Mar 21, 2006
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

Previous Posts
- St. Peter - "Please Hold Ms. Harris..."
- From The Horse's Mouth...
- Happy Monday...
- Crossing The International Dateline...
- An I. For An Eye...
- What Am I..?
- Too Sexy For My...
- Ask Yourself "Do I Feel Lucky...?"
- Abramoff Cashing In All Chits...
- Reunited And It Feels So Good..?

Bottomline to the Politcal Summary: Bush's personal agenda has gotten United States in financial trouble and subject to bankruptcy. We have borrowed too much money for international countries and not enough to pay back. It will take a long time for this country to regain the respect from the international leaders and heal financially and emotionally from this corrupted Administration.
And people are not going to be happy to hear about this. Bush held a press conference today. From Thinkprogress. org:
Bush: U.S. Troops Will Remain In Iraq Through The End Of My Presidency
"At this morning’s press conference, President Bush said that U.S. troops would remain in Iraq through the end of his presidency. According to Bush, the question of whether U.S. troops will ever leave Iraq will be one for “future presidents.”
From my previous comments: The longer Bush stays this couple, the more financially bankrupt that this country will be.
Hmmm, if Michael Douglas happens to read this blog [yes, the one w/Ms Catherine Zeta Jones], the American President film in which he played Commander-In-Chief, he was more presidential than this nincompoop who is number 43.
Why? Hmmm, perhaps he and Libby and Tricky Dick the 2nd, are drinking from the same water that causes dementia. Hadley, Bennett and the rest of the WHIGs are more than likely trying this strategy on for size, real-time.
Seemingly a plague running throughout the Administration...
Do Cheney, Bush EVER review anything they have stated in the past 3 years about why we're in Iraq and the systemic failure?
Caught Russert last nite, and Imus this morning on the vast statements of authority they displayed at the time and the horrific contradiction of 'what is'.
Simply beautiful. 43 -- move aside along with the rest of your putrid posse.
You belong in the gutter of hell.
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 21 Mar 2006 at 01:51:02 PM MST is:
The estimated population of the United States is 298,834,817
so each citizen's share of this debt is $27,703.99.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$2.01 billion per day since September 30, 2005!
Understand why we are in trouble with the spending by the Bush Administration????
I saw the press conference and it was staged. None of the real journalist were invited just his do as I say do journalist. Notice all questions were pre agreed and the dummy looked down on the paper during the conference. But we do know that he can't end the invasion it will have to be another President. So who's running the White House. These guys are in to deep in the stealing of oil and making that Halliburton pipe line. As for the dept it was funny as to why. Now he's giving Iraq 1 trillion dollars as we go broke now who's fault is that oh ya ours.
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