Mar 1, 2007
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

Previous Posts
- Mouse House Scores - Pix Fix Trix For Flix...
- The Beginning Of Something Big..?
- Weather It Makes A Difference...
- Dan Froomkin - Signs Of Life...
- Watching And Waiting...
- Email Kiss And Tell...
- Dessert...
- Steaks...
- 300,000 Visitor Milestone...
- Questions About The Question...

So... We won't know more until next weekend, right? (nibble-nibble)...
Oh MY WORRD! That was FUNNY! Thank you! I needed to laugh like thta!
I'm going to watch it again now!
That was funny! Scooter is so slimy! LOLMAO
Mark Fiore!
Looking forward to future inmate number for Scooter. Say hello to Ney, Scooter. LOL!
Good night! Biloximan out!
NEW YORK - The defendants included husband-and-wife lawyers, registered representatives, compliance personnel and hedge fund portfolio managers who improperly relied on hundreds of tips during five years of illegal trading.
Investigators have broken up what they call one of the biggest Wall Street insider-trading rings since the 1980s - a sweeping, $15 million scandal that involved power brokers at some of the nation's top financial firms and two lawyers.
In announcing the case Thursday, authorities described a criminal operation that used insiders at Morgan Stanley and Co. and UBS Securities LLC to steal valuable secrets from the companies. Prosecutors also alleged a Bank of America Securities LLC broker accepted cash kickbacks and two former representatives of Bear Stearns & Co. obtained UBS inside information....
Oh, boy. Not a word on the news about this. Way to go.
Fun cartoon. I like that background music too .....
Santa Fe New Mexican Covers BBC Building 7 Controversy
Devin Green
Santa Fe New Mexican
Thursday, March 1, 2007
As today is my last day setting the homepage for The Santa Fe New Mexican I thought I would bid you all farewell. I resigned two weeks ago to better pursue my personal interests. It is to my great amusement however that this day coincides with an astonishing story to share in this blog. There is an uproar rising across the Internet over what is being called yet another blatant, 9/11 smoking gun.
For more on this story:””
House Panel Subpoenas 4 Prosecutors of 8 Ousted
From NY Times
A House Judiciary subcommittee voted Thursday to issue subpoenas requiring testimony from four of the eight United States attorneys recently dismissed by the Justice Department.
The vote followed remarks this week in which one of the four, David C. Iglesias of New Mexico, said he believed that the motives for his ouster had been political. He and the three others subpoenaed — H. E. Cummins III of Arkansas, John McKay of Seattle and Carol C. Lam of San Diego — were chosen to give testimony because the circumstances of their dismissal are thought to be representative of those surrounding the removal of all eight, Congressional officials say.
The subpoenas order the four to testify at a hearing of the House subcommittee on Tuesday. The Senate Judiciary Committee has also invited dismissed prosecutors to testify that day and may consider issuing its own subpoenas if they do not. Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, a Democratic member of the committee who has led an investigation of the dismissals, said Thursday, “The U.S. attorneys will be coming, and now we will finally get to the bottom of this.”
The House panel acted after the prosecutors privately told lawmakers that they would not testify voluntarily, not wanting to get in the middle of what has grown into a serious political embarrassment for the Justice Department, but that they would give testimony if compelled.
See Times for entire story.
Good Morning,
Jan, Mark Fiore for sure! I love his stuff.
Meetings and fund raiser all weekend for me, so I'll try not to think about WHEN a verdict might return;-)
Anon, looks like Gonzo's got some spla'nin to do. Shouldn't be a problem for him. Wonder if he would even notice being disbarred for his participation to trump the constitution...BTW, where IS the ABA on these issues?
LMAO Fitzie! You just gave me my post for my blog today...WTG Mark Fiore!
Good Morning Fitzie and Justice Bloggers...
Good Morning. Funny cartoon.
Good news. The House passed the Employee Free Choice Act. :D
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