quote: Maybe all the fuss is about the hypocracy of those connivers in the wh. It's all about family values at election time, but actions speak louder than words.
The thing is that the Politicians have built a house of straw with very little substantive truth in it.
Everything is game for being politicized without any real truth or action in backing up that stand.
Their mindset was/is that they all know that you can't please all of the people all of the time so you generalize everything and hope that the greater majority will believe it even though it's a complete fabrication of what you really want to do. A house of cards
And like all straw houses it can't stand up to the winds of change.
However, a nation cannot stand on lies. History proves it!
A federal judge has given petroleum giant ExxonMobil a break on its pay out for the Valdez spill, according to a breaking report from the Associated Press.
The news agency is currently reporting that a federal appeals court halved the $5 billion awarded by a jury to Alaskans and other parties to deal with the consequences of the spill. The spill dumped tens of millions of gallons of oil in the Prince William Sound, which spread all over Alaska's coastline.
This should anger every American. It should have been settled years ago.
(Geezer, when I checked the tinyurl link to see if it worked, no dice. I'm a ditz.)
Mary Cheney needs to break a lot of cycles handed down to her from her father and her MOTHER.
Generation after generation, these elite have chose to pass the down the worst behavior to their children. They are quick to judge the rest of the world but fail to look at themselves. Well, the truth is staring the world in the face and it is time for the world to say to the elite, look at yourselves. They have no excuses for their behavior.
I think we have enough Cheneys right now. I certainly am not looking forward to any more. The Cheney of fools is long enough already. And don't insult Komodo dragons like that. LOL
Anon, it will be interesting to see if motherhood softens Cheney hardness or if they simply raise another gimmee monster in the world. 2:06 well said and traits passed on can be from all income levels-there is no income monopoly on petty people.
The Cheney's already have other grandchildren from their other daughter...I believe...so this isn't the first grandchild. However, the other daughter isn't a lesbian..
Self fertilization is common in many of the lower invertebrate groups including fish when under going depleted population stresses. In Florida the water pollution has become so bad in places that the fish, reptiles and amphibians are showing these hormonal changes when there is no need otherwise. Many species are slowly dying off now. Sad to see.
Geezerpower, I've actually seen way more nude people than that. Actually, most of the people I meet are not wearing clothes when I first meet them.HeeHeee.Giggle
Man, I missed Jordan's comment. I certainly am not going to comment about Mary Cheney and her pregnancy nor the lizard.. That would be crossing the line of talking about religion and I will not go there.. I need to check the mews on what is happening since I was gone...
How insensitive was it, days before Christmas, for Condi Rice to tell the families of our fallen soldiers, that the loss of their loved ones, and the squandering of our national treasury was worth the “investment” for a war she says we can still win? It takes a craven and callous person to categorize our war dead as nothing more than an "investment" in a failed policy and an unpopular war of choice that was based on lies, but welcome to the Bush Administration.
Shug should be tossed out from her job. To say the troops are an investment is an outrage...
"But according to a former high ranking CIA official close to the key players, Gates was prepped for his Senate confirmation hearings by high level Cheney staffers, including David Addington, Chief of Staff to the Vice President, and David Wurmser, Cheney's Middle East advisor."
"We should toss her and her master that slimy alcoholic gerbil who thinks the wealth of America is his personal property to pillage and squander.."
Yup, the cannabis-in-chief Gerbil has sold this country to the highest bigger, treated the Americans like indenture servants and yesterday laundry..
They have stuck their noses in the air as if their sh*t smell sweet. It is time to impeach the smirking blowup doll chimp and dump his do-nothing-go-to-buy-Farragamo-shoes and hang-nail-ventriloquist Girlfriday from her butt first. She's worthless as a 4 dollar bill in her job..
I was giving this news article about Richard Nixon. I thought this quote is interesting:
"Always give you best, never discouraged, never be petty," he told his staff on Aug. 9, 1974, as he left the White House for the final time. "Always remember others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself."
Funny how Nixon's words came back and bit him in the ass and seal his fate. And how ironic that Cheney is following Nixon's footsteps.. I look forward to Dick's appearance in court in Scooter's trial. Good night! And Happy birthday again, Fitz! Biloxi man out!!!
Bingbataboom (56 minutes ago) East Side, West Side, all around the town. Silverstien planted the charges Dov's remote planes flew around Cheney stopped the Air Force to get Halliburton their pork We know your plan worked fantastic on the skyline of New York.
Bingbataboom (57 minutes ago) East Side, West Side, all around the town, The streets are full of asbestos from the towers on the ground. George is in Sarasota reading goat tales like some kind of dork. The Secret Service ain't worried 'cause the target was New York
ozelot (10 hours ago) A-Z of a satanic inside job & planned mass murder A) Thermite traces on ground Zero B) Freefall in 10 seconds C) perfect implosion into T own footprints D) unusual powerdown and "cabling" prior to 9/11 E) pyroclastic flow F) Satelite thermal picture (2000° days after collapse) G) firemen report sequenz of explosions b4 collapse h) quake b4 collapse - registered i) explosion in the lobby prior to collapse j) silverstein: "we had to pull it" (Reply) ozelot (10 hours ago) k) liquid metal running out the building L) white smoke =indicates explosives M) quick removement of evidence (shipped to china) N) pulverized concrete O) yellow powder on ground zero (indiz. explosives) P) " We need a new Pearl harbour" Q) sudden change of ID on flight 175 R) No logos of airline on the planes S) firemen reported explosions in the 8th & 12th F. T) WTC7 falls down by itself - most suspect (Reply) ozelot (10 hours ago) U) experts say: "professional controlled demolition" V) no big rubble at all W) Brainwashing mediadisinformation X) Poetryhound and other infiltrator discrediting every single logical evidence here on youtube (Paid by gov.) Y) ridicolous unrealistic official version in total Z) ridicolous pancake theory denied by many experts Everbody should see the poor attempts of psychological trained brainwashers here on youtube. just because the FOX/CBC/CNN mediabrainwash looses grip.
The Bush Administration's 9/11 Story is a Conspiracy Theory
Shug ran it down for us on PBS news, as she used her credentials to assure us that Dubya's running the show and that what he is doing is right. Shug talked down to Margaret Warner as if she was a student when Condi was a provost for Stanford University. And indeed as if she were a grunt on her oiltanker (The Condaleeza Rice).
It's as simple as 1 2 3 according to the PHD...
CONDOLEEZZA RICE: "There is no doubt that the president went into this phase with the same conviction and the same commitment that he's held throughout this war."
"And that is that the decision to go into Iraq was because it was in the interest and the security interests of the United States to do so, and that failure in Iraq would have grave circumstances, grave consequences for (1) American interests, for the (2)interests of our friends and allies in the region, and, indeed, for (3) global security."
"So that's not going to change; that conviction, that commitment is not going to change." ______________________________
(1) American interests...Oil
(2) interests of our friends and allies...Israel
(3) Global security...?
Shouldn't it be more wrong for an intelligent person to lie than for Dubya to lie? It's kind of like when Colin Powell lied. He to had good credentials and is considerably intelligent.
Not that I am letting Dubya off of the hook. He should at least have known better than to lie so he could be installed as the president of the most powerful and influencial country in the world. No, he must be made to answer for it, even though he has to be coached through an ear piece, and even though he can't even answer a legitimate question by himself. He must, in my opinion be impeached.
By MATT APUZZO The Associated Press Published December 22, 2006, 5:29 PM CST
WASHINGTON -- Two news organizations are asking a federal judge to unseal documents in the CIA leak case, arguing that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald never needed the testimony of reporters because he knew the source of the leak all along.
The Associated Press and Dow Jones, in court papers filed this week, asked for the release of the sworn statements Fitzgerald gave to justify subpoenas for New York Times reporter Judith Miller and Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper.
More from this despicable women, a story by http://www.nysun.com/article/45618:
"It seems bizarre to me," Mrs. Cheney said, according to an advance transcript of the Christmas Eve edition of "Fox News Sunday." "Let's just stop there.I think it's bizarre."
Pressed to explain, Mrs. Cheney added, "I think that we're seeing an instance of a man who spent a great deal of his life as a dedicated public servant —he's done an awful lot of good — in a situation that does not reflect well on our judicial system."
CC still laughing at your comment...Mutual Orgasm is an insurance company.
t's Christmas cookie factory is going today:-)
off topic-I just changed contact types-has anyone tried the newer silicon contact lenses that can be worn day and night? Any problems?
Have a great Saturday!
Geffy-I need to find that pdf file converter for the vote case I was telling you about. I don't know how to post it-if I get time I'll look in Fitz archives...there's a few things of interest JB's may want to see;-)
Thanks..kittie is outrageous, but fun! (not my cat; I'm allergic to cats but love them none the less)he has a crush on kittybowtie, too. I love Mae West too!
T, How did the O-rnament turn out?
Fitzie, I hope you had a fun birthday... we sure enjoyed celebrating the O-part of it online (just ask Geezer; he finally put his clothes back on)...LOL
Hi, justice bloggers. Just got off work. Gotta be back tonight. It's bed time now. I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I'll BBL tonight for a bit. Peace N love to all. zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
(just ask Geezer; he finally put his clothes back on)...LOL =============================== CC:
OOOOh, didn't you hear? There was a streaker in Oregon yesterday afternoon...and when questioned by authorities..he told them he was celebrating "The Big-O Day"..
Geezer checking in and on my way for last minute shopping. I do it every year, whether I buy anything or not, and have since I was old enough to shop. I do most of my shopping at garage sales, but there is something about last minute shopping that attracts me every year. Sometimes I even go to Walmart, but never to buy, only as an observer. This is the reality flash. The happenings of Christmas, with expressions of both joy and despair, happyness and sadness, the whole gambit of the emotions.
I gaze at the shelves full of plastic toys and talking super heros, and slip into the past where there were Japanese tin racers and Howdy Doody wind up jumping jeeps. The Japanese wind-up racer cost 19 cents. It was the same price for many years, as were most items on the shelves. Us kids knew the prices of most items because they didn't change. ZZZzzz...
Hmmm, I wonder if I should buy this Little People set for my granddaughter, she really loves them, and has a bunch of them, but not this one. It's only $34.99 and its Christmas. Maybe I can find something my grand son will like too...Oh ...thats right i'm just looking.
If only I could go to Woolworths of JJ Newberries, it would be a lot easier. OK...I'm outa here, my Walmart thing is done, and I'm off to the Buy Blue stores.
Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally
- I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly
"O" no..Here's your O Shirt
hee hee hee
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Here's how to make your own "O" shirt..
1 Dollar Bills only Please!
cus some people are just plain stupid.
Only one orgasm per person please...
Mary Cheney's baby will look like the Creature From The Black Lagoon.
Pure Evil!
"masters and johnson said...
Only one orgasm per person please...
12:54 PM "
Maybe all the fuss is about the hypocracy of those connivers in the wh. It's all about family values at election time, but actions speak louder than words.
The thing is that the Politicians have built a house of straw with very little substantive truth in it.
Everything is game for being politicized without any real truth or action in backing up that stand.
Their mindset was/is that they all know that you can't please all of the people all of the time so you generalize everything and hope that the greater majority will believe it even though it's a complete fabrication of what you really want to do. A house of cards
And like all straw houses it can't stand up to the winds of change.
However, a nation cannot stand on lies. History proves it!
I'm with O'Jan
Condi is becoming Rummy Lite!
Brown Shuug calls for More Blood Spilling in Iraq!
We need more "O"s today people..
Come on PRODUCE! LOL*)
Yeah GMNUK, those hypocrites are so trifling...I think kids need people who love them to raise them-gay or straight is irrelevant.
And yes Lynne, why all the fuss-after all, your unmarried daughter didn't lay with a man-and neither did her mama haha
Of course I'll be wearing one my hats for the blogger conference heehee I'll have to get a special one for the event;-)
Thanks for the email SPB, I passed the advice on to my client and he loved it:-) He files today at 4 pm-I can't wait!
Stop with the OOOOp's, ya braggers heehee
Let's hope Motherhood softens Mary Cheney's dispostion, or at least the one she displays in public.
Maybe the baby's other Mother? can help break the destructive cycle the Cheneys seem to heap on humanity.
You really are obsessed with hats huh ?
hee hee hee!
You sure look glowy, ChimpCoulter ;)
Thanks, you too Jan! :D
That photo/avatar is sooo cute! hehe
We certainly hope that the Big O day is not being conducted at the office!
But with all the sugar that is being consumed, we wouldn't be surprised!
Merry Big O Christmas!
A federal judge has given petroleum giant ExxonMobil a break on its pay out for the Valdez spill, according to a breaking report from the Associated Press.
The news agency is currently reporting that a federal appeals court halved the $5 billion awarded by a jury to Alaskans and other parties to deal with the consequences of the spill. The spill dumped tens of millions of gallons of oil in the Prince William Sound, which spread all over Alaska's coastline.
This should anger every American. It should have been settled years ago.
(Geezer, when I checked the tinyurl link to see if it worked, no dice. I'm a ditz.)
Let's hope Mary Cheney teaches her child better volcabulary.
Like not saying the F word. Like the time she spewed her vile language at John Edwards.
Maybe Cheney's Immaculate Conception baby will look like a Komodo dragon ?
Hmmmm...who left the door open at night again ?
Did you make one of those "O" shirt origamis? If so, how did it turn out? :)
Mary Cheney needs to break a lot of cycles handed down to her from her father and her MOTHER.
Generation after generation, these elite have chose to pass the down the worst behavior to their children. They are quick to judge the rest of the world but fail to look at themselves. Well, the truth is staring the world in the face and it is time for the world to say to the elite, look at yourselves. They have no excuses for their behavior.
I think we have enough Cheneys right now. I certainly am not looking forward to any more. The Cheney of fools is long enough already. And don't insult Komodo dragons like that. LOL
Anon, it will be interesting to see if motherhood softens Cheney hardness or if they simply raise another gimmee monster in the world. 2:06 well said and traits passed on can be from all income levels-there is no income monopoly on petty people.
Geffy said...
You really are obsessed with hats huh ?
Only when I feel kinda prissy haha:-D
I did make one s-q, It looks just like it. LOL*)
I have my very own "O" shirt!
hee hee hee!
Only when I feel kinda prissy haha:-D
So you must feel kinda prissy often!
Oops.. LOLMAO*)
Btw: You can also fold a towel into a shirt like that, but you'd have to draw the "O" on it yourself!
Hee hee hee!
How does it fit ya? Kinda snug, isn't it? And, did you get washing instructions with that shirt? LOL
And don't insult Komodo dragons like that.
ok sorry! *big grin*
Actually it doesn't fit me but I made that shirt for Tiny Smurf!
He'll be getting alot of "O" in prison..
hee hee hee!
The Cheney's already have other grandchildren from their other daughter...I believe...so this isn't the first grandchild. However, the other daughter isn't a lesbian..
said So you must feel kinda prissy often!
Yeah, about three or four times a week and always at parties heehee
So the O shirt would fit Libby. That lets me out.I can't wear little boys size.LOL.
However, the other daughter isn't a lesbian..
So this will be their First Circus Freak then ?!
Yeah, about three or four times a week and always at parties
ROFLMAO*) Ha ha ha!
The rich think they are above everyone else, and don't think the rules apply to them.
The Bush Crime Family are perfect examples of the Piggish Elite.
Or, like this..Bearded Lady
OOOOH, I gotta stop searching for stuff... hehe
Big O Day
i want proof that mary cheney is a virgin.
S_Q. I'm glad I had the sound turned off when I clicked on that youtube video.
"O" man that video was funny!
I can't stop laughing!! I was searching for info on youtube for the Big-O Day and found that!
Self fertilization is common in many of the lower invertebrate groups including fish when under going depleted population stresses. In Florida the water pollution has become so bad in places that the fish, reptiles and amphibians are showing these hormonal changes when there is no need otherwise. Many species are slowly dying off now.
Sad to see.
O-h my...I'm finally getting a break here to get on the blog. Having lunch.
That video was hysterical! I'm glad she kept her teeth in though.
Okay check out this Orgasm Calculator
I mailed O-ne to Fitzie last week. I hope he got it. LOL
Jan, Are you still glowing?
Hee hee hee!
"O" no!
That's a good calculator!
Cool calulator but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to work very well with numbers like that! LOL
Make sure your speakers are OFF before you click those keys! LMAO
I just noticed...you changed your avatar! :)
Glowing and spinning, ChimpCoulter!
I wonder what Fitz is doing for his birthday?
Probably working...the evildoers never rest and neither does The Untouchable!
Yeah, I heard about that last night and why didn't they just call it ONE TRILLION DOLLARS? It's kinda like...$19.99...ya know what I mean?
Thanks for the reminder..I meant to put that on my blog. :)
You should save some for later.
Put some in your purse and save it for later.
I always save some Chocolates for later!
"O"-K Jan ?
hee hee hee!
O-n topic:
Please tell me why most men think Mutual Orgasm is an insurance company.
Why do so many women fake orgasm?
Because so many men fake foreplay.
I must be missing something because I'm not spinning yet! ;D
Cafferty is great...he is not afraid to tell it like he sees it!
Global Evildoer Fighter said...
Actually it doesn't fit me but I made that shirt for Tiny Smurf!
He'll be getting alot of "O" in prison..
zzzzZZZZZ* hehhaHAHAha!
S-Q said...
OOOOH, I gotta stop searching for stuff... hehe
Big O Day
Geezer-- Great job on the cake today. Love it!
I always save some Chocolates for later!
Yeah, GEF smells like a walking chocolate factory from all those chocolates in his pockets.
In fact, his co-workers call him "Willy Wonka"..
..and he answers to it!!
Big O Day
I wasn't sure about that guy at the end of the video though..
I thought he was gonna croak..
..so then I wondered what ever happened to that rolling pin?
Thanks CC
I'm looking forward to the wedding...(:
News flash: O day
Well folks...Looks like they are going for the big one.
which wedding?
that would be the big one Geezer!
I think apologies are in order. I didn't think the picture would come out that large.
Looking forward to reading your posts later...off to gf and her kids to make salt dough ornaments. I'll make an O for ya Fitz;-)
Is that you in that photo? Near the fountain..on the steps.. bent over? hehe
I've actually seen way more nude people than that. Actually, most of the people I meet are not wearing clothes when I first meet them.HeeHeee.Giggle
Yep...I'm getting dressed so I can get out of this picture before Rosemary deletes it...G;
Mary Cheney and the Turkey Baster.
This was no Immaculate Conception.
I have no idea who put this fruit on my head in honor of the O'Birthday...
my owner found it on the internets. she must have been doing the google.
Here have some tuna treats...or are you a vegan? :D
Love Chimpcoulter's new avatar.
Everybody should have a cat avatar on this blog.
Kitty Bow Tie, Meet in the Casbah this Global Orgasm Day and we will talk of forbidden love.
bye kittie.
don't know...just a crazy bunch...would like to know who the donor is..........
Thanks for putting out the troll bait.
wonder who the donor is....
please...cal me mark.
We need a time to Reflect!
To Reflect on McCains Suicide Pact with the American People!
McCain Back Pedal Image
Straight Talk” McCain Said In October: “I Think I Would Just Commit Suicide” If The GOP Loses In November…
It's just another Lie the GOP have perpetrated on us for Votes!
GEF, I love your new avatar. Do you still smell like chocolate? OOOH, Willy. HeeHee.
Yep...Strong and Fine Sweet Chocolate..
hee hee hee!
thanks btw cj.
You know, chocolate is a major aphrodisiac.I thought it was ironic you guys were talking about you having chocolate in your pockets.
So,do you think people voted against the Republicans hoping McCain would kill himself?
That's why we eat a lot of chocolate and carry it in our pockets! You never know when the Big-O might happen!! LOL
RE: McCain
We're still hoping! Maybe after the holidays he will do it, huh?
Hi,S_Q. Oh,my. Lol
ChimpCoulter's kitty looks like it has gas.
McCain is too far from reality because of the Koolaid. If he knew the true state of things he might hurt himself
I gotta hop in the supernursemobile and head to the hospital. maybe I'll bbl.Peace and love to all.
Have a good one! See ya later..maybe! :)
Man, I missed Jordan's comment. I certainly am not going to comment about Mary Cheney and her pregnancy nor the lizard.. That would be crossing the line of talking about religion and I will not go there.. I need to check the mews on what is happening since I was gone...
I certainly have pet peeve about Shug:
Just Like Stocks And Bonds
How insensitive was it, days before Christmas, for Condi Rice to tell the families of our fallen soldiers, that the loss of their loved ones, and the squandering of our national treasury was worth the “investment” for a war she says we can still win? It takes a craven and callous person to categorize our war dead as nothing more than an "investment" in a failed policy and an unpopular war of choice that was based on lies, but welcome to the Bush Administration.
Shug should be tossed out from her job. To say the troops are an investment is an outrage...
Shug should be tossed out from her job. To say the troops are an investment is an outrage...
You got that right...
We should toss her and her master that slimy alcoholic gerbil who thinks the wealth of America is his personal property to pillage and squander..
Yet they won't sacrifice their own blood for a stubbornly useless venture they're trying to sell us as being worth it.
Well I enjoyed this day but I'm tuckered out from all the Chocolate..
I'm gonna lie down and sleep for a few days..
G'night Folks..
Happy "O"s..
Source says 'outsider' Gates prepped for confirmation by Cheney's office --
Well, we know then Gates lied his ass off then. I wonder if everyone else is reading up on Iran-Contra or refreshing their memories? Bet on it.
"But according to a former high ranking CIA official close to the key players, Gates was prepped for his Senate confirmation hearings by high level Cheney staffers, including David Addington, Chief of Staff to the Vice President, and David Wurmser, Cheney's Middle East advisor."
"We should toss her and her master that slimy alcoholic gerbil who thinks the wealth of America is his personal property to pillage and squander.."
Yup, the cannabis-in-chief Gerbil has sold this country to the highest bigger, treated the Americans like indenture servants and yesterday laundry..
They have stuck their noses in the air as if their sh*t smell sweet. It is time to impeach the smirking blowup doll chimp and dump his do-nothing-go-to-buy-Farragamo-shoes and hang-nail-ventriloquist Girlfriday from her butt first. She's worthless as a 4 dollar bill in her job..
Final posting:
I was giving this news article about Richard Nixon. I thought this quote is interesting:
"Always give you best, never discouraged, never be petty," he told his staff on Aug. 9, 1974, as he left the White House for the final time. "Always remember others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself."
Funny how Nixon's words came back and bit him in the ass and seal his fate. And how ironic that Cheney is following Nixon's footsteps.. I look forward to Dick's appearance in court in Scooter's trial. Good night! And Happy birthday again, Fitz! Biloxi man out!!!
Bingbataboom (56 minutes ago)
East Side, West Side,
all around the town.
Silverstien planted the charges
Dov's remote planes flew around
Cheney stopped the Air Force
to get Halliburton their pork
We know your plan worked fantastic
on the skyline of New York.
Bingbataboom (57 minutes ago)
East Side, West Side,
all around the town,
The streets are full of asbestos
from the towers on the ground.
George is in Sarasota
reading goat tales like some kind of dork.
The Secret Service ain't worried
'cause the target was New York
ozelot (10 hours ago)
A-Z of a satanic inside job & planned mass murder
A) Thermite traces on ground Zero
B) Freefall in 10 seconds
C) perfect implosion into T own footprints
D) unusual powerdown and "cabling" prior to 9/11
E) pyroclastic flow
F) Satelite thermal picture (2000° days after collapse)
G) firemen report sequenz of explosions b4 collapse
h) quake b4 collapse - registered
i) explosion in the lobby prior to collapse
j) silverstein: "we had to pull it"
ozelot (10 hours ago)
k) liquid metal running out the building
L) white smoke =indicates explosives
M) quick removement of evidence (shipped to china)
N) pulverized concrete
O) yellow powder on ground zero (indiz. explosives)
P) " We need a new Pearl harbour"
Q) sudden change of ID on flight 175
R) No logos of airline on the planes
S) firemen reported explosions in the 8th & 12th F.
T) WTC7 falls down by itself - most suspect
ozelot (10 hours ago)
U) experts say: "professional controlled demolition"
V) no big rubble at all
W) Brainwashing mediadisinformation
X) Poetryhound and other infiltrator discrediting every single logical evidence here on youtube (Paid by gov.)
Y) ridicolous unrealistic official version in total
Z) ridicolous pancake theory denied by many experts
Everbody should see the poor attempts of psychological trained brainwashers here on youtube. just because the FOX/CBC/CNN mediabrainwash looses grip.
The Bush Administration's 9/11 Story is a Conspiracy Theory
Shug ran it down for us on PBS news, as she used her credentials to assure us that Dubya's running the show and that what he is doing is right. Shug talked down to Margaret Warner as if she was a student when Condi was a provost for Stanford University. And indeed as if she were a grunt on her oiltanker (The Condaleeza Rice).
It's as simple as 1 2 3 according to the PHD...
CONDOLEEZZA RICE: "There is no doubt that the president went into this phase with the same conviction and the same commitment that he's held throughout this war."
"And that is that the decision to go into Iraq was because it was in the interest and the security interests of the United States to do so, and that failure in Iraq would have grave circumstances, grave consequences for (1) American interests, for the (2)interests of our friends and allies in the region, and, indeed, for (3) global security."
"So that's not going to change; that conviction, that commitment is not going to change."
(1) American interests...Oil
(2) interests of our friends and allies...Israel
(3) Global security...?
Shouldn't it be more wrong for an intelligent person to lie than for Dubya to lie? It's kind of like when Colin Powell lied. He to had good credentials and is considerably intelligent.
Not that I am letting Dubya off of the hook. He should at least have known better than to lie so he could be installed as the president of the most powerful and influencial country in the world. No, he must be made to answer for it, even though he has to be coached through an ear piece, and even though he can't even answer a legitimate question by himself. He must, in my opinion be impeached.
Just checking in...
You're so right!! Impeach the Baron first though and then the Gerbil. Rice needs to go too!
It's the American thing to do!!
S-Q outta here!! :)
The Associated Press
Published December 22, 2006, 5:29 PM CST
WASHINGTON -- Two news organizations are asking a federal judge to unseal documents in the CIA leak case, arguing that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald never needed the testimony of reporters because he knew the source of the leak all along.
The Associated Press and Dow Jones, in court papers filed this week, asked for the release of the sworn statements Fitzgerald gave to justify subpoenas for New York Times reporter Judith Miller and Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper.
Media Want Documents in CIA Leak Case
In honor of O Day, here's a story about someone getting a conjugal visit the hard way (and illegal way).
Wow, what a loser.
I did the exact same thing with Martha Stewart and Leona Helmsley. Many times infact. Now if only Katherine Harris would be sent up...sigh.
Funny stuff here:-)
I painted the saltdough O red, my friend and I were getting a good laugh about O day- until the children said we were being too loud;-) heehee
The vote case was filed in Columbus today, I'll post the interesting parts AM.
Cheney doesn't need a damn pay raise. Anyone that profited off of our sons and daughters or has blood on their hands, do not deserve a raise.
top of the mornin'
enjoyed all the comments
SPB as usual @ 10:17 priceless...
I wish youall a Merry Christmas
Good Morning Everyone:
Happy Saturday!! :)
I want to wish all of my fellow Justice Bloggers a Merry Christmas. For those of you traveling please be safe! :)
More from this despicable women, a story by http://www.nysun.com/article/45618:
"It seems bizarre to me," Mrs. Cheney said, according to an advance transcript of the Christmas Eve edition of "Fox News Sunday." "Let's just stop there.I think it's bizarre."
Pressed to explain, Mrs. Cheney added, "I think that we're seeing an instance of a man who spent a great deal of his life as a dedicated public servant —he's done an awful lot of good — in a situation that does not reflect well on our judicial system."
I guess it would help if I explained that she's commenting on the Scooter Libby perjury case.
Mae West was a kick, wasn't she?! LOL
Good Morning All,
CC still laughing at your comment...Mutual Orgasm is an insurance company.
t's Christmas cookie factory is going today:-)
off topic-I just changed contact types-has anyone tried the newer silicon contact lenses that can be worn day and night? Any problems?
Have a great Saturday!
Geffy-I need to find that pdf file converter for the vote case I was telling you about. I don't know how to post it-if I get time I'll look in Fitz archives...there's a few things of interest JB's may want to see;-)
m&j one per person?
O no, vey must have many many-unless you a man-then, one and done-too bad for vou
Good Morning Fitzie and Justice Bloggers...
Grandmanuk & S-Q,
Thanks..kittie is outrageous, but fun! (not my cat; I'm allergic to cats but love them none the less)he has a crush on kittybowtie, too.
I love Mae West too!
How did the O-rnament turn out?
Fitzie, I hope you had a fun birthday...
we sure enjoyed celebrating the O-part of it online (just ask Geezer; he finally put his clothes back on)...LOL
bbl with a Christmas wish for all.
Hi, justice bloggers. Just got off work. Gotta be back tonight. It's bed time now. I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I'll BBL tonight for a bit. Peace N love to all. zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
More reasons to IMPEACH Cheney, Bush, Rice NOW!!
Dr Ruth:
Men are really screwed in this area of multiple orgasms huh?
Poor men...
(just ask Geezer; he finally put his clothes back on)...LOL
OOOOh, didn't you hear? There was a streaker in Oregon yesterday afternoon...and when questioned by authorities..he told them he was celebrating "The Big-O Day"..
Way to go Geezer!! Thumbs up! hehe
Geezer checking in and on my way for last minute shopping. I do it every year, whether I buy anything or not, and have since I was old enough to shop. I do most of my shopping at garage sales, but there is something about last minute shopping that attracts me every year. Sometimes I even go to Walmart, but never to buy, only as an observer. This is the reality flash. The happenings of Christmas, with expressions of both joy and despair, happyness and sadness, the whole gambit of the emotions.
I gaze at the shelves full of plastic toys and talking super heros, and slip into the past where there were Japanese tin racers and Howdy Doody wind up jumping jeeps. The Japanese wind-up racer cost 19 cents. It was the same price for many years, as were most items on the shelves. Us kids knew the prices of most items because they didn't change. ZZZzzz...
Hmmm, I wonder if I should buy this Little People set for my granddaughter, she really loves them, and has a bunch of them, but not this one. It's only $34.99 and its Christmas.
Maybe I can find something my grand son will like too...Oh ...thats right i'm just looking.
If only I could go to Woolworths of JJ Newberries, it would be a lot easier. OK...I'm outa here, my Walmart thing is done, and I'm off to the Buy Blue stores.
Merry Christmas to all...G:>
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