Travel Agents Of Terror..

"You've heard about Abu Ghraib prison, Guantanamo Bay, and a host of other places where torture is alleged to have happened. But you've probably never heard that a company in downtown San Jose is said to have helped the Central Intelligence Agency get prisoners to the alleged torture sites. "
"They certainly pay well. They--the CIA--spare no expense. They certainly have no worry about costs. What they have to get done, they get done."<more>
Not very American...
Report: Gitmo Trials Are Shams
"They certainly pay well. They--the CIA--spare no expense. They certainly have no worry about costs. What they have to get done, they get done."<more>
Not very American...
Oh, my...
Good Morning JB's,
Declined comment...well the Dir of Public affairs sure had quite a bit to say in the VA paper about people protesting right in front of the CIA one Sunday (no it wasn't me;-)
They were with various religious groups.
The police said it was OK, but the director later wrote into the local paper quoting Hayden this, Hayden was so absurd for them to attempt to justify torture.
Un American indeed.
I will be absorbed in my new book US v. Bush by Elizabeth de la Vega-it looks like a good one, I'll give you guys the short version later:-)
I feel sick just reading about this...
Good Morning Justice Bloggers & Fitzie!!!
This moring I am thinking about how we get out of Iraq in the best way possible for us and for the Iraqi people...
I am convinced that Bushie is staying the course...he wants to put more troops and money into this mess to save his own ass in the history books, but he is still in denial because it will just be more waste of human lives and money.
I beleive our options have narrowed considerably because of Bushie's, Rumsfled's, Cheney's et al's incompetence of handling the war and too much time has passed to go back to some options as this administration continued to stall and lie to the American people.
First, I think we need to redeploy some of our troops very soon. I think we need to keep some troops in the region (neighboring countries) as needed.
I don't think splitting the country up into threes will work and in the long run could make the region more unstable. I do believe a united represntative government would be best. They could divide the oil revenues and national resources between the Sunnis Shiite and Kurds.
I think we need to get other countries in the area to particpate in helping the Iraqis diplomatically, security-wise and in rebuilding their infrastructure.
I certainly don't know how to accomplish all of this...but I think we all need to see in our mind's eye what we think should happen so that when the Baker commission, Dems and Bushie finally explain their ideas/plans for options in Iraq...we will know which one we would support...
I am interested to hear other people's ideas on strategies...we cannot leave Iraq the mess it is now...
Off the Topic...
Can we just get OJ to stay golfing in Florida and off the air waves??? Is that too much to ask of Rupert Murdoch and Judith Regan? How low can this part of the media go??!!
Makes me ill...I feel sorry for his kids.
Just plain sick and sad as well
From HuffPo:
"President Bush said Friday the United States' unsuccessful war in Vietnam three decades ago offered lessons for the American-led struggle in Iraq. 'We'll succeed unless we quit,' Bush said shortly after arriving in this one-time war capital."
Bush's lesson from Vietnam was join the Naitonal Guard, get Daddy to clean up his AWOL records and help Daddy on a political campaign...while the rest of the troops were maimed or sent home in body bags...his record sure says a lot! Who is going to listen to this Village Idiot!!!
God help us and our troops!
Unspeakable horrors....
Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone:
We could all learn a lot from the words of Mellencamp's song Peaceful World
Have a wonderful day all! :)
From USA Today
"The Bush administration is preparing its largest spending request yet for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a proposal that could make the conflict the most expensive since World War II.
The Pentagon is considering $127 billion to $160 billion in requests from the armed services for the 2007 fiscal year,... That's on top of $70 billion already approved for 2007.
Since 2001, Congress has approved $502 billion for the war on terror, roughly two-thirds for Iraq. The latest request,...would make the war on terror more expensive than the Vietnam War."
Here's the Card for this Subject Folks...
Un American
Un Republic
A senior al-Qaida operative deliberately planted information to encourage the US to invade Iraq, a double agent who infiltrated the network and spied for western intelligence agencies claimed last night.
The claim was made by Omar Nasiri, a pseudonym for a Moroccan who says he spent seven years working for European security and intelligence agencies, including MI5. He said Ibn Sheikh al-Libi, who ran training camps in Afghanistan, told his US interrogators that al-Qaida had been training Iraqis.
At the time we didn't think that the growing threat from al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden was sufficient to put more resources on it," Bob Milton, a Metropolitan police special branch officer, told Newsnight. "We were monitoring what he was doing, certainly working with the US and European colleagues to do that. But at that time we were still unsure what the threat would be," he said.
Very interesting, Bush and Blair.
A senior al-Qaida operative deliberately planted information to encourage the US to invade Iraq, a double agent who infiltrated the network and spied for western intelligence agencies claimed last night.
The claim was made by Omar Nasiri, a pseudonym for a Moroccan who says he spent seven years working for European security and intelligence agencies, including MI5. He said Ibn Sheikh al-Libi, who ran training camps in Afghanistan, told his US interrogators that al-Qaida had been training Iraqis.
At the time we didn't think that the growing threat from al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden was sufficient to put more resources on it," Bob Milton, a Metropolitan police special branch officer, told Newsnight. "We were monitoring what he was doing, certainly working with the US and European colleagues to do that. But at that time we were still unsure what the threat would be," he said.
Very interesting, Bush and Blair.
A senior al-Qaida operative deliberately planted information to encourage the US to invade Iraq, a double agent who infiltrated the network and spied for western intelligence agencies claimed last night.
The claim was made by Omar Nasiri, a pseudonym for a Moroccan who says he spent seven years working for European security and intelligence agencies, including MI5. He said Ibn Sheikh al-Libi, who ran training camps in Afghanistan, told his US interrogators that al-Qaida had been training Iraqis.
At the time we didn't think that the growing threat from al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden was sufficient to put more resources on it," Bob Milton, a Metropolitan police special branch officer, told Newsnight. "We were monitoring what he was doing, certainly working with the US and European colleagues to do that. But at that time we were still unsure what the threat would be," he said.
Very interesting, Bush and Blair.
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