Apr 2, 2006
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

Previous Posts
- I Have Decided To Resign...
- Chianti, For Everyone...
- Don't Put That On Your Resume...
- Censure..? Impeachment..?
- Spring Has Sprung...
- Just Who Is "Hit Man" Karl Rove..?
- By The Book..BY THE BOOK..!
- Connecting The Dots...+...
- Comment Of The Week...
- Amputate The Patient...

Indeed, thousands of them. And yet they still want to call themselves Americans...
She's standing on the caskets of the worst mistake they ever made...while serving men who felt above the service of their country..
while squandering that which is not theirs to give..
the cicle of life will not be kind to them..each wears the albertross of the other around their necks.. treaking through each orhers foot steps singing the praises of each other that now even falls on the deaf ears of GOD.
for they have no shame only egos as big as mountains
I'll be up for a while, lets get them indictments out there and clean out the trash.
By the way does this mean she Conda-lied to everybody?
You don't say!!!!! Not that beautiful princess from the Soviet Union of Georgia, Condi Rice!
Time's a coming, tin man is going to fall down along with all his Diebold machines!
---The ORION---
Someone tampered with the 2004 elections to default it to their chosen candidate across multiple races:
Shall we find out who?
Condi is certainly full of it. Now he says that she meant figuratively and not literally? Folks, that like that a woman saying that she is a little bit pregnant! You either pregnant or not pregnant! In Condi's case, you either made a mistake or you didn't make a mistake. And it doesn't matter the amount of the mistake! A mistake is a mistake! This country cannot afford to hear such bullshit remarks like that! There are too many soldiers that are dying over there in Iraq and Afganistan. And it is very disgraceful to hear such blunder from Condi's mouth. Families and love ones of the soldiers are depending on Condi, Thr Gerbil, and WH to tell them the status about Iraq. Certainly, this is very disturbing to the soldier's families and love ones. This is showing everyone of an incompentant "Girl Friday" Secretary of State who has no clue of what it is like for a soldier yet she cannot admit her errors. Not the Gerbil's errors but hers! Her verbiage sounds like a "mimi me" of the Gerbil.Yes, Anon, Condi-lied to everybody! If she had the chance, she would erase her past from being the poor kid from Alabama to being the elite person from the Bush family. If Hadley/Badly erased his past so can Condi!
Tom Delay to be indicted again.
That guy is so corrupt he can explain it all to the judge, and then comes Bob Ney and the other party goers!!!!!
Yup, DeLay is hosed.. With his buddies asking for plea bargain and bailing out on DeLay, it is every man for himself! Can't wait to see DeLay in the orange jumpsuit soon!
Just wait until they bail out on me!
Hoo boy, and I bet Steny Hoyer is going to enjoy his fall from grace too. I'm taking him down with me!
The question is, is this supposed to make us look good?
Does this make the GOP look good that this lady, got up on national television and said we made thousands of mistakes?!?
She needs to shut her big fat mouth, or my party will lose all its credibility!
Oh wait, it already did. We have no credibility when we say the wiretapping is to keep people safe during the war, and admit out the other end that we made thousands of mistakes.
We look weak, stupid, narcicisstic and like sophmores. And that's because we are!
We all got taken for a ride, I am Ken Mehlman and I approve this message. Arrest everybody.
Perfect timing for you to Indict Karl Rove!!!!
"If we can't deliver the pork, then we're out of business."
That's right, get Rove out of there!!!! The whole GOP party is in implosion, nail Rove and Steven Badly, lets clean this crap out of washington!!!!
This message approved and stamped by the National Security Agency, who spies on all national and international communications
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Rove just gotten too powerful in the WH. As Abe Lincoln says: "To test a man's character, give him power." The power of Rove simply went to head that Rove actually believe that he is above all human beings. I know that Fitz will take him down a peg or two. Porkrind Rove needs to go along with the Gerbil!
In other news:
1. Not much welcome love for Condi overseas:
Rice Finds British Muslims Want to Give Her an Earful
By Joel Brinkley
The New York Times
Blackburn, England - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice faced more protests and public embarrassment here on Saturday that have turned a trip meant to be a friendly follow-up to an American trip by Foreign Secretary Jack Straw into a two-day run through a raucous, mishap-ridden gantlet
Condi, and you wanted the Secretary of State position. You should have stuck with filing your nails as Girl Friday!
2. My favorite! Another politician caught lying about college degree:
Schmidt's degrees questioned
Staff says she has hours, if not parchment
WASHINGTON –“ A second elections complaint against Rep. Jean Schmidt was filed Friday, this time over allegations that she misrepresented her educational background."
From previous campaign Web sites and in official Ohio House literature , Schmidt said that " she earned two bachelor's degrees from the University of Cincinnati, one in political science in 1974 and one in "social studies-secondary education" in 1986.
But UC Registrar Douglas Burgess said the only degree on file for Schmidt is a bachelor of arts in political science.”
Does anyone really do background checks anymore for jobs? That hen Schmidt certainly will get plucked!
With all her spinning, Condi must be one dizzy bitch.
Hey, did you know KEN MEHLMAN IS GAY!!!
The never a girlfriend was a tip off...that and he is in too fine of shape for a 40 year old guy.
(I say that as a 42 yr old )
dr. evil,
How about Dr Desperate? Treasonists are like that..
I am taken aback at the right wing gay men surrounding Bush. The brown shirts were gay too...
Hey, we aren't the ones who want to beat you up. Your kind doesn't work and play well with others...
Dr D sure all those MEN as well as you will soon be enlisting to defend us in Iraq..thanking you in advance for your efforts on America's behalf....
PS- Your brand of RW plays by the rules we all agreed to 200 hundred years ago.
No BS here caregiver to one brave VET
3 abused by priests file suits claiming illegal GOP meeting
No time for you lad, he is making GOP stew seasoned with a few DEMS for flavor-no favorites played here.
Liberty and justice for all their victims is a big job.
it comes to you and the brave answer the call and the unwilling post their BS on a blog.
What the hell was that shit supposed to mean?!??
Can you translate that back from chinese fat man?
By the way, his name is Fitzgerald not Frits!!!! What the hell is wrong with your head?
And oh, take your gay loving GOP mobmen over to Iraq where they belong and shut your horn already.
We don't want to hear any of it, we just want to make sure you're all in jail along with the corrupt demorats.
-The First and The Foremost
Holy shit boys and girls, its the party of moral values!!!!!
It just goes on and on and on.....proving the republicans are the official jailbird house party!!!
Too bad the democrats have troubles too, but they'll never sink to this level of scum that's for damn sure cause us independents are going to replace the whole thing!!!!!
Bring Rover on home boys! Daddy's got a new indictment
Interesting comments Hi Grandmanuk ya we're protecting the little angel. Well Connie has only shown that she isn't qualified for the job. Blaming the soldiers for thousands of mistakes yet it was the Administration who made the choices. I wonder what the troops and the families think of that statement. When will the maddness end. Fitz it's time to get back to work oh don't forget to watch the game Monday night I'll tell you who I picked after the game. (smile)
So Dr. Desperate, It is A-OK with you if Dubya spies on Americans.
You must be a Log Cabin NeoRepublican-otherwise you wouldn't hate this country like you do.
You would rather see it destroyed than admit you support a Commander-in-Thief.
I pity you. I know your kind.
PS- There was no formal declaration of war-so much for your "war time" argument.
I have no love for dems either-they are in collusion to destroy American freedoms, just like you.
At least Russ has the decency to point this out.
Are you all log cabin republicans? That's all I'm seeing around your Dubya...once again, why are you on the side that wants you to die?
PS- Cheney had FIVE deferments-Bush is a military deserter. But they both "supported that war" COWARDS-you support draft dodging cowards.
And you? DOD policy forbids your enlistment...
My kid just got back from Iraq-he wants to kick your log cabin butt for sending him and his buddies to go die for a bunch of old cronies lies. It was a real waste of his time-they hate Americans.
But people like you will do anything for money, won't you? ANYTHING...
I'm not a man-and I am tired of hypocrites like you.
Dr D. the great thing about this country is that we can all have a diffence of opinion..but it's important to look at the present situation..this WH evokes Clinton far too much they have been responsible for quite some time...and while you throwing around draft dodger..look at those you support..your opinions are welcome to my mind its just that I
will think for myself as you do..:)
Q: Scott, a few days ago, conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts had a column where he compared the administration's use of September 11th with Hitler and the Reichstag fire as a blanket cover for extraordinary measures. Now, this is coming from a conservative columnist; this is not Nancy Pelosi. Doesn't this concern you that these kind of reactions have come up especially with all the revelations about the NSA and spying?
Mr. McClellan: I haven't seen his column. I haven't seen his column. But what - your characterization, I would reject wholeheartedly.
Yes Puffy, we are certain you would "reject" this-as it will eventually put your sorry butt in prison.
President George W. Bush landed in a Navy S-3B jet on the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, off the California coast, on May 1, 2003. In what may go down in history as the most expensive pre-election campaign stunt by a sitting American President, Bush delivered the words that now haunt his Presidency: "Mission accomplished."
World's most openly treasonous president-so are those who support him...I disagree that support is a matter of opinion e, at this point in time-it is a matter of law-and they broke many...
Once again, there was NEVER a "Declaration of WAR" Therefore, it is not a "time of war".
All you have to do is look at the facts, dr.desperate. They stand on there own.
Good place to start:
Educate yourself-I'm telling you-leave opinion out and simply follow the facts. I didn't despise Dubya's gang until I checked the facts and saw the laws they broke.
FISA was carefully crafted to not upstand the Constitution. Dubya didn't bother with it-emergency surveillence allows up to 2 WEEKS to get a warrant retroactively-but your boys didn't bother-because they believe they are above the law.
Explain the forged Niger documents they used as their basis for war-oh that's right-you can't. Your own boys put them together and now they will pay.
People who create a war based on BS, just so they can make a buck (look at Carlyle group-look at Halliburton) are called TREASONISTS.
Look it up...
Or just hang around and wait for the indictments to come down-because they are coming.
This week, Harris e-mailed supporters saying that the media have "relentlessly and personally attacked" her for months.
Here's one for dr des-
(Katherine Harris)She said it was critical that supporters contribute to her campaign so she could unseat Nelson.
Now, however, staffers may be as big a concern as money.
"Right now, I don't think anybody with any credibility would touch her," Johnson said.
"I'm not sure what she can do.
PS- CREDIBILITY-That's something your Dubya will never have.
Dr. D. in Viet Nam after battes the Cong always took thier dead soldiers with them ,,but that is not the case in the present situation ..thus there will be all new PTSD issues infutue..depleted Uranium just does not go away and the soldiers in Iraq are now breatheing in that stuff as well as the Iraqi people..these are the issues that should be at hand and on our minds..Poor planning is responsible, plus not correcting the mistakes, and not allowing a difference of opinion..have created
this unstable situation in Iraq....Personal attacks on those who diagree..will not solve this problem...
I'm not worried about impeachment-an indictment is far more appropriate.
My son is guard-and has recieved more awards than Dubya ever though about-putting him in a position to say anything he wants to about the war. Unlike you and Dubya, he was there.
He said if America had actually gone in to "liberate and reconstruct" Iraq, it would have been done.
It is clear we are there to destroy Iraq (most is already rubble from bombings-ours) and make sure the pipeline runs through Iraq, Afghanistan and next Iran. Ask any soldier willing to tell the truth-and there are plenty.
Your boys don't fool mine.
You may want to check with the FISA judge who resigned.
As for losing Iraq-we have had entire battalions run out of ammo. Soldiers in outpost areas run out of food and water.
Equipment is broken-no spare parts to be had-I won't go into the armor situation.
Overrun is the biggest danger our troops face-dr devil prefers a strategy of "shooting our way out" or mass slaughter of US Troops.
I'm telling you the harsh facts and they aren't pretty. This is what they people you defend have done to our miltary. And you want another war? Only if you go first. We don't have the stuff to do it. I take it you are OK with all of this.
Are you aware that the majority of states have only had 12-17% of their Guard left to protect them? Some have had to sue to keep them home-so the whole damn state doesn't go unprotected with the unguarded ports and uninspected cargo on planes. Use your brain and stop defending your party line.
Zogby poll said 75% of the soldiers want this war wrapped up within a year.
My friend has a son over there now-active duty-he said anyone who still supports Bush has enough sense at this point to keep their mouth shut-or face the consequences...
We are all one in pain the world over and it is just simple fact that leaders must be responsible for their deeds no matter what country...I leave the legal matter of this to those that are truely Americans like Fitz..who does his job without fear or favor..
those who have done the deeds must pay the price..We as Americans must realize that no matter what party we are affliated with we must look at the whole picture
and face the hard job of accepting the truth about leaders who are in love with power and money..
Can't you see thats what Fitz is all about...
He gave me hope in the fact that I get to post here as an American that loves Truth Justice and the American way..and I will not accect any less from any leader..
so if they have committed crimes against US the American People they are supposed to serve then they have to go...in order that we the American People and America shall not perish from this earth...
Dr.Evil stop making excuse for the war mongers, there’ve been smarter people wrecking their brain over the subject:
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.
It just makes me sick if people abuse Democracy as an excuse to invade other countries. The earlier we understand that Democracy is an internal achievement rather than external adjustment, it will deprive the war mongers of their, so far most effective excuse.
The public of Nations who consider themselves inferior Societies have to understand that Democracy is a process that has to be archived from within. That the wish for freedom must ripe and be truly wanted from a majority and cannot be upheld with force by a few as it is than declining to a dictatorship under false pretence of good intention.
And that is all there is to be said about the US invading Iraq! One can’t bring democracy and drop it like a care parcel on someone’s head…
And who cares if this really is PJFs blog? We come here to keep up on news and have fun and sometimes argue with evils ;-)
How'bout minding your own business and in any case where were your righteousness when
Israel invaded Palestinia
and when
Turkey invaded Cyprus
and so on and so on...
what is this
Consider it a stroke of good luck to have found somewhere to vent your possible frustration and humor but the Clinton draft dodging and Reid lines are getting repetitive. Cheney's remark about having better things to do than Vietnam puts him the same boat as Clinton and I think you know that.
What are your thoughts on the record deficit? How did this happen? Who did it? Why was it done? How can it be resolved?
Test Test ;-)
no need to hijack the blog, right?
...and who are the beneficiaries of this deficit? Where has this record surplus gained under Clinton gone to? Is it mostly still in U.S.?
Do please tell.
Dr Evil
sorry bloviate doesn't exist in my dictonary so I'll go for a coffee and ask some more clever people to educate me...see you later
By the way other countries didn't suffer any terrorist attacks and do not take such extreme messures such as spying without warrants or invading other countries
Well that's good to hear then as I find very few on the Right that agree with the Bush economic policy anymore. Aside from the direct beneficiaries of the pork.
That's my main beef with them too, this country is essentially screwed economically wise.
It's FITZ..Dr E :)
If this is not the blog of Patrick Fitzgerald Special Prosecuter, it would have been shut down a long time ago.
Here ya go...so much for Dubya's "War powers"
Supreme Court Rejects War Powers Case
Maybe next time he'll stay within the bounds of the law and actually charge them with something besides a "thought crime". Nobody likes terrorists, but the law is the law.
DD said:
UN Resolution 1441 gives authority for hostilities to resume.
NO, it doesn't not. Read it again.
Okay then the surplus and of course the tax cuts/corporate giveaways were all smoke and mirrors.
I think there are some ex-Treasury Dept. heads, Dept. high ups and ex-Economic advisors to the WH that would find issue with that.
A fine "conservative - moral decency" remark made to a woman. Sheesh!
Dr. Evil, if this was the Free Republic or any other right leaning web sites you would have been banned after your first comment. No comments have ever been deleted on this blog since I believe in freedom of speech, and of course respect all points of view - just refrain from personal attacks and be cognizant that there are many regulars posters on here who are mothers with children serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and if you are a man to be taken at his word, and a veteran, please show them the respect they deserve and I am sure you will be shown the same.
Lead by example. :)
It would be interesting to know about Dr. Evil's 'living hell' of 8 years and what he/she thinks of VP Cheney's service?
I have never seen anything here but a group of people that want justice served and the corruption of ALL branches to cease. I don't feel any of the regular posters here are 'doom and gloom' but they are bright, witty, informative, and most of all....they bring hope to those that are honest...and tired of corruption, lies, manipulation and the rape of our children's future.
Dr. Evil's contentious use of the name "Fritz" might be a key to his own 'doom and gloom' agenda.
What exactly are we suppose to winning in Iraq anyway with the 'thousands of mistakes'?
Finally, does Dr. Evil get upset with President Bush's supposedly new job of blogging?
Dr. E.,
It was your crass reply concern ing mutual masturbation to Grandmanuk I referenced. I can only assume she is a woman unless we have all been fooled by the this page! :-)
When you see many catastrophically
disabled Vets, it matters not their political preference and the people who started this difference have never known battle for they would know they are all brothers at the front line of any conflict..
At this blog you share the minds of those around the world who wish the simple best for us all
oil and profit maybe? (as for the profit of course for some few and most definately not for those who are over there fighting for it)
Dr. Evil, you are in the minority I guess, with your fondness for Dick.
Blind trust in Cheney is something our nation cannot afford.
Dr. Evil
You are completely inept. This is the real Patrick Fitzgerald's blog and his staff post here frequently, okay??
Did you know I have spoken to people at the DOJ before? I had it confirmed to me myself. Nobody would ever confirm anything to a pathetic troll like you.
Did you notice how the democrats are doing all the heavy lifting now and the republicans are all nothing but corrupt?
Their whole "majority" will vanish into thin air, along with the corrupt democrats with them.
Fritz isn't here numbnuts, because he doesn't exist.
Fitzgerald sometimes comes here but he does not post topics all the time, that is his staff.
And they are free to do whatever they want, in fact some of them like to watch james bond movies. Whatcha gonna do about it?
They're in charge, not you small fry.
I agree with grandmanuk. Please don't lower yourself to respond to Dr. E who wants nothing but to argue. If you want to maintain the high standard of this blog that has been informative and inspiring, please ignore his comments.
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