Your blog is very interesting! Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog. I'll publish on my blog! Thanks Frank EMAIL:
It will be a riotous good time with a glass of wine when home girls be togetha :D
for a good laugh one time i told the girls patrick fitzgerald was my new boyfriend. they didn't get it no- the ding-a-lings scooted their chairs up and said 'oh tell us.' i was forced to say 'psyche!' hehe
Kevin Andre Smoot, who had been the managing director of Eagle Global Logistics's freight forwarding station in Houston, faces up to 15 years in prison and $500,000 in fines.
Another former executive, Christopher Cahill, pleaded guilty in February 2006 to inflating invoices for military shipments to Baghdad through EGL's subcontract with the Haliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root.
Smoot admitted that he lied to federal investigators who questioned him about Cahill's scheme to inflate invoices by adding a "war risk surcharge" of 50 cents for each kilogram of freight transported to Baghdad.
Smoot said he also gave more than $33,000 worth of entertainment to five Houston-based KBR transportation department employees for favorable treatment in getting subcontracts.
The gratuities included food, drinks, golf outings, tickets to rodeo events, baseball and football games. - Hookers too? My my where to begin on these guys when the soldiers couldn't even have a beer in 130 degree weather and away from their families for more than a year..
Sounds like Jim Blackburn, fomer DOJ....was a liar and a crook. People who read true crime books remember this old, old cases, it is interesting looking up them up. Such chaos.
This firm helps get the word out about all the colored little pills. Grey Healthcare Group is a leading advertising and marketing business focused on serving the pharmaceutical and health care industries. With more than 40 offices in 20 countries, it operates through several subsidiary agencies, including GHG Advertising, Nova Grey, Phase Five (medical education and meeting management), Avenue Grey (direct-to-patient marketing), Grey Target Oncology (oncology marketing), GCI Healthcare (public relations), and OnCall (contract sales). Grey Healthcare is a unit of Grey Global Group, which itself is a division of UK-based communications services giant WPP Group. Sample Overview Key Numbers
Key financials for Grey Healthcare Group, Inc. ???? is that this:
Bush Surprises Senate Aides With Unexpected Interruption of White House Meeting
July 17, 2007
by Major Garrett and Trish Turner
Fox News
WASHINGTON — President Bush shocked Capitol Hill staffers and Republican leaders Monday when he crashed a meeting at the White House to deliver a blunt message that he wasn't backing down on Iraq and Republicans need to understand that.
"It was stunning," said one GOP aide who attended the meeting. "We couldn't believe he came in."
"We kept looking at each other, amazed he came in," said another Republican aide.
Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane as he interrupted the meeting between senior White House communications staffers Tony Snow and Ed Gillespie and GOP leaders. His message: the policy on Iraq isn't changing. He is not backing down and no one on Capitol Hill should be confused into thinking he is letting up.
and frances the spokeswoman? she's familiar but i can't place where
She has something to do with when Valerie Plame was outed. I think there might have been some disagreement between the Bush camp and the Cheney camp on hiring in her present position.
I heard someone talking about her on one of mp3 recording awhile back. I hadn't heard of her till then. *They were all but calling her a traitor.
Bush is scared shitless of something, 'course he does have that massive embassy and 14? bases already built in Iraq. The pipeline leading to Israel oil. Maybe he is afraid Turkey will invade the Kurds. All those fancy new buildings in Northern Iraq that no one talks about?
Iran says "confessions" unveil US plot TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that televised "confessions" of two detained American-Iranians unveiled a U.S.-backed plan to topple Iran's clerical establishment. --- so when he and bush speak on this matter, do we just flip a coin to decide who is telling the truth? Or tickle them to make them 'fess up?
Yup, Mara, your Grandmother was right. hi Kitty, if they are mice-will you get em? or men haha Thanks anon re frances... How interesting, maybe why she rings a bell...still thinking met her someplace. hmm Woe to Israel, they just don't get it. While it is a common phenomenon for those oppressed to in turn oppress others, normally people are jailed for taking such actions...
Mara, you cannot change the past but sometimes you have to understand the past (wade through the dysfunction and lies) to live in the present and help the future live without hate, revenge, and evil.
It might be the kindest thing you can do for yourself, let alone your grandmother and her great-grandchildren and in the end humanity. Going with the flow sometimes leads to insanity and certainly does not give one serenity, imho. Knowing about the elephant in the room, remaining silent, or covering it up or worse....makes you the past. jmo.
Judge Bates serves on the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
The judge who just dismissed the Valerie Plame lawsuit serves as a judge on the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, aka the FISA court.
Alberto Gonzales, along with U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, have been accused of failing to take action in regards to hundreds of serious complaints and investigations against dozens of staff members, which concern allegations that teachers, administrators and guards had sex with minor male inmates incarcerated in Texas Youth Commission programs.[33]"
Q Fran, do you know if Osama bin Laden is still on a dialysis machine, is he still ill? What? I mean, could you tell us about that? I mean, because -- it might be laughable, but people are finding it hard, six years this man is sick, moving around from cave to cave, and can't be found -- with a dialysis machine?
MS. TOWNSEND: Have you ever been to the tribal areas? I suspect not.
Q No, I haven't, but I've seen some great pictures from Ken Herman as to the rough terrain over that way. (Laughter.)
MS. TOWNSEND: It's not exactly easy. If it were easy he'd be dead.
Q But it's not easy for him to travel around with medics and machinery if he's sick. I mean, is he -- do you know from your intelligence if he's still sick? What do you know about that?
justice league (link on this blog) has short video clip of the Radio program Pat Fitzgerald was on ;)
CNN dr cutie but medical liar said he was sick, on dialysis, pointing out signs of his illness in photos- in dec 2001 and dr cutie said OBL had 6 months to live tops/how come cnn and him jus fuggedaboutit
"Add to this the fact that the head of Pakistani Intelligence wired 100,000 dollars to Mohammad Atta on the morning of 9/11, yet we still haven't "rendered" this man into our custody to ASK WHY he just happened to pay 100 THOUSAND DOLLARS to the head of 9/11 ON THE MORNING OF 9/11?"
Mr. Barnicle: "The realistic goal probably is to get the Iranians to kill him (Saddam)."
Iraq perspectives
MIKE BARNICLE: Well, I think the op-ed page goal is, you know, to contain Saddam and reduce his ability to wage war with anthrax on his neighbors. The realistic goal probably is to get the Iranians to kill him.
Oh my, PNAC and the media were busy beavers setting up Saddam, Iran and maybe even Clinton?! and of course, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!
8:54 am good one, they act like this stuff was never printed. Clinton, in 1998, tried to block his own aides testimony re him and monica affair-unsuccessfully. court said no way exec priv applies. bush will find out soon or will the Sargent at arms have to escort them into the senate/ that's fine by me. its time bush co understand this is America and not his personal island
Former Newark mayor to be arraigned in federal court
Monday, July 23rd 2007, 4:00 AM
NEWARK, N.J. — Former Newark Mayor Sharpe James, indicted earlier this month on corruption charges, was due back in federal court on Monday for his arraignment.
James,71 who also is a state senator, has maintained his innocence.
Under federal sentencing guidelines, James could face up to eight years in prison if he's convicted on all counts. However, the judge has the authority to impose a much stiffer penalty — as much as 20 years on some individual counts
Anybody know why the ACLU didn't do anything about Bushco's Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq
"It is a simple script. So simple, indeed, that an 8-year-old can understand it. The conclusions are also simple: the good guys have to be supported, the bad guys have to bite the dust. At the end, the hero - George himself - will ride off into the sunset on his noble steed, while the music reaches a crescendo." /////////////////////////////////// "Rove's campaign M.O. typically includes laying out the plan months in advance--and sticking to it no matter what."
The link on SPB's justice league was great. Now those questions were let's say strange. Fitz showed he has a since of humor. Why are so many people interested in Fitz's personal life. He's done pretty good for himself with my help. Now all this talk about a Mrs. Young ladies are different now. They look at a headliner and that's it. There is so much more to Patrick J. Fitzgerald then the front page news. He has personal interest and a side that most wouldn't believe. So for all the ladies out there try to learn the real Pat and not just the stories the press wont you to hear. And please don't get mad at me I'm old enough to be his mother so don't bother me with complaints about what I've said.
Sorry toots, you lose. Turns out vindictive career-ending, national-security-impairing, undercover-uncoverings are all part of my ever-expanding job description (other recent additions include torture, ignoring Congress). As the judge ruled when he tossed out your case against me...snip
Basically, if you didn’t understand that (dumb blonde), I can say whatever I want to defend against criticism from your husband, even reveal secrets. So here are some more secrets about you that you didn’t want other people to know about: You have an irrational fear of small dogs; you are currently battling a perseverant foot fungus problem; you recently purchased a Hillary Duff CD; at the age of fifteen you used to practice kissing with a Han Solo poster; you’ve never understood why Citizen Kane is considered the best film of all time, but you pretend it’s your favorite just to keep up appearances; you had a brief affair with a Nepalese Sherpa in your early days at the CIA.
Don’t even act like you’re surprised I found out about all that; we all know what the Patriot Act can do. --- Hans Solo,hehe She and I could have double dated--Luke Skywalker was more my type;)
I just got a live report from David Swanson, who says Conyers is nowhere to be found - but Sheehan, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, and former CIA presidential briefer Ray McGovern are inside his office holding a press conference!
In fact, there are so many reporters with Cindy that they are taking turns going into the packed office to ask questions.
At least 300 activists are lining the halls outside the office, both the marchers and those who went directly to the Capitol.
Update 1:30: Conyers staff is negotiating with activists to move the protest to a larger room.
In Detroit, 50 people went to Conyers' district office, but they only let 5 people in and wouldn't let them keep their cellphones so we're not getting any reports.
Update 1:35: Conyers just arrived!! As he walked down the hall, activists shouted IMPEACH so loud the whole floor echoed. Conyers and his staff took Cindy, Rev., and Ray into a private office without the media. Stay tuned!
Update 2:55: After an 80-minute meeting, Cindy emerged and told the activists that Conyers said "our only recourse is elections," and the activists groaned. Cindy announced she will run against Pelosi because she and Conyers haven't "stepped up," and the activists cheered. Rev. Yearwood is giving a fired-up speech and activists are crowding in to Conyers' office for the sit-in.
Update 3:43: Capitol Police arrested Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, Rev. Yearwood, David Swanson, and 20 other activists and put them on a police bus. But all is not grim - Cindy is calling it her "campaign bus."
Staten Island Republican state Sen. Andrew Lanza was candid in his criticism of the governor, likening him to Joseph Stalin.
"This is sort of unfortunately par for the course in dealing with this administration," Lanza said. When lawmakers disagree with Spitzer, Lanza said, "he immediately throws a tantrum and then says that he's going to go politic against you or campaign against you and I don't think that's the way you ought to govern....It's analogous to a Stalin-like approach."
I ask you, Mr. Faux Fitzgerald, who joked about a ticket of Fitz and Spitz for President--what of the U.S. citizens that have blood on their hands from 9/11? What happened of the fraud going on in those towers before 9/11? What of the fraud on Wall Street? What of the Insurance fraud? Contractor fraud, voter fraud, theft of an election? Murder of fellow citizens by staying silent or by covering it up?
I'm with you on those things anon 10:56, but one good blogger is just that.
In case you haven't noticed, loyal bushie people don't play by the rules...what are you as a citizen doing about it? The least you can do is complain to your representatives in congress. have you protested, called, faxed and visited them to notify them of your questions? get involved with a local group of like minded people. regardless of what you think of the webmaster, the info is good and the comments are often humorous. we don't tell him he's a fake or faux anymore, it hurts his feelings;)
We think it might be Gonzo trying to do a good deed, but don't share that since we have no confirmation.
No one was accused of breaking the law, but the report found that policies designed to protect public officials' safety were broken for political gain.
Spitzer said he accepted the report but had been unaware of the operation. In response, he suspended one of the aides and reassigned the other.
He was too busy working, while the aides plotted...He isn't the only good gov with an 'aide' problem...what is it with these kind of 'aides.' they think they all gotta be rove to stay in the game?
I appreciate your answers 7:36 and 8am. Yes..I do those things except fax for I do not have one. I just did one more. You answered questions that many readers besides me that are likely have to be wondering about too.
As for Gonzo doing a good deed, perhaps??, I'm a fair person...I often wondered about him trailing along in the back of a certain photo, looking bewildered and well, with that look of..."who are these people?"
Don't you think it is time for people to stop being "politically correct" so much and talk to each other? BTW, are you the blog master or how do you know? If you don't mind, what have you been doing to change things?
Sure anon, dunno the answer to webmaster-only its not me. i have just been hanging around here for a while.
what do i do? blog (I get ideas sometimes here;) speak publicly, arrange it so others can speak their area of expertise, and personally/fully question political leaders who are full of themselves and as a result refuse to work on solving problems.but then, i have a lot of skin in the game-and unfortunately my education/experience were needed. it has cost me, but the progress made is a lot bigger than me. i come here too because i'm a better lt than chief in this area, i need the direction lol
listening to gonzo lie his @ss off its despicable!! even spector is not buying it, he's an embarrassment OMG Lying 101
I don't recall hearing a thing about this on the news. Wonder how many other spies there was/are in this country? Wonder if the public was told about them or they were hushed up?
You should've see Attorney Gonzales face when he was asked his opinion of whether Patrick J Fitzgerald should be called before the Senate Judiciary Committee... but as he said he recused himself from his case (Libby I guess) and recused himself from having an opinion about that.
Also, at the end of the session, that PJF may be called as Special Counsel to investigate the firings of other US Attorneys! The committee sugested that to Gonzales that he be named now.
Also Russ Feingold--made a motion to censure Mr. Gonzales... I hope he was wearing his Depends.
Sen Whitehouse gave him a run to, didn't he? Why/How WAS the OVP involved? Gonzo didn't really have a good answer, but he sure did break into a sweat over it
SP Fitzgerald again? make the dash for shew biz while you still can, before they assign you;)
Whitehouse, had a document with Gonzos signature on that over rode the document from Ashcraft regarding those communications with depts, and staff. Gonzo put in office of the vice president!!
That is your smoking gun!!!....
the connection is.. 1. The office of the vp had inside information regarding the Plame/scooter Liby case...
2. The staff from ovp and AG office were communicating back and forth about the infor.
Now, just take that a step futher, and "bam" you have your smoking gun with the connection of the VP and the courts with the Scooter case! Posted by: Date: July 24, 2007 1:33 PM
Was Gonzales the one that implied those kids in Texas enjoyed getting sodomitized?
Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally
- I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly
You rock-Thanks for the audio!
Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
I'll publish on my blog!
Thanks Frank
I like it!!
Had to listen online, OSU/Columbus NPR always dumps the best programming>:|
Listening later, thanks for posting.
It will be a riotous good time with a glass of wine when home girls be togetha :D
for a good laugh one time i told the girls patrick fitzgerald was my new boyfriend. they didn't get it
no- the ding-a-lings scooted their chairs up and said 'oh tell us.' i was forced to say 'psyche!' hehe
Thank you, faux Fitz or real Fitz!
FEMA Knew Of Toxic Gas In Trailers -
Crooks and Liars » Waxman’s Oversight Hearing on FEMA trailers: The Feds were poisoning the citizens they were “helping”
Perhaps the people responsible might want to live in one of thse toxic houses for a spell?
How The White House Will Manipulate Events and Emotions to Maintain GOP Executive Branch Control in 2008 |
The Glasshouse
I'll follow closely behind...heehee
haven't seen this in a while
Kevin Andre Smoot, who had been the managing director of Eagle Global Logistics's freight forwarding station in Houston, faces up to 15 years in prison and $500,000 in fines.
Another former executive, Christopher Cahill, pleaded guilty in February 2006 to inflating invoices for military shipments to Baghdad through EGL's subcontract with the Haliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root.
Smoot admitted that he lied to federal investigators who questioned him about Cahill's scheme to inflate invoices by adding a "war risk surcharge" of 50 cents for each kilogram of freight transported to Baghdad.
Smoot said he also gave more than $33,000 worth of entertainment to five Houston-based KBR transportation department employees for favorable treatment in getting subcontracts.
The gratuities included food, drinks, golf outings, tickets to rodeo events, baseball and football games.
Hookers too? My my where to begin on these guys when the soldiers couldn't even have a beer in 130 degree weather and away from their families for more than a year..
1/A small furry animal belonging to the order Rodentia which have no agend whatsoever. one minute its sleepin. the next its humpin a water bottle.
My gerbil is crazy. It's humps everything!
2/ Most amazing cutest animal of them all which must not be used in the art of bum fucking
Scrushy: Report from Birmingham
Interesting little fraud case with some Congressmen's names mentioned.
Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, convicted of killing his family, has new - The Crime library
Sounds like Jim Blackburn, fomer DOJ....was a liar and a crook.
People who read true crime books remember this old, old cases, it is interesting looking up them up. Such chaos.
This firm helps get the word out about all the colored little pills. Grey Healthcare Group is a leading advertising and marketing business focused on serving the pharmaceutical and health care industries. With more than 40 offices in 20 countries, it operates through several subsidiary agencies, including GHG Advertising, Nova Grey, Phase Five (medical education and meeting management), Avenue Grey (direct-to-patient marketing), Grey Target Oncology (oncology marketing), GCI Healthcare (public relations), and OnCall (contract sales). Grey Healthcare is a unit of Grey Global Group, which itself is a division of UK-based communications services giant WPP Group.
Sample Overview
Key Numbers
Key financials for Grey Healthcare Group, Inc.
???? is that this:
Bush the bum fuck .... hehehehehe
old cases- yes indeed no new intent only new criminals and new technology with which to implement their crimes.
yup kitty and mara, he's not thought of very highly among these posters LOL
I would put money on republicans outnumbering dems 2-1 on the list
what do you all think?
post your predictions for when larry releazes his bomb hehe good post anon hmm where's the msm on this?
Patrick Fitzgerald's Night Off
from 20 years ago to today
Madcow Video
And who is Jay Campbell? Watch the video....
Just so many crooks to keep up with, I missed this.
Bush Surprises Senate Aides With Unexpected Interruption of White House Meeting
July 17, 2007
by Major Garrett and Trish Turner
Fox News
WASHINGTON — President Bush shocked Capitol Hill staffers and Republican leaders Monday when he crashed a meeting at the White House to deliver a blunt message that he wasn't backing down on Iraq and Republicans need to understand that.
"It was stunning," said one GOP aide who attended the meeting. "We couldn't believe he came in."
"We kept looking at each other, amazed he came in," said another Republican aide.
Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane as he interrupted the meeting between senior White House communications staffers Tony Snow and Ed Gillespie and GOP leaders. His message: the policy on Iraq isn't changing. He is not backing down and no one on Capitol Hill should be confused into thinking he is letting up.
and frances the spokeswoman? she's familiar but i can't place where
TPMmuckraker July 20, 2007 10:37 AM
Heckuva job, Bushie!
She has something to do with when Valerie Plame was outed. I think there might have been some disagreement between the Bush camp and the Cheney camp on hiring in her present position.
I heard someone talking about her on one of mp3 recording awhile back. I hadn't heard of her till then. *They were all but calling her a traitor.
Bush is scared shitless of something, 'course he does have that massive embassy and 14? bases already built in Iraq. The pipeline leading to Israel oil. Maybe he is afraid Turkey will invade the Kurds. All those fancy new buildings in Northern Iraq that no one talks about?
Be careful what you wish for.(ISRAEL: Military operations)
I think he has fucked the whole world up the bum, eh?
But, as I keep saying. There is nothing more important than fixing the problem.
As my grandmother used to say "even God cannot change the past"
Isnt that right anon?
Bon Voyage guys ...
Arf vi de sane ... or insane ..
bye for now !
Iran says "confessions" unveil US plot
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that televised "confessions" of two detained American-Iranians unveiled a U.S.-backed plan to topple Iran's clerical establishment.
so when he and bush speak on this matter, do we just flip a coin to decide who is telling the truth? Or tickle them to make them 'fess up?
Yup, Mara, your Grandmother was right. hi Kitty, if they are mice-will you get em? or men haha
Thanks anon re frances... How interesting, maybe why she rings a bell...still thinking met her someplace. hmm
Woe to Israel, they just don't get it. While it is a common phenomenon for those oppressed to in turn oppress others, normally people are jailed for taking such actions...
Utube satire
LisaNova does George Bush
These kids are great!
Mara, you cannot change the past but sometimes you have to understand the past (wade through the dysfunction and lies) to live in the present and help the future live without hate, revenge, and evil.
It might be the kindest thing you can do for yourself, let alone your grandmother and her great-grandchildren and in the end humanity. Going with the flow sometimes leads to insanity and certainly does not give one serenity, imho. Knowing about the elephant in the room, remaining silent, or covering it up or worse....makes you the past. jmo.
Judge Bates serves on the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
The judge who just dismissed the Valerie Plame lawsuit serves as a judge on the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, aka the FISA court.
well now, this judge knows all
View topic - victim who charged FBI agent with pedophilia found murdered? - Forums
Wow, don't know why this came up in searching for items with Gonzales and his wanting to "protect the children".
Think Progress » Gonzales: I’m Staying For The Kids
'Texas Youth Commission scandal
Alberto Gonzales, along with U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, have been accused of failing to take action in regards to hundreds of serious complaints and investigations against dozens of staff members, which concern allegations that teachers, administrators and guards had sex with minor male inmates incarcerated in Texas Youth Commission programs.[33]"
Alberto Gonzales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Franklin Coverup Hoax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hoax? People ended up dead investigating this or pregnant?
The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp
How many other private youth detentions, boys/girls homes is this occurring?
Gonzales is a disgrace to the nation and he failed youth to protect his political party.
Georgia Processor Expands Meat Recall -
Heads up, cabinets opened--another food recall. Geesh!
Patton Boggs - SourceWatch
WTC LAWYER THE 'DEVIL'S ADVOCATE' | By SUSAN EDELMAN | New York News | New York City News | NY News
haha, yeah got her good
Fitz was so funny on npr
not frances
but now somethin else comes to mind
Q Fran, do you know if Osama bin Laden is still on a dialysis machine, is he still ill? What? I mean, could you tell us about that? I mean, because -- it might be laughable, but people are finding it hard, six years this man is sick, moving around from cave to cave, and can't be found -- with a dialysis machine?
MS. TOWNSEND: Have you ever been to the tribal areas? I suspect not.
Q No, I haven't, but I've seen some great pictures from Ken Herman as to the rough terrain over that way. (Laughter.)
MS. TOWNSEND: It's not exactly easy. If it were easy he'd be dead.
Q But it's not easy for him to travel around with medics and machinery if he's sick. I mean, is he -- do you know from your intelligence if he's still sick? What do you know about that?
MS. TOWNSEND: I'm not going to talk about that.
Osama would have died by now if the dialysis story were true. He couldn't have been hiding out in caves doing that.
justice league (link on this blog) has short video clip of the Radio program Pat Fitzgerald was on ;)
CNN dr cutie but medical liar said he was sick, on dialysis, pointing out signs of his illness in photos- in dec 2001 and dr cutie said OBL had 6 months to live tops/how come cnn and him jus fuggedaboutit
YouTube - Friends of God -- Ted Haggard and Sex
Haggard was actually rather comical.
Vaguely Logical: they're back...
3 Jun 2007 The Office of the Director of National Intelligence... appears to have inadvertently released the keys to that number in an unclassified PowerPoint presentation now posted on the website of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). ...[T]he total budget of the 16 US intelligence agencies in fiscal year 2005 was $60 billion, almost 25% higher than previously believed. In the presentation originally made to a DIA conference in Colorado on May 14, Terri Everett, an Office of the Director of National Intelligence senior procurement executive, revealed that 70% of the total Intelligence Community budget is spent on contractors.
"Add to this the fact that the head of Pakistani Intelligence wired 100,000 dollars to Mohammad Atta on the morning of 9/11, yet we still haven't "rendered" this man into our custody to ASK WHY he just happened to pay 100 THOUSAND DOLLARS to the head of 9/11 ON THE MORNING OF 9/11?"
The Junkyard Dawgz Forums-viewtopic-Couple under seige for asking to see law
Online NewsHour: Preparing the Public -- February 9, 1998
Mr. Barnicle: "The realistic goal probably is to get the Iranians to kill him (Saddam)."
Iraq perspectives
MIKE BARNICLE: Well, I think the op-ed page goal is, you know, to contain Saddam and reduce his ability to wage war with anthrax on his neighbors. The realistic goal probably is to get the Iranians to kill him.
Oh my, PNAC and the media were busy beavers setting up Saddam, Iran and maybe even Clinton?! and of course, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!
hehe isn't ted a character of himself?
8:54 am good one, they act like this stuff was never printed. Clinton, in 1998, tried to block his own aides testimony re him and monica affair-unsuccessfully. court said no way exec priv applies. bush will find out soon or will the Sargent at arms have to escort them into the senate/ that's fine by me. its time bush co understand this is America and not his personal island
Former Newark mayor to be arraigned in federal court
Monday, July 23rd 2007, 4:00 AM
NEWARK, N.J. — Former Newark Mayor Sharpe James, indicted earlier this month on corruption charges, was due back in federal court on Monday for his arraignment.
James,71 who also is a state senator, has maintained his innocence.
Under federal sentencing guidelines, James could face up to eight years in prison if he's convicted on all counts. However, the judge has the authority to impose a much stiffer penalty — as much as 20 years on some individual counts
Anybody know why the ACLU didn't do anything about Bushco's Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq
Is it true that its unenforceable?
"It is a simple script. So simple, indeed, that an 8-year-old can understand it. The conclusions are also simple: the good guys have to be supported, the bad guys have to bite the dust. At the end, the hero - George himself - will ride off into the sunset on his noble steed, while the music reaches a crescendo."
"Rove's campaign M.O. typically includes laying out the plan months in advance--and sticking to it no matter what."
City Pages - Karl Rove's Moment
This comment has been removed by the author.
Novak is on the 700 Club news giving his take on "The Leak" His take? 'It's the most overblown thing ever.
The link on SPB's justice league was great. Now those questions were let's say strange. Fitz showed he has a since of humor.
Why are so many people interested in Fitz's personal life. He's done pretty good for himself with my help. Now all this talk about a Mrs. Young ladies are different now. They look at a headliner and that's it. There is so much more to Patrick J. Fitzgerald then the front page news. He has personal interest and a side that most wouldn't believe. So for all the ladies out there try to learn the real Pat and not just the stories the press wont you to hear. And please don't get mad at me I'm old enough to be his mother so don't bother me with complaints about what I've said.
Hey fake Patrick: You should get in contact with News Groper -- a huge network of fake bloggers.
Email -
Website -
No one to Plame but yourself By Dick Cheney
Sorry toots, you lose. Turns out vindictive career-ending, national-security-impairing, undercover-uncoverings are all part of my ever-expanding job description (other recent additions include torture, ignoring Congress). As the judge ruled when he tossed out your case against me...snip
Basically, if you didn’t understand that (dumb blonde), I can say whatever I want to defend against criticism from your husband, even reveal secrets. So here are some more secrets about you that you didn’t want other people to know about: You have an irrational fear of small dogs; you are currently battling a perseverant foot fungus problem; you recently purchased a Hillary Duff CD; at the age of fifteen you used to practice kissing with a Han Solo poster; you’ve never understood why Citizen Kane is considered the best film of all time, but you pretend it’s your favorite just to keep up appearances; you had a brief affair with a Nepalese Sherpa in your early days at the CIA.
Don’t even act like you’re surprised I found out about all that; we all know what the Patriot Act can do.
Hans Solo,hehe She and I could have double dated--Luke Skywalker was more my type;)
Good site anon, I can't wait to spoof myself!
I just got a live report from David Swanson, who says Conyers is nowhere to be found - but Sheehan, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, and former CIA presidential briefer Ray McGovern are inside his office holding a press conference!
In fact, there are so many reporters with Cindy that they are taking turns going into the packed office to ask questions.
At least 300 activists are lining the halls outside the office, both the marchers and those who went directly to the Capitol.
Update 1:30: Conyers staff is negotiating with activists to move the protest to a larger room.
In Detroit, 50 people went to Conyers' district office, but they only let 5 people in and wouldn't let them keep their cellphones so we're not getting any reports.
Update 1:35: Conyers just arrived!! As he walked down the hall, activists shouted IMPEACH so loud the whole floor echoed. Conyers and his staff took Cindy, Rev., and Ray into a private office without the media. Stay tuned!
Update 2:55: After an 80-minute meeting, Cindy emerged and told the activists that Conyers said "our only recourse is elections," and the activists groaned. Cindy announced she will run against Pelosi because she and Conyers haven't "stepped up," and the activists cheered. Rev. Yearwood is giving a fired-up speech and activists are crowding in to Conyers' office for the sit-in.
Update 3:43: Capitol Police arrested Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, Rev. Yearwood, David Swanson, and 20 other activists and put them on a police bus. But all is not grim - Cindy is calling it her "campaign bus."
Good, Romney should support gay marriage.
Reaction to AG's Scathing Spitzer Report - FOX23 News - Coverage & Convenience
Report: Governor's office compiled, leaked data on Bruno - SI Advance Newslog
Sounds like he could be said to support gay marriage, figured he was more of a hypocrite than that...[snark]
could he really be that fair,nah
Go Cindy Sheehan, DC keeps calling my name to come and help...
What incredible timing for them to go after him
Staten Island Republican state Sen. Andrew Lanza was candid in his criticism of the governor, likening him to Joseph Stalin.
"This is sort of unfortunately par for the course in dealing with this administration," Lanza said. When lawmakers disagree with Spitzer, Lanza said, "he immediately throws a tantrum and then says that he's going to go politic against you or campaign against you and I don't think that's the way you ought to govern....It's analogous to a Stalin-like approach."
Operation FALCON - The USA is turning into a Police State :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website
I ask you, Mr. Faux Fitzgerald, who joked about a ticket of Fitz and Spitz for President--what of the U.S. citizens that have blood on their hands from 9/11? What happened of the fraud going on in those towers before 9/11? What of the fraud on Wall Street? What of the Insurance fraud? Contractor fraud, voter fraud, theft of an election? Murder of fellow citizens by staying silent or by covering it up?
The Raw Story | Despite scandal, US Attorney General vows to stay
Must protect the children! In the White House and cover his own ass.
I'm with you on those things anon 10:56, but one good blogger is just that.
In case you haven't noticed, loyal bushie people don't play by the rules...what are you as a citizen doing about it?
The least you can do is complain to your representatives in congress. have you protested, called, faxed and visited them to notify them of your questions? get involved with a local group of like minded people.
regardless of what you think of the webmaster, the info is good and the comments are often humorous. we don't tell him he's a fake or faux anymore, it hurts his feelings;)
We think it might be Gonzo trying to do a good deed, but don't share that since we have no confirmation.
No one was accused of breaking the law, but the report found that policies designed to protect public officials' safety were broken for political gain.
Spitzer said he accepted the report but had been unaware of the operation. In response, he suspended one of the aides and reassigned the other.
He was too busy working, while the aides plotted...He isn't the only good gov with an 'aide' problem...what is it with these kind of 'aides.' they think they all gotta be rove to stay in the game?
I appreciate your answers 7:36 and 8am.
Yes..I do those things except fax for I do not have one. I just did one more. You answered questions that many readers besides me that are likely have to be wondering about too.
As for Gonzo doing a good deed, perhaps??, I'm a fair person...I often wondered about him trailing along in the back of a certain photo, looking bewildered and well, with that look of..."who are these people?"
Don't you think it is time for people to stop being "politically correct" so much and talk to each other? BTW, are you the blog master or how do you know? If you don't mind, what have you been doing to change things?
Sure anon, dunno the answer to webmaster-only its not me. i have just been hanging around here for a while.
what do i do? blog (I get ideas sometimes here;) speak publicly, arrange it so others can speak their area of expertise, and personally/fully question political leaders who are full of themselves and as a result refuse to work on solving problems.but then, i have a lot of skin in the game-and unfortunately my education/experience were needed. it has cost me, but the progress made is a lot bigger than me. i come here too because i'm a better lt than chief in this area, i need the direction lol
listening to gonzo lie his @ss off its despicable!! even spector is not buying it, he's an embarrassment OMG Lying 101
Ana Montes Espionage Case -- Senior DIA analyst arrested 20 Sept 01 for spying for Cuban intelligence
I don't recall hearing a thing about this on the news. Wonder how many other spies there was/are in this country? Wonder if the public was told about them or they were hushed up?
LP: Alleged Turkish Spy Douglas Dickerson Promoted by Air Force
Go Code Pink!!! Tell it like it is
spies, hmm...
You should've see Attorney Gonzales face when he was asked his opinion of whether Patrick J Fitzgerald should be called before the Senate Judiciary Committee... but as he said he recused himself from his case (Libby I guess) and recused himself from having an opinion about that.
Also, at the end of the session, that PJF may be called as Special Counsel to investigate the firings of other US Attorneys! The committee sugested that to Gonzales that he be named now.
Also Russ Feingold--made a motion to censure Mr. Gonzales... I hope he was wearing his Depends.
Yes and it was lovely.
Sen Whitehouse gave him a run to, didn't he? Why/How WAS the OVP involved? Gonzo didn't really have a good answer, but he sure did break into a sweat over it
SP Fitzgerald again? make the dash for shew biz while you still can, before they assign you;)
Can Gonzales be disbarred rather than impeached for incompetency, for contempt of congress, for opening up a channel between the OVP and DOJ. ??!!??
I dunno, that's what I asked the ABA-they didn't answer me.
the ones around here who could tell you must be busy
Can you believe this is news after Gonzo's fiasco? Watch live: Falcons' owner, coach address Michael Vick scandal
No biggee news Gonzo is testifying. off to educate the community about what war costs us all.
best of luck deciding the acting ag
TPMmuckraker July 24, 2007 11:05 AM
2:48 PM You stole my question!
Betty Freauf -- When Will the Walls Come Tumbling Down?
BBC NEWS | Europe | Readers 'declassify' US document
TPMmuckraker July 24, 2007 1:04 PM
Whitehouse, had a document with Gonzos signature on that over rode the document from Ashcraft regarding those communications with depts, and staff. Gonzo put in office of the vice president!!
That is your smoking gun!!!....
the connection is..
1. The office of the vp had inside information regarding the Plame/scooter Liby case...
2. The staff from ovp and AG office were communicating back and forth about the infor.
Now, just take that a step futher, and "bam" you have your smoking gun with the connection of the VP and the courts with the Scooter case!
Posted by:
Date: July 24, 2007 1:33 PM
Was Gonzales the one that implied those kids in Texas enjoyed getting sodomitized?
Texas Youth Commission - Topix
6:46 Yes indeed...its smokin'!! that should have never been covered up, they further mix up troubled youth, those 'grown up' thugs
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