Mar 15, 2006
About Me
- Name: Patrick J. Fitzgerald
- Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally - I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. ---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly

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- Lovely Parting Gifts..?
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Fitz, Obama would make a good choice for VP!
Yeah yeah yeah, Barack Obama is a Hawaii homegrown boy. We love him here.
So Veep or Potus, I'm waiting for him to run.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, hang loose, haole girl. ;)
I think that woman and other polticians are so afraid of Hillary Clinton. I wouldn't write of Ms. Clinton. Whether Clinton runs for President or not, she is a dangerous tool and a great asset to the next Democrat who runs in 2008. And don't cross off Obama. I agree with Kit. He would make a great VP, President, and any great cabinet member to the WH!
Fitz and Barack, Bluewild? Interesting pair.... But, I don't think Fitz wants to run for office. He clearly mention that again and again. There is so much to cleanup in politics and the WH. You have a point about Hillary especially on her vote towards Iraq. That is something that she has to live with among the others who voted to go to Iraq. By all means, Hillary is not perfect. But, she is a smart woman. And believe me, she will have to explain to her supporters on many of the decisions that she made. But, all this talk about Hillary is simply people being afraid of her. I do agree that Democratic Party is in shambles. Howard Dean has heard from me via email about his dyfunctional party. I do like Barack. But, the bottom line is that whoever runs for President will have a very hard time gaining the trust of the American people due to the damage control by this Administration. Both Democrats and GOP will have their work cut out for them.
Forgot to add: All of the Democrats and GOP need to be held accountable for all of their decisions that they make. And that goes for Congress! All of the parties (since you mention Hillary) need stop focusing on attacking one another on issues and focus on the people. That is why they are in office: to serve the people! Good night you all!
Ok here's my thoughts. Hillary has the backing of big bills and the Republicans are not getting as much. Obama is great but why not push him to the top they by making Dems like undecided. Now as for McCain well he just got caught dealing with the lobbiest for Arnie illegally, he is cheerleading for Bush and I know what the Tillman family think of his lack of honesty. Just set back and what the show. As for Maureen she's looking for prime time or GOP money to keep from pushing the Dems.
Ones who are likely to run...
At this moment in time, Russ Feingold looks good. At least he is speaking loud and clear, instead of wussy around the edges. It may be for show, but at least he's not sounding like a DEMLICAN.
Looks like Harkin and Boxer have joined Feingold now in the censure.
Maybe we will see a few more with a spine after all!
Feingold is looking like the only Hero up there among both parties
Tell the Senate: Censure Bush on Illegal Wiretapping
To support Feingold's censure of Bush.
Copies go to your local Congress people.
miller development
There is a movie called V for Vendetta that will be a theatre near you. Interesting plot:
"In 'V for Vendetta,' a masked man hijacks a state-run television station and chastises viewers for giving in to a government that has stoked a culture of fear and systematically stripped them of their liberties. "
Doesn't this sound like art imitating life?
I heard about this movie. Michael Medved is trashing this movie left and right. He is calling this movie V for Vile. He is also trashing Hollywood for their lack of support for Bush.
Medved is a joke. If I want an opinion about a movie I listen to Roeper and Ebert.
Well, Ebert and Roeper gave the movie two thumbs up! A lot of trashing about the movie simply scare people from seeing the movie. Tjis movie is too close to home. The movie theater should pull out of their archives and re-release "1984" based on George Orwell's book. Orwell's theme in his book is the replica of the Bush Administration.
Obama, Hillary, they are all sellouts don't even give it a thought.
DLC on both sides, the democrats and republicans.
The only one who should even think about it now is Feingold thats for sure.
well... yes, that is what she was calling about...!
Barack? hmmmmmmm, I'll think on that one...
Hillary? not on your Cabinet; close but, not too close.
Radioactive comes to mind.
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