LaRouchites are right. If you don't think they're right, you haven't looked into what it is they're saying. They're saying something I arrived at independently, and, most importantly, we are looking at a police state future, and if you don't believe that, explain the PATRIOT Act, torture, extraordinary renditions, "enemy combatants," zero justice, no habeus corpus, which is exactly what goes on in the "Child Protective" courts.
Do you think I qualify as a Unibomber terrorist?
Does this make me like Ted Kascynski?
I was falsely criminally charged with that, yes. And I was not allowed to present evidence that the charges were 100% false. WHO do you think testified against me?
If I was falsely accused of being a terrorist for saying Yale committed a huge medical crime, and then I was given a gag order, there must be something VERY TRUE about what I was saying.
If this crime was not provable, why would they bother to shut me up?
Gee Fitz, I'm glad I'm not a powerful white old man-then I'd fear you too haha In fact I have witnessed that kind of fear in their eyes- and I rather enjoyed it...
"One thing" is all that needs to be said sometimes-maybe Loftus had dinner with Dick and told him what meanie that Fitz is...did you make her cry;-) Bless you special prosecutor
Well, the police state is an interesting concept. I wonder where the Bush regime would get the police manpower. The military is strapped. What parts of it are left here in the states? Probably not those elements that would be suitable for a police action. And local law enforcement? Don't count on it. I hope Bush and Co. know the current mindset of the American people. If they do,they know better than to try anything so foolish.'Cause we're mad as he## and we're not gonna take it anymore.
Yes, I can't wait for the investigations to begin!
"With his political party taking control of Congress, the incoming chairman of the House Government Reform Committee has subpoena power to probe the Bush administration or just about anything else that strikes his investigative fancy.
He has been called "the Eliot Ness of the Democrats" by Nation magazine, and aims to go after the Republican administration with zeal over the coming two years.
"The most difficult thing will be to pick and choose" what to investigate, Waxman told reporters after the November elections."
The way I see it.. after the investigations begin..the results will be either bring impeachment or resignation of the Gerbil and the Baron! And, others I am sure of that!
I am not choosy..I just want justice to be served! :)
I want justice, but the more I think about it, I would like to see them do hard time in the name of all the Americans and peoples of other countries killed because of them. Any other persons would get that or the dealth penalty. We need to send a message loud and clear to our leaders. When you act in our name,we expect responsible and ethical behavior. This war was not in my name.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself. The only persons that fear Patrick J. Fitzgerald are those who are the evildoers who don't want to get caught. Notice that those would aren't committing crimes admire Fitz. He has a job to do but if our elected officials were corrupt he would be working so hard. For you young bloggers here we are now going through ruff times. The US had to heal from the Nixon scandal because the heart of this country never wanted to believe we elected a corrupt President. Today we again have a corrupt President/Vice President. America will have to deal again with the mistakes of not keeping an eye on our elected officials. Bush/Cheney have only gotten away with what crimes they committed because the American people didn't stand up and stop it. We are a strong people and Fitzgerald and his follower Attorneys can't do it alone. Write your representatives and tell them what you want don't just sit back and wait for Prosecutors like Fitzgerald to do all the work, we have the responsible of this country too.
calamityjane, I agree with you that members of this administration need to serve time if they've been proven guilty. President Ford's death reminds me that it all started with Nixon, and his pardon to "spare the country" a lot of division has led to government officials all the way up to the president being able to get some sort of a pass no matter what crime they commit under the ruse that the country will be spared divisive fights.
Mr. Hughes has been reading my mind...I couldn't agree more with him!
“Hands stained with the best blood of our nation.” This will always be Dumbya's and Ambien's legacy...
A good friend of mine served a year and a half in Iraq starting in Nov. 2003 with his National Guard unit. He has to report to National Guard post in January for his yearly service.
Everyone in his unit was sent an email asking them to volunteer for Iraq. Now they are afraid that when they report for the yearly service they will be told that they have to go back to Iraq immediately. The last time they did this to them, they were never able to come home and say goodbye to their loved ones before leaving for Iraq.
We have to stop this madness called Iraq!!!
Fitzie, you forgot..."dashingly handsome and feared Very Special Prosecutor!" LOL
Franklin County Board of Elections Director Matthew Damschroder called Squire’s allegations unfounded and said she provided no documentation to back her argument.
"There were no irregularities in this election," he said.
Squire’s complaint estimates that there were 10,608 more votes cast on Nov. 7 than signatures in precinct poll books. Also, she argues, machines didn’t record votes for 3,124 voters.
That, along with more than 2,500 rejected provisional ballots, is more than enough to cast doubt on the results, according to her complaint.
The judge’s campaign reviewed poll books from 25 percent of Franklin County precincts and estimated the number of discrepancies countywide. Damschroder said they’re in line with previous elections. ---------
Damschroder took a $10,000 check from ES&S while on the clock for the GOP-he was a local chair.
If a 25% failure rate is "in line" with other elections, then Houston we have a problem...would people be OK with a banking error rate of 25%?
Judge Squire's complaint is valid and there IS plenty of documentation - takes nerve for Matt to say that...he watched people collect it! But the GOP have smeared her for a while now...
No elite, President or not should be excused of crimes. Gerald Ford's name has been mentioned in some rather evil things, apparently presented before Congress and hidden behind the old "get out of jail free" National Security card.
Allowing elected officials (or allowing them to get to that level to BE elected)to hijack our nation for their evil intent and lies must end. If the press doesn't do its job, then Americans can and will keep researching on their own. The truth and accountability would be so much easier and healthier for everyone.
Every branch of government owes the citizens, their employers, to act in their best interest by telling the truth and quit enabling corrupt and murderous villains.
Since it seems that we have been lied to for decades, whistle blowers gagged, set up, put into prison, propaganda by taxpayer money freely used....we owe to ourselves to research everything and anyone. It is simple enough to check out many versions of a story and draw your common sense conclusions.
Not only is there blood of innocent Americans, but the blood of Iraqis and Afghans staining the hands of the evil-doers and their enablers. May that stain haunt them forever.
I too would love to see Darth and Dumbo tried at the Hague and hung next to Saddam Hussein for war crimes.
Converting this country to a police state could prove extremely difficult since our police force is civilian and NOT military.
Although I think many people in this country are seriously considering an overthrow of the current administration (NOT the government!!) That is NOT treason, it is called Impeachment for High Crimes.
Dick Cheney and George Bush are 2 of the biggest criminals this political process has ever produced and the horror that they have brought to the U.S. hasn't been seen yet.
Someone is going to have to pay for all this stuff they've done to us. For some reason, they have forgotten THEY work for US.
quote: Cheney’s serial evildoings include, at the very least, his moral culpability for the 2,954 American troops-- “the best blood of our nation”-- already slain in Iraq. Unless the U.S. Congress does its mandated duty and quickly moves to impeach and remove from office, both Bush and Cheney, a U.S. led attack on Iran is a real and present danger. If the Congress fails to act, say good-bye to our Republic and prepare yourselves for a police state and a war without end!
We can all agree that Cheney is a serial evildoer.
"If they don't move to impeach and remove then the Republic becomes a police state for sure and the blame this time will go squarely to the Spineless Democrats."
Great article of the comparison of Aaron Burr and Cheney: the two treasonous VPs... I compare Cheney with Nixon even though Cheney is a VP and Nixon was the President. But, two minds think alike in both of their cases. And I like what John Dean says abot Cheney is one of his articles that I read some time ago. Cheney is the co-President and he is the brains of the functioning of the WH not Bush. Nixon, like Cheney, climb their way to the top stepping on people's toes to get what they want.. But, both of them don't like being disgrace especially the word: "impeachment." In the words of Abe Lincoln: "To test a man's character, give him power." Both men were tested in character. Nixon's words and power sealed his fate and it will happen to Cheney.
Ford sat on the Warren commission which devised the lone nut theory/Arlen Specter magic bullet theory.
Maybe he did that for America too.
I just don’t know.
I’m sure the ghosts of previous presidents, some decent men, some criminals, will appear in St John’s Church, the president’s church, on Lafayette Square in DC tonight.
Now, he was the man who shot Alexander Hamilton and who was the subject of Gore Vidal's first historical novel. Must read it sometime. I'm a great fan of Vidal, whose "Point to Point", the second part of his autobiography, has recentle been published. Not that I agree with all his views, just as I don't disagree with all larouche's.
Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury, who reputedly said, “The People is a great beast!”
According to Gore Vidal in his book, Inventing a Nation, which I have read twice, Hamilton proposed that Congress buy back paper which Congress had issued to raise funds to fight the Revolutionary War although it had lost its value, in order to gain the trust of future creditors.
His proposal was leaked (by Hamilton himself?), and New England merchants in the meantime bought up this paper on the cheap, and made a killing when Congress bought back the paper.
Hamilton, according to Vidal, also betrayed the US peace negotiators' fall-back negotiating positions to the British, who were then able to gain a far more favourable peace settlement that they would otherwise have been able to obtain.
Unfortunately, Vidal doesn't cite his sources. Strange in a book published by Yale University.
Did Scooter get my Xmas gift from me this year. You know, the pair of jammies with pictures of baby new year so that he can snuggle up in his crib, and have milk amd cookies and read his nanny nanny boo defense bedtime story. LOL!
No Libby Pardon under the Holiday Tree? *cricket* *cricket* Interesting? The Gerbil gave 16 pardons to his drinking buddies and drug supplier but not his bud? Where is the love?
According to Gore Vidal in his book, Inventing a Nation, which I have read twice, Hamilton proposed that Congress buy back paper which Congress had issued to raise funds to fight the Revolutionary War although it had lost its value, in order to gain the trust of future creditors.
His proposal was leaked (by Hamilton himself?), and New England merchants in the meantime bought up this paper on the cheap, and made a killing when Congress bought back the paper.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ommitted to mention that Congress bought this paper back at PAR VALUE!
I ommitted to mention that Congress bought this paper back at PAR VALUE!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This I first learnt not from Vidal but from Paul Johnson, whom Vidal would no doubt classify as one of the "court historians" he so vilifies, but whose magisterial, if not somewhat one-sided (Federalist/Republican/Standard Oil) "History of the American People", constituted my first real introduction to American history.
I started reading it in England, and brought it with me to America when I first visited the US, and remember reading it in my motel room in Massachussetts while the Red Sox were on the telly with the volume switched down!
"A line frequently quoted by critics from Rebuilding America's Defenses famously refers to the possibility of a "catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor (PDF)".[9] This quote appears in Chapter V, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", which discusses the perceived need for the Department of Defense to "move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts”.[10] The full quote is as follows: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor." Some have used this quote as evidence for their belief the US government was complicit in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. (See the article 9/11 conspiracy theories for further information on this topic.) Many critics also claim the PNAC believed this "new Pearl Harbor" would justify war on Iraq."
Let's not forget that Bush and Cheney took deliberate advantage of the American people to advance and frame their own agenda with the help of the media.I am referring to their psychological manipulation of the people after 911. We were traumatized. We all had looking over the shoulder syndrome. We were all trying to learn to trust again. Some even suffered from post traumatic stress. They took advantage of that to brainwash the majority of Americans like cult leaders do. We were in danger from the big evil terrorists. But they were going to stand up and protect us from all terrorists. I stood up and against the lie but people turned a deaf ear because they had to believe Bush because he was going to keep them safe.They acted deliberately knowing full well what they were doing. That is criminal. That deserves no less than jail. If I did that, I would certainly go to jail. Look at the nurses who do "mercy killings". They loose their license and go to jail.
If you read that PNAC link that I just will see that one of the principle funders that contributed to PNAC was The Sarah Scaife Foundation. They also funded the George C. Marshall Institute, a known Global Warming skeptic.
I just read some of the former and current officials quotes about Gerald Ford. And many of them considered Ford a "statesman."
Statesman vs. politican:
Statesman:one who exercises political leadership wisely and without narrow partisanship
Politican:a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons
I remembered attending a seminar in which a speaker who studied economics and political history said we need statemen in this country rather than politician. That is true. Yes, Ford was great in Congress. Yes, Ford assumed power in a country that was in turmoil in the early '70's. Yes, he was a good soldier in the political office when he pardoned Nixon and he was rewarded very well by his fellow politicans. But, Ford was a statesman when he took office when Nixon was impeached and the country needed him the most but he later turned into a politican when he chose to pardon a criminal President.. And let's now forget, Ford had to explain to the congressional committee to why he pardoned Nixon. And his words was simply priceless...
If Fitz puts the Prince of Darkness on the stand..I hope Fitz will cover himself with disinfectant first! And, hopefully Wolfowitz won't comb his hair in front of Fitz.. Ewwww..he puts his comb in his mouth after he combs his hair!
quote: If Fitz puts the Prince of Darkness on the stand..I hope Fitz will cover himself with disinfectant first! And, hopefully Wolfowitz won't comb his hair in front of Fitz.. Ewwww..he puts his comb in his mouth after he combs his hair!
Yep, no doubt s-q.
If I were Fitz questioning Wolfowitz I'd make sure to wear a turtleneck , a garlic necklace and a cross just to ward off the demons eeking out from that globalist evildoer.
If I were Fitz questioning Wolfowitz I'd make sure to wear a turtleneck , a garlic necklace and a cross just to ward off the demons eeking out from that globalist evildoer. ================================= GEF:
Scooter will pee his little pants and Darth will have a heart attack when they see Fitz dressed like that!!
quote: Their lower lip will quiver and they'll be brought to tears..just like Poppy did! LOL
Don't forget that persistent EYE-TWITCH that just won't go away...
That's a classic sign of an Evildoer who's been cornered..
Oh and I think porkrind should have worked hard for gerbil on the campaign cause if worse comes to worse they're gonna throw porkrind under the bus first cause they've run out of chum...
quote: Scooter will pee his little pants and Darth will have a heart attack when they see Fitz dressed like that!! It will be a remake of "The Exorcist"!!
S_Q Darth Cheney is so full of sh&t, if He got an enema he would disappear.LOL. No, that is a syringe in my hand loaded with a koolaid reversal agent. Next...HeeHee.
Paraguay- that's right CJ, now put away that needle-I gave you the info you requested!LOL -------------
Nan thanks for that post-I had a different take on what the sealed reporter stuff would yield, but its been a long day and I can't think of what it was;-) ------------
At the end of an email today: The Common Good. The best for each person. The orphan. The family. The sick. The healthy. The wealthy. The poor. The citizen. The stranger. The First. The Last. -------------
4 PNAC members "four pnacs in a pod" ha Do I need press cred to watch this trial? (I have access to that) I could blog it to you guys as the bs falls from their decrepit lips!
S-Q and Gef, we could give Fitz any questions we think he's missed since I don't second guess him enough already heeheehee
you two are hilarious:-D ================================= Hey T:
If GEF and I give up our day jobs to take our show on the you wanna be our Road Manager? Maybe we could borrow Air Force One cause I heard it travels the internets faster than anything else!? LOL
Gerald Ford said: The accusations of Nixon's Watergate misdeeds "hang like a sword over our former president's head, threatening his health," Ford said. But his primary concern was for the nation. "My conscience tells me clearly and certainly that I cannot prolong the bad dreams that continue to reopen a chapter that is closed," he said. "My conscience tells me that only I, as president, have the constitutional power to firmly shut and seal this book.
Yet, in Ford's autobiography book, he said: "Finally, it was done," Ford wrote in his book. "It was an unbelievable lifting of a burden from my shoulders. I felt very certain that I had made the right decision, and I was confident that I could now proceed without being harassed by Nixon or his problems any more."
Sounds of pressure to me by Ford to pardon Nixon at that time. What is interesting is that Ford's home in Virginia is up for sale the day after the announcement of his death..
quote: 4 PNAC members "four pnacs in a pod" ha Do I need press cred to watch this trial? (I have access to that) I could blog it to you guys as the bs falls from their decrepit lips!
Yep, Waxman is enough to scare those evildoers right now..he holds the power to investigate..investigate..until they're impeached or have resigned! Or, sent to prison..
I bet the Bush boys got out the rubbing compound and are scrubbing some of the corruption off of Chainie. When he gets his wax job, he's gonna shine like neocons heel.
Today, the Ford family home is vacant and up for sale, but friends and neighbors living nearby have nothing but fond memories of the former first family, News4's Jane Watrel reported.
Back in October of this year, Ford decied to sell his ski home in Colorado...
quote: Today, the Ford family home is vacant and up for sale, but friends and neighbors living nearby have nothing but fond memories of the former first family, News4's Jane Watrel reported.
I wonder how many people just went by Fords house to pick his stuff clean like they do in Congress when a member leaves office.
They're all Vultures..
If it was a carcass in the middle of the desert they would pick it clean and it would shine stone white in the sun!
In an interview with George C. Wilson that appeared in the April 5, 1989 issue of The Washington Post, when asked about his deferments the future Defense Secretary said, "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."
The secret to Richard Bruce Cheney's plan to dodge the draft:
In January 1959, when Mr. Cheney reached age 18 and was classified as 1-A — available for service — he was doing poorly at Yale. At that time, however, the military was taking only older men, and like most others who were in college at the time, Cheney had little concern about being drafted.
By January 1963, with the US actively advising South Vietnamese forces, Cheney enrolled in Casper Community College and turned 22 that month. At that time, he sought his first student deferment which was granted on March 20, according to records from the Selective Service System. After transferring to the University of Wyoming at Laramie, Cheney sought his second student deferment on July 23, 1963. On August 7, 1964, Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which allowed President Lyndon B. Johnson to use military force in Vietnam. From that point on, American involvement in Vietnam began to escalate rapidly.
On August 29, 1964, 22 days after the resolution, Cheney married his high school sweetheart, Lynne. He sought and was granted his third student deferment on October 14, 1964. In July 1965, Johnson announced that he was doubling the number of men drafted. The number of inductions soared, to 382,010 in 1966 from 230,991 in 1965 and 112,386 in 1964. Cheney obtained his fourth deferment because he started graduate school at the University of Wyoming on November 1, 1965.
On October 6, 1965, the Selective Service lifted its ban against drafting married men who had no children. On January 19, 1966, when his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant, Mr. Cheney applied for 3-A status, the "hardship" exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. It was granted. In January 1967, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft.
I think that the Ford family had enough time to vacate the Virginia home since Gerald Ford's health was failing.. But, let us not forget that Ford had lived in Rancho Mirage, CA for over 30 years. He came to CA after he lost to Carter. But, it is too bad that his home in Virginia is going up for sale since the home would be historic.. First, seling the home in Colorado and now Virginia.. But, Ford haven't had his funeral yet and his home is up for sale...
Yes, shameful.. Maybe, if the media would have some backbone and educate the public on Richard "Bruce" Cheney's 5 year deferrment. I have relatives and close friends that served in the military and certainly Cheney is a disgrace to dodge the draft. That tells you how much balls Cheney has a man, VP, and a draft dodger..
SPB, that is some facinating dirt on Cheney's deferments-what a weenie is right. How dare he start the same kind of war he refused to fight/die if I didn't already think he was a lowlife LOL
We are talking about Ford, an accidental President. We don't know that the price that he paid for his silence gave him homes in Colorado and California and so on.. If his home in Ranch Mirage goes up for sale should Betty Ford passes, it raises the eyebrow on the Ford's lifestyle.. And Spiro Agnew was certainly threatened to bail out of his job.. The Nixon Administration like the Gerbil Administration were more like the Godfather and mafia running.. I am sure John Dean can give up some stories...
LOL! The slickster may have gotten away from dodging the draft with 5 deferrments but you know he is on borrowed time in health and in his crimes. And that is the hell that Cheney lives with everyday.. At least, I can sleep at nights. Cheney may be VP in the WH but he stole, lie, and cheat to get what he wanted in the name of position.
quote: GEF, Grandmanuk and others are waiting for the final arrangements for our former Michiganian, Gerald Ford. Coincidentally, he may not have been our brightest star...but he was ours!
Well he may have made a mistake with Nixon. But at least he wasn't as wacked as Nixon.
Interesting point S-Q. One can only wonder why some many prosecutors are married with family if what you say is true. As for Patrick J. Fitzgerald, his love life is going very well as he keeps it personal. He is not one to air personal relationships or very much of anything of his personal life. I just wish when this case is over that he would take the time to take his special lady on vacation and get some much needed rest.
As you know, there are many who investigate and one who prosecute. With your background in law enforcement, you know the procedure as I do because of my experience in the court system. You and I deal with all branches of the legal systems, police, federal agencies, state agencies, environmental agencies, as well as the FBI and the CIA. Some who don't have the legal system or law enforcement aren't aware of the cooperation and involvement just to bring a case to the court. I am hoping Fitz will announce in his future a Mrs. Fitzgerald which I am sure all of us will be proud and happy for my little angel.
quote: Some who don't have the legal system or law enforcement aren't aware of the cooperation and involvement just to bring a case to the court.
I agree. That's why one has to throw their arms up in the air in disgust when the trickster gerbil pardons his rich friends' favorites just because he can..
Yet he won't pardon those Border Guards who were doing their duty!
Yes, Fitz works very hard and these cases require so much of his time and energy! His focus is on doing a good job for the people right now. I totally understand his priorities and think the world of him! :)
Hopefully, someday he will have time for his personal life and be blessed with much happiness. :)
By Bob Woodward Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, December 28, 2006A01
Former president Gerald R. Ford said in an embargoed interview in July 2004 that the Iraq war was not justified. "I don't think I would have gone to war," he said a little more than a year after President Bush had launched the invasion advocated and carried out by prominent veterans of Ford's own administration.
In a four-hour conversation at his house in Beaver Creek, Colo., Ford "very strongly" disagreed with the current president's justifications for invading Iraq and said he would have pushed alternatives, such as sanctions, much more vigorously. In the tape-recorded interview, Ford was critical not only of Bush but also of Vice President Cheney -- Ford's White House chief of staff -- and then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who served as Ford's chief of staff and then his Pentagon chief.
Yeah, those pardons that the Gerbil gave to his friends..drug suppliers/users etc.. just makes me sick!
There are so many law enforcement agents/officers putting their lives on the line everyday to bring those criminals to justice!
And, to watch the Gerbil make it seem like it's no big disgusting! But, look at him, he has never been held accoutnable for anything in his life!
Interesting article, T. He opposed the Gerbil and Ambien's actions on going to Iraq in 2004. But, remember, when the Gerbil saw Ford this year, Ford said on T.V. for Bush to stay the course.. Now what made Ford changed his mind? Who knows? He gone now.. But, it raises my eyebrow of his opinion of Bush in the war in Iraq, the selling of his homes in Virginia and Colorado...
As far as the topic of Fitz getting married or not getting married, that is Fitz's private business. I think that is why he kept is private life private from the press and separate from his job as the Special Prosecutor and as the U.S. Attorney. He is no different from any professional or any person with a job: the right for privacy. Thank goodness I keep my private life very "private."
On Ford's houses, wow, people jump to conclusions so fast. Don't forget, Betty came from a family that was loaded with dough. Not all politicans are corrupt.
Ford paid the price for pardoning Nixon when he did not get elected and Carter won.
Something to think about: How many people died because of Tricky Dick's Watergate hijinks? How many people died because of other illegal things past presidents did?
"On Ford's houses, wow, people jump to conclusions so fast. Don't forget, Betty came from a family that was loaded with dough. Not all politicans are corrupt."
That's true that Betty came from family with money but some did Gloria Vanderbilt and Ms. Vanderbilt is not living that lifestyle today. Go ask her son, CNN reporter Anderson Cooper...
Yep. Vanderbilt clothing, perfume, etc. are out of vogue from the fickle fashion world. It takes good business sense, good investment advice, and not going bonkers with spending to keep what one has.
I had to mention this. Here is timeline of Nixon's resignation to Ford as the President:
August 9, 2004, Nixon resign from the Presidency.
August 20, 1974, Ford was sworn in as President.
September 8, 1974, Ford pardoned Nixon
Ford's first press secretary and close friend Jerald Franklin terHorst resigned his post in protest after the announcement of President Nixon's full pardon. Ford also voluntarily appeared before Congress on October 17, 1974 to give sworn testimony—the only time a sitting president has done so—about the pardon
Ford's transition chairman and first Chief of Staff was former congressman and ambassador Donald Rumsfeld. In 1975, Rumsfeld was named by Ford as the youngest-ever Secretary of Defense. Ford chose a young Wyoming politician, Richard Cheney, to replace Rumsfeld as his new Chief of Staff and later campaign manager for Ford's 1976 presidential campaign Ford's dramatic reorganization of his Cabinet in the fall of 1975 has been referred to by political commentators as The "Halloween Massacre."
Ford pardoned Nixon less than a monyh after he was sworned in as the President... Action speaks louder than words....
they partner with NSA and private industry to torture americans ?
mine's not lyme disease although i may have this too ( who knows)
artificial intelligence
terrorized me for a few yrs and then decided to be nice and send some other bullshit microwave into my home ( here in the states )
why not reserve such fine tx for the enemny combatants ?
Anyone who says someone is sending microwaves into their home is asking to be labeled as a delusional nutcase.
Now, everyone knows I am Yale's nemesis, since I not only am a chemist, but I have kids with congenital Lyme:
If such nutcases at Yale had the ability to send someone "microwaves" into their house, wouldn't I be their first target?
Never say anything you can't prove.
Start with getting a degree in Biochemistry so you know what is the science and how to argue scientifically.
I, for one, have looked at a bahzillion scientific journal articles, and I looked at the METHODS used in these experiments, since that's my expertise: analytical methods development.
What I have concluded is that it is unlikely that Lyme flew over here on African birds in hurricanes (as claimed by the CDC). Lyme, had it emerged naturally, should have a name of a southern USA town.
Given the fact that at the end of WWII the USA (Navy) and the Russian Army converged on the Unit 731 bioweapons plant at the same time and shared the bioweapons booty, and that US Attorney John Loftus (assigned to be a NAZI hunter) traced the NAZI weaponeers back to the USA in a CIA operation known as "Operation Paperclip," and that these NAZI bioweaponeer scientists spent time at Plum Island (Oh, and Dulles, a family friend and lawyer of the Bush Family- known to be CIA members- managed the non-disclosure of Bush Thysssen German banking assets, while assigned to Post-WWII Germany), it is likelier that Lyme was an accidental release from Plum Island, since that is where Yale-CIA-CDC conduct experiments with vector-borne diseases.
The Plum Island experiments are to see if exotic infections can "take" to local tick or insect vectors. This is not a guess; this is the published science.
Yale would like to shut me up, so they discredited me, took my children away and gave them to a total maniac who brutalized me and the children:
This is meant to be a form of torture. This was meant to provoke me to a crime. Since that failed - I committed no crime - they simply made one up.
Why in the world would they want to bother with some radiation beams?
You see, they've already done their worst damage.
As I tell all my ActionLyme members, over and over and over, NEVER say anything you can't prove, and the best way to assure you have facts at hand is to have formal scientific training.
Are Bush and Cheney Planning an Early Attack on Iran? DAVE LINDORFF Counterpunch Sunday, December 24, 2006
Back on October 9, I wrote in The Nation that it looked like the Bush-Cheney gang, worried about the November election, was gearing up for an unprovoked attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, with a carrier strike group led by the USS Eisenhower being ordered to depart a month early from Norfolk, VA to join the already-on-station USS Enterprise. That article was based on reports from angry sailors based on the Eisenhower who had leaked word of their mission.
By Sherwood Ross (305) 205-8281
The perpetrator of the 2001 anthrax attack on Congress likely was a government scientist employed at the Army's Ft. Detrick, Md., bioterrorism lab having access to a "moonsuit" that made it possible to safely process and manufacture super-weapons-grade anthrax, a bioterrorism authority says.
Article Source: Consortium News Having gone through the diplomatic motions with Iran, George W. Bush is shifting toward a military option that carries severe risks for American soldiers in Iraq as well as for long-term U.S. interests around the world. Yet, despite this looming crisis, the Bush Family continues to withhold key historical facts about U.S.-Iranian relations.
Those historical facts - relating to Republican contacts with Iran's Islamic regime more than a quarter century ago - are relevant today because an underlying theme in Bush's rationale for war is that direct negotiations with Iran are pointless. But Bush's own father may know otherwise.
The evidence is now persuasive that George H.W. Bush participated in negotiations with Iran's radical regime in 1980, behind President Jimmy Carter's back, with the goal of arranging for 52 American hostages to be released after Bush and Ronald Reagan were sworn in as Vice President and President, respectively.
In exchange, the Republicans agreed to let Iran obtain U.S.-manufactured military supplies through Israel. The Iranians kept their word, releasing the hostages immediately upon Reagan's swearing-in on Jan. 20, 1981.
Over the next few years, the Republican-Israel-Iran weapons pipeline operated mostly in secret, only exploding into public view with the Iran-Contra scandal in late 1986. Even then, the Reagan-Bush team was able to limit congressional and other investigations, keeping the full history - and the 1980 chapter - hidden from the American people. Upon taking office on Jan. 20, 2001, George W. Bush walled up the history even more by issuing an executive order blocking the scheduled declassification of records from the Reagan-Bush years. After 9/11, the younger George Bush added more bricks to the wall by giving Presidents, Vice Presidents and their heirs power over releasing documents.
Bush's Great Leap Forward Chris Floyd Thursday, December 27, 2006
The outlines of Bush's "New Way Forward" or "Great Leap Forward" or "Long Walk Off a Short Pier" in Iraq is now fairly clear. It has three general thrusts: a large increase in troop numbers; a direct assault on the forces of Motqada al-Sadr; and, if possible, an expansion of the war beyond Iraq's borders through a military strike on Iran.
I have read the apparently very balanced article (written by a follower?) on Lyndon LaRouche on Wikipedia.
Some of what LaRouche says I strongly agree with, some kind of agree with, some I disagree with, some I violently disagree with, and a lot more is simply over my head, especially the economics. Even Anthony has his intellectual limitations.
Even if I did agree with what LaRouche says, I am not in the business of following anyone (I gave up that game in 1988, but that’s another story), and I reject the slur implied by this blogsite administrator that I form part of a LaRouche cadr.
One thing I will say, tho’. At University, I majored in History, and minored in Philosophy, specializing in Ethics and the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences. We also had to take a course from any department of our choice. I chose to take a course called Political Ideas offered by the politics department.
During this course, I was presented with the ideas of the émigré anglophile philosopher and luminary of All Souls Oxford, Isaiah Berlin on Positive and Negative Liberty.
Positive Liberty is a Continental idea, negative liberty an English one.
The difference is perhaps best summed up in the saying, “In England everything’s allowed unless it’s forbidden [negative liberty]. In Germany everything’s forbidden unless it’s allowed [positive liberty]. In France everything’s forbidden unless it’s allowed but nobody takes a blind bit of notice anyway [anarchy!].”
It’s a bit like being allowed to feed right at a red traffic light if there’s no traffic coming from the left in, say, Boston, as I found out when someone behind me sounded the claxon, minutes after I had driven the car I’d hired out of the Alamo place at Logan Airport, but in New York State you can’t feed right unless the traffic light is green, and people generally obey, and in New York City you can’t feed right unless the traffic light is green, but no one takes a blind but of notice anyway.
LaRouche seems to have this very un-English and, I’d say, un-American belief in positive liberty.
I have to say that I’m with anglophile philosopher, Isaiah Berlin on this one.
Ee! Ee! Diddly dee! Positive liberty ain’t for me. Ee! Ee! Diddly dee! Negative liberty for you and me!
Nice time line SPB, interesting comments Anthony-unique educational background too:-)
Fitz it would be nice to let JB's know more about the trial schedule if possible-will it be televised, Cheney deposed by video or in the court room? (It's the first case I've been obsessed with since OJ)
I'm not obsessed with the upcoming Scooter trial, however, I do want to see those responsbile for the CIA leak brought to justice!
How can any CIA Agent feel secure in their job, knowing that at any point in time their name could be leaked to the entire world? Their life and the life of all those that they love are put into jeopardy!!
So, the questions stuck in my head are...Why did Scooter lie to investigators and who was he covering up for??
Good morning. The Governator is still in the hospital with the broken drumstick.I'm sure he's ordering the nurses around left and right. I'm sure they're doing what he wants. I hope he remembers the good care he received the next time he decides to target the California nurses. I would wait til that drumstick is fully healed if I were you, Arnie.
S-Q will marry in 2008 to a guy she met online-he will blog about his love for her and make us all read it ================================== Belle and her crystal ball have been hitting the sauce!
When you sober up...probably sometime next year.. try again!
"SPB gets dumped when gf realizes the ring/live-in thing was a "dragging feet" tactic"
LOL! Yeah, O.K. Somebody on this blog is a chain smoking buddy of the Gerbil.. My gf and I doing just wonderful, knucklehead.. I hope you dust off your crystal ball and quit smoking mary janes with the Gerbil then maybe you can come up with the right 2007 predictions.. ROFL!
Oh, by the way, there is one right 2007 prediction: Libby is hosed in his upcoming criminal trial next month and will be hosed in the civil lawsuit case...
I resent the implication by any staff member working in Fitz's office to claim everyone must be LaRouche followers who talk about these crimes.
It is disiginous and unprofessional. There are many people who agree with writings of LaRouche too.
Are they all LaRouche followers by default then? That is a foolish thing to say, just as foolish as anyone who claims Jews are behind every evil thing.
Its called guilt by association. People do not have to hone any interest in LaRouche or his cause, to agree with things he says.
Nobody has to be a Fitz follower on the opposite hand, to agree with what he says.
Conspiracies are complicated, people have proven that time and time again.
Is there something to hide that people must be ashamed of? That is the only actual conclusion one can come to, when this topic is avoided so much or tip-toed around.
Case and point, what do you make of Gerald Ford?,1111-06.htm
Ford was the president who covered up the JFK assassination. Now when he dies he's admitting it was wrong. He's admitting the war was wrong. He is consciously admitting that abandoning Jimmy Carter's roadmap to peace in Palestine, was wrong.
Is this President Ford becoming a follower of Larouche by such admission?
Can the guilt by association card just be played everywhere now, and who defines the rules?
I would like to see instead of attacks & threats, or spitting remarks on either side, for there to be a genuine debate on these issues.
I think both parties involved can get a greater understanding of the world from any debate.
Who is controlling the cabal? Who are the Jesuit leaders and their council of 300? Who are the Zionists?
What role do they all play in world affairs? Who benefits from their activities? What unseen hand is directing these events?
Who are their masters or string pullers? And finally, can it be put to rest once and for all.
Illustrating that point would be of far more value to society as a whole now, in absence of personal attacks and ludicrous name calling.
how do you sleep at night? You KNEW that no crime had been committed in the Plame fiasco, and yet you pursued Scooter Libby and trapped him in a perjury plea just to satisfy your lust to "get" someone in the Bush administration. How does it feel to ruin lives for a living? I am neither rich nor powerful, but I can assure you that I and many other Americans are horrified by prosecutors like you, who abuse the justice system to further their own careers.
Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally
- I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly
That was a very excellent article.
Godspeed, Fitz. You know how much we need you now.
Don't be stirring up the LaRouchites.
You don't want Roger Rancourt back here!
LaRouchites are right.
If you don't think they're right, you haven't looked into what it is they're saying. They're saying something I arrived at independently, and, most importantly, we are looking at a police state future, and if you don't believe that, explain the PATRIOT Act, torture, extraordinary renditions, "enemy combatants," zero justice, no habeus corpus, which is exactly what goes on in the "Child Protective" courts.
Do you think I qualify as a Unibomber terrorist?
Does this make me like Ted Kascynski?
I was falsely criminally charged with that, yes. And I was not allowed to present evidence that the charges were 100% false.
WHO do you think testified against me?
Police State New World Orderites are the same folk about whom LaRouche complains.
Oh, and my first amendment rights were takken away too, for two years. I was ordered not to "criticize the government."
I swear to God.
If I was falsely accused of being a terrorist for saying Yale committed a huge medical crime, and then I was given a gag order, there must be something VERY TRUE about what I was saying.
If this crime was not provable, why would they bother to shut me up?
LaRoucites give 80% great news *they pay big bucks for their media)then toss in 20% of La Lunacy.
You don't looks fearful. You looks like ya gonna schneeze.
Put a better picture up.
Gee Fitz, I'm glad I'm not a powerful white old man-then I'd fear you too haha In fact I have witnessed that kind of fear in their eyes- and I rather enjoyed it...
"One thing" is all that needs to be said sometimes-maybe Loftus had dinner with Dick and told him what meanie that Fitz is...did you make her cry;-) Bless you special prosecutor
Well, the police state is an interesting concept. I wonder where the Bush regime would get the police manpower. The military is strapped. What parts of it are left here in the states? Probably not those elements that would be suitable for a police action. And local law enforcement? Don't count on it. I hope Bush and Co. know the current mindset of the American people. If they do,they know better than to try anything so foolish.'Cause we're mad as he## and we're not gonna take it anymore.
BTW, Fitz, you look so....serious. HeeHee.
He IS serious! Bring Darth to his knees Fitz!! Don't give him any slack!!
I love watching those GOP criminals sweat! hehe
Hi, S_Q. Well, 2007 is going to be exciting to say the least.I may even enjoy watching parts of the news for a change.
Yes, I can't wait for the investigations to begin!
"With his political party taking control of Congress, the incoming chairman of the House Government Reform Committee has subpoena power to probe the Bush administration or just about anything else that strikes his investigative fancy.
He has been called "the Eliot Ness of the Democrats" by Nation magazine, and aims to go after the Republican administration with zeal over the coming two years.
"The most difficult thing will be to pick and choose" what to investigate, Waxman told reporters after the November elections."
As The Decider Said, Bring It On!!
The way I see it.. after the investigations begin..the results will be either bring impeachment or resignation of the Gerbil and the Baron! And, others I am sure of that!
I am not choosy..I just want justice to be served! :)
I want justice, but the more I think about it,
I would like to see them do hard time in the name of all the Americans and peoples of other countries killed because of them. Any other persons would get that or the dealth penalty. We need to send a message loud and clear to our leaders. When you act in our name,we expect responsible and ethical behavior. This war was not in my name.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself. The only persons that fear Patrick J. Fitzgerald are those who are the evildoers who don't want to get caught. Notice that those would aren't committing crimes admire Fitz. He has a job to do but if our elected officials were corrupt he would be working so hard. For you young bloggers here we are now going through ruff times. The US had to heal from the Nixon scandal because the heart of this country never wanted to believe we elected a corrupt President. Today we again have a corrupt President/Vice President. America will have to deal again with the mistakes of not keeping an eye on our elected officials. Bush/Cheney have only gotten away with what crimes they committed because the American people didn't stand up and stop it. We are a strong people and Fitzgerald and his follower Attorneys can't do it alone. Write your representatives and tell them what you want don't just sit back and wait for Prosecutors like Fitzgerald to do all the work, we have the responsible of this country too.
Hi Jackie:
Well said.. and you're absolutely correct! We can't afford to ever stop watching our elected officials! See what happens when we do? A train wreck!
We have to hold all of them accountable for their actions and never let them take this country down this path again!
calamityjane, I agree with you that members of this administration need to serve time if they've been proven guilty. President Ford's death reminds me that it all started with Nixon, and his pardon to "spare the country" a lot of division has led to government officials all the way up to the president being able to get some sort of a pass no matter what crime they commit under the ruse that the country will be spared divisive fights.
Mr. Hughes has been reading my mind...I couldn't agree more with him!
“Hands stained with the best blood of our nation.”
This will always be Dumbya's and Ambien's legacy...
A good friend of mine served a year and a half in Iraq starting in Nov. 2003 with his National Guard unit. He has to report to National Guard post in January for his yearly service.
Everyone in his unit was sent an email asking them to volunteer for Iraq. Now they are afraid that when they report for the yearly service they will be told that they have to go back to Iraq immediately. The last time they did this to them, they were never able to come home and say goodbye to their loved ones before leaving for Iraq.
We have to stop this madness called Iraq!!!
Fitzie, you forgot..."dashingly handsome and feared Very Special Prosecutor!" LOL
Incumbent wants loss thrown out
Franklin County Board of Elections Director Matthew Damschroder called Squire’s allegations unfounded and said she provided no documentation to back her argument.
"There were no irregularities in this election," he said.
Squire’s complaint estimates that there were 10,608 more votes cast on Nov. 7 than signatures in precinct poll books. Also, she argues, machines didn’t record votes for 3,124 voters.
That, along with more than 2,500 rejected provisional ballots, is more than enough to cast doubt on the results, according to her complaint.
The judge’s campaign reviewed poll books from 25 percent of Franklin County precincts and estimated the number of discrepancies countywide. Damschroder said they’re in line with previous elections.
Damschroder took a $10,000 check from ES&S while on the clock for the GOP-he was a local chair.
If a 25% failure rate is "in line" with other elections, then Houston we have a problem...would people be OK with a banking error rate of 25%?
Judge Squire's complaint is valid and there IS plenty of documentation - takes nerve for Matt to say that...he watched people collect it!
But the GOP have smeared her for a while now...
No elite, President or not should be excused of crimes. Gerald Ford's name has been mentioned in some rather evil things, apparently presented before Congress and hidden behind the old "get out of jail free" National Security card.
Allowing elected officials (or allowing them to get to that level to BE elected)to hijack our nation for their evil intent and lies must end. If the press doesn't do its job, then Americans can and will keep researching on their own. The truth and accountability would be so much easier and healthier for everyone.
Every branch of government owes the citizens, their employers, to act in their best interest by telling the truth and quit enabling corrupt and murderous villains.
Since it seems that we have been lied to for decades, whistle blowers gagged, set up, put into prison, propaganda by taxpayer money freely used....we owe to ourselves to research everything and anyone. It is simple enough to check out many versions of a story and draw your common sense conclusions.
Not only is there blood of innocent Americans, but the blood of Iraqis and Afghans staining the hands of the evil-doers and their enablers. May that stain haunt them forever.
Yes - great article.
I too would love to see Darth and Dumbo tried at the Hague and hung next to Saddam Hussein for war crimes.
Converting this country to a police state could prove extremely difficult since our police force is civilian and NOT military.
Although I think many people in this country are seriously considering an overthrow of the current administration (NOT the government!!) That is NOT treason, it is called Impeachment for High Crimes.
Dick Cheney and George Bush are 2 of the biggest criminals this political process has ever produced and the horror that they have brought to the U.S. hasn't been seen yet.
Someone is going to have to pay for all this stuff they've done to us. For some reason, they have forgotten THEY work for US.
Hang the traitors!
Afternoon Fitz and Justice Bloggers,
Good Article Fitz!!
I like this quote:
"John Judge, an aide to Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), said: “The joke in D.C. is, if Cheney dies of a heart attack, Bush will become President!”
Bwahahahahahaha! ROFLMAO*)
I'm gonna have relish with my Ballpark Hotdog on the day you Cross examine Cheney Fitz..
Here's another good Quote from that Article:
Cheney’s serial evildoings include, at the very least, his moral culpability for the 2,954 American troops-- “the best blood of our nation”-- already slain in Iraq. Unless the U.S. Congress does its mandated duty and quickly moves to impeach and remove from office, both Bush and Cheney, a U.S. led attack on Iran is a real and present danger. If the Congress fails to act, say good-bye to our Republic and prepare yourselves for a police state and a war without end!
We can all agree that Cheney is a serial evildoer.
"If they don't move to impeach and remove then the Republic becomes a police state for sure and the blame this time will go squarely to the Spineless Democrats."
Great article of the comparison of Aaron Burr and Cheney: the two treasonous VPs... I compare Cheney with Nixon even though Cheney is a VP and Nixon was the President. But, two minds think alike in both of their cases. And I like what John Dean says abot Cheney is one of his articles that I read some time ago. Cheney is the co-President and he is the brains of the functioning of the WH not Bush. Nixon, like Cheney, climb their way to the top stepping on people's toes to get what they want.. But, both of them don't like being disgrace especially the word: "impeachment." In the words of Abe Lincoln: "To test a man's character, give him power." Both men were tested in character. Nixon's words and power sealed his fate and it will happen to Cheney.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Ford sat on the Warren commission which devised the lone nut theory/Arlen Specter magic bullet theory.
Maybe he did that for America too.
I just don’t know.
I’m sure the ghosts of previous presidents, some decent men, some criminals, will appear in St John’s Church, the president’s church, on Lafayette Square in DC tonight.
calamityjane said...
Well, the police state is an interesting concept. I wonder where the Bush regime would get the police manpower.
After north American union has been pushed through and Canada, mexico and the USbecome one country.
Aaron Burr?
Now, he was the man who shot Alexander Hamilton and who was the subject of Gore Vidal's first historical novel. Must read it sometime. I'm a great fan of Vidal, whose "Point to Point", the second part of his autobiography, has recentle been published. Not that I agree with all his views, just as I don't disagree with all larouche's.
Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury, who reputedly said, “The People is a great beast!”
According to Gore Vidal in his book, Inventing a Nation, which I have read twice, Hamilton proposed that Congress buy back paper which Congress had issued to raise funds to fight the Revolutionary War although it had lost its value, in order to gain the trust of future creditors.
His proposal was leaked (by Hamilton himself?), and New England merchants in the meantime bought up this paper on the cheap, and made a killing when Congress bought back the paper.
Hamilton, according to Vidal, also betrayed the US peace negotiators' fall-back negotiating positions to the British, who were then able to gain a far more favourable peace settlement that they would otherwise have been able to obtain.
Unfortunately, Vidal doesn't cite his sources. Strange in a book published by Yale University.
[LaRouche alert! blog administrator]
Patrick J. Fitzgerald says:
LaRouchites have one thing right!
Anthony says: "Now, yer talkin', Fitzie babe!"
Did Scooter get my Xmas gift from me this year. You know, the pair of jammies with pictures of baby new year so that he can snuggle up in his crib, and have milk amd cookies and read his nanny nanny boo defense bedtime story. LOL!
No Libby Pardon under the Holiday Tree? *cricket* *cricket* Interesting? The Gerbil gave 16 pardons to his drinking buddies and drug supplier but not his bud? Where is the love?
According to Gore Vidal in his book, Inventing a Nation, which I have read twice, Hamilton proposed that Congress buy back paper which Congress had issued to raise funds to fight the Revolutionary War although it had lost its value, in order to gain the trust of future creditors.
His proposal was leaked (by Hamilton himself?), and New England merchants in the meantime bought up this paper on the cheap, and made a killing when Congress bought back the paper.
I ommitted to mention that Congress bought this paper back at PAR VALUE!
I ommitted to mention that Congress bought this paper back at PAR VALUE!
This I first learnt not from Vidal but from Paul Johnson, whom Vidal would no doubt classify as one of the "court historians" he so vilifies, but whose magisterial, if not somewhat one-sided (Federalist/Republican/Standard Oil) "History of the American People", constituted my first real introduction to American history.
I started reading it in England, and brought it with me to America when I first visited the US, and remember reading it in my motel room in Massachussetts while the Red Sox were on the telly with the volume switched down!
Breaking News from
Breaking News from
HUH? Is there a ghost following me? I only clicked it once!!
Don't tell me you put relish on a hot dog, everybody knows you only put mustard on a hot dog!
You don't use ketchup do you?
Alex Jones with some new McVeigh footage
"A line frequently quoted by critics from Rebuilding America's Defenses famously refers to the possibility of a "catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor (PDF)".[9] This quote appears in Chapter V, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", which discusses the perceived need for the Department of Defense to "move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts”.[10] The full quote is as follows: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor." Some have used this quote as evidence for their belief the US government was complicit in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. (See the article 9/11 conspiracy theories for further information on this topic.) Many critics also claim the PNAC believed this "new Pearl Harbor" would justify war on Iraq."
Everytime I read sends a chill through me..because they planned it long ago!
Let's not forget that Bush and Cheney took deliberate advantage of the American people to advance and frame their own agenda with the help of the media.I am referring to their psychological manipulation of the people after 911. We were traumatized. We all had looking over the shoulder syndrome. We were all trying to learn to trust again. Some even suffered from post traumatic stress. They took advantage of that to brainwash the majority of Americans like cult leaders do. We were in danger from the big evil terrorists. But they were going to stand up and protect us from all terrorists. I stood up and against the lie but people turned a deaf ear because they had to believe Bush because he was going to keep them safe.They acted deliberately knowing full well what they were doing. That is criminal. That deserves no less than jail. If I did that, I would certainly go to jail. Look at the nurses who do "mercy killings". They loose their license and go to jail.
If you read that PNAC link that I just will see that one of the principle funders that contributed to PNAC was The Sarah Scaife Foundation. They also funded the George C. Marshall Institute, a known Global Warming skeptic.
Hmmmm...very interesting..
I just read some of the former and current officials quotes about Gerald Ford. And many of them considered Ford a "statesman."
Statesman vs. politican:
Statesman:one who exercises political leadership wisely and without narrow partisanship
Politican:a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons
I remembered attending a seminar in which a speaker who studied economics and political history said we need statemen in this country rather than politician. That is true. Yes, Ford was great in Congress. Yes, Ford assumed power in a country that was in turmoil in the early '70's. Yes, he was a good soldier in the political office when he pardoned Nixon and he was rewarded very well by his fellow politicans. But, Ford was a statesman when he took office when Nixon was impeached and the country needed him the most but he later turned into a politican when he chose to pardon a criminal President.. And let's now forget, Ford had to explain to the congressional committee to why he pardoned Nixon. And his words was simply priceless...
Don't tell me you put relish on a hot dog, everybody knows you only put mustard on a hot dog!
You don't use ketchup do you?
No Ketchup, only Mustard but for Cheney's Cross Examination I'll put Relish like they do in Chicago Hotdogs to honor Fitz... ;)
Hee hee hee!
You will have at least two of the PNAC members on the stand next month..Libby and Cheney!
The Special Prosecutor never rests boys.. I hope the two of you are able to sleep at night! hehe
The Question is...
Is Fitz gonna subpeona dark heart Wolfowitz and Perle ?
That'll be 4 PNAC members if they do that!
If Fitz puts the Prince of Darkness on the stand..I hope Fitz will cover himself with disinfectant first! And, hopefully Wolfowitz won't comb his hair in front of Fitz.. Ewwww..he puts his comb in his mouth after he combs his hair!
by the way..
I'm sure that the WH shredders have been going non stop since the Election in Nov.
They're also Lawyering up with a line up of heavy hitter attorneys courtesy of poppy.
Those good'ole boys are in heavy quiver mode like an earthquake that's building...
Those evildoers are popping Tums like they were chewing gum and drinking them down with a Pepto Bismol chaser...
They can shred all they want but there's video testimony here there and everywhere that convict them.
If Fitz puts the Prince of Darkness on the stand..I hope Fitz will cover himself with disinfectant first! And, hopefully Wolfowitz won't comb his hair in front of Fitz.. Ewwww..he puts his comb in his mouth after he combs his hair!
Yep, no doubt s-q.
If I were Fitz questioning Wolfowitz I'd make sure to wear a turtleneck , a garlic necklace and a cross just to ward off the demons eeking out from that globalist evildoer.
Their lower lip will quiver and they'll be brought to tears..just like Poppy did! LOL
Justice is coming! :)
Oh and I'd spray holy water all over that court room before he comes in..
Can't have too much protection with that monster.
If I were Fitz questioning Wolfowitz I'd make sure to wear a turtleneck , a garlic necklace and a cross just to ward off the demons eeking out from that globalist evildoer.
Scooter will pee his little pants and Darth will have a heart attack when they see Fitz dressed like that!!
It will be a remake of "The Exorcist"!!
Their lower lip will quiver and they'll be brought to tears..just like Poppy did! LOL
Don't forget that persistent EYE-TWITCH that just won't go away...
That's a classic sign of an Evildoer who's been cornered..
Oh and I think porkrind should have worked hard for gerbil on the campaign cause if worse comes to worse they're gonna throw porkrind under the bus first cause they've run out of chum...
Hee hee hee!
Well, that EYE TWITCH in all of those evildoers will keep ole Doc Frist busy! LOL
As far as Porkrind goes..he had better just get on a bus and get out of town before sundown! hehe Or, Fitz might make fried porkrinds out of him!
Scooter will pee his little pants and Darth will have a heart attack when they see Fitz dressed like that!!
It will be a remake of "The Exorcist"!!
ROFLMAO*) Ha ha ha...
Well I was thinking more like the Godfather but then Fitz would have to put on a large ring and offer blessings..
I don't think the Judge is that tolerant!
Heck, if the Judge is smart he will have his own bottle of Holy Water to spray on himself! hehe
Sitting near those evildoers will make him feel the need to be cleansed frequently!
Fitz in that robe and hat, with a big ring and offering blessings?
This would make for a great TV mini-series!
Fitz in that robe and hat, with a big ring and offering blessings?
This would make for a great TV mini-series!
"Prosecuting with Father Fitzgerald"
Oh boy s-q, now you've done it.
I'm sure those Hollywierd types are
just salivating for a new concept on
a TV show.
I see "Special Prosecutor" being turned into a hit series just like JAG and other shows..
I like that!!!
Prosecuting with Father Fitzgerald!
Heck, if the Judge is smart he will have his own bottle of Holy Water to spray on himself! hehe
If I was the Judge you bet I'd have Holy water handy. Oh and I'd be in constant contact with an Exorcist just in case. 1-800-Kill-A-Reptile
T sent me a Christmas card and said, "thanks for a year of laughs!"
Do ya think she is laughing now?
Nan,thanks for the post. I'll be watching to see what happens with Libby. Think he'll get pardoned?
Thanks for the article Nan!
So, Judge Walton is saying the trial will go about 6 weeks!
Do ya think she is laughing now?
Yep.. :)
Hee hee hee!
What's that in your hand? An enema for Darth Cheney? hehe
Yep.. :)
I like you because you know when to say yes and when to say no!
(Thanks GEF's Mom!) hehe
Here.. have a chocolate! LOL
Darth Cheney is so full of sh&t, if He got an enema he would disappear.LOL. No, that is a syringe in my hand loaded with a koolaid reversal agent. Next...HeeHee.
No more s-q..
Ok one more... LOL*)
Cut that out..
Darth Cheney is so full of sh&t, if He got an enema he would disappear.
Bwahahahahaha! ROFLMAO*)
Life must be hard when your own countrymen all know you're a traitor..
Ha ha ha!
Bush Quote of the Day:
"But we've got a big border in Texas, with Mexico, obviously -- and we've got a big border with Canada -- Arizona is affected."
George W. Bush--The Decider
Gawd..I hope he doesn't decide to put a new fence around will stretch up to Canada!
Ok, GEF, no more chocolates..all gone now.. :)
GEF said,
Life must be hard when your own countrymen all know you're a traitor..
Yeah, but it's even worse when the rest of the world knows it, too. Where ya gonna hide? Paraguay?
S-Q your T ESP is working heehee
you two are hilarious:-D
Paraguay- that's right CJ, now put away that needle-I gave you the info you requested!LOL
Nan thanks for that post-I had a different take on what the sealed reporter stuff would yield, but its been a long day and I can't think of what it was;-)
At the end of an email today:
The Common Good. The best for each person. The orphan. The family. The sick. The healthy. The wealthy. The poor. The citizen. The stranger. The First. The Last.
4 PNAC members "four pnacs in a pod" ha
Do I need press cred to watch this trial? (I have access to that) I could blog it to you guys as the bs falls from their decrepit lips!
S-Q and Gef, we could give Fitz any questions we think he's missed since I don't second guess him enough already heeheehee
t, hi. I'm gearing up for the koolaid detox program. LOL.
S-Q your T ESP is working heehee
I just put my ear to the ground and heard you coming up the "internets" highway! hehe
you two are hilarious:-D
Hey T:
If GEF and I give up our day jobs to take our show on the you wanna be our Road Manager?
Maybe we could borrow Air Force One cause I heard it travels the internets faster than anything else!?
Gerald Ford said: The accusations of Nixon's Watergate misdeeds "hang like a sword over our former president's head, threatening his health," Ford said. But his primary concern was for the nation.
"My conscience tells me clearly and certainly that I cannot prolong the bad dreams that continue to reopen a chapter that is closed," he said. "My conscience tells me that only I, as president, have the constitutional power to firmly shut and seal this book.
Yet, in Ford's autobiography book, he said: "Finally, it was done," Ford wrote in his book. "It was an unbelievable lifting of a burden from my shoulders. I felt very certain that I had made the right decision, and I was confident that I could now proceed without being harassed by Nixon or his problems any more."
Sounds of pressure to me by Ford to pardon Nixon at that time. What is interesting is that Ford's home in Virginia is up for sale the day after the announcement of his death..
Hi Tee,
4 PNAC members "four pnacs in a pod" ha Do I need press cred to watch this trial? (I have access to that) I could blog it to you guys as the bs falls from their decrepit lips!
The Penguin
GEF sais,BOO. Yeah.That was pretty
Ms. dickson says yale.
they partner with NSA and private industry to torture americans ?
mine's not lyme disease although i may have this too ( who knows)
artificial intelligence
terrorized me for a few yrs and then decided to be nice and send some other bullshit microwave into my home ( here in the states )
why not reserve such fine tx for the enemny combatants ?
Wow! Ford's home is for sale that fast! Amazing..
Yep, Waxman is enough to scare those evildoers right now..he holds the power to investigate..investigate..until they're impeached or have resigned! Or, sent to prison..
I'll take any of those options for the evildoers!
:) :)
I think Waxman wants the Prison option better.
He's gonna be meticulous..
..and I know the gerbil will pull the "We're at War" card.
But that doesn't hold water any more..
It's Time to pay the Karmic debt that's accumulated.
Yes, Bush's war excuse is no longer an excuse.. His goose is cooked! have mail :)
Here is Gerald Ford's speech when he pardoned Nixon.
You 2 gotzta lighten up, I'm about to have an accident...ROFLMAO
Father Fitzmas on the
that's pretty good.
From Lame Duck to Cooked Goose
I bet the Bush boys got out the rubbing compound and are scrubbing some of the corruption off of Chainie. When he gets his wax job, he's gonna shine like neocons heel.
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If you're gonna be reading here you gotta stop Blogging and Laughing!!
You might have an accident!
Hee hee hee!
Ford's D.C. Legacy Goes Beyond Politics
Today, the Ford family home is vacant and up for sale, but friends and neighbors living nearby have nothing but fond memories of the former first family, News4's Jane Watrel reported.
Back in October of this year, Ford decied to sell his ski home in Colorado...
Father Fitzmas on the bench!
Lame Duck to Cooked Goose!!
From quack to honk!
They're both still the bird!!
Today, the Ford family home is vacant and up for sale, but friends and neighbors living nearby have nothing but fond memories of the former first family, News4's Jane Watrel reported.
I wonder how many people just went by Fords house to pick his stuff clean like they do in Congress when a member leaves office.
They're all Vultures..
If it was a carcass in the middle of the desert they would pick it clean and it would shine stone white in the sun!
Prosecuting with Father Fitzgerald!
Saints Begora, he could open a drive through Indictment and blessings shop all in one.
The only place you can get Indicted and Blessed by a real Father & Prosecutor.
That's what they meant by Special Prosecutor..
He could marry you and put you in prison right after that!
I love it!
Hee hee hee!
That's what they meant by Special Prosecutor
Thats pretty special...hahhaha
I'm wondering about that goose...sure looks a lot like chainie...
The Richard Bruce Cheney 5 deferrment plan:
In an interview with George C. Wilson that appeared in the April 5, 1989 issue of The Washington Post, when asked about his deferments the future Defense Secretary said, "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."
The secret to Richard Bruce Cheney's plan to dodge the draft:
In January 1959, when Mr. Cheney reached age 18 and was classified as 1-A — available for service — he was doing poorly at Yale. At that time, however, the military was taking only older men, and like most others who were in college at the time, Cheney had little concern about being drafted.
By January 1963, with the US actively advising South Vietnamese forces, Cheney enrolled in Casper Community College and turned 22 that month. At that time, he sought his first student deferment which was granted on March 20, according to records from the Selective Service System. After transferring to the University of Wyoming at Laramie, Cheney sought his second student deferment on July 23, 1963. On August 7, 1964, Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which allowed President Lyndon B. Johnson to use military force in Vietnam. From that point on, American involvement in Vietnam began to escalate rapidly.
On August 29, 1964, 22 days after the resolution, Cheney married his high school sweetheart, Lynne. He sought and was granted his third student deferment on October 14, 1964. In July 1965, Johnson announced that he was doubling the number of men drafted. The number of inductions soared, to 382,010 in 1966 from 230,991 in 1965 and 112,386 in 1964. Cheney obtained his fourth deferment because he started graduate school at the University of Wyoming on November 1, 1965.
On October 6, 1965, the Selective Service lifted its ban against drafting married men who had no children. On January 19, 1966, when his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant, Mr. Cheney applied for 3-A status, the "hardship" exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. It was granted. In January 1967, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft.
Pass the weenies.. What a slickster..
Yep, that's a tough bird alright..
That's why we'll have to cook it for a longer period of time!
Hee hee!
Yeah, we'll take 2 indictments, 4 blessings and a marriage to go!
What happens in Saints Begora..Stays in Saints Begora!!
Maybe the Waxman could put a car wash in next door. There's nothing like a full service...(;
I think that the Ford family had enough time to vacate the Virginia home since Gerald Ford's health was failing.. But, let us not forget that Ford had lived in Rancho Mirage, CA for over 30 years. He came to CA after he lost to Carter. But, it is too bad that his home in Virginia is going up for sale since the home would be historic.. First, seling the home in Colorado and now Virginia.. But, Ford haven't had his funeral yet and his home is up for sale...
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That's pretty shameful.
Military People everywhere would regard him as a real Coward!
So I wonder what the Joint Chiefs think of Ambien.
It can't be good!
But that's why they call the NeoCons:
They've earned that name!
Maybe the Waxman could put a car wash in next door. There's nothing like a full service...
Excellent Idea. The car wash could use Holy water to bless the cars while Fitz is exorcising and indicting the Evildoers next door..
That's how the rich are Biloxi.
They liquidate before the Carcass gets even cold!
They are shrewd business people and even your wife is suspect.
Prenuptials, postnuptials, and midnuptials...
What a way of life eh ?
"That's pretty shameful."
Yes, shameful.. Maybe, if the media would have some backbone and educate the public on Richard "Bruce" Cheney's 5 year deferrment. I have relatives and close friends that served in the military and certainly Cheney is a disgrace to dodge the draft. That tells you how much balls Cheney has a man, VP, and a draft dodger..
Good Evening All,
Gef said The Penguin LOL how appropriate:-D
Father Fitzmas heehee
SPB, that is some facinating dirt on Cheney's deferments-what a weenie is right. How dare he start the same kind of war he refused to fight/die if I didn't already think he was a lowlife LOL
Fitz is gonna need 48 hours a day to do all this prosecuting, blessing, exorcising, indicting, etc...He'll never find time to get married!! LOL
We are talking about Ford, an accidental President. We don't know that the price that he paid for his silence gave him homes in Colorado and California and so on.. If his home in Ranch Mirage goes up for sale should Betty Ford passes, it raises the eyebrow on the Ford's lifestyle.. And Spiro Agnew was certainly threatened to bail out of his job.. The Nixon Administration like the Gerbil Administration were more like the Godfather and mafia running.. I am sure John Dean can give up some stories...
You missed the Billboard
Thanks, Grandmanuk.
LOL! The slickster may have gotten away from dodging the draft with 5 deferrments but you know he is on borrowed time in health and in his crimes. And that is the hell that Cheney lives with everyday.. At least, I can sleep at nights. Cheney may be VP in the WH but he stole, lie, and cheat to get what he wanted in the name of position.
GEF, Grandmanuk and others are waiting for the final arrangements for our former Michiganian, Gerald Ford. Coincidentally, he may not have been our brightest star...but he was ours!
Well he may have made a mistake with Nixon. But at least he wasn't as wacked as Nixon.
Interesting point S-Q. One can only wonder why some many prosecutors are married with family if what you say is true. As for Patrick J. Fitzgerald, his love life is going very well as he keeps it personal. He is not one to air personal relationships or very much of anything of his personal life. I just wish when this case is over that he would take the time to take his special lady on vacation and get some much needed rest.
As you know, there are many who investigate and one who prosecute. With your background in law enforcement, you know the procedure as I do because of my experience in the court system. You and I deal with all branches of the legal systems, police, federal agencies, state agencies, environmental agencies, as well as the FBI and the CIA. Some who don't have the legal system or law enforcement aren't aware of the cooperation and involvement just to bring a case to the court. I am hoping Fitz will announce in his future a Mrs. Fitzgerald which I am sure all of us will be proud and happy for my little angel.
Some who don't have the legal system or law enforcement aren't aware of the cooperation and involvement just to bring a case to the court.
I agree. That's why one has to throw their arms up in the air in disgust when the trickster gerbil pardons his rich friends' favorites just because he can..
Yet he won't pardon those Border Guards who were doing their duty!
Being personal about ones personal life in Fitz' position is we should expect anything else;-)
Speaking of trial, court watchers look forward to it.
I wonder if lil irv will spit up at trial time hehe
Hi Jackie:
Yes, Fitz works very hard and these cases require so much of his time and energy! His focus is on doing a good job for the people right now. I totally understand his priorities and think the world of him! :)
Hopefully, someday he will have time for his personal life and be blessed with much happiness. :)
Well, well lookie here...
Ford Disagreed With Bush About Invading Iraq
By Bob Woodward
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 28, 2006A01
Former president Gerald R. Ford said in an embargoed interview in July 2004 that the Iraq war was not justified. "I don't think I would have gone to war," he said a little more than a year after President Bush had launched the invasion advocated and carried out by prominent veterans of Ford's own administration.
In a four-hour conversation at his house in Beaver Creek, Colo., Ford "very strongly" disagreed with the current president's justifications for invading Iraq and said he would have pushed alternatives, such as sanctions, much more vigorously. In the tape-recorded interview, Ford was critical not only of Bush but also of Vice President Cheney -- Ford's White House chief of staff -- and then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who served as Ford's chief of staff and then his Pentagon chief.
That Gilligan defense was good for Reagans defense but it's old now...
The Smurf's goose is cooked!
G'night Folks...
Yeah, those pardons that the Gerbil gave to his friends..drug suppliers/users etc.. just makes me sick!
There are so many law enforcement agents/officers putting their lives on the line everyday to bring those criminals to justice!
And, to watch the Gerbil make it seem like it's no big disgusting! But, look at him, he has never been held accoutnable for anything in his life!
Interesting article, T. He opposed the Gerbil and Ambien's actions on going to Iraq in 2004. But, remember, when the Gerbil saw Ford this year, Ford said on T.V. for Bush to stay the course.. Now what made Ford changed his mind? Who knows? He gone now.. But, it raises my eyebrow of his opinion of Bush in the war in Iraq, the selling of his homes in Virginia and Colorado...
As far as the topic of Fitz getting married or not getting married, that is Fitz's private business. I think that is why he kept is private life private from the press and separate from his job as the Special Prosecutor and as the U.S. Attorney. He is no different from any professional or any person with a job: the right for privacy. Thank goodness I keep my private life very "private."
Good night, Biloxi man out!!!
Did Biloxi just "out" himself?
"Did Biloxi just "out" himself?"
Si, Senor...
Hee hee... Nighty night...
Is the pink panties prosecutor wearing his bright pink edible panties to ring in the new year?
I think that this SPB character and the GEF character are the same person.
Any one else suspicious?
Is the pink panties prosecutor going to eat his own panties afterwards?
On Ford's houses, wow, people jump to conclusions so fast. Don't forget, Betty came from a family that was loaded with dough. Not all politicans are corrupt.
Ford paid the price for pardoning Nixon when he did not get elected and Carter won.
Something to think about: How many people died because of Tricky Dick's Watergate hijinks? How many people died because of other illegal things past presidents did?
"I think that this SPB character and the GEF character are the same person."
LOL! Yup, then that means Libby is the same height as Fitz.
Hee hee...
"On Ford's houses, wow, people jump to conclusions so fast. Don't forget, Betty came from a family that was loaded with dough. Not all politicans are corrupt."
That's true that Betty came from family with money but some did Gloria Vanderbilt and Ms. Vanderbilt is not living that lifestyle today. Go ask her son, CNN reporter Anderson Cooper...
Yep. Vanderbilt clothing, perfume, etc. are out of vogue from the fickle fashion world. It takes good business sense, good investment advice, and not going bonkers with spending to keep what one has.
For entertainment purposes:
Another example of how Washington, D.C. is the new Rome .
Here's an idiot who needs the three strikes you stay in jail thing Not even the police can deter this guy from enjoying a cold one
"Is the pink panties prosecutor going to eat his own panties afterwards?'
I guess you have to let us know...
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I had to mention this. Here is timeline of Nixon's resignation to Ford as the President:
August 9, 2004, Nixon resign from the Presidency.
August 20, 1974, Ford was sworn in as President.
September 8, 1974, Ford pardoned Nixon
Ford's first press secretary and close friend Jerald Franklin terHorst resigned his post in protest after the announcement of President Nixon's full pardon. Ford also voluntarily appeared before Congress on October 17, 1974 to give sworn testimony—the only time a sitting president has done so—about the pardon
Ford's transition chairman and first Chief of Staff was former congressman and ambassador Donald Rumsfeld. In 1975, Rumsfeld was named by Ford as the youngest-ever Secretary of Defense. Ford chose a young Wyoming politician, Richard Cheney, to replace Rumsfeld as his new Chief of Staff and later campaign manager for Ford's 1976 presidential campaign Ford's dramatic reorganization of his Cabinet in the fall of 1975 has been referred to by political commentators as The "Halloween Massacre."
Ford pardoned Nixon less than a monyh after he was sworned in as the President... Action speaks louder than words....
Anonymous said...
Ms. dickson says yale.
they partner with NSA and private industry to torture americans ?
mine's not lyme disease although i may have this too ( who knows)
artificial intelligence
terrorized me for a few yrs and then decided to be nice and send some other bullshit microwave into my home ( here in the states )
why not reserve such fine tx for the enemny combatants ?
Anyone who says someone is sending microwaves into their home is asking to be labeled as a delusional nutcase.
Now, everyone knows I am Yale's nemesis, since I not only am a chemist, but I have kids with congenital Lyme:
If such nutcases at Yale had the ability to send someone "microwaves" into their house, wouldn't I be their first target?
Never say anything you can't prove.
Start with getting a degree in Biochemistry so you know what is the science and how to argue scientifically.
I, for one, have looked at a bahzillion scientific journal articles, and I looked at the METHODS used in these experiments, since that's my expertise: analytical methods development.
What I have concluded is that it is unlikely that Lyme flew over here on African birds in hurricanes (as claimed by the CDC). Lyme, had it emerged naturally, should have a name of a southern USA town.
Given the fact that at the end of WWII the USA (Navy) and the Russian Army converged on the Unit 731 bioweapons plant at the same time and shared the bioweapons booty, and that US Attorney John Loftus (assigned to be a NAZI hunter) traced the NAZI weaponeers back to the USA in a CIA operation known as "Operation Paperclip," and that these NAZI bioweaponeer scientists spent time at Plum Island
(Oh, and Dulles, a family friend and lawyer of the Bush Family- known to be CIA members- managed the non-disclosure of Bush Thysssen German banking assets, while assigned to Post-WWII Germany), it is likelier that Lyme was an accidental release from Plum Island, since that is where Yale-CIA-CDC conduct experiments with vector-borne diseases.
The Plum Island experiments are to see if exotic infections can "take" to local tick or insect vectors. This is not a guess; this is the published science.
Yale would like to shut me up, so they discredited me, took my children away and gave them to a total maniac who brutalized me and the children:
This is meant to be a form of torture. This was meant to provoke me to a crime. Since that failed - I committed no crime - they simply made one up.
Why in the world would they want to bother with some radiation beams?
You see, they've already done their worst damage.
As I tell all my ActionLyme members, over and over and over, NEVER say anything you can't prove, and the best way to assure you have facts at hand is to have formal scientific training.
There is no other way.
Are Bush and Cheney Planning an Early Attack on Iran?
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Back on October 9, I wrote in The Nation that it looked like the Bush-Cheney gang, worried about the November election, was gearing up for an unprovoked attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, with a carrier strike group led by the USS Eisenhower being ordered to depart a month early from Norfolk, VA to join the already-on-station USS Enterprise. That article was based on reports from angry sailors based on the Eisenhower who had leaked word of their mission.
By Sherwood Ross (305) 205-8281
The perpetrator of the 2001 anthrax attack on Congress likely was a government scientist employed at the Army's Ft. Detrick, Md., bioterrorism lab having access to a "moonsuit" that made it possible to safely process and manufacture super-weapons-grade anthrax, a bioterrorism authority says.
Bush Family Secrets and the Truth About Iran
Article Source: Consortium News
Having gone through the diplomatic motions with Iran, George W. Bush is shifting toward a military option that carries severe risks for American soldiers in Iraq as well as for long-term U.S. interests around the world. Yet, despite this looming crisis, the Bush Family continues to withhold key historical facts about U.S.-Iranian relations.
Those historical facts - relating to Republican contacts with Iran's Islamic regime more than a quarter century ago - are relevant today because an underlying theme in Bush's rationale for war is that direct negotiations with Iran are pointless. But Bush's own father may know otherwise.
The evidence is now persuasive that George H.W. Bush participated in negotiations with Iran's radical regime in 1980, behind President Jimmy Carter's back, with the goal of arranging for 52 American hostages to be released after Bush and Ronald Reagan were sworn in as Vice President and President, respectively.
In exchange, the Republicans agreed to let Iran obtain U.S.-manufactured military supplies through Israel. The Iranians kept their word, releasing the hostages immediately upon Reagan's swearing-in on Jan. 20, 1981.
Over the next few years, the Republican-Israel-Iran weapons pipeline operated mostly in secret, only exploding into public view with the Iran-Contra scandal in late 1986. Even then, the Reagan-Bush team was able to limit congressional and other investigations, keeping the full history - and the 1980 chapter - hidden from the American people.
Upon taking office on Jan. 20, 2001, George W. Bush walled up the history even more by issuing an executive order blocking the scheduled declassification of records from the Reagan-Bush years. After 9/11, the younger George Bush added more bricks to the wall by giving Presidents, Vice Presidents and their heirs power over releasing documents.
Bush's Great Leap Forward
Chris Floyd
Thursday, December 27, 2006
The outlines of Bush's "New Way Forward" or "Great Leap Forward" or "Long Walk Off a Short Pier" in Iraq is now fairly clear. It has three general thrusts: a large increase in troop numbers; a direct assault on the forces of Motqada al-Sadr; and, if possible, an expansion of the war beyond Iraq's borders through a military strike on Iran.
I have read the apparently very balanced article (written by a follower?) on Lyndon LaRouche on Wikipedia.
Some of what LaRouche says I strongly agree with, some kind of agree with, some I disagree with, some I violently disagree with, and a lot more is simply over my head, especially the economics. Even Anthony has his intellectual limitations.
Even if I did agree with what LaRouche says, I am not in the business of following anyone (I gave up that game in 1988, but that’s another story), and I reject the slur implied by this blogsite administrator that I form part of a LaRouche cadr.
One thing I will say, tho’. At University, I majored in History, and minored in Philosophy, specializing in Ethics and the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences. We also had to take a course from any department of our choice. I chose to take a course called Political Ideas offered by the politics department.
During this course, I was presented with the ideas of the émigré anglophile philosopher and luminary of All Souls Oxford, Isaiah Berlin on Positive and Negative Liberty.
Positive Liberty is a Continental idea, negative liberty an English one.
The difference is perhaps best summed up in the saying, “In England everything’s allowed unless it’s forbidden [negative liberty]. In Germany everything’s forbidden unless it’s allowed [positive liberty]. In France everything’s forbidden unless it’s allowed but nobody takes a blind bit of notice anyway [anarchy!].”
It’s a bit like being allowed to feed right at a red traffic light if there’s no traffic coming from the left in, say, Boston, as I found out when someone behind me sounded the claxon, minutes after I had driven the car I’d hired out of the Alamo place at Logan Airport, but in New York State you can’t feed right unless the traffic light is green, and people generally obey, and in New York City you can’t feed right unless the traffic light is green, but no one takes a blind but of notice anyway.
LaRouche seems to have this very un-English and, I’d say, un-American belief in positive liberty.
I have to say that I’m with anglophile philosopher, Isaiah Berlin on this one.
Ee! Ee! Diddly dee! Positive liberty ain’t for me.
Ee! Ee! Diddly dee! Negative liberty for you and me!
Good Morning JB's
Nice time line SPB, interesting comments Anthony-unique educational background too:-)
Fitz it would be nice to let JB's know more about the trial schedule if possible-will it be televised, Cheney deposed by video or in the court room? (It's the first case I've been obsessed with since OJ)
Good Thursday Morning Everyone!
I'm not obsessed with the upcoming Scooter trial, however, I do want to see those responsbile for the CIA leak brought to justice!
How can any CIA Agent feel secure in their job, knowing that at any point in time their name could be leaked to the entire world? Their life and the life of all those that they love are put into jeopardy!!
So, the questions stuck in my head are...Why did Scooter lie to investigators and who was he covering up for??
Here is a laugh for you...and GEF swears it isn't porn! LOLMAO
Which Is Which?
Have a great day to all of you! :)
Some predictions for 2007*
Fitz will finally marry by the end of 2007 and retire from government service the following year, living happily ever after
S-Q will marry in 2008 to a guy she met online-he will blog about his love for her and make us all read it
RR will fall in love with a Jewish princess and she will have his triplets
T will finally meet her Yang
SPB gets dumped when gf realizes the ring/live-in thing was a "dragging feet" tactic
Jackie will be content her little angel is content
*Disclaimer Predictions all made in jest, only time will tell- check back this time next year
What about CC finally acknowledging that she has no control over her addiction to KKs and entering rehab?
What about Roger Rancourt's conversion to Judaism?
Good morning. The Governator is still in the hospital with the broken drumstick.I'm sure he's ordering the nurses around left and right. I'm sure they're doing what he wants. I hope he remembers the good care he received the next time he decides to target the California nurses. I would wait til that drumstick is fully healed if I were you, Arnie.
They promoted US Attorney Kevin O'Connor.
All REAL Americans can now have our collective stroke.
S-Q will marry in 2008 to a guy she met online-he will blog about his love for her and make us all read it
Belle and her crystal ball have been hitting the sauce!
When you sober up...probably sometime next year.. try again!
"SPB gets dumped when gf realizes the ring/live-in thing was a "dragging feet" tactic"
LOL! Yeah, O.K. Somebody on this blog is a chain smoking buddy of the Gerbil.. My gf and I doing just wonderful, knucklehead.. I hope you dust off your crystal ball and quit smoking mary janes with the Gerbil then maybe you can come up with the right 2007 predictions.. ROFL!
Oh, by the way, there is one right 2007 prediction: Libby is hosed in his upcoming criminal trial next month and will be hosed in the civil lawsuit case...
"What about Jordan giving up blogging and soccer and taking up hunting to be like his #1 role model? ;-)"
LOL, Nan!
How about Jordan quits blogging and soccer and runs for President of 2008. The youngest President of the U.S.
Jordan/Edwards 2008!
The winning ticket..
I resent the implication by any staff member working in Fitz's office to claim everyone must be LaRouche followers who talk about these crimes.
It is disiginous and unprofessional. There are many people who agree with writings of LaRouche too.
Are they all LaRouche followers by default then? That is a foolish thing to say, just as foolish as anyone who claims Jews are behind every evil thing.
Its called guilt by association. People do not have to hone any interest in LaRouche or his cause, to agree with things he says.
Nobody has to be a Fitz follower on the opposite hand, to agree with what he says.
Conspiracies are complicated, people have proven that time and time again.
Is there something to hide that people must be ashamed of? That is the only actual conclusion one can come to, when this topic is avoided so much or tip-toed around.
Case and point, what do you make of Gerald Ford?,1111-06.htm
Ford was the president who covered up the JFK assassination. Now when he dies he's admitting it was wrong. He's admitting the war was wrong. He is consciously admitting that abandoning Jimmy Carter's roadmap to peace in Palestine, was wrong.
Is this President Ford becoming a follower of Larouche by such admission?
Can the guilt by association card just be played everywhere now, and who defines the rules?
I would like to see instead of attacks & threats, or spitting remarks on either side, for there to be a genuine debate on these issues.
I think both parties involved can get a greater understanding of the world from any debate.
Who is controlling the cabal? Who are the Jesuit leaders and their council of 300? Who are the Zionists?
What role do they all play in world affairs? Who benefits from their activities? What unseen hand is directing these events?
Who are their masters or string pullers? And finally, can it be put to rest once and for all.
Illustrating that point would be of far more value to society as a whole now, in absence of personal attacks and ludicrous name calling.
The world listens to us.
Mr. Fitzgerald,
how do you sleep at night? You KNEW that no crime had been committed in the Plame fiasco, and yet you pursued Scooter Libby and trapped him in a perjury plea just to satisfy your lust to "get" someone in the Bush administration. How does it feel to ruin lives for a living? I am neither rich nor powerful, but I can assure you that I and many other Americans are horrified by prosecutors like you, who abuse the justice system to further their own careers.
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