Apr 3, 2006
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

Previous Posts
- The Truth Will Set You Free...
- Great Big Libby Case Update, Part I...
- Most Honest Quote Of The Week...
- Wind Her Up...
- I Have Decided To Resign...
- Chianti, For Everyone...
- Don't Put That On Your Resume...
- Censure..? Impeachment..?
- Spring Has Sprung...
- Just Who Is "Hit Man" Karl Rove..?

Woo hoo! You are a natural, but wait a minute! You are a Democrat aren't you, not GOP or an Independent? Have your girl call my girl, we have to speak ASAP.
I am so glad that I am not on that banner for President! Nor have my name mentioned! Good luck, Fitz! You are certainly going to have bloggers like Kit, Bluewild, and 6 miles that will get on the bandwagon on this.....And my coments on this??? I take the 5th!
Fitz deleted the for President emails. Think LAW, after this case you'er the King of the Law. Stick to what your great at testing other waters might not fan out to well. Your mine is that of a genious legal one like Johnnie Cochran, Chief Justice Robert Wilentz and Justice Thurgood Marshall. Do the work you know you can do and let another do the work you can't. I for one would want only the best for you that this life has to offer but President of the United States well no.
I'm in OHIO Fitz- that's a biggie!
"prepared to deliver the vote to Fitz"
Just kidding, we want to get rid of Diebel-how else can a nice guy win?
Call me, call me :-) p
More in the news:
1. ExxonMobil beats Walmart?
Exxon Dethrones Wal-Mart on Fortune 500
NEW YORK - Skyrocketing energy prices propelled Exxon Mobil Corp. to the top of the 2006 Fortune 500 list.
Exxon Mobil raked in $340 billion in revenue, a 25.5 percent increase over 2004, and had $36.1 billion in profits, the most by any U.S. company in history.
2. From thinkprogess.org, Why was Card pushed out?
“Card did not want to go. But he ‘heard the tom-toms,’ according to someone who knows him well, and told Bush it was in the best interests of the team for him to leave,” Time magazine reports."
And lloks like Snow and McFelon will be axe soon...
3. Are we shocked about Abu Ghraib?
9/11 Detainees in New Jersey Say They Were Abused With Dogs
"About 400 of the 762 mainly Muslim detainees rounded up in the United States after 9/11 were held in the New Jersey jail. A lawsuit charges that the detainees' confinement was arbitrary, illegally based on their religion or national origin, and that guards routinely terrorized them with aggressive dogs."
4. A Divided GOP on the Gerbil:
Iraq to deficits, from immigration to port security, some of the most pointed criticism leveled at
"President Bush is coming from within his own party. Republicans these days are almost sounding like perennially divided Democrats."
5. Funny story from NY post!
April 3, 2006 -- JENNA Bush once sicced her daddy on a misbehaving boyfriend, according to upcoming tome "Laura Bush: An Intimate Portrait of the First Lady" by Ron Kessler. When George W. Bush was governor of Texas, Jenna was dating Blake Gottesman, who would become Bush's personal aide. According to Laura's friend Anne Johnson, Jenna woke her father up at 1:30 a.m. one night following a fight with Gottesman, so Bush called him. Gottesman said that, with all due respect, Jenna was the problem. Jenna had a fit, and Bush told his bratty teen daughter to go to bed.
And there you go!
Love the bumper stickers, SPB is right, we'll be on the bandwagon.
Honest politician should not be an oxymoron.
Yes, I will join former fed and campaign in AZ for you!
See, I knew it. I just want to be the apprentice of WH reporter, David Gregory or Helen Thomas when President Patrick Fitzgerald and VP. Eliot Spitzer are questioned on why they need to have "free Krispy Kreme donuts for all American people on every Fridays" when the federal debt is unbalanced!
yumm....Krispy Kremes.
Doh! Springfield goes for Fitz!
I already printed a few out after clicking the graphics. I think I will use super glue and stick one on Karl's Jaguar if someone can give me his address in the Palisades here in DC.
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And I wouldn't be surprised if the PJF Flygirls would want a TV ad commercial with Fitzgerald and Spitzer. And the slogan "say no to graft. Fitz and Spitz will clean house in the White House."
Switching gears:
We are spending a lot of money in Iraq with no results. And I know that Gerbil 'R Us and company will panhandle money for Iraq from Congress soon.
U.S. Plan to Build Iraq Clinics Falters
Contractor Will Try to Finish 20 of 142 Sites
"BAGHDAD -- A reconstruction contract for the building of 142 primary health centers across Iraq is running out of money, after two years and roughly $200 million, with no more than 20 clinics now expected to be completed, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says."
That's right! Only twenty clinics, folks!
You're covered in VA!
You're covered in VA!
You're covered in VA!
Great stuff! Now we know why Little Soldier is sweating triple bullets finally.
You are no democrat, you're definitely apolitical but I know you'd make a fine president!
Lets make a new party and send out the trash that's in Washington D.C. ASAP!!!!!
Howard Dean and Ken Mehlman,
FYI, Check the profile the Washington Post did on him, as well as the one by the Chicago Tribune magazine.
Fitz is a devout independent. He registered to vote in New York as an independent, but then changed his registration when he learned independent was an actual political party.
Click on my link for a good bio on him.
Well. Feingold is not lone ranger. Here comes Obama. Go Obama go! Point well taken! From Thinkprogess.org:
Obama Rips Bush’s Oil Policy: It’s ‘Like Admitting Alcoholism and Then Skipping The 12-Step Program’
"Now, after the President’s last State of the Union, when he told us that America was addicted to oil, there was a brief moment of hope that he’d finally do something on energy.
I was among the hopeful. But then I saw the plan.
His funding for renewable fuels is at the same level it was the day he took office. He refuses to call for even a modest increase in fuel-efficiency standards for cars. And his latest budget funds less then half of the energy bill he himself signed into law - leaving hundreds of millions of dollars in under-funded energy proposals.
This is not a serious effort. Saying that America is addicted to oil without following a real plan for energy independence is like admitting alcoholism and then skipping out on the 12-step program. It’s not enough to identify the challenge – we have to meet it."
It’s ‘Like Admitting Alcoholism and Then Skipping The 12-Step Program’
JUST like Dubya, nice Obama...
DD- You'll be peeing (or crapping) yourself when your boys are indicted too...so laugh while you can.
Moussaoui death penalty eligibility verdict in
"Jurors have found that 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui is eligible for the death penalty."
and how do you all feel about it are you generally for the death penalty or just this time because his crime seems the most despicalbe one?
Moreno Valley, Calif. sez, OH YEAH!
As for Mossaoui well he will get his wish he will die and get the 7 virgins as the US kills a man who is not guilty. It reminds me of the Rosenberg case were over 30 years after the US killed them we find out their were not guilty. I guess the middle east people really are smarter then Americans Mossaoui played us for fools and just like George Bush we fell for it. Maybe thats why the middle east knows more about Americans and American history then Americans. Fitz I think the other chess game is being played on the United States by the Middle East and it looks like they win.
yeah Ethel and Julius I've read a study of the case, had witch hunt written all over it
Each case is very different. What I feel may not be what another person feels. But, I don't believe in the electric chair of course. Regarding Moussouri. I have followed this case. We are still not sure if this man was actually the 9/11 highjacker due to conflicting testimonies from him other terrorists that justify that Moussouri was not on the list of highjackers, and the tampering of the witnesses. I think that Moussouri wants to die a martyr. But, if he is put the death, we will never know the real truth. The real question is why is the attorneys violating Moussouri's (whether he is guilty or not) rights. It is making you wonder if the Iraq or Guatamano Bay detainees will have rights and have a fair trial or share Moussouri's fate....
Nothing is going to happen to Mckinney Dr. Evil.
Sorry!!!!!! But you won't be taking any patriots down, only scum like Tom Delay will be taken down and Steny Hoyer.
True patriots will kick the hell out of the neocons and knock them down in court!
The government claimed that Moussouri was one of the 9/11 hijackers. I had followed the case ever since he was arrested. They know have more coverage of his case than in the past. I cannot say whether he was the 20th highjacker or not. But, from the action of the government, fact remains, Moussouri's case was tampered and his rights were violated guilty or not guilty. If this justice system would have did right thing and prove the case honestly, then that is another story. As I mention before, the CIA leak case is the connected dots of Enron case, 9/11, war in Iraq, etc. Now aren't you glad that Fitz is making sure that his case is not being tampered with?
Dr devil.
No one needs "inside contacts" only a working brain and a legal education.
I have both-sorry about your luck.
dr evil and your wetting your pants...
I think you should go play elsewhere ... Kindergarteners are most certainly not welcome here.
I've noticed your entries over the past few days -- you are most inhospitable.. Definitely a Repugnican.
Nope, many here are not of either party; we do certainly try to show respect for each other -- which you've most certainly lack.
Play elsewhere -- you're not welcome here.
Our next Press Secretary?
Q: Can you explain the apparent overnights Jeff Gannon spent in the White House and when the budget is going to be balanced?
A: Ruff! Ruff!
May I suggest -- we just ignore "it" that being the Dr Evil person here.
We already know where the real Dr Evil is....
stand-ins, copy-cats ... absolute piffle.
no worries, we have your IP address.
OK, that's it lets settle this once and for all.
Is Bush a crook? Did he break the law? YES.
So does it matter his political stripe or any other bullshit?
A crook is a crook.
I've spoken with their offices and Jackie on numerous occasions. Fitz has alot of staffers who like to poke fun at the current affairs regardless of party.
This blog is run by them as a way to unwind and always put information out.
The whole place is specifically made, for fans of Fitzgerald and cleaning out corruption regardless of party.
I have confirmed all of those facts.
He also does it in a way to make this place seem like a ploy, but it isn't. These guys are full Irish, in fact I've heard from Fitz's cousin Ireland as has someone else who frequents here.
Fitz himself does not come that often except to send out updates...the rest of the time, this has always been his staff.
That is why the jokes so if you got a problem with the Fitz crew or anyone else, take it up over email. We don't need it on this blog so take my advice.
Beat it and knock it off with McKinney okay? She stood up for people and did nothing wrong, this is a setup and she will not be touched that's a guarantee.
----The Orion's SWORD ~~~
Dr. E, Thanks for support here, I can't no respect from these types.
We're short a 4th man for our elite little hunting group, care to join?
The truth will set us all free and restore faith in America and the Constitution!
Thanks PJF!
I read that Dan Bartlett might be the new press secretary, Bwak!
Perhaps, even more of the blind will finally see with that creep spinning.
Terrorist Warning
Building Security has notified us that there have been 4 suspected terrorists working at our office.
Three of the four have been apprehended. Bin Sleepin, Bin Loafin, and Bin Drinkin have been taken into custody.
Security advised us that they could find no one fitting the description of the fourth cell member, Bin Workin, in the office. Police are confident that anyone who looks like he's Bin Workin will be very easy to spot. :-) p
Hey guys, take it easy on the big fella.
When you got a stern for brains you know you just don't get it, without having a labotomy maybe.
Well that's what my mother says.
(Hoh Pech Hoh Pech) *Darth Vader Voice* LUKE, I AM YOUR FAAATHER...
Did you see how I played that joke the other day? Hah that was such a riot, almost as much as the hunting trip near Dick "Cheney"!!
By the way, Dr. "Evil" is just a bit too stupid for his own good so he doesn't understand the way of things.
He just doesn't get it yet. We don't care whos party is doing it, they're going to pay the price and get arrested if they are doing it.
I don't give a shit if its a neocon or tommy on the street, because you see boys and girls the law is an equal opportunity employer.
Now seriously, maybe I really am an SS agent and you don't know it. But I'm behaving the same way we normally act if you want the truth.
And the truth is Dr. Evil, eyes are watching you. And they are watching every other little trouble maker who breaks the law!
The blog is just a home away from home its not your playground.
Especially around these parts, keep your chin up Biloxi.
Agent Stolemick
Hey boys its not partisan, McKinney didn't break any laws.
Neocons set her up do you really think she was a raving lunatic hitting police officers?
By the way, throw the book at all the rest especially Steny Hoyer & the Clintons.
It sure as hell isn't partisan to stand up for a black woman. Mckinney is one of the only ones, in all of Georgia, who hasn't turned racist and respects her kind.
If McKinney really broke all the laws, it would be all over the news especially Fox.
McKinney did not, what happened was politics as usual yet again on the hill.
This is the third time McKinney has not been recognized on the hill by the police or custom agents.
Every time someone has sent out her picture so people recognize her as the congresswoman, but some trouble makers keep tearing it down.
IE: It was most likely a neocon setup of some freaks making her out to look like a lunatic.
The police wouldn't have even bothered if they had recognized her at the building, since they didn't she got restrained and then decked the guy.
Its not deserving of a criminal report, she wasn't the one being racist or not allowing her in the building.
It is fully deserving of a civil fine for her, as well as the officer and then finding out who is making sure her face isn't recognized.
If people figured it was her to begin with, then the whole thing never would've happened.
I bet Fitz will tell you the same thing.
Also don't be fooled by the praising of democrats, he favors whoever isn't taking the money or the person who is doing right in the moment.
Right now, one of the biggest cases they are wrapping up is against Governor Ryan, a democrat crook from Illisnois. They are getting them all off the street.
We're just helping along...
From Thinkprogress. org:
McClellan asked if he’s on the way out.
From today’s press gaggle: “QUESTION: Have you had any thoughts that you might be leaving soon? MCCLELLAN: I don’t speculate on any personnel matters. QUESTION: You’re not speculating for yourself. MCCLELLAN: I’m focused on helping the President advance his agenda, just like the rest of the team at the White House.”
Uh huh! and many employers don't have to tell you that you are gone to your face. Some of them can leave the pink slip on the your desk or give your slip on your way out or tap you on the sholuder and you tell you that you are gone. McFelon can't answer the question and WH can give him the slip at anytime. His clock is ticking soon...
DR Devil,
The one liners come a dime a dozen
Plenty more where those came from
Silly, frilly boy. I'm not a man.
Thanks for having Fitz's back!
McClellan's next to quit for sure Biloxi, did you see him spinning that shitty story the other day???!?
My god he's making the GOP's job even easier to lose everything!!!
Cheney will probably deliver the news to Snotty Scotty, Go ______ yourself!
That seems like their style while all smiles in the photo ops.
Doesn't matter if she looks like Tina Turner.
If the person says they are a member of congress, you are supposed to call it in.
This guy didn't do that he was supposed to call in and check to make sure it was her, any of their colleagues could have answered that.
Then she is to be allowed in and not restrained at the doorway, like this jerk did.
And by the way, it should not matter for anyone what they do with their hair.
Smart people can still recognize members of congress.
- Orion
dr. d it's FITZ ..
dr e Fitz
And you noitce that Ari Fleischer feels like a young kid again after he bailed out from Gerbil 'R Us club? Right now, McFelon is starting to look more stupid to the WH and the GOP. Every time that I see him when he is grilled by David Gregory or Helen Thomas, he looked like as though needs a diaper change or suffering from hemorrhoids. Reest assured that Snotty Scotty will be history, peanut shaped head and all!
without fear or favor too
Is there proof and evidence now that Mckinney broke the laws like there is on Delay and the rest?
Nobody is going to prosecute anyone unless there's real evidence. Fitz's people won't even take up the case.
Besides that, Mckinney is an out and out corruption killer.
She works hard on the Judiciary to clean up crimes herself along with her whole network of friends, they are rare democrats- INDEPENDENT democrats.
Mckinney is an independent and people doubt she has broken all laws. She will be fined like anyone else, then released.
We don't want Mckinney in jail. We want her outside where she can help prosecute crimes in her house.
Then we can get things back on track.
Isn't that right Biloxi?
And actually, people recognize the congressional republicans because they go there every day.
They are mostly white, some of them are also very fat. Nobody could miss them.
Mckinney is black and is rare in the house of represenatives, because she is a black congresswoman with her own style.
She is not as easily recognized as the republicans, and by the way there are alot of patriotic republicans like Curt Weldon who have tusseled with the DC Police too. They know what the rules are.
No I'm trying to tell you how she can be easily mistaken for someone else, while those republicans can't.
They have thought before that she was a druggie just because of her hairstyle and that she was black.
Unfortunately, there is alot of stupid and some racist cops on the hill. They think terrorists are always trying to get in and so they mistaked Mckinney for one too.
Scotty is next to resign before the Rove bombshells drop and the CIA case wraps up!!
Does not matter if it doesn't sound like harassment.
The officer physically restrained her and yanked her arm just because he did not know it was her.
That was harassment, and charges need to be filed against that officer as well as Mckinney for shoving back.
Civil fines should be administered but no one needs to head to jail for this incident.
What they need to do, is what Grandma said. Find out why in the world those people don't recognize Mckinney or other members of congress, and find out what sparked the incident.
They can not always wear their lapel pins in D.C., sometimes they will not have it on and someone has to know them by sight.
Anon, at 5:59 pm
Since you mention my name, I will go ahead and address the issue of Cynthia McKinney. Well, like anything every politician is now under the microscope with all the corruption that is coming out from the Gerbil Administration. That doesn't excuse the officer of touching Ms. McKinney. She had every right to defend herself if she feel that the officer was touching her. I go agree that what happen to her is politics and blow out of proportion. To have her arrested is insane. But, I liker her attitude from this episode that she has a job to do. She won't do any jail time. This nothing for publicity to make the Democrats like bad like the GOP. I, too, want her back to help prosecute crines.
On a side note: I did read that she mishandled the taxpayers' money by paying for singer, Issac Hayes to fly him to Atlanta. I wanted to make that comment. She did the right thing by admitting her mistakes and will reimburse the congressional fund for the cost of Hayes' flight and hotel room. I am not justifying what she did but I do admire her for admitting and correcting her mistake which I couldn’t not say for Condi!
What? That's a complete fabrication.
The only ones with a target on their back are the ones involved with Jack Abramoff, which is quite alot.
As well as all the democrats involved with Jack Abramoff. That is not everybody.
That is all of the GOP who are involved with Abramoff as well as those corrupt democrats, and it just so happens the GOP has alot more corruption right now.
Since they are the party of "big business" and live for this shit.
Now take your ball, game's up.
Yes prosecutor biloxi, that's correct you know this realm well since you're a lawyer.
Mckinney admitted that she did those private trips for him, but its still wrong.
At least she admitted it though because thats the type of thing we don't need in this congress ever again!
That's how we got Jack Abramoff and buddies to begin with, is congress thinking they are above everyone and taking private trips to Rio Digenero.
If your congress is not working for you the people, its working for foreign governments and big money on the taxpayer's dime.
That's a guarantee. Which is why this time the Clintons will be caught, all of them will get to pay the penalty!
- Orion
One more thing about McKinney. How ironic that McKinney is now a target of scrunity. Here are some facts:
1. McKinney is a co-sponsor of Rep. John Conyers's H. Res 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into potential grounds for the impeachment of President Bush.
2. On April 16, 2003:Mckinney speaks out on the unseen costs of the Iraq War.
When you are an outspoken person and against the Gerbil's agenda, you will become a target. Keep it up Ms. McKinney. Your voice is important!
Mckinney is a real breed a rare breed. She will vote with Ron Paul and all the true democrats & republicans to impeach and jail.
She knows what the job's about so she is a target of every lawbreaker, aka the thugs and neocons.
But she will make it through easily since her patriotic desire to right wrongs comes above all.
I agree that this will not stand for long, and am glad she admitted the trips. She should have admitted them first thing however instead of waiting until now, but on the hill its now the attitude of "everyone's doing it".
So you know how they try to avoid their crimes, especially the GOP who looks really bad right now. Thats why they tried to blame it on the democrats etc, as always!
- Orion
No member of congress especially Mckinney can be expected to always remember her lapel.
In fact, an interesting story happened the other day regarding that Biloxi. Did you hear about it? I bet Conrad Burns isn't having good dreams tonight!
Don't worry Montana, we're going to replace that trash with some real independents.
Just petty crap for an arrest on McKinney regarding her lapel. This will certainly be a long haul of cat fights between GOP and Democrats on who is corrupted or who is not. This all has to do with November elections that's all!
p.s. don't forget the watch the NCAA March Madness finals tonight. Go Bruins!!!
Actually I am much harder on the democrats because I want them to shape up, be a true party again like the independents.
I would love them to outlaw all corruption and kick the DLC out forever, then they'd be alright.
Just because Mckinney is a democrat means nothing, we support Mckinney because she and others are trying to right the wrongs.
The democrats party as a whole I don't care for, but I also know the republicans party is pure corruption.
So I would like to see everyone jailed, and then those lonestar democrats & others join our third party as we take over.
And kick them all out Grand Jury style, I favor the democrats at least the real democrats because they are less corrupt.
They'll get the job done. But then I want to replace the whole entire place with the We the People Congress, and have instant runoff voting go nationally.
By the way Biloxi I checked into Wisconsin today, they are adopting Instant Runoff elections!!!!!
Its spreading like wildfire now, this is going to reshape the voting forever.
--- Full Spectrum ---
Hey, Anon!
I am not siding with any party. There are corrupted Democrats as well as the GOP. I have written on numerous occasion to DNC Howard Dean about the behavior some of the Democrats. And we are now going to go there with the Buffoon Lieberman. He is one person that really irritates me. But, the bottom line is that both political parties need to clean house. Remove the Gerbil and all the corrupted politicians from both sides! You mention Wisconsin? Wisconsin is trying to get on their ballot for people to vote whether we should leave Iraq. Of course, the ballot has no power for the President to withdraw the troops. However, that ballot gives a message to other states to demand a similar ballot in their states. It creates momentum.
Yes it does, and California, Wisconsin, and several other states are now adopting Instant Runoff Voting as well as New Jersey!
That is why I say its going to get interesting soon, we need Ned Lamont to win, that will be the end of Lieberman.
Then bring instant runoff to connecticut and replace him too after Lieberman is out!
First get the guy out of that state, as well as get rid of the current hacks in Pennsylvania. Keep Curt Weldon and several others, because they are good citizens.
There is some good republicans and democrats in those states, but the rest need to go and I mean on the double
They need to be thrown out, with a handibag to ask for donations! Just like what happened to Little Soldier at the federal level.
Full Spectrum
Well that's good to know that Wisconsin is not the only state the Instant Runoff Voting. Clever idea. And I hope Connecticut citzens will vote for Lamont. Lieberman is such a kissbutt. And I am so glad that the blogger on other blog are turning the heats on Lieberman. The blogger put the fear in that buffoon!
p.s. the little soldier is finished. It is a matter of time. With his attorneys bleeding him dry, he won't have a enough money for that can of tuna to buy from the bluelight special!
Next thing you know...Libby will be standing on the freeway corner...holding up a sign that says, "Will Work For Tuna"
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In related news regarding Gov. Ryan's trial, jurors restart deliberations.
Revamped Ryan jury starts deliberations over again
By Matt O'Connor and Rudolph Bush
Tribune staff reporters
Published March 29, 2006, 8:13 PM CST
"The revamped jury in former Gov. George Ryan's trial began a second round of deliberations Wednesday."
I hope Ryan is in jail for a long long time, that is such a sad story for Illinois.
But there is also Governor Mitch Romney, hes a sad story in itself! Too corrupt and cozy with the big money boys.
In fact, this congress is the worst and most corrupt. Otherwise George would have been impeached and we'd be talking about the next big scandal already.
These guys are corrupt to the core, especially the GOP side and wormy democrats.
Only the true patriot democrats/republicans can save it, and help form the FINAL THIRD PARTY.
In the meantime biloxi, we need to make sure all these nincompoops are indicted and tried.
Little soldier changed his tactics, now he is blaming Collin Powell!
A desperate man out of money!!!
I hope the Easter Bunny brings some nice indictments...I mean eggs.
This board isn't fun to read anymore being that it has been polluted with the stink of a Bush buttkisser.
Fitz, it broke my heart when I read you have a gf. :-( I was hoping you were too busy for a gf!
That's because you wanted to be Fitz's girlfriend for a week too and I know it!
I bet you were just lining up. Not to worry though, if you are anywhere in the 18-22 range or what not you can take me instead!
I got Fitz's eyes anyway. But in all seriousness Fitz, good on you and have some pizza on me!
You been working real hard this week, thank you
Washington D.C. Townhall needs to be aired out big time from the stench of this administration, and all the talmud crypto weirdos inside it!
You are right it needs a full on air vac now that Libby is singing
Dr. Evil come back...it's hard out here being with a chimp.
Tom Delay will not run ..just in
dr, d take out trash and start blogging ith facts..because you have a good mind..and you should know a lot of Republicans do not consider the WH crowd true Republicans,,they spend too much
Hey Dr. Pedophile, Tom Delay has dropped out and quit congress.
Also the Democrats want to impeach the president because America does.
And they will, after Cheney leaves. Dick Cheney is the first to go and he will be FALLOUT DAMAGE from the CIA investigation......
In other words Cheney won't be around and there will be no other president. He will be impeached after the changing of all the hands.
And the impeachment will be done strictly for breaking the laws surrounding the wiretapping, and the most damaging issue of committing mass abuses against the constitution.
He broke the laws, so we'll hold them accountable.
Cheney will be six feet under. He will not be around.
Let's all just be thankful that McKinney didn't fly Tiger Woods to Scotland for golf. She might have to resign before she got indicted.
"The picture appeared to darken further last week. DeLay's former chief of staff Edwin A. Buckham, the lawmaker's closest political and spiritual adviser, was described in court documents filed by the Justice Department as someone who collaborated with the others -- Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, former DeLay deputy chief of staff Tony Rudy and former DeLay aide Michael Scanlon. They arranged payments, trips and favors that the department's investigators charged were part of an illegal conspiracy, according to the documents."
"DeLay himself was formally designated as "Representative #2" in the documents, a title that cannot be considered a good omen. The lawmaker designated in the same documents as Representative #1 -- Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) -- has been cited by the Justice Department as having received "things of value" for performing official acts."
Why do you say that, anon? Cheney couldn't handle giving up the Presidency...er..Vice-Prez?
So much for "I AM the Federal government". LOL.
Mr. C.A.T.,
How's the K Street office rentals looking lately?
Something to consider you know.
Cheney is finished. A little birdy told me they have all the goods on Cheney and AIPAC and he will be indicted on conspiracy grounds.
There will be nothing left of the true Cheney, and then everything else will run like a wind up clock.
Bad for UCLA. Good for Florida. :-(
Also Cheney will be gone before ever any impeachment attempt, thats a guarantee.
The people will throw out congress plus its voting machines at one time.
I suddenly feel better, anon! Woo-hoo! Do we get to see a frog-march?
A family member met him once and said he is one paranoid _____hole.
Thanks for the info...how do we know about a certain Senator that is sometimes called a 'lapdog' and likes to cover things up? Land of Oz.
You talking about dumbass lieberman?
He's finished, we're booting them out on their f'n ass.
Other senators are good as finished too.
I live in Kansas...Senator Pat Roberts. Ack!
Take that skunk Brownback and Mr. Not so Clean Jim Ryun too, please.
But Roberts is the shame of KS.
I was reading about Lamont today. Sounds like a good man. :-)
Lieberman is another lapdog for Bushco. and whiney at that.
By the way more senators will be indicted too, its going to be one hell of a free fall.
Just keep cleaning house boys! :)
I am licking my wounds here. UCLA lost! It was a great game and Florida deserves it!
Why let Dr. e ruin this blog? I can't stand to read it any more. PLEASE ignore his comments and don't respond to them.
Sorry about UCLA, spb. I was rooting for them, too.
Thanks, Teak!
Next year for UCLA. But, the team accomplished a lot getting to the finals against all odds. But, still I am proud of the team and also Florida.
dr e... thanks for spelling his nickname right..:)
Teak at 11:18:
I say that about Cheney because he has had 4 heart attacks and a fifth one is on the way because if you look at the man, he is not in good shape.
And with the stress of the CIA investigation looming closer to him, I feel it will send him over the edge.
The sooner the better, I say.
Wow - it seems that for supposedly intelligent people or Lawyers assistants etc... you folks don't know how to write or type legibly. Personally that makes me quite skeptical about this whole website. I will pass by and read sometimes, but honestly - you guys/gals need to work on your grammar, and your typing if you want to be more convincing.
Anon 1:32am
Not everybody types perfectly anonymous, even in the DOJ because they don't focus on how they "type" and not everyone uses a computer all the time.
Some of the lunatics posting here seem to assume whoever works for Fitz that runs this blog just stays here all the time, no they have seperate lives away from this place and credentials.
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