DIscriminate With Us...

Q: You are on a plane with six Muslim imams, six priests, six evangelical preachers, six congressman and 432 virgins...who should be removed by the airline and airport security for safety reasons?
Six people removed from U.S. Airways flight
A: For their own safety,the 432 cub scouts. troop.
I hope you heard that really lame joke at the water cooler, if not keep your day job you Mic!
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Good evening America!
Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
In 1968, Robert Kennedy seemed likely to follow his brother, John, into the White House. Then, on June 6, he was assassinated - apparently by a lone gunman. But Shane O'Sullivan says he has evidence implicating three CIA agents in the murder
Monday November 20, 2006
The Guardian
BBC Newsnight Report on CIA involvement in the death of Robert Kennedy
According to the official coroner's report, the gun firing the fatal shots had to be less than 1-inch from the back of Kennedy's head. Eyewitness accounts put Sirhan Sirhan no closer than 1-3 feet in front of the man. Why were bullet-ridden ceiling tiles removed? Did investigators ignore conflicting testimony and destroy evidence? Why? This video answers these questions and more
Q: You are on a plane with six Muslim imams, six priests, six evangelical preachers, six congressman and 432 virgins...who should be removed by the airline and airport security for safety reasons?
None one of them.. It is time for me to invest in a private plane! LOL!
I just think that the DHS are a bit ridiculous on who is a terrorist and who is not.. the airlines, airport security and the DHS wouldn't know a terrorist if it bit them. The guy on your left on the plane who looks Muslim decent, never looks at anyone, and won't speak to you, you assume that he may be terrorist. But, the guy on the right with a blond hair blue eyes, carries a briefcase, smiles and talks to you, and works for a corporate business, is the terrorist.. I just think that DHS went to Gumby University.. Dumb like doorknobs.. And what is amazing is that airport security confiscated NBC news reporter Brian Williams' cashews at the airport along with brownies that his wife made for him. And some idiot at airport security left a note in his luggage saying that the brownies were good (that was on Brian Williams blog a couple of months ago.).. So, are we safe? Not safe from idiots that are running the WH and making stupid decisions, SP!
The nursing mother?
CACI: Torture in Iraq, Intimidation at Home
CACI's strategy has been two-fold: its flacks have distorted well-documented facts in the public record beyond recognition, and its senior management has lawyered up, suing or threatening to sue just about every journalist, muckraker and government watchdog who's dared to shine a light on the firm's unique role as a torture profiteer.
Lately, the company's sights have been set squarely on Robert Greenwald, director of Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers, in which CACI plays a starring role. Greenwald has been in a back-and-forth with CACI's CEO, Jack London, and its lead attorney, William Koegel, during "months of calls, emails and letters" in what Greenwald calls a campaign to "intimidate, threaten and suppress" the story presented in the film.
"The threatening letters started early, trying to get us to back off," Greenwald told me. "We refused, and went back at them with a very strong letter saying, 'no, you're war profiteers and we won't be silenced.' Like any bully, they backed down when confronted. No lawsuit was filed- they're a paper tiger."
The story they don't want told is of a federal contractor that, according to the Washington Post, gets 92 percent of its revenues in the "defense" sector. The Washington Business Journal reported that CACI's defense contracts almost doubled in the year after the occupation of Iraq began, and profits shot up 52 percent.
Yet CACI insists it isn't a war profiteer (a subjective term anyway), but was just answering an urgent call in Iraq. In a letter to Greenwald, Koegel wrote: "the army needed ... civilian contractors to work as interrogators" because the military didn't have the personnel, and CACI responded to the "urgent war-time circumstances" and "has no apologies."
But while the firm had experience in electronic surveillance and other intelligence functions, it, too, didn't have the interrogators. Barry Lando reported finding an ad on CACI's website for interrogators to send to Iraq, and noted that "experience in conducting tactical and strategic interrogations" was desired, but not necessary. According to a report by the Army inspector general, 11 of the 31 CACI interrogators in Iraq had no training in what most experts agree is one of the most sensitive areas of intelligence gathering. The 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, which was in charge of interrogations at Abu Ghraib when the abuses took place, didn't have a single trained interrogator.
"It's insanity," former CIA agent Robert Baer told The Guardian. "These are rank amateurs, and there is no legally binding law on these guys as far as I could tell. Why did they let them in the prison?"
And thanks to director Robert Greenwald and Henry Waxman for investigating into this...
I'm not sure, I think 432 virgins on one plane could be very dangerous...
Michael Katrina Chertoff is incompetent as they come...and I can just imagine the managers he has working for him at DHS.
Personally, I can't wait for the Congressional hearings on Halliburton/KBR, Titan, CACI, et al
Greenwald is an American hero for making his movie and distributing it...
DHS is no surprise -gumby U is right-these guys just got caught
Wow, on that SPB- isn't that something that CACI is using bully tactics.
Iraq For Sale? Yes, I'm sure they don't care for it one bit-not good for PR. They try not to advertise they have no oath to the constitution and they prefer work where lawlessness runs rampant.
kramer.. wishing you still had a day job, ya redneck hehe
Now I'm off to attend the "Blue (dems) ball" ;-)
Me and my friends will be flying United to Iraq to feed the troops.
I think Halliburton/KBR and CACI are the first to be investigated since there is warrant of Rummy's arrest overseas, Gonzo is in serious trouble, and the Ambien has tied to Halliburton and the profit from the gov't contracts. Titan and the others will be next on the list. But, I am glad that truthout.org came out with that article about CACI and the fact that CACI will be lawyering up. There will be a lot of lawsuits real soon.
The nursing mother? Ewww!
Remove the 432 virgins depending on what sex they are of course.
Halliburton stock in 2002 sold for about $ 8 to $10 a share...in 2006 it has ranged from $28 to $42 a share...quite a ROI for stockholders like Cheney...
"...quite a ROI for stockholders like Cheney..."
And look real carefully when the Ambien does the 1099 form on his 2006 Income Taxes and how much of a tax refund that he gets back. That is why he wanted to be VP: business and profit.
Ok I guess I have to deal with this racism issue.
As for the prayer on a plane I'm guilty it's the closet I've been to heaven and I pray to let the plane land. Our country has been put in fear of fear. Rove brought religion into government. People want to pray in schools, football games etc. What would happen if thousands of Americans stopped in prayer at a football game. Who would be arrested? As for me I'll stick with praying to God and risk arrest.
Now as for Kramer. Racism is been on the front burner since the White House made it top topic. America hasn't gotten racism out of the blood of this country yet. Some are slow learners. But when the President of the United States endorses racism other follow. I don't believe deep down that some are racist but when in pain or fault one looks to point the reason at another thing but themselves. America must grown to stop making race the foundation of this country. Let's look at people are grey and accept our pain for what it is our own fault without blaming something/someone else. I hope this is the end of US topic of racism it's not a nice picture or feeling to have.
Michael Moore made a killing on Halliburton stock too.
Shrewd and visionary like Gold Finger.
Anybody know where the chimperor and his plastic turkey will be showing up this year? Me thinks, this year that he eats the silicone bird...
Jr. never had to sit in a naughty chair or go to "time out" or had his ass whupped with daddy's belt. Now we have to live with the consequences of Poppy and Babs' lack of parenting skill for the mess in this country thanks to Jr.
It's an idiot running the village idiots in the WH.
I fear Bush may want to act on this
Stop Bush
"We do not respect your son. We do not respect what he's doing all over the world," a woman in the audience bluntly told Bush after his speech.
Bush, 82, appeared stunned as others in the audience whooped and whistled in approval.
A college student told Bush his belief that U.S. wars were aimed at opening markets for American companies and said globalization was contrived for America's benefit at the expense of the rest of the world. Bush was having none of it.
"I think that's weird and it's nuts," Bush said. "To suggest that everything we do is because we're hungry for money, I think that's crazy. I think you need to go back to school."
Poppy Thinks It's Crazy
Mr. Fitzgerald, do you know about the top secret Allocation 14 project of minerals from South Africa and Niger?
From Thinkprogress:
I am not ‘running’ for president,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) tells Fortune. “I am seeking to create a movement to win the future by offering a series of solutions so compelling that if the American people say I have to be president, it will happen.”
I see.. So, by using fairy dust & magic beans, the presidency will simply sprout up underneath Newt & he will rise miraculously into the White House. hoorah! Right...
It sounds like he’s going to repackage the same empty promises he had in the contract for this country.
"shrink wrapped and flown out at $2 billion a time"
The Democrats intend to use their new power in the Senate and House of Representatives to harass the Bush administration over the war. The issue of corruption is the most politically appealing as it avoids judgments about the decision to invade and whether to withdraw.
“There is going to be a hefty set of hearings, you can count on it,” said Gordon Adams of the Woodrow Wilson International Center, who oversaw the national security budget at the White House during Bill Clinton’s presidency. “This is career-building for congressmen.”
Henry Waxman, who is to chair the House government reform committee, is promising ruthless scrutiny of the money that was shipped to Iraq. During the first year, nearly $12 billion in cash was transferred, much of it shrink wrapped and flown out at $2 billion a time.
Democrats move to restore oversight in Iraq!
New York Times:
November 12, 2006
Congressional Democrats say they will press new legislation next week to restore the power of a federal agency in charge of ferreting out waste and corruption in Iraq and greatly increase its investigative reach.
The bills, the first of what are likely to be dozens of Democratic efforts to resurrect investigations of war profiteering and financial fraud in government contracting, could be introduced as early as Monday morning.
Ms Off-Topic said:
Robert Altman died today...RIP
Probably best known for the movie, MASH...
...Nashville, The Player, Short Cuts (based on Raymond Carver's short stories)
it's never too late for an Apology
To all and Chimpcoulter those of us who can forgive will be forgiven too. Let the man/woman with no sin cast the first stone. It takes a man/woman to admit their wrong and with the pain it carries we may never forget but we can forgive. This is for all those who made the mistake of hurtful words such as Kramer and Mel Gibson and others.
Do I shrug off the million dollar price for my head and harsh words by your Roger Rancourt and break my silence on war profiteering, knowing I am forever exiled from my home state either way? Past few months, with all these opportunities for enough money to make Fitzgerald a Presidential Competitor, coming in internationally, from investors that want a change, a global change- do I discard my hurt about being left in the dust for an investigation that still, still allows the corrupt in OUR OWN government to walk free as my family and I are still afraid of another murder attempt? My hair has grown back, poison out of my system, just to have the news about a spy going through the same Dioxin fate. These people walk freely in Chicago, these murderers, Godless freaks that only fight for money and insanity, not spirituality, not the good for all people...
Mr. Fitzgerald, you yourself discarded me after finding out about my "questionable" past, ending the investigation after telling you something that needed to be known to protect the children of our country, even from their own parents if need be. Who is going to "recall" the million dollar death price on my head and George Ryan's secretary? Maybe the Hollywood types will give you the money you need, as I sit recovering from the shocking brutality and injustice I've stumbled upon as I get my degree and work with investors for the American Dream, even though I'm losing faith as to what it is. Ask someone about Allocation Project 14, while I start listing societies of philanthropy worthy of help, as I still carry sharp pains as to what our government has done and is doing, to my life and others. "and the money kept rolling in from every side..."
I wish someone warned me that after helping you and the Elk Grove Village Mayor that they would come to "dioxin" me. All in the glorious name of the almighty fucking US dollar no less!
I heard Robert Altman's death. So did:
Jack Palace (actor)
Gerald Levert (singer and son of Eddie Levert of the O'Jays) died at the age of 40.
May all three rest in peace..
Is it me or does the Gerbil look like a 2 year old with his first toy.. on this motorcycle? I have to wonder if he could REALLY ride one... since he has a problem staying on a bicycle! LOL
Ride 'Em Cowboy!!
First Daughter Barbara Bush had her purse and cell phone stolen as she had dinner in a restaurant in Buenos Aires, Argentina, even though she was being guarded by a detail of Secret Service agents, according to law enforcement reports made available to ABC News.
And that's news? We have a lot of issues going on in this country then giving us news of stolen purse and cell phone of the Gerbil's daughter.. I am sure that the Gerbil and Laura can afford to buy Barbara another Gucci bag and another cell phone. Who cares???
Incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has announced a "Democratic forum" on the Iraq war that will take place early next month, according to a press release issued today by her office.
Drain That Swamp!
Iraq war veteran and failed congressional candidate Tammy Duckworth has a new mission: directing the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs, Gov. Rod Blagojevich announced Tuesday.
Leading the agency was a logical next step following a losing bid to replace retiring Republican Rep. Henry Hyde, said Duckworth, a Democrat and former Army helicopter pilot who lost her legs after a rocket-propelled grenade attack north of Baghdad.
"As a soldier I fought for my country, and now I thank Governor Blagojevich for giving me the opportunity to fight for my fellow Illinois veterans," Duckworth said in a news release.
Go for Ms. Duckworth!
Are turkeys priced sky high in all your areas this year? I was shocked at the price of a medium bird this year.
New version of the West Wing lovefest. Coming to a DVD near you:
The Gerbil as The President
The Ambien -- Vice President
Uncle Donnie “the nursing home patient” Rumsfield - Defense Secretary
Shug -- Secretary of State
Phony Snowjob -- Press Secretary
The Skeletor Chertoff -- Head of Homeland Security
Porkrind -- the President's bumbling sidekick
Jeff “Hot Lips” Gannon -- Karl's catty gay friend
Next episode:another survivor sequel...suspense rests on who will get the pink slip next...
Do not underestimate the level of ignorance Americans have toward Muslims. Most Americans cannot even name the capital of Canada (based on the unscientific poll on Leno's Jaywalking), how in the world would they know how Muslims pray? See, the problem was that it was U.S. Airways. Had it been Northwest ('Northworst'), praying before a flight is MANDITORY and everybody would have figured out what the Muslims were doing a lot sooner. ;-)
Wow, at least Mel Gibson can say he was drunk. Michael Richards has absolutely NO POSSIBLE EXCUSE for his comments.
Speaking of airport security, all the folks I met in Germany last week who work in the airports thought that George W. Bush as well as Chancellor Merkel were making everything worse for security. But in Germany and in the Islamic country I was in which shall remain nameless, they actually do it better than the paranoid TSA (although I probably do not have any 35mm film that will survive the whole over X-rayed ordeal). In the airports I was in, there was the machine to screen ALL bags even before anyone picked up a boarding pass, including all checked bags and the metal detector for everyone to walk through. Then, right at every gate, there was yet a repeat of the machine to screen carry-on bags and everyone got the wand and a pat down right before boarding. The only way anything is getting on a plane overseas is if there is an inside job with someone who works at the airport--looks like I get an I told you so to the Germans. ;-) At least somebody got greedy and that plot got foiled.
While everyone was busy watching the Cruise / Holmes wedding, al Qaeda united across the Maghreb.
So did a friend of the Smurf write a book acccusing the prosecutor of causing 9/11 in a ridiculous effort to discredit him? I thought April Fool's was not for a few more months.
Speaking of stupidity, what in the world did the Dutch government smoke that is causing them to push for a ban on burkas? It looks like they need to ban the hashish in Amsterdam instead. Do not underestimate the level of anti-Muslim paranoia that people in other countries have, too, I suppose.
P.S. I don't think it is possible to round up 432 virgins . . . That number seems a little high, even for Minnesota.
HONOLULU — President Bush strongly condemned the assassination of a Lebanese leader Tuesday as the work of "the vicious face of those who oppose freedom," and called it an effort to destabilize the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Fuad Saniora.
Bush Denounces Lebanese Minister's Assassination
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
What's Bush getting excited about? He was sure relaxed when Lebanon was being destroyed by Israel.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Why does the US endorse Israels destruction of Lebanon?
And supplying them with bunker busters and high tech armamants.
Move could mean many targets yet to be hit in Lebanon
David S. Cloud, Helene Cooper, New York Times
Saturday, July 22, 200
Bush's go it alone policy prevails.
Well...there were two other countries...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
What countries support a cease fire?
Good Day to Fitz and the Justice Bloggers,
P.S. I don't think it is possible to round up 432 virgins . . . That number seems a little high, even for Minnesota.
Heck, you'd be lucky if you can find 432 virgins in the whole country...
Oh and using shrink wrap to pretend don't count!
hee hee hee!
Jeff Gannon and Karl Rove- Two Fags a leapin'.
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A followup to the UCLA taser incident:
History of problem with UCLA taser cop
The UCLA police officer videotaped last week using a Taser gun on a student also shot a homeless man at a campus study hall room three years ago and was earlier recommended for dismissal in connection with an alleged assault on fraternity row, authorities said.... In May 1990, he was accused of using his nightstick to choke someone who was hanging out on a Saturday in front of a UCLA fraternity.
That maniac is a loose cannon and the Patriot Act just gives them permission to do what they want without accountability.
That law was just plain wrong from the beginning and we all know it.
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Go Tammy
I saw the interview with Tammy Duckworth and she said she has been dealing with the VA often first hand. This should help her know where she can start fixing it up.
I saw Michael Richards apologize to the "Afro-Americans" didn't he want to say African Americans? He still needs help.
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Everybody, on the Twelve Days of Fitzmas, my true lord gave to me. Here we go:
Twelve Jurors are marching
Eleven reporters are fighting
Ten Singing Patsies
Nine Bushies families are freaking
Eight Pink slips are giving
Seven evildoers crying
Six confessions given
Five indictment counts
Four latte coffees
Three amigos jailed
Two No-Doz pills
And one donut from Krispy Kreme
LOL*) ok lemme see if I can do it.
On the First day of Fitzmas, Patrick showed to me..
One fat indictment on a pear tree..
On the Second day of Fitzmas, Patrick showed to me...
Two smurf cojones...and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the Third day of Fitzmas, Patrick showed to me..
Three Bad Press stories...Two smurf cojones and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the Fourth day of Fitzmas, Patrick showed to me..
Four busted Evildoers...Three Bad Press stories, Two smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the Fifth day of Fitzmas, Patrick showed to me..
Five War Deferments...Four Busted Evildoers, Three Bad Press stories, Two smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the Sixth day of Fitzmas, Patrick showed to me...
Six Golden lies...Five War Deferments, Four Busted Evildoers, Three Bad Press Stories, Two Smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the Seventh day of Fitzmas, Patrick showed to me..
Seven Sealed Cases..Six Golden Lies, Five War Deferments, Four Busted Evildoers, Three Bad Press Stories, Two Smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the eight day of Fitzmas, Patrick Showed to me..
Eight Krispy Kremes..Seven Sealed Cases, Six Golden Lies, Five War Deferments, Four Busted Evildoers, Three Bad Press Stories, Two Smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the ninth day of Fitzmas, Patrick Showed to me..
Nine chewed Car-pets..Eight Krispy Kremes, Seven Sealed Cases, Six Golden Lies, Five War Deferments, Four Busted Evildoers, Three Bad Press Stories, Two Smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the tenth day of Fitzmas, Patrick Showed to me..
Ten Years in Prison..Nine chewed Carpets, Eight Krispy Kremes, Seven Sealed Cases, Six Golden Lies, Five War Deferments, Four Busted Evildoers, Three Bad Press Stories, Two Smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the eleventh day of Fitzmas, Patrick Showed to me..
Eleven Tiny Jump-suits..Ten Years in Prison, Nine chewed Carpets, Eight Krispy Kremes, Seven Sealed Cases, Six Golden Lies, Five War Deferments, Four Busted Evildoers, Three Bad Press Stories, Two Smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
On the Twelfth day of Fitzmas, Patrick Showed to me..
Twelve Sentenced Thieves!!
Eleven Tiny Jump-suits, Ten Years in Prison, Nine chewed Carpets, Eight Krispy Kremes, Seven Sealed Cases, Six Golden Lies, Five War Deferments, Four Busted Evildoers, Three Bad Press Stories, Two Smurf cojones, and a fat indictment on a pear tree
I do Bar Mitzvahs too! :)
Biloxi and GEF are idea stealers!!!
Hey guys, those are great! :)
too cute gef, as an aside. sing this to up on the rooftoop. changes the words as you wish. something like, up on the roof top, evidoers fall. massacred by fitzmas claus. the original goes::: up on the rooftop reindeer fall. massacred by santa claus. donner and blitzen pronounced dead. tiny little elves mount their heads. ho ho ho. why did you go? ho ho ho. why did you go? oh up on the rooftop. click, click click. 38 cailber in the neck
Have any actions been taken against that cop at UCLA, SPB? There should be...what if a student had a insulin reaction or epileptic seizure? Would he still Taser someone?
Parents and students that put out that kind of money for college should be outraged. Apparently, the cop doesn't care for the poor homeless either. UCLA isn't a school that anyone should be interested in with them hiring someone like that, not to mention it looks like they could be racist against Afro-Americans too. Boo!
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Up on the Housetop, evildoers fall, indicted by good ole Fitzmas clause,
Scooter and Porkrind are up sh@# creek, while the Judge stands up
to speak.
Ho ho ho, You're gonna go, Ho ho ho, You're gonna go...
Up to the Prison house there they go..
Thanks our Crime Fighter Fitzmas Clause!
hee hee hee!
Those are both really good! Need an agent? hehe
Anon at 9:04
I like your verse better! Very dark and disturbed.
Hanging over the Iraq debacle, however, is that one overriding moral issue that unfortunately all too many Americans have yet to confront: neither the Iraqi people nor their government ever attacked the United States or even threatened to do so. That means that in this conflict, which has killed more than 600,000 Iraqis, the United States is the aggressor nation and Iraq is the defending nation.
In other words, does the United States have the moral right to violate the principles against aggressive war, for which it prosecuted Germany at Nuremberg and condemned the Soviet Union in Afghanistan?
Lies and fraud on the 2000 and '04 elections, 9/11 (and other events before that), Afghanistan was full of lies and total lies about Iraq. Lies from the first Gulf War.
All those people maimed, killed, sick from depleted uranium, lives destroyed. And the same old people promoting the lies and manipulations. Only sociopaths wouldn't be bothered or haunted of what has been done to Afghanistan, Iraq and our own nation.
Are the evil doers going to get away with their crimes because it was so horrible our nation is frightened by truth? History will be destined to repeat itself by silence.
that's not the half of it . lol
does ho, ho ho have a double entandre?
On the twelfth day of Fitzmas,
my Fitzie sent to me
Twelve jurors impaneled
Eleven crooks indicted,
Ten staffers leaking,
Nine Scooter charges,
Eight Reps a-bilking,
Seven Foley emails,
Six Gannons laying,
Five Krispy Kremes,
Four Congress felons,
Three wicked men,
Two Rovian Balls,
And Cheney in an orange jumpsuit!
anon 9:48,
yep..and I wouldn't correct a Judge if it wasn't!
hee hee!
LOL*) That's Good!!!
I had to join the Fitzmas fun...with the holidays coming soon.
That was very good! :) Can't forget the Krispy Kremes! LOL
Where Greed and Evil meet.
Anon at 10:09
And what balls they are! Deadly and Dangerous!
Thanks S-Q...
I wonder if Fitzie likes Bowling?
good night goofballs
I think Fitzmas is right around the corner... :D
Bush's Chernobyl Economy - hard times are on the way
The Dollar's Full-System Meltdown
Appointing Tammy Duckworth (who still needs Illinois Senate approval) for a post in Veterans Affairs might be the only smart thing Gov. (Soon-To-Be-Indicted??) Blago has done.
ho ho ho who didn't know that up on the hill top, click click click,
First down went rummy, then rover and soon st dick
Santa Fitzmas should make sure all the bad boys of evil-doers in this country have their "toys, gifts and goodies" seized, since it probably wasn't theirs to take in the first place.
"Have any actions been taken against that cop at UCLA, SPB?"
As far I know that there is an independent counsel investigating into the manner. But, there is an uproar on the campus of UCLA. I will keep you posted on updates.
GEF and CC:
I guess you two decided to join the 12 days of Fitzmas contest of writing lyrics! LOL! I guess I am in the Xmas and cheery mood. And it is not Xmas yet.. I had fun coming up with the lyrics.
"Five War Deferments"
LMAO! Good one..
Hey Fitz,
Figured out the rest of your strategy with Libby etc. hehe
Its a brilliant plan of course-way too good to even blog about - besides you might not like it if I gave it away accidentally. I'll have to write it down on paper so no one can say "sure ya did";-)
Blue mixer was fun-didn't go in costume, GMNUK heehee. But looking forward to January's swear-in bashes-I might then. Our new sec of state will be cleaning things up-she is perfect for the job. Same with new AG.
G'night All
Officer named in Taser incident
Terrence Duren, whose tenure with university police has included an award for UCPD Officer of the Year as well as allegations of police misconduct and use of excessive force, was the officer who used a Taser against Mostafa Tabatabainejad in Powell Library last Tuesday, university police said Monday.
Duren arrived on the scene with Officers Alexis Bickamong, Kevin Kilgore and Andrew Ikeda, and the sergeant on duty was Philip Baguiao, said Nancy Greenstein, UCPD director of police community services.
The 43-year-old officer, who was on active duty Monday, was also the subject of media attention three years ago after he shot a homeless man in Kerckhoff Hall.
Tabatabainejad's attorney, Steven Yagman, who on Friday announced plans to file a suit against the university, said the student did not produce his BruinCard because he felt singled out during the identity check. It is not clear how many students were asked for identification, but witnesses said the Community Service Officers on duty spent several minutes checking, while other students in the CLICC Lab at Powell said they were not asked for their BruinCards.
from Salon:
Think it can't get worse for the creepy V.P.? Imagine what would happen to Cheney if former top advisor Scooter Libby, whose trial is slated to begin in mid-January, ends up cooperating with the prosecutors.
Hmm, now there's a thought for sweet dreams
Everybody must be hungover judging from the very weird comments posted last night.
Thank you, SPB. UCLA is appalling. KU just received a "F" for minorities and low income students attendance. My sons attend K-State but I don't know what they received.
I appreciate it if you would keep us informed on updates.
I'm curious too because Topeka, KS seems to have a problem with rogue cops. I think they are trying to get it cleaned up but there sure seems to be a lot of deaths (at the hands of cops) in that city, suicides or deaths from illnesses in the jail there compared to Wichita with a greater population. Plus, a couple of officers are now in jail because they helped themselves to the impounded drugs or drug money. They hired a new police chief so I hope he can make a difference.
One judge in a neighboring county just got charged with a felony for intimating a witness, I believe.
What's the matter with Kansas, indeed!
Question: Were the 6 congressmen Republicans?
A Secret Service agent on the advance detail got into an "altercation" with someone after a night out and was badly beaten, according to the law enforcement reports. The Secret Service said today the incident was an attempted mugging that occurred while the agent was on his own time. The agent is doing fine.
These two are the Paris and Nicole of Washington, D.C. I'm surprised her pet chihuahua wasn't snatched too. Our tax dollars at work. If they really wanted to do something worthwhile they would volunteer with the USO and show up and remind the troops what they're fighting for. Our First Gals' freedom to travel, dine and shop! With bodyguards!
Posted by: Nelle | Nov 21, 2006 4:01:35 PM
A good comment but what are the troops fighting for? Their daddy lied, hundreds of thousands have died.
Hey Everyone, what's up?
I'm trying to chase down this turkey for Thanksgiving dinner! But, he just wants to Dance
Well, I might even make some rabbit stew if the bunnies don't stop eating my plants! Just kidding...I love the little critters! :)
Have a nice day everyone! :D
lol. (ii)D (ii)D (ii)D
Happy Wednesday,
Baking going on here, young soldier has lot's of friends;-)
No hangover from wine at $8 a glass:-D
CC check your email, it was the best I could do heehee
People need to educate themselves about the whole Bush Crime Family. One really has to wonder if it was true Poppy was jealous of the Kennedys and how different our lives would be now if the Kennedys lived and the Bushes were found out for what they really are--- start with Preston Bush and work forward.
UCLA was always a respected school. It is a shame that the taser incident will tarnish their reputation.. The school is in dying need for African-Americans and minorities to attend. I am afraid that with this taser incident that the minorities will shun away from the school and choose another school to attend.. We still haven't heard comments from the chancellor and the dean of the school...
In comparison with the father, the son hasn't killed as many people yet. We seem to forget just how many Iraqis George H. W. Bush really killed with his Desert Storm and follow-up punishments of the Iraqi people, which were in the guise of "UN sanctions." Ramsey Clark was claiming over a million victims back in the late '90s, I believe.
The sardonically-named Operation Iraqi Freedom is just a continuation of the Bush/Clinton years of Zionist sadism against the Semitic people - the only people entitled to live in the Middle East (plus the Persians).
"We The Kings"
We, the kings of USA are
Loving the taste of Cuban Cigars
Buildings implode, and bombs explode
There's great fortune in foreign wars.
Wars of wonder, wars of might
Wars that make the Nations fight
Westward leading still proceeding
Poker at 8, Watergate tonight.
Prostitutes and lobbyists too
We can get it all done for you
If you need more money today
Give us a call, we'll invite you to play.
Wars of wonder, wars of might
Wars that make the Nations fight
Westward leading still proceeding
Poker at 8, Watergate tonight.
Terror and fear rules the land
Corporate friends and leaders hold hands
Dinner at eight, isn't that nice
New shower curtain? You paying the price?
Wars of wonder, wars of might
Wars that make the Nations fight
Westward leading still proceeding
Poker at 8, Watergate tonight.
Steal from the people, rob them blind
Tax them 'til their banks remind
Them of the overdraft, balance is gone
Contact collectors: they'll right the wrong.
Ohhhhh.... Wars of wonder, wars of might
Wars that make the Nations fight
Westward leading still proceeding
Poker at 8, Watergate tonight.
Scare the people, make them fear
Blame terrorists, get the police body-gear
When the People begin to heal,
The Oval Office has fled to Brazil
Ohhhhh.... Wars of wonder, wars of might
Wars that make the Nations fight
Westward leading still proceeding
Poker at 8, Watergate tonight.
Top of the morning all
I was thinking of when my boys were young children and how they wanted to do things themselves. I wanted to protect them from everything but I knew they had to learn so I stood back but never left. I know how Daddy Bush feels about his child. But it's a little late in life to defend the actions of a grown man. Daddy Bush should have allowed George to grow to be a man as now the world see his son for who he is a weak, drunk idiot who still needs to be defended by his Dad. I also noticed that George and Laura never stood to protect Jena when she went to court alone on the fake ID charge. I now understand that Mr./Mrs. Bush never taught their children to be adults so thats why their still children and can't teach the grandchildren anything.
Hill Republicans Still Bitter About Timing Of Rumsfeld Firing.
Congressional Republicans are still seething over the timing of Donald Rumsfeld's ouster as defense secretary on the day after the November 7 elections -- and the lingering bitterness could damage White House efforts to win approval for its legislative agenda next year.
"The White House doesn't understand how livid the House and Senate Republicans are," says a senior Republican strategist with strong ties to Capitol Hill.
"They feel they don't owe Bush and these SOB's in the White House anything. And they're not going to go out of their way to help the White House any more, and that goes across the board." At the heart of the resentment is that GOP legislators think Bush waited to force Rumsfeld's resignation in order to maintain his image of resolve and strength as long as possible.
Meanwhile, Republican candidates felt obliged to defend Rumsfeld and his conduct of the Iraq war, even as Bush was privately backing away from the controversial Pentagon boss. "It was a selfish act" on Bush's part, the senior strategist said.
Oh the bitterness and back biting- its just begun-wait until the Jan investigations begin.
Hope everyone has a pleasant Thanksgiving:-)
Biloxi, no doubt UCLA's legal council is working overtime on the taser thing. What a mess.
Night Owl:
Yes, the campus is. They will having new students entering the school in January. So, they are taking a gamble with this scandal that student may transfer to another school or drop out. And then the school is taking a risk of future students that may not apply for the fall quarter..
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