Mar 17, 2006
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

Previous Posts
- Abramoff Cashing In All Chits...
- Reunited And It Feels So Good..?
- Is That What Maureen Is Calling About...?
- Don't Mess With Larisa Alexandrovna...
- Photos Of The Week...
- Freedom Of Speech...
- Pooper Scoopers...
- It's Getting Hot In Here...
- Congratulations..!
- The Next Actor Candidate..?

You are our luck and yes I feel lucky. With all the info SPB has given us and the little soldiers memory loss defense who wouldn't feel lucky. Even the media can't hide the lies. I do wish everyone on this blog a wonderful and happy St. Patrick day. Notice how little Bush knows about the Irish. Fitz remember go light on the drinking and only drink with friends. Make a toast to all of us who stand with you and your staff in your fight to bring these guys to justice.
Laddy, sounding a bit cranky today, better go on the annual bender tonight and drink one for me! ;)
Happy Patrick's Day to you.
I just had the famous cabbage and corn beef for lunch with my fellow associates. And had the Irish soda bread for the first time.
I forgot to wish you a Happy St. Patrick Day. Try to relax and enjoy this day. Take it easy on the drinking. Save that when Libby, Rove, and Cheney are convicted and in orange jumpsuits. Then, have that drink on me!
And in the non-Celtic world...
Pakistan bribed the 9/11 commission to omit their role in the attack
From the Telegraph of Calcutta, India.
Pakistan weekly spills 9/11 beans
New Delhi, March 12: The Pakistan foreign office had paid tens of thousands of dollars to lobbyists in the US to get anti-Pakistan references dropped from the 9/11 inquiry commission report, The Friday Times has claimed.
The Pakistani weekly said its story is based on disclosures made by foreign service officials to the Public Accounts Committee at a secret meeting in Islamabad on Tuesday.
It claimed that some of the commission members were also bribed to prevent them from including damaging information about Pakistan.
The magazine said the PAC grilled officials in the presence of foreign secretary Riaz Mohammad Khan and special secretary Sher Afghan on the money paid to lobbyists.
“The disclosure sheds doubt on the integrity and honesty of the members of the 9/11 inquiry commission and, above all, the authenticity of the information in their final report,” it said…
After the commission tipped the lobbyists about the damaging revelations on Pakistan’s role in 9/11, they contacted the panel members and asked them to go soft on the country. The Friday Times claimed that a lot of money was used to silence these members….
An observer at the Islamabad meeting said money could play an important role in buying powerful people. The remark came in response to comments made by some US officials after 9/11 that “Pakistanis will sell their mothers for a dollar”.
Pakistan had emerged as front-runner in the fight against terrorism unleashed by the US after the terror strikes. Washington pumped in billions of dollars to win President Pervez Musharraf’s support in launching a crackdown on al Qaida network thriving on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
Scotty caught in a blunder. Yes, the peanut shaped head Scotty is caught!:
McClellan Falsely Claims “We Are Doing Everything We Can To Protect Our Ports
McClellan claimed “we are doing everything we can to protect our ports.” That’s just not true. For example, one of the programs McClellan touted today – the Container Security Initiative – is only in operation at 43 of the 140 overseas ports that ship directly to the United States due to chronic underfunding. The Sabo amendment would have provided an additional $300 million in funding, enough to extend the program to all 140 ports.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Here is a laugh for all of you!
Saw the post at ThinkProgress. I commented that Snotty Scotty has no shame. Does this administration even care what people think anymore?
I think not. Absolutely Pathological.
Anyway having corned beef and cabbage tonight, with green beer.
Will try not to get too drunk.
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Snotty Scotty?? You are just as bad as I am with names. That's a good one! Anyone of the bloggers can do a better job as Press Secretary than Scotty! The only thing that the Administraion cares about is Benjamin Franklin bills! I have never read and listen to some much poor money management and spending from this Administration!
Switching gears:
1. Government officals posing as journalists. That's right!
"But one part of the preparation for the President's arrival involved two government agents posing as journalists.
Recounting the pre-visit days for WLOX and the Sun Herald, Jerry Akins, who received Bush, mentioned that on the Friday before Bush arrived, two men approached him identifying themselves as members of the media.
He said the men told him they were with Fox News out of Houston, Texas, and were on a "scouting mission" for a story on new construction. They took pictures inside Akins' house, which is under construction and looked up and down the road in the neighborhood.
Akins said he didn't think anything more about them partly because visits from strangers increased exponentially as government agents and Secret Service arrived that Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday before the March 8 visit.
But after the president left Akins' home, the two men again approached Akins and let him know they were not media after all, but were with the governmental entourage."
I was shocked to read that. Administration has gone to far to having government posing as journalists...But, then again, The Administration will try to get what they want.
2. From Americablog, a GOP member of Congress bails out!:
Cong. Boehlert is retiring
by Joe in DC - 3/17/2006 05:19:00 PM
"One of the few non-theocratic GOP members of Congress is calling it quits:
Boehlert, 69, leads a small moderate GOP faction in Congress that has clashed with President Bush over such issues as global warming and spending for social programs."
Who is next?
"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
For Fitz, p
You'll feel really lucky if you ultimately help us get rid of the problem.....
Mr. Fisher is locked away and requires can get him assistance I know and first need the hard documents.
Know that people are doing all they can behind the scenes.....keep it up on your front.
I keep you updated when needed.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A federal judge Friday delayed sentencing of Jack Abramoff, a move the prosecutors requested to further the former lobbyist's cooperation with their investigation.
I just read about Abramoff. Looks like Abramoff is talking more and gives out more names. And with the spotlight on him in Vanity Fair next month, this is not good for the GOP that are trying be re-elected in November. The prosecutors did the right thing!
What I want to know is what is going on in the WH? Is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue , Shag City? From Crooks and Liars:
"Carey was on Scarborough Country, and said that drunk Republicans hit on her more than people at the AVN Porn awards. (rough transcript)
Scarborough: When you're in Washington DC, hanging out with the Republicans, are they on their best behaviour?
Carey: I actually get hit on more in Washington DC, by Republicans that are drunk than I do by porno fans in Vegas.
Scarborough: You've done enough damage to the GOP...
Carey: I want to do damage to you."
And there you go! Talk about moral values? The real question is did Carey do the "chucky" "chucky" with Rove, Bush, or Bush's base. After reading this, I going to wash my hands because the WH is full of fifth!
I just saw the suit that you wore at the press conference with Gonzo. You looked good and I was proud of you. You had the dark suit (perfect), the shirt and tie (perfect), and the distance behind the "germ" Gonzo (perfect). Fitz, try not to spend so much time with the dirty people in Washington. Their diseases are unknown to the medical field with no cure.
Special Prosecutor Biloxi..
That story about Carey reminds me of this movie called Striptease. It's a story about the typical life in florida, seedy congressmen, strip clubs and the drug mafia.
Hell, it stars some folks right out of the columbian sugar cartel of Miami Beach.
But it's also got a interesting epitaph: Republicans love to hit on strippers, wives, pornstars and even little girls. Or just about anything that moves in fact!
That's their old fashioned moral values. And it started in Florida, for sure with the Abramoff mafia as well as his sugar daddy Jeb Bush.
The guy in that movie Lieutenant Garcia he reminds me of Fitzgerald....very odd maybe.
But everytime you see Mr. Fitzgerald, he's putting away some corrupt politician. He never gives up and he drills down the line until you have all the evidence, all of it. And that is absolutely what we need, just like in that movie...put away every dirtbag congressman or woman.
And their flakey scandals. Hell, there's more real whores in washington d.c. than there are in any adult studio, or strip club anywhere!
They're eating up our taxes and shitting out the back end hoping to not get caught, with the hand red in the cookie jar.
Another day, another head line... to start off the weekend
Bush Signs Bill That Didn't Pass
Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA) has alleged in a letter to White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card that President Bush signed a version of the Budget Reconciliation Act that, in effect, did not pass the House of Representatives.
Further, Waxman says there is reason to believe that the Speaker of the House called President Bush before he signed the law, and alerted him that the version he was about to sign differed from the one that actually passed the House. If true, this would put the President in willful violation of the U.S. Constitution.
The full text of the letter
cjt, I KNEW it! Great articles SPB. Waterflake, the president in willfull violation of the Constitution? Say it isn't so...ARG! How much more are we expected to endure?
As a military family, I ask you to find a protest today near you! If you can't send Dubya a post card that simply says "END THE WAR" Thank you, p
Sounds like Washington D.C. is Shag City. It is shame what the Administration has turned this country into. The movie that you mention is exactly the Administration.. Well, another bill that Bush didn't pass? I am not surprised by Bush's actions. Bush has been on a mission of greed, money, and power since he has been in office....
On a side note, I did sign a petition to impeach bush. Also, I ask my representatives in my area to do the same! I want him out as badly as you all do...
You forgot amoral and incompetency and dangerous.
I could go on and on.
BTW, did you see that Fitz has two new posts up?
Your a little late with your dollar bill origami. How long does it take to do that stuff. I tried and I don't want to tell you what happen to my almost origami. Who taught you how to do that? Can you make a rose?
Libby is going to need that 3 leaf clover for his case. At this point, Libby's defense case is like stepping on lizard tails.
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