BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. Army helicopter crashed northeast of the capital Saturday, killing all 13 people on board.
American and Iraqi troops stepped up raids on Sunni and Shiite gunmen, foreshadowing tactics expected to define the drive to tame Iraq's sectarian bloodshed.
The military also reported that five American soldiers were killed in a militia attack in Karbala.
I like coconut cream pie too... I also agree anon 6:01... but there are many in that list of witnesses too.... they care more about being on a party list than they do the American People and their Country...
Sam Brownback, Hillary Clinton, Obama all announcing they are running for President lately.
Feingold/Fitzgerald '08 has a nice ring to it or even Edwards/Fitzgerald.
Single guys in the White House could get a lot of work and clean up done in the government, I'm just sayin'. Plus, I'm sick of looking at bobble heads anyway.
Anon. @ 7:46pm. I see your point. It would be a waste of talent, knowledge...Judge Prettyman would have been very proud if Mr. Fitz could be the next AG.
Perhaps it should be a question put to the candidates running for President on who they would choose for AG? That would root out the bad aspens, lol.
Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally
- I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly
Have some of that Jameson tonight and you might surprise yourself on the next full moon...
Alberto Gonzales should not only be impeached for his willfully obtuse interpretations of the Constitution, he should be disbarred. 1-20
Damn straight.
36 minutes ago
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. Army helicopter crashed northeast of the capital Saturday, killing all 13 people on board.
American and Iraqi troops stepped up raids on Sunni and Shiite gunmen, foreshadowing tactics expected to define the drive to tame
Iraq's sectarian bloodshed.
The military also reported that five American soldiers were killed in a militia attack in Karbala.
Another dark day in Iraq.
actually the total number killed today is 21.
I like coconut cream pie too...
I also agree anon 6:01...
but there are many in that list of witnesses too....
they care more about being on a party list than they do the American People and their Country...
Fitz, do you ever go outside and just howl at the moon when it's full?
only if you're a pig.
Sam Brownback, Hillary Clinton, Obama all announcing they are running for President lately.
Feingold/Fitzgerald '08 has a nice ring to it or even Edwards/Fitzgerald.
Single guys in the White House could get a lot of work and clean up done in the government, I'm just sayin'. Plus, I'm sick of looking at bobble heads anyway.
Attorney General Patrick J. Fitzgerald sounds nice. Besides it would be a sin to utitlize his talent and knowledge elsewhere.
Taco Bell, Jameson and Coconut Creme Pie sound like indigestion to me!
I Don't Know What It Means...
but a waxing crescent moon always puts me in the mood for Taco Bell, jazz, Jameson and coconut cream pie.
Taco Bell and coconut cream pie, yum!
I have to go look up and see what Jameson is. Sounds like some kind of a relaxant.
I think Jameson is a health drink popular in Ireland.
Anonymous said...
Just because you say "There's no crime" and you click your heels three times doesn't make it so Limbaugh......
That's right, Rush.......
An arrogant smirk is the magic formula to make it so.
nice moon pic :)
have pie and jazz, you pick up the Jameson's and Taco Bell on your way over...
You cross-examine Cheney on Feb. 2. Friday??? Thought the trial was four days a week. But for Cheney they make an exception??? Am I close here.
I'll drop by for dinner and music with you anytime. ;0)
That food combination and music means another indictment is coming next week.
I'll bet SPB howls at the moon...
Anonymous said...
That food combination and music means another indictment is coming next week.
Thanks for breaking the code, anon.
is it normal ? no idea , why does it matter ?
i wonder who put all this together for mr. fitz ......
his alter ego ?
is it normal ? nothing is normal these days
is that continental cuizine pat ?
Anon. @ 7:46pm. I see your point. It would be a waste of talent, knowledge...Judge Prettyman would have been very proud if Mr. Fitz could be the next AG.
Perhaps it should be a question put to the candidates running for President on who they would choose for AG? That would root out the bad aspens, lol.
Sounds goot for you food, now come over here let me ruub you shouldeers
Hooooooooowllllllllllllllllll !!!
Fitzgerald will make a wonderful director of the FBI.
This website is so far left it is headed back towards the right !!
"I'll bet SPB howls at the moon..."
Hee Hee...
What is Jameson anyway.
Jameson is Irish Whiskey
No but he is a heavy breather that I can tell you ....
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