Feb 15, 2006
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

Previous Posts
- Harry W. - Before And After...
- I Am Irish...
- Born Yesterday..?
- Reunited And It Feels So Good...
- Happy St. V Day...
- Shady Deals in Smoky Rooms...
- In Theaters This Summer...
- 53 Felonies..!
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe...
- Global Warming...

But wait Saddam did this to his own people?
Who enforced this behavior someone at the top most be held -
this is sick.
It is very hard to view those photos let alone the past Abu Ghraib's photos (story broke by CBS some time ago). How can Bush now says that he is spreading democracy and freedom to the Iraqs (Bush said in the State of the Union address recently) with now we have these new photos? And there are more photos to come?? This is truly an embarrassment to the US and to the President. Now, this gives more ammunition to the terrorists and others of more protests and violence abroad to come as well as anger here. Bush sure like to put more salt in the wound. This is the worse decorum that the Bush administration has demonstrated.
I fail to see any flowers or kisses in those photos.
Yes, Grandmanuk! The church brought and paid for the Adminstration to be re-elect. That is why the church has so much pull into the Adminstration. It is up to the people to make a stand for themselves:
I say:
Faire baisser le Adminstration !
No Grandma Nuk, slow day here at the DOJ. Fitz is only doing his Origami and eating Krispy Cremes today. ;)
Asst. to PJF:
Fitz should relax while the Adminstration are sweating bullets over all of the lastest scandals and Cheney's latest blunder...
I just read the interview on Faux News of Cheney. Interesting it says:
"The Vice President also revealed that he had a beer at a picnic held earlier in the day at the ranch, at least four to five hours before the shooting."'
Uh huh! And how many beers was it? And was it really 4 to 5 hours before the shooting? And why are earth would you drink anyway with heart condition? And were you or did you take medication when you had that beer???
Fitz wasn't Born Yesterday and sure hit the nail on the head regarding alcohol!
Sorry. I cannot even click on the link to look at the pictures, assured they're quite vile.
To think that this behavior is perpetuated by
Dr Evil
is well disgusting. They'll rot in hell.
Oh -- do I hear a faint very Merry Fitzmas coming soon?!
wasn't bright, eyed and bushy-tailed Ralph Reed connected to
the gift that keeps giving.
Does anyone else see elements of ritualistic abuse here? I mean call-an -exorcist, Satanic, devil-worshipping, black-mass, Ultimate-Evil ritualistic abuse. When the Abu Ghraib story first broke, I heard reports about a room in the basement with a mattress or a bed in the middle, surrounded by chairs arranged in a circle with candles. I think if you described a room like that to any big-city detective, he's say Satanic rituals. There were also pictures of decapitated cat heads in the electronic files.
Has anyone read Maury Terry's book "The Ultimate Evil (I tried to get through it and it scared the living daylights out of me)? I think he writes about a lot of Satanic activity happening on military bases. Recruits make the best recruits, I think is the line.
Then there's Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set and his philosophy of mind war. Do the google. Creepy stuff.
Sed liberas nos a malo,
Saint Brigid
This Administration should be ashamed for this type of treatment!No wonder the world hates America!
It's sad, sad, sad...
These pictures define what is wrong in the Bush administration. When you start to think and act like your enemy does, they have already won.
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I had to laugh your comment for a moment. That was too funny! I know that Cheney had more than 1 drink. The man had two DWIs in the past. And he says that he is clean? Pfft!!! Uh Huh! Once a drinker has a drink, skies the limits. With all the parties that the Administration has had, please don't tell me that Cheney never quench his thirst for a moment! Someone must have pencil erased the part on the report on how many drinks Cheney had.
These guys are turning this country into to an axis of evil. Next the UN might charge the US with crimes against humanity. We broke the law and the pictures prove it. We are better then that. This Administration is turning our kids into killers and they will come home killing. Bush should be on trial just like Saddam.
I say these methods should be tried out on Donald Rumsfeld and his gaggle of sadists.
Until something is done about this, are all of us nothing more than "good Germans of the Third Reich," not I take that back, maybe good Communists but in an American costume letting this horror happen? People should be terrified that Primakov is running Homeland Security programs. How wonderful, someone from the former KGB.
Listen I do not even like the comparison, but this is evil, just plain evil. Although what comes to mind is Hitler maybe also coming to thought is Stalin, or Pol Pot, the absolute failures of the past 100 years. Strangely they get far less bad press, I wonder why?
What brings people to lose their sense of right and wrong here? We are supposed to be pretty sound people. There is no waiting on this issue, end it, and bring to justice those involved. The court of public opinion, unless it has some vague hope of profiting from this, if not brain dead, already condemns this deliberate policy in the strongest terms.
It is becoming embarrassing overseas to let anyone know you are a US citizen while many of us traveling already tell others we are "Canadians." Is this enough for us to know something is very very wrong here?
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