Apr 4, 2006
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

Previous Posts
- Libby Lawyers Fingering State Dept....
- A Moment Of Silence, Please...
- My Email Is Always Full Of Surprises..!
- The Truth Will Set You Free...
- Great Big Libby Case Update, Part I...
- Most Honest Quote Of The Week...
- Wind Her Up...
- I Have Decided To Resign...
- Chianti, For Everyone...
- Don't Put That On Your Resume...

This must be the countdown to the end of the corrupted politicans and individuals as they will all get caught... And she is right on money.. GOP are scrambling. Looking forward to November elections....
Yeah!!! Go Constitution and democracy!
What a long winding road. p
Heads up- some GOPers in DC and Minn. & Cols, OH as well as church orgs, military families and others are coming together tomorrow for a press conference requiring the house to debate Iraq policy for 16 hours-both sides.
They know we are about to put the smack down on them and they are afraid of the " no reelection blues". They can all, most dems too, kiss it goodbye. Who in their right mind could ever trust them to run this country, let alone a war.
Wouldn't it be great if Pinky admitted to fixing the vote, among other crimes?
Goodbye BushCo. Hello, Club Fed. The Dems need only invest in a big bag of popcorn.
Republicans either impeach or never show up for work again.
Thanks again for all you do
Those indictments need to all be released on the double Fitz, lets clean out the garbage!
They want to debate Iraq policy, I'll have them strung up and arrested. Not one of those fat asses knows how to run the country.
Especially the GOP, but many of the demorats too.
More in the news:
From Thinkprogress.org:
Gerbil missed Social Security report:
SOCIAL SECURITY -- ADMINISTRATION MISSES DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING SOCIAL SECURITY REPORT: The Social Security Act mandates that the Social Security Trustees submit a report to Congress "not later than the first day of April of each year." Yet it is Apr. 4, and the report is nowhere in sight. The New York Times reports that the Senate and the President "are at an impasse over the appointment of trustees for Social Security and Medicare." President Bush has renominated the two trustees who have served since 2000, but the Senate has refused to confirm them, saying it wants "to follow the precedent of having the public trustees serve no more than one term."
As suspected:
IRAN -- ANALYST SAYS SOME SENIOR U.S. OFFICIALS DETERMINED TO STRIKE IRAN: "For months, I have told interviewers that no senior political or military official was seriously considering a military attack on Iran," Joseph Cirincione, director for non-proliferation at the Carnegie Endowment, writes in Foreign Policy magazine. "In the last few weeks, I have changed my view." Cirincione says his shift was partly triggered by "colleagues with close ties to the Pentagon and the executive branch who have convinced me that some senior officials have already made up their minds: They want to hit Iran."
And wondering who is really running the WH:
The Gerbil says: "I told Josh (Bolten)that he will organize the White House in such a way that he is comfortable with and that meets my needs," Bush responded when asked if there would be far-reaching changes at the White House under Bolten. "And my needs are to have good crisp information so I can make decisions on behalf of the American people. And I look forward to Josh's recommendations as to how to get this White House to — for the last two and a half years of my administration — to continue to function in an effective way.
A thousand mistakes here, a thousand mistakes there, pretty soon you've got a major f***-up.
Adding to the list...
On the News Hour last night, salmon fishermen were furious at the Bush Admin, under Karl Rove's direction, for diverting the water that salmon need for spawning to farmers, thereby virtually decimating the salmon harvest.
This Admin can't seem to do anything right.
Fitz & Biloxi & All,
Bring them all to their knees!
What a great site
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