since he took office in 1992.
Feingold is one of the good guys in Washington. Best known for being the second sponsor of the 2002 Campaign Finance Reform Act with John McCain, Feingold has long been a champion for Wisconsinites and progressive causes. He has always been against Iraq, was the only Senator to vote against the USA PATRIOT Act, introduced a resolution to censure President Bush for illegal wiretapping, and advocates universal health care.
Yeah and those toes..Oh they're wonderfull..LOL*) they are, painted in deep rose heehee (hot pink in spring*) foot fetish man haha
Look at this all, from Rense... Now, how exactly did Lieberman win TWO elections and his two opponents got exactly the SAME number of votes at exactly 448,077 votes each time?
"In Connecticut Ned Lamont (Dem.) lost EXACTLY with THE SAME number of votes as did Phil Giordano (Rep.) collected in 2000."
The last two years of the Bush administration will most closely resemble the Clinton years, where scandal after scandal after scandal battered the president’s image and ratings. But, unlike the GOP assault on Clinton, the Democrats will stay on financial issues rather than stray into the personal. The results will be devastating for the Republicans and their prospects in 2008.
Yep...Between him and McCain kissing and hugging on Dubya, I will lose my groceries. It's business like usual and good that Nancy is a friend of Murtha...
"Well SBP, I can only take care of one state-and could really use some help with it*LOL*"
Well, T, there is an old saying that mentor of mine told me: it takes an individual to win a trophy but it takes a team to win a championship. I commend you for helping your state. But, my point is that it takes a team for a mojority of people in every state to petition for the President to be remove. If the people took a stance on Nov. 7 to punish Congress and the GOP and send a message, it can and will happen again.
"Porkrind is about to be thrown to the Lions Imho.."
Well, GEF, you dig your well first before you get thirsty. In Porkrind's case, he dug his well way too late!
Porkrind is about to be thrown to the Lions Imho..
A group of Republicans will go tell Bush and Cheney they have to resign...and..Cheney will grab his shotgun and start shooting at them...at Arlen Specter. LOL
This lady would like to hang him out to dry. Too bad there is no demand for rat hide...
Secretary of the State State of Connecticut 30 Trinity Street Hartford, CT 06106
Dear Ms. Bysiewicz,
I am writing in my capacity as Political Director of the Committee for a Unified Independent Party, Inc. We are a national organization which advocates for and represents the interests of independent voters, including many in Connecticut who are concerned about the independent candidate status your office is about to confer on Senator Joseph Lieberman.
I want to bring to your immediate attention a significant omission in the submission of Senator Joseph Lieberman to legally qualify himself for the ballot as the U.S. Senate candidate of the Connecticut for Lieberman Party. I believe this constitutes a fatal flaw in Mr. Lieberman’s petition and necessitates the removal of his name from the November, 2006 ballot.
The failure occurred in his submission of the “Application for Nominating Petition” filed by the Connecticut for Lieberman Party with your office on July 10, 2006. Specifically, no identity was provided of the Applicant as required; i.e. the space where the name and address of the Applicant should appear was left vacant. Consequently, Mr. Lieberman’s disembodied submission does not meet the requirements of Sec. 9-453b of Connecticut Election Law which specifies that “the person requesting” nominating petition forms must supply a range of information. As the “Application for Nominating Petition” form makes plain, disclosure of the identity of the applicant is required information. Mr. Lieberman’s submission failed to provide it.
s-q max and sydney warburg are another two interesting ones to put in the harriman bonespile. Along with I.G. Farben. Oh yeah didn't Pamela Harriman put up major bucks to fund Slick Willie's campaign? Averills ex wife .. My favorite youtube clip is Sarah McClendon asking Slick about mena ark airport tied to Iran Contra... http://www.political-reform.net/clinton.htm
Gerbil41 is the key to a lot that is wrong and has been done to our country.
He made a remark at Ronald Reagan's funeral that made me really start to wonder about him. (yes, I was politically/ computer brain dead before) He said--that he learned more about compassion from Ronnie Reagan from serving with him then anyone. Reagan wasn't so compassionate either I found out, IMHO.
I remember wondering how does someone get to be that old and not know compassion? Empathy?
What I've learned since about 41 and his family/friends is truly appalling.
Interesting the Harriman (or Brown Bros.) names hasn't been mentioned before on this blog, I wondered why about that too.
I also wondered why some people on this blog rush and call people a kook when clearly we have heard the clip or remember 41 speaking the words "New World Order". Or why they do that when that phrase is all over the net? Is there a whitewashing happening in this country?
I have always wanted to ask people on this blog, so do you believe and support this "New World Order"? What exactly is it? Sure, some make it sound good...but actions do speak louder than words. What religion do you support anyway?
We are a country and planet of enablers allowing ourselves to victimized by our silence. We did show on Nov. 7th that we do have some power left, but we must use what little that is to take it beyond. Sticking our heads in the sand now will not make things change, the voices and actions of millions can only do that.Ignoring that this country and our allies play both sides of a conflict for chaos to divide and conquer only makes us weaker. One voice is weak but millions can deafen.
Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally
- I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly
Happy Monday JB's. Hoyer claims that no matter what Pelosi says he will become the new Majority leader. Already there is infighting among the Dems. Can't we all just get along?
Let's not accuse Nancy of being a sexist just yet, but I like Jane too.
Good Morning Fitzie and Justice Bloggers...
I just finished posting a thread on my blog, congratulating John Murtha. I was so happy that he was Pelosi's pick. Murtha is a true leader and an American hero. Murtha spoke truth to power and to the American people regardless of the almost-guaranteed backlash. The sleazely GOP tried to Swift-Boat Murtha and it did not work...Hallelujah! We need more public servants like Murtha.
Go Murtha and Pelosi!!!
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A very excellent move by Ms. Pelosi to back Murtha. Sorry, Rep. Steny Hoyer.. But Hoyer's words in the month of May came back and bit him in the ass when he attacked comedian Stephen Colbert for poking fun at the Gerbil and defended the Gerbil. Sometimes is it is better to keep your mouth shut and keep your opinions to yourself. But, we do need someone like Murtha who is very strong in military and has been the outspoken critic of the Gerbil and the Ambien.
The GOP plays the blame game and throws King Gerbil under the bus.
On the Free Republic they are blaming Rush Limbaugh for the Senate loss. They are saying his mocking of Michael J Fox lost the Senate for the GOP.
President Bush's wax likeness is taking a thumpin' these days at Madame Tussaud's celebrity waxworks in Las Vegas.
Bush's head suffered about $25,000 in damages when a Madame Tussaud's visitor attacked it the day before last week's elections.
"No one's pushed one over before," said Jack Taylor, spokesman for the tourist attraction.
Bush has needed repairs a number of times, mostly from having his nose pinched, Taylor added.
"This was the most damage" to one of the wax figures, he said. "People are always touching them, but this was pretty rare."
I cannot imagine what people will do to the real Bush!
I like what Murtha has done for the troops too. He's like a good grandpa...even if rumor says he did steer some contracts to his bro
I agree about women not supporting women when they "make it". When I taught in women's prisons I saw more cooperation and support! Unfortunately some professional women can be another story.
the cost of living in the dc area is outrageous-gotta make 6 figures just to live...I see some private intel firms downsizing and houses going for the begging in northern VA. So maybe the cost will be going down soon. I'm sure the locals blame the GOP loss...
*LOL* poor waxen Dubya
Waxen Dubya defilement is not surprising. Fleshen Dubya is the only Prez to ever have his Inaug motorcade egged. Clinton still has flowers tossed his way around the world. Flesh Dubya has grenades thrown at him.
Apparently I'm the last to read Madsen...though I figured out there must be a proffer...sorry Fitz!
Observers note the unusual professional relationship between Fitzgerald and Karl Rove's defense attorney Robert Luskin. Insiders believe that Fitzgerald may be proffered a carefully crafted deal by Luskin whereby Rove will testify to Cheney's primary role in the outing of Mrs. Wilson and her firm. The sealed indictment of Rove will then be retired permanently. If such a deal is worked out, Fitzgerald may then offer a deal to Lewis I. "Scooter" Libby, Cheney's former Chief of Staff, to also testify against Cheney. With such double-barreled testimony, President Bush will then be compelled to ask Cheney for his resignation or face a very nasty and public indictment.
It must be Monday!
Have a good one! :)
Does Murtha have a stated opinion on 9/11?
Who can blame Will Farrell?
President Bush likes Will Ferrell's Bush impersonation, but the warm feelings aren't mutual. Ferrell says he has twice turned down invitations from Bush to perform. "In both cases, I especially did not want to do the inevitable photo op afterwards where we are all holding hands. That would have been a gesture of support."
First, a wax museum visitor thumps the chimpster's waxed head and now he gets dissed from Will Farrell..
It's a hard job!
Anthrax hoaxer may be Free Republic poster: Developing-Rawstory
WASHINGTON - A California man suspected of mailing threatening letters containing a suspicious white powder to celebrities and U.S. politicians has been arrested and could face federal charges on Monday, the FBI said.
Investigators identified Chad Castagana, 39, of Woodland Hills, California, as the person suspected of sending more than a dozen threatening letters to media outlets and the homes of public figures in various cities, the FBI said in a statement on Sunday evening.
Raw story link
Anthrax hoaxer may be Free Republic poster...
Raw story.
There is a good reason why they are called wingNUTS!
Thank goodness he is not a poster here! ;)
A battle is shaping up between Democrats and the White House over the Military Commissions Act, signed into law last month by President George W. Bush.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is expected to take over as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and The (Calif.) Daily Journal reports that Leahy is drafting a bill to undo portions of the new law in an effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants.
A spokeswoman for Leahy told the newspaper the bill would be intended to repeal portions of the law that prevent some detainees from pursuing federal court challenges to the government's authority to hold them indefinitely.
It should be a priority, eh?
Will Farrell's superb impersonation was yanked from SNL due the direct order of Bush One. That is no secret and is just like Nixon's abuse of power having had the Smothers Brothers Show cancelled...at that time it was the #1 rated comedy show on the air.
"It's a hard job!"
LMAO, Anon! That's a good one..
I'm waiting for the wax figures of the 109th "do nothing" Congress to hit Vegas. Lord knows how much damage will be done to those wax figures..
But I post here. You can expect your krispy kreme in the mail any day now...
The House that Rahm Built
Rahm Emanuel, Chicago's profane, ruthless, savvy operative, remade the Democrats in his image--and helped the party overcome 12 years of humiliation.
Interesting story on Emanuel, hope he is a good egg, too.
For GEF only:
I spoke with Lisa Pinto, receptionist, for Congressman Henry Waxman today. I did tell you that I would notify Waxman to follow up his investigations. As you are aware that Waxman is trying to sort through which investigation that he wants to pursue first. I had told the Ms. Pinto that Waxman should pursue first the Abu Ghraib prison manner since there is the Germany is pursuing Gonzo and Rummy for Abu Ghraib torturing. This will nail the Gerbil and the Ambien. Waxman should investigate that first because that connects to the KBR-Halliburton war profiteers. Ms. Pinto agreed with me. She told me that she will tell Mr. Waxman my recommendation. Waxman will be updated on his website on his investigations. On a foot note, this week is the lame duck session with the GOP congress. So, alot of the Democrats agenda will not be put in place until January. In other words, the Democrats want to wipe the slate clean from the GOP garbage at the end of this year to have a fresh start come January. But, she was very nice on the phone. So, I know can be informed from Waxman's office. I will periodically look on his website for updates.
Went over to Free Republic and not a word about this Anthrax hoax story.
What a surprise!
Testing the Definition of "Terrorism": Luis Posada Carriles and the U.S.
Oct. 6 -- Thirty years ago today, a bomb exploded on a Cubana Airlines plane over the Caribbean Sea, resulting in the death of all 73 passengers on board. The anniversary of this terrorist attack "coincides with a critical juncture in the case of Luis Posada Carriles," the Washington Post explains. Posada is wanted by both Cuba and Venezuela on charges of terrorism for his alleged role in the bombing. He is also suspected of involvement in a series of hotel bombings in Havana, Cuba, in 1997.
What is Terrorism ?
The all new Bush reaches out to Democrats, or at least that's what he says
The only thing that the chimpster will reach out to with a 100% chance is the bottle!
Outrage at London sting by US spies
Undercover American agents are staging secret 'sting' operations in Britain against criminal and terrorist suspects they want to extradite to the US.
In a recent operation, agents from America's Department of Homeland Security set up a suspect by posing as dealers wanting to illegally sell night-vision goggles for export to Iran.
daily mail - uk
Good Afternoon to Fitz and The Justice Bloggers,
YOU-DA'-MAN! *cheers*
Oh Tee, you got ma Tail waggin' bad..That dog is friendly...
hee hee hee! :)
This Video is a Must See folks:
Elizabeth Holtzman, Esq, at a forum in Philadelphia, PA, on Nov. 11, 2006, calls for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and V.P. Richard Cheney. She is a former Congresswoman from NYC, and an ex-member of the legendary House's Judiciary Committee, in 1974. It drove President Richard M. Nixon out of office for his Watergate-related crimes.
You are welcome.. Man, it was differcult for me to to call Waxman's office because the receptionist's voice mail was full. Waxman has a lot on his plate. Oh, forgot to mantion that he will be updating his investigation on his website under the link: government reform.. I just looke there but nothing is updated yet. I am sure that once he makes the decision on which investigation that he will pursue first, it will be posted on his website. Also, I told Ms. Pinto that I know that Katrina victims and 9/11 families are looking for answers. And these are extremely important and must not be ignored but Abu Ghraib investigation with Germany will nail the Gerbil and the Ambien. With those two nimrods out of the way, at least we can get a more honest and productive investigation into 9/11 and Katrina (and Brownie is certainly not out of the woods).
Hi s-q, by the way about your Blog Entry named Prodigal Son Returns...
gerbil41 is a globalist evildoer, he's a little more tame than the gerbil jr but gerbil41 is an extreme danger to the Constitution of the United States...
Him being on board gives me no comfort...
gerbil41 was the first one who told his buddies about the NWO in his speech..
A new era he said.
Between the gerbils and the clinton's this nation has been sold out!
I think they should gather the Best Prosecutors in the Nation and recruit as many as they need then Open ALL those investigations in parallel.
Whoever needs to cross testify will receive multiple Subpoenas as required and no one will be immune from testifying...NO ONE!
By Cross testify I mean is if xxx has to testify monday at trial a and wednesday at trial b then he'll receive 2 subpoenas for that week and so on..
With the Democrats now in power, this give them the leeway to ask for best prosecutors to work on investigations such as 9/11 an Katrina. When the GOP wwre in charged, the Democrats couldn't any good and bipartisan prosecutors to become invloved in those investigators. I am sure that Fitz's name will come up in a 9/11 investigation and/or the investigation of the President. It would be nice of the unsong Prosecutors to finally get recognition for their work. But, there will be plenty of investigations for the prosecutors to pick and choose... First, we need to work getting the emperor that has been buck naked for 6 years and the Darth Cheney out of office.
Free Republic’s very own Chad Castagana sent the White Powder to Olbermann, anti-war celebrities, journalists, and politicians
C&L reported earlier on the guy who sent the fake anthrax around. Who would have thought that a right wing conservative would be involved in terrorist activities?
"Who would have thought that a right wing conservative would be involved in terrorist activities?"
It makes Bin Laden look like a choir boy. We can't find Bin Laden and yet we have a U.S. citizen invloved in terrorist activities. Makes you question the chimpster saying that our country is "safer."
First, we need to work getting the emperor that has been buck naked for 6 years and the Darth Cheney out of office.
Oh I agree. It should be a Top down effort starting with the cases that involve the head "suspected" evildoers then work your way down to the group leaders, then the hired muscle, and finally the pawns who went along the evildoing for money..
Prioritize it by gravest damage to the Constitution and the Security of the USA..
By Security I mean destroying our work base which will eventually destroy our nation.
The Head Kingpins are all responsible for these grave errors..
Anon 1:43,
These are the same people that question our Patriotism for questioning the gerbil's FAILED policies..
Turnabout Intruder!
One the "terrorist operations" called the Gerbil Administration is dismantled and the two suspected terrorists of this country, Gerbil and Ambien, are removed, people like Porkrind, Hadley/Badley, Andrew Card, Girlfriday and others will be a piece of cake.
"Prioritize it by gravest damage to the Constitution and the Security of the USA.."
And I agree since that is what the Gerbil and the Ambien had tried to destroy in this country..
"The Head Kingpins are all responsible for these grave errors.."
Yes, they are.. Remove the two germs!
gerbil41 is a globalist evildoer, he's a little more tame than the gerbil jr but gerbil41 is an extreme danger to the Constitution of the United States...
Hey there big guy! :)
Well, I couldn't agree with you more! I don't care for ANY of the Bush clan! Gerbil 43 has a track record of failure.. and daddy (Gerbil 41) always gets his little Dubya off the hook! I just wish for once, #43 would have to be held accountable for something!
But, it all goes back to Prescott Bush and the family history...the Bushs & the Walkers..and FOUR generations of Skull & Bones..a family history of crime and corruption!
Hey, let's just give a Rebel Yell! :)
Rebel Yell
Judy Miller is in the news:
Judith Miller Testifies in Israeli 'Torture' Case
CHICAGO: Testifying Monday in the federal trial of an American citizen accused of helping finance the Palestinian militant group Hamas, former New York Times reporter Judith Miller portrayed herself as a skeptical journalist who saw no signs that Muhammad Salah had been tortured when she was given unprecedented access to witness his 1993 prison interrogation.
On cross-examination, attorney Deutsch suggested repeatedly that Miller had a bias towards Israel and her sources in Israeli intelligence. "I consider myself a friend of some Israelis," Miller said. "I don't consider myself a friend of Israel."
She declined to comment to E&P following her testimony.
"Have you ever acted as a 'asset' of Mossad? "Deutsch asked, referring to the Isareli spy agency.
"No sir," Miller said, with a soft chuckle.
Fitz, make sure you use disinfectant if Juy is in your presence.
"Who would have thought that a right wing conservative would be involved in terrorist activities?"
How many times was Bush attacked physically from the Left wing? Zero.
And what did Clinton endure from the Right?
An attempted crashing of a light aircraft into the WH. A spray of AK-47 bullets into the same also...and there were other events too.
It came from the hatred and lies of ones like Limbaugh, Coulter and Liddy.
Dangerous cranks are easily provoked.
Yes, smart move. With the Democratic party dumping Lamont, and a signal of repudiation of the progressives in the party, she was wise to do this.
If the Democratic party thinks that they were voted back in for just treading water, business as usual they had better think again.
We are going to need the independant vote and progressive vote in 08. The party had better deliver the goods.
Dean was also very instrumental in strengthening the local Democratic base in red states, very important....the party had better recognize who did what and why in this last election.
Who will be the next FOX NEWS Analyst?
Well, let's see:
1. The FOX Coult(er)!
2. Bill Frist - FOX-Medical Video Expert
3. Mike Dewhiner - FOX-Stature Comment
4. Ted Haggard -
FOX-Faith(basing) Hour or Hour of Sin
5. Karl Rove - The FOX and the CLOWN
6. George W. Bush - FOX Money News from "The Google" expert
7. FOX Crossfire-show that teams up Rummy and Scrotum as they give their analysis on where the WMD are located
Anon 2:27,
Don't worry, we're gonna prosecute them all with the same anti-terror laws that they helped put into place!
Hi s-q, :)
Rebel Yell is right...
I'm getting a little help from Heaven..
A memorial for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
WASHINGTON -President Bush, appearing at a groundbreaking ceremony Monday for a memorial honoring slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said the National Mall monument will "preserve his legacy for ages
Under overcast skies, Bush joined former President Clinton and a host of civil rights figures and members of Congress to celebrate the monument to be built not far from where King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech on Aug. 28, 1963.
Clinton, who received a standing ovation from the largely black crowd, noted that the memorial will stand between the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. He said it is appropriate for King's memorial to be between the man who helped found the nation and the man who protected the nation's ideals during the Civil War.
I only wished that I could have gone. I look forward to see that memorial of MLK in the near future.
Breaking News:
Sen Mel Martinez to replace Ken Mehlman as RNC Chair.
We need help from God to fight these evildoers! :)
Actually, it was Samuel Prescott Bush...Gerbil43's Great-Grandfather...
"Just two years later, in 1901 he returned to Columbus to be General Manager of Buckeye Steel Castings Company, which manufactured railway parts. The company was run by Frank Rockefeller, the brother of oil magnate John D. Rockefeller, and among its clients were the railroads controlled by E. H. Harriman. The Bush and Harriman families would be closely associated at least until the end of World War II. In 1908 Rockefeller retired and Bush became President of Buckeye, a position he would hold until 1927, becoming one of the top industrialists of his generation.
In the spring of 1918, Bush became chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms, and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board of Bernard Baruch - a close associate of E.H. Harriman and Clarence Dillon - with national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with weapons companies including Remington (at the time controlled by Percy Rockefeller- who along with Averill Harriman took time to arrange for Harriman's and Bush's sons Bunny Harriman and Prescott Bush to be admitted to Yale University's Skull and Bones in 1916.) Remington dominance of ammunition and small arms contracts during World War I continued during Bush's government service and many years beyond.
Samuel Bush was a close advisor to President Herbert Hoover."
Sen Mel Martinez to replace Ken Mehlman as RNC Chair.
Sh@t! I'm screwed again. Now, I am homeless...
Legacy: "The filthy gerbils.."
Mel Martinez ???
Isn't he under Investigation yet ?
That GOP Cuban is dirty and there's not much GOP Koolaid to go around...
Michael Steele:
Don't worry. There's job openings at Pizza Hut. I just saw little Ricky applying there.
"Mel Martinez ???
Isn't he under Investigation yet ?"
Well, Martinez will have a short employment at RNC. You might as well have Bin Laden the head of DHS!
Legacy: "The filthy gerbils.."
I'm sure you already knew all that about the Gerbils and you could probably write the book without researching anything! LOL
However, I posted that info for those that may not know much about them. :)
Interesting that the Gerbils and the Rockefellers go way back...
Rockefellers= banking, money, stockmarket
Gerbils= war, war and more war
war = money (taxpayers money)
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Who's screwing Michael Steele?
Thank you "einstein you are not" for your comment at 5.32 PM.
This is what smart people like myself would call an ad hominem argument.
That's "ad hominem". Now, you say it. Listen and repeat after me: "AD HOMINEM!"
"einsten you are not” says: "Ad HNMMNHHMHNMMHMNNHHM!!!!"
Anthony responds: "Now for morons like yourself, "einstein you are not", who cannot address the issues but who can only attack the messenger, an ad hominem argument is what happens when someone smarter than yourself like me presents a proposition backed up by evidence that poses a threat to your comfortable little belief system, and, in order to reduce the threat, you have to resort to personal attacks, rather than actually address the issues.
So, “einsten you are not”, do us all a bloody favour, leave the serious discussion on this blog site to the big boys and girls, and just fuck off!
Good Afternoon All,
Hi Geffy...long time no "see" ;-)
Thanks for the blogg compliment, I'm a good finder-why do ya think my phone is tapped hehe
Can't wait to sue em for it-they'll really hate what I do with the $$...being a thrifty gal, I can live on next to nothing;-)
Fitz globe looks like its about to fly off its axis heehee
Anthony, maybe I missed it but you must be English? I like the way you spell-I'm several tablespoons English too;-) Disregard any trolls
great post Patriot Girl! I like to keep up on that being an Ohioan:-)
Notice the AG LOST her spot over that-and the new one will be very busy investigating Blackwell-though most of the investigation part is done-we'll just hand him the file...
More on Mel Martinez:
Mel Martinez is taking over for Ken "The Talking Point" Mehlman at the GOP. Hmmm… Mel was the guy that passed out talking points on the floor on how to use the Terri Schiavo affair for political gain.
The legal counsel to Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) admitted yesterday that he was the author of a memo citing the political advantage to Republicans of intervening in the case of Terri Schiavo, the senator said in an interview last night.—Martinez, a freshman who was secretary of housing and urban development for most of President Bush's first term, said he had not read the one-page memo. He said he inadvertently passed it to Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), who had worked with him on the issue. After that, officials gave the memo to reporters for ABC News and The Washington Post.
Terri Schaivo memo
Hi Patriot Girl, :)
Well Mrs Pelosi needs to put Impeachment right back on that table because as the article said:
"Impeachment, of course, is a matter of Constitutional law, not personal discretion on the part of individual lawmakers!"
The Socialist Democrats can squirm and brush it off all they want but this thing is not going away...
Neither is the 9/11 Truth Movement.
2/3rd of the American People want Justice done and if that means dividing the 1/3 then so be it.
The Majority rules in this country and not one group or person.
Article 2 - The Executive Branch
Section 4 - Disqualification
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
If another Bi-partisan Investigation into 9/11 is not started and all the issues of the people addressed then the People's investigations and conclusions from such documentaries as Terror Storm and Loose Change, convicts the Executive branch of Treason as it concludes that it was an Inside Job with Possibly the Pentagon as being complicit.
So Impeachment is no way off the table..
yes, t, I'm english, and I rejoice in the differences between AE (american english) and BE (british english). It makes life so much more interesting. visited the USA in 2004, summer, when country was very much divided by forthcoming elections, and watched DNC every night in my room in lower west side YMCA in noo yoik, when not watching red sox! I loved evey minute of the 15 days i spent in america. miss it and can't wait to go back one day. it's now five past ten. must go to bed. sleep innocently, antoine. XXX
a tad testy, eh? i know a moron when i hear one, little man.
Patriot Girl,
If we don't Investigate, Indict and Impeach then the Next President will gain complete Authoritarian rule over the United States and it will be finished...
The days of the strong executive are through...
Sorry, I disgree with you and Patriot Girl on this. We all agree on this blog that the Gerilb and Ambien must be impeached as you mention on Article 2 Section 4. But, putting a rush on impeachment when the Democrats has taken the House since last week only feeds to the naysayer GOPs that the Democrats are seeking revenge. It will be the "eye for an eye" mentality. When the Gerbil took office for the 2 terms, he told the American people that he wanted to gain the public's trust. But, this is the same person who punished and targeted certain companies that voted for Kerry. And the Gerbil did this out of malice and revenge. If the Democrats start acting like that, then the Democrats are no different than the GOPs. But, I think the Democrats are going to do what the Nixon era did: let the American people demand for the Gerbil to be remove and not just simply the blue states.
I went back and read on the impeachment of Nixon:
Analysis of the Impeachment Votes of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives
The House Judiciary Committee carried three articles of impeachment. The 21 Democrats on the Committee all supported Articles 1 and 2. Walter Flowers and James Mann voted against Article 3.
Amongst the Republicans, 6 supported Article 1 and 6 supported Article 2, but only 5 members supported both. Only 2 members supported Article 3. Lawrence Hogan, from Maryland, was the only Republican to support all 3 Articles. Of the 17 Republicans on the Committee, 10 voted against all 3 Articles.
Charles Rangel and John Conyers Jr. were the ones on that committee. Ad nthey have the experience in the Nixon impeachment.
Articles of Impeachment Adopted by the Committee on the Judiciary
This is not the time to remove the Gerbil since there is stil the lame duck session with the
GOP. But, in January of 2007, when the Democrats have control in Congress, yes, I do see a push by the people along with live signatures by people (and not just relying on a poll on the internet) to petition to Congresd to have the President removed.
But, I think the Democrats are going to do what the Nixon era did: let the American people demand for the Gerbil to be remove and not just simply the blue states.
Uh huh..and now what ?
Please Mr. Fitzgerald, Help us here in Illinois. Blagojevich is going to lay off state employees for no other reason than "HE CAN'. Please hurry up with those indictments before we all lose our jobs!! I am very serious about this. Please help us!!
Fact: Republicans are more online than Democrats. So that 360,000 reveals an astonishing fact!
I saw the poll. But, where are the actual signatures of the 87% of the Americans who want the Gerbil out????
And how do you think the state of California got to recall ex-Democratic Governor Gray Davis and ousted him out! Petition and live signatures!!!
We should learn from his Porkrind rigged the election and spread bogus propaganda to the world that the American people were behind the President! You talk a lot about using paper ballot so much. What about having written proof from the people that they want the Gerbil gone?
You know what's got even Die hard Republicans mad at gerbil and want him impeached ?
This is the problem:
NSA "Domestic" Wiretaps..
That sunk Nixon too..
What about having written proof from the people that they want the Gerbil gone?
Even Rush wants him gone...
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"Even Rush wants him gone..."
Are referring to Rush Limbaugh? If so, please...Who cares about him.. Now, his popularity is in the toilet, of course he will turn the other cheek.
"NSA "Domestic" Wiretaps.."
Yes, and amongst other things. The Gerbil screwed his own party over. That is why you hear more and more GOPs turning their backs on the Gerbil. The more GOPs turn their backs on the Gerbil the more determine that they want the Gerbil gone.. When that happens, then the media cannot say that JUST the Democrats want to remove the Gerbil. It will the American people plus both political parties wanting the Gerbil gone...
GEF and SPB,
But, where are the actual signatures of the 87% of the Americans who want the Gerbil out????
I have many of them from Ohio-haven't worked on more cause I'm here not there;-)
NSA "Domestic" Wiretaps..yes and when I ask repubs who say "I have NOTHING to hide" I say really? Do you want your daughter-in-law to know what you said about her to your best friend-ya should see the look on their faces...then they say NO rather bluntly heehee
Anthony, this is a free speech zone and someones just jealous of your cool sounding accent;-)
The Gerbil screwed his own party over
Yep, The Republicans in Nixons time didn't like being spied on either...
Americans don't enjoy that as much as the British do..
Speaking of our British bro's
British plan withdrawal as blast kills four
Senior British sources have been suggesting for some time that the reason British troops remain in such numbers is that Prime Minister Tony Blair was reluctant to embarrass US President George W.Bush with any withdrawal announcements before last week's US elections.
British army chief General Richard Dannatt provoked controversy last month when he said the British troop presence in southern Iraq "exacerbates the security problems".
There is little doubt that, given the option, British troops would have been pulled out earlier. Britain's agreement to lead the NATO deployment in Afghanistan was based on the assumption that its troops in Iraq would have been largely withdrawn by the start of this year.
The British are preparing to hand Basra over to the Iraqis by March, allowing a cut in forces to just over 3000.
Breaking News from ABCNEWS.com:
Another GOP evildoer wants to be President! No surprise!
"I have many of them from Ohio-haven't worked on more cause I'm here not there;-)"
But what about the other 50 states? That is what I am getting at. Jackie informed me that in the state of California, two cities had on a ballot measure to impeach the Gerbil the Ambien. Both of them passed. One passed by 77% and the other by 56%. And there are quite of of number of states that had ballot measurers that wanted the impeach the Gerbil and the Ambien. But, I would like to see all of the states have that type of measure. But that took a lot of petitions from the people to get that measure on the ballot. Yes, I do believe a lot of people want the President gone. But, I loke to see actual signatures. And believe me, I have signed many signature to impeach the Gerbil.
That's right tee that's the Crux of the matter...
"NSA 'Domestic' Wiretaps"..
This was more Carte Blanche that extended from the not yet properly investigated 9/11 event.
Along with:
The UnPatriot Act,
Torture Law(Enabling Act)
and suspension of Posse Comitatus
Their power grabs are based on the 9/11 event which is the people have deemed an Inside Job..
thanks, t, point taken.
The Gerbil is getting what he deserved. His own party is turning on him. The Gerbil knows that if his GOP friends turn on him, then his plans goes up in flames. And he will be a man without a country and party at the end of his Baskin Robbins presidency!
He's gonna hear only crickets on the primaries...
Hee hee hee!
Their power grabs are based on the 9/11 event which is the people have deemed an Inside Job..
So, proving that 9/11 was an inside job...would in fact prove that everything else was a conjob to fool the American people!
Too bad we couldn't have one huge investigation... compiling everything together..connecting every single dot..and that would take them all down by proving 9/11 was a lie. :)
Joke time
Air Force One crashed in the middle of rural America. Panic stricken the Secret Service mobilized and descended on the farm in force. When they got there, the wreckage was clear. The aircraft was totally destroyed with only a burned hulk left smoldering in a tree line that bordered a farm. Secret Service descended upon the smoking hulk but could find no remains of the crew or the President's staff. To their amazement, a lone farmer was plowing a field not too far away as if nothing at all happened. They hurried over to surround the man's tractor.
"Sir," the senior Secret Service agent asked, panting and out of breath.
"Did you see this terrible accident happen?"
"Yep. Sure did." The man muttered unconcernedly.
"Do you realize that is the President of the United States airplane?"
"Were there any survivors?" the agent gasped.
"Nope. They's all kilt straight out." The farmer sighed cutting off his tractor motor. "I done buried them all myself. Took most of the morning."
"The President of the United States is dead?" The agent gulped in disbelief.
"Well," the farmer sighed, obviously wanting to get back to his work. "He kept a-saying he wasn't ... but you know what a liar he is."
The Gerbil knows that if his GOP friends turn on him, then his plans goes up in flames. And he will be a man without a country and party at the end of his Baskin Robbins presidency!
Well it was such a shock to Porkrind that in front of media he's saying that it changes nothing that the Democrats won but back at the WH he's probably still trying to figure out what went wrong...
Those beads of sweat are overtaking Porkrind as he continually hears gerbil's words as a wicked recording in his mind:
"Obviously, I was working harder than him!" - gerbil
Ha ha ha!
LOLMAO! That was great! :)
People are suspecting that 9/11 was a Gulf of Tonkin...
Here's the thing s-q..
"If the US Govt has nothing to hide about 9/11 then why not put fourth a wide bi-partisan investigation into it and addressing all the people's questions ?"
Like all the Video/Audio that's still being held by the FBI..
If we could bring Thermite experts to testify on the photos of sliced metals and we can get Demolition experts to testify on Building 7 then those boys up in DC are done for and they know it...
Yes, it was because he didn't deliver to the Gerbil and to the GOP as he promised. And he had to face the same media who he said with conference that the GOP will win November election. And how can you come back to the same medisa in which he now look like an ass?
Right now, Porkrind is a liability. And if the Gerbil's friend won't help him, do you really think the Gerbil will help Porkrind? Nope! Every man for himself. Porkrind is getting what he deserve and more.. And he should be worry because he is on the radar of the Wilsons!
Porkrind is getting what he deserve and more.. And he should be worry because he is on the radar of the Wilsons!
Porkrind is about to be thrown to the Lions Imho..
If you thought I was shrill in the past just wait!
"If the US Govt has nothing to hide about 9/11 then why not put fourth a wide bi-partisan investigation into it and addressing all the people's questions ?"
I believe it is on the Dems agenda but Iraq is the first priority! We gotta get our troops out of there asap! It's getting worse everyday!
Also, Katrina investigation and all the other investigations...
NSA Warrantless Wiretaps, and all that you previously mentioned.
So, the Dems have so much work to do and I think they will take action...once they are in office.
Next year should be very interesting, to say the least. :)
The blood of up to 1 million victims rests on the hands of anyone involved on 9/11. One has to be a cold, evil narcissistic ass to block that out of the mind and try to justify any actions/accomplishments.
Rescuers are still dying, the mass murderers are responsible for their deaths/illnesses too. Anyone still believing those lies put out, needs to get with researching the truth.
While you are out it, think of who didn't die and about OKC and '93 WTC.
Washington, DC - Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) questioned soon-to-be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) commitment to eradicating corruption with her endorsement of one of the most unethical members in Congress, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), to be Majority Leader of the House of Representatives.
Rep. Murtha was listed in CREW's report Beyond DeLay: The 20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress (and five to watch). As reported in the study and by the news media, Rep, Murtha has been involved in a number of pay-to play schemes involving former staffers and his brother, Robert "Kit" Murtha.
Eight incumbents in CREW's report lost their races to ethics issues.
CREW's report can be found at www.beyonddelay.org.
The Associated Press
Monday, November 13, 2006; 6:17 PM
WASHINGTON -- Classified information will be key evidence in the CIA leak trial and Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald went too far in his proposal to limit its release, a federal judge ruled Monday.
Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is charged with lying to investigators in the case and wants to present classified material at his trial in January to show jurors that he had a lot on his mind and couldn't remember details about the leak.
U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton said Libby has a right to use some classified material at trial in January. Walton has not said publicly what must be allowed, and both sides are arguing behind closed doors over how the information will be blacked out for jurors.
Did Israel use a secret new uranium-based weapon in southern Lebanon this summer in the 34-day assault that cost more than 1,300 Lebanese lives, most of them civilians?
We know that the Israelis used American "bunker-buster" bombs on Hizbollah's Beirut headquarters. We know that they drenched southern Lebanon with cluster bombs in the last 72 hours of the war, leaving tens of thousands of bomblets which are still killing Lebanese civilians every week. And we now know - after it first categorically denied using such munitions - that the Israeli army also used phosphorous bombs, weapons which are supposed to be restricted under the third protocol of the Geneva Conventions, which neither Israel nor the United States have signed.
Israel and the U.S. need to examine their own evil policies before judging others. Humanity should demand it.
Anon 6:28,
I think someone should document these people and get their eyewitness testimony on Video before they die.
Documenting 9/11 Rescuers is a race with the Undertaker..
We could use that Video in court on a later date when investigations begin!
If the gerbil were impeached tomorrow I would still want a 9/11 investigation to be started because of all those anti-constitutional laws on the books there were instituted because of it.
What are we trying to give to the world if we're curtailing it at home ?
Today on Fox News Sunday, White House counselor Dan Bartlett said the federal government does not need to negotiate lower prices for seniors. Bartlett said that prices have “come down” and drugs are already cheap enough. He concluded, “the proof is in the pudding.”
Bartlett is still laughable telling his lies.
The rescuers have spoken out and made videos on youtube concerning their health and comments about 9/11.
Folks today are Sponsored just like NASCAR drivers..
"Bartlett Sponsored by BIG PHARMA"
Lieberman to Become what he always was...
A NeoCONjob
Well SBP, I can only take care of one state-and could really use some help with it*LOL*
Yeah E that was really funny heeheehee
Like all the Video/Audio that's still being held by the FBI..
Yes, Geffy we all want to see it. The pentagon tape Judicial Watch got outta them has so many missing frames, even an novice can see it!
I heard Citgo has some good tape-but someone said that particular station is owned by the pentagon? I haven't verified it-but if that's the case, no wonder...I'm certain it would tell the "rest of the story"...
Lieberman--AKA TurnCoat Joe
And yes S-Q what's done is done-getting our nations kids out of Iraq should be priority one-you know its mine!
Barlett- I have a word for him: "Shut-up!" heehee Good grief if I wanna hear a man lie to me, I'll go to a bar at midnight *LOL*
Kudos and a big Thank you to Golden Corral Restaurants for the free meal to our veterans and active duty troops.
If the gerbil were impeached tomorrow I would still want a 9/11 investigation to be started because of all those anti-constitutional laws on the books there were instituted because of it.
Oh, absolutely! I didn't mean to imply that it should be swept under the rug! No! It's not about revenge...it's about restoring our Constitution and holding that as the highest law of our land! Those laws NEVER should have been broken in the first place!! How can anyone be expected to abide by rules in this country... when the President destroys the very laws that have ruled this country for so many years?
WMR Wayne Masden Report
November 13, 2006 -- LATE EDITION. Ken Mehlman to be replaced by Florida Sen. Mel Martinez.
It has been announced that Ken Mehlman will be replaced as Republican National Committee chairman by Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) who will keep his seat in the Senate. Martinez's choice to clean up the RNC is strange considering the fact that Mehlman has been implicated in Pagegate and that Mark Foley's and Tom Reynolds' former Chief of Staff Kirk Fordham, also involved in Pagegate, was Martinez's finance chairman in his Senate campaign. This move may merely be the rearrangement of the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Thanks for posting that Jan;-)
Walton told Fitzgerald to "go back to the drawing board and come forth with a more balanced proposal."
Fitz, ya didn't wanna give the baby man a little somethin' somethin'? Good. Me neither...not that it will help his case even when you do.
Teak, yes thank you for posting that info-young soldier complained these yellow ribbon people probably wouldn't buy him a McDonalds cheeseburger-nice to see Golden Corral DOES support the troops:-)
Golden Corral is great!
I used to live in an apartment below the one rented by one of their managers. We were just casual freinds that hardly knew each just and mostly by mail box chat sometimes, but about 3-4 times a week she would come home at night, knock on my door later and just just ravaged my young male bod.
Yes thank you Golden Corral for all you do.
Good grief if I wanna hear a man lie to me, I'll go to a bar at midnight
Heck, I'd lie to ya without the 2 drink minimum Tee...
Yeah and those toes..Oh they're wonderfull..LOL*)
hee hee hee!
ast Saturday, Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold announced that he will not seek the Democratic nomination for president. The next day, he held his 1,000th town hall meeting among his constituents since he took office in 1992.
Feingold is one of the good guys in Washington. Best known for being the second sponsor of the 2002 Campaign Finance Reform Act with John McCain, Feingold has long been a champion for Wisconsinites and progressive causes. He has always been against Iraq, was the only Senator to vote against the USA PATRIOT Act, introduced a resolution to censure President Bush for illegal wiretapping, and advocates universal health care.
Russ Feingold is a man of the people.
Like I said before, the Demos can say anything they want, but none of this is going away because it's much bigger than a two party monopoly..
People died in 9/11, in Iraq, in Afghanistan and in Katrina and Justice must be served for that and Domestic Wiretaps...
Iraq has bankrupted America and they know it. Throwing good money after bad is no answer and neither is waiting on "Only Whens blah blah blah"...
I have no doubt in my mind that Justice is coming and will be served! All evildoers will get their orange jumpsuits! :)
I'm gonna eat one chocolate M&M for 90 days to see what if anything is being done...
That M&M will remind me to look for news of progress on all fronts especially in Iraq.
Yeah and those toes..Oh they're wonderfull..LOL*) they are, painted in deep rose heehee (hot pink in spring*) foot fetish man haha
Look at this all, from Rense...
Now, how exactly did Lieberman win TWO elections and his two opponents got exactly the SAME number of votes at exactly 448,077 votes each time?
"In Connecticut Ned Lamont (Dem.) lost EXACTLY with THE SAME number of votes as did Phil Giordano (Rep.) collected in 2000."
One M&M per day? You can't eat just one! LOL
Anon 7:29 das funny ;-)
I saw that on BradBlog he has it posted also..
The e-vote scam is unwinding...
This might be the Constitutional Crisis I was speaking of..
A Nation-Wide Investigation would ensue by the Feds..
If I eat more than one for 90 days I'll have to carry my stomach around in a shopping cart..
Bad Mojo imho.. ;)
Are you still in DC or VA?
Bad Mojo! LOLMAO
Are those plain or peanut M&Ms?
Ok, GEF, look at this...
Dick Morris: Investigations are a comin’
The last two years of the Bush administration will most closely resemble the Clinton years, where scandal after scandal after scandal battered the president’s image and ratings. But, unlike the GOP assault on Clinton, the Democrats will stay on financial issues rather than stray into the personal. The results will be devastating for the Republicans and their prospects in 2008.
Crooks and Liars
just curious,
I like a third party!
Yep, I read that here...
The Republicans themselves will force gerbils and ambiens' impeachment.
Thanks for bringing it up...
Lieberman to Become what he always was...
Yep...Between him and McCain kissing and hugging on Dubya, I will lose my groceries. It's business like usual and good that Nancy is a friend of Murtha...
"Well SBP, I can only take care of one state-and could really use some help with it*LOL*"
Well, T, there is an old saying that mentor of mine told me: it takes an individual to win a trophy but it takes a team to win a championship. I commend you for helping your state. But, my point is that it takes a team for a mojority of people in every state to petition for the President to be remove. If the people took a stance on Nov. 7 to punish Congress and the GOP and send a message, it can and will happen again.
"Porkrind is about to be thrown to the Lions Imho.."
Well, GEF, you dig your well first before you get thirsty. In Porkrind's case, he dug his well way too late!
Porkrind is about to be thrown to the Lions Imho..
I'm with S-Q on this one. You can't eat just one M&M a day.
They're like Lay's. You can't eat just one!
Go for one small bag a day.
A group of Republicans will go tell Bush and Cheney they have to resign...and..Cheney will grab his shotgun and start shooting at them...at Arlen Specter. LOL
Well, that was an interesting article. :)
That's the math! :)
Hey Geezer:
Are you about to float away up there? I sure don't miss all that rain! But I do miss the ocean. :)
Pretty damp...Feet in the mud and head in the sky...lol
What's in Bush's introduction to the 2006 National Security Strategy?
How Self-Reinforcing Booms Eventually Become Self-Defeating Busts
The Vulnerabilities of Our Feel-Good Society
The Secret Causes & Effects of Terrorism & The War on Terror
If Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” Is Really True
Lieberman to Become what he always was...
Lieberman is worse than a rat! He is more like a hooker and will take the highest bidder! He can't be trusted, that is for sure!!
The worst kind...lol
This lady would like to hang him out to dry. Too bad there is no demand for rat hide...
Secretary of the State
State of Connecticut
30 Trinity Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Dear Ms. Bysiewicz,
I am writing in my capacity as Political Director of the Committee for a Unified Independent Party, Inc. We are a national organization which advocates for and represents the interests of independent voters, including many in Connecticut who are concerned about the independent candidate status your office is about to confer on Senator Joseph Lieberman.
I want to bring to your immediate attention a significant omission in the submission of Senator Joseph Lieberman to legally qualify himself for the ballot as the U.S. Senate candidate of the Connecticut for Lieberman Party. I believe this constitutes a fatal flaw in Mr. Lieberman’s petition and necessitates the removal of his name from the November, 2006 ballot.
The failure occurred in his submission of the “Application for Nominating Petition” filed by the Connecticut for Lieberman Party with your office on July 10, 2006. Specifically, no identity was provided of the Applicant as required; i.e. the space where the name and address of the Applicant should appear was left vacant. Consequently, Mr. Lieberman’s disembodied submission does not meet the requirements of Sec. 9-453b of Connecticut Election Law which specifies that “the person requesting” nominating petition forms must supply a range of information. As the “Application for Nominating Petition” form makes plain, disclosure of the identity of the applicant is required information. Mr. Lieberman’s submission failed to provide it.
s-q max and sydney warburg are another two interesting ones to put in the harriman bonespile. Along with I.G. Farben.
Oh yeah didn't Pamela Harriman put up major bucks to fund Slick Willie's campaign? Averills ex wife ..
My favorite youtube clip is Sarah McClendon asking Slick about mena ark airport tied to Iran Contra...
Gerbil41 is the key to a lot that is wrong and has been done to our country.
He made a remark at Ronald Reagan's funeral that made me really start to wonder about him. (yes, I was politically/ computer brain dead before) He said--that he learned more about compassion from Ronnie Reagan from serving with him then anyone. Reagan wasn't so compassionate either I found out, IMHO.
I remember wondering how does someone get to be that old and not know compassion? Empathy?
What I've learned since about 41 and his family/friends is truly appalling.
Interesting the Harriman (or Brown Bros.) names hasn't been mentioned before on this blog, I wondered why about that too.
I also wondered why some people on this blog rush and call people a kook when clearly we have heard the clip or remember 41 speaking the words "New World Order". Or why they do that when that phrase is all over the net? Is there a whitewashing happening in this country?
I have always wanted to ask people on this blog, so do you believe and support this "New World Order"? What exactly is it? Sure, some make it sound good...but actions do speak louder than words. What religion do you support anyway?
We are a country and planet of enablers allowing ourselves to victimized by our silence. We did show on Nov. 7th that we do have some power left, but we must use what little that is to take it beyond. Sticking our heads in the sand now will not make things change, the voices and actions of millions can only do that.Ignoring that this country and our allies play both sides of a conflict for chaos to divide and conquer only makes us weaker. One voice is weak but millions can deafen.
Juust curious....curious
Have you read and agree with all those articals on educate-youself.org?
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