Catching Up On My Reading...

Libby Grand Jury Testimony, Two
Libby Grand Jury Testimony, Three
F: Do you remember talking to Judith Miller on July 8th?
L: Yes.
(discussion of what Miller had been up to — just back from Iraq, etc.)
L: This was our first meeting, or she may have come to my office once before. She's a very responsible reporter, and I'd wanted to meet her because she cares about the WMD issue and threats to America. As we started to discuss week of July 7th, the NIE had said … (discusses NIE, asks for permission to discussion January 24 document) A January 24 document had said exactly the same thing as the NIE supporting the notion of Iraq seeking uranium from Niger. The CIA had issued this in October 2002 and January 2003, and we wanted people to know that this went against what Wilson said.
I was unaware that she was not writing during this period, but the VP instructed me to talk to Judith Miller. I said, but NIE is classified, but Cheney said Pres. had authorized it. Libby went to Addington to confirm that Pres. could declassify (this is all stuff that has been reported, so sorry if I miss details). So the Pres and VP wanted me to discuss this, and I selected Judith Miller because I felt she was a responsible reporter (Uhh, you just said Cheney picked her, didnt you?).
(Fitz and Libby discuss declassification of NIE and Jan. 24th document, Addington saying Pres has absolute ability to declassify anything whenever he want — this has all been reported previously)
F: Getting back to Judith Miller, did you talk about Mr. Wilson?
L: I don't remember specifically, but probably since we discu
F: What about Mr. Wilson's wife?
L: I don't believe I did.
Libby Grand Jury Testimony, Three
Libby Grand Jury Testimony, Four
Libby Grand Jury Testimony, Five
How is the jury reacting to these tapes? 6 hours of tapes today...
Interesting tidbit from FDL on GJ tapes:
"I was unaware that she was not writing during this period, but the VP instructed me to talk to Judith Miller. I said, but NIE is classified, but Cheney said Pres. had authorized it. Libby went to Addington to confirm that Pres. could declassify (this is all stuff that has been reported, so sorry if I miss details). So the Pres and VP wanted me to discuss this, and I selected Judith Miller because I felt she was a responsible reporter (Uhh, you just said Cheney picked her, didnt you?)."
Fitzie, you must be smiling to yourself. ;)
As Judge Reggie said to the defense about the GJ tapes, "You must mean "unduly prejudicial" LOL
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening folks!
It's Tuesday!
Going to catch up on today's court. Got tied up this morning on business. Good day everyone!
Sheeesh...If this doesn't sound like the biggest BS coming from Libby. I don't know how you kept a straight face, Fitzie!!! From FDL on tapes:
"F: What's the next discussion you recall where you discussed Wilson's wife's employment with anyone?
L: On the 11th, as we were still waiting for Tenet statement, at the end of the day I spoke to Karl Rove. During this conversation he said Bob Novak had told him he'd be writing a story about Wilson that weekend, he felt Wilson might not be impartial, and that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA. So this was confirmation of a sort of what I'd heard from Tim Russert. I told Karl that I had heard from Tim Russert the same thing. I don't remember the exact order of this conversation, but that's the sum and substance."
Hi SPB, S-Q, et al...
PS I think you solved that 16 word puzzle a long time ago!
Hello Q: and all:
Interesting info from the audio that I picked up and thanks to FDL:
Libby:I was unaware that she was not writing during this period, but the VP instructed me to talk to Judith Miller. I said, but NIE is classified, but Cheney said Pres. had authorized it. Libby went to Addington to confirm that Pres. could declassify (this is all stuff that has been reported, so sorry if I miss details). So the Pres and VP wanted me to discuss this, and I selected Judith Miller because I felt she was a responsible reporter (Uhh, you just said Cheney picked her, didnt you?).
Boo boo on Libby's part...
Fitz: When you spoke to Pincus and Miller, you did so as an official giving the WH point of view
Libby: Yes.
Fitz: But not with Russert?
Libby: I was just trying to get him to influence Chris Matthews.
Interesting... Libby spoke as WH offical reps to Pincus and Miller but not Russert.
Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone:
Politics TV has several FDL videos..along with other great political videos as well. :)
Politics TV
Scooter must be saying Shhh..Oh Baby Just You Shut Your Mouth..Shhhh...Shhh
Hehe Scooter truth prevails :)
Now to hear Libby tell it he called Russert then talked about Mitchell, Russert tells him about Plame ( he's surprised) then talks about Matthews. Never ever getting to talk to the person he needs to about Matthews. All along he's been talking to numerous people about Wilson, WMD and CIA agent since June. Oh yes and Cheney and Bush told him he could leak and he checked that out with Addington. Now I'm trying to follow this man who is an international lawyer with so many degrees and experience. He's beginning to sound like a dummy. My son got caught with his sister's make up all over him, I asked why did you do this he said I didn't. I said who did he said " I don't know". Now that's the defense Libby should use that of a 4 year old boy as Fitzgerald would never be able to find Mr. I don't know.
A lot of Americans have been saying this for awhile now. Some of us were called liars or whack jobs because of it.
Now we can the name callers, enablers.
Ask France and Germany why they didn't want to send in their troops into the illegal war. They knew the truth about the depleted uranium and the ill effects on the Iraqis and all the birth defects AND on our own troops and children. Where are the pro-lifers' outrage at this?
Libby is hosed. Pack it dude.. Looking forward to Timmy's testimony!
First, the usual preliminary side issues. Walton says he will admit the October 12, 2003 Washington Post article in its entirety, overruling the defense request to redact the 1×2x6-related material. Also the defense is claiming that Russert shouldn't testify tomorrow unless they get further information about what "accommodations" Fitzgerald made to allow Russert testify. The government says the affidavits in question deal with the broader investigation, and are protected under grand jury secrecy rules. (For example, a prosecutor says, the legal effort to force Russert's testimony involved "another reporter related to another part of the investigation." … Anyone out there want to track down the details?)
Hmmm.. Me thinks defense is scared of Timmy's testimony..
From the NYT dated October 31, 2005:
"Tim, this will be an interesting conversation," Brian Williams said. It was then that Mr. Russert first acknowledged that Mr. Libby had been calling not to explain but complain.
In the telephone interview, Mr. Russert said he had not had any particular prior relationship with Mr. Libby, and that there were "other people in the vice president's office I talk to much more regularly." He said important guests like Mr. Cheney and President Bush, who appeared during the election campaign last year, came on "Meet the Press" because "we have a significant audience."
Some of Mr. Russert's colleagues have reacted sharply to the charges about Mr. Libby's actions.
On "Hardball" Friday night, Tom Brokaw, the retired NBC anchor, said of Mr. Libby: "In all the years I've been covering Washington scandals, this is the clumsiest case of lying I've ever been witness to," and said Mr. Libby "concocted this scheme, beginning by trying to set up Tim Russert."
Russert explained concerning Libby: "I was not and never have been the recipient of the leak," Russert said. "Everyone acknowledges that. The question is, when Libby called me, what did he say? He called in protest to something he had seen on MSNBC 'Hardball,' and that was the extent of it."
"He didn't call me as a confidential source, as such," he said. "He was calling me as a viewer to complain."
From FDL:
"But wait — defense attorney Bill Jeffress says that Russert's attorney will be called as a witness! Does this change things? I don't know.
Walton says, let's move on to testimony."
Hey Patriot girl:
Yup, Libby has just slit his throat in this trial. The defense can call Timmy's attorney if they choose. And I know it is to counteract Timmy as the gov't witness. Right now the defense is running on empty. And I wonder if the defense team is going to use a "theory of defense" and the end of their closing statements from their filing on January 19, 2007. If so, they better make sure that the "theory of defense" if backed up with evidence.
On January 19, 2007, the defense team filed a "theory of defense."
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