Jan 20, 2006


Good evening, ladies and germs...

Lobbyist's Dad Attacks Clooney Over Globes Joke

Reuters - George Clooney has come under fire from disgraced U.S. lobbyist Jack Abramoff's family, after poking fun at him in his Golden Globes Best Supporting Actor acceptance speech on Monday.

The movie star joked, "Who would name their kid 'Jack' with 'off' at the end? No wonder the guy's screwed up," which infuriated Abramoff's father, who was watching the awards show at home.

Frank Abramoff has since fired off a letter to Clooney via newspaper the Palm Springs Desert Sun, accusing the actor of being "glib and ridiculous."

Abramoff's father says, "Your glib and ridiculous attack on my son, Jack, coupled with your obscene query as to the choice his mother and I made in naming him brought shame and dishonor on you and your profession.

"What drove you to this lapse in lucidity, I can never know, but you need to know that your words were deeply hurtful to many innocent and decent people.

"Are you the heir to the dignity and greatness of Hollywood's past, or, more likely, a portent to a depressing and horrific future?"

Washington, D.C. lobbyist Abramoff has been convicted of bribery and conspiracy after admitting he bribed public officials and defrauded Native American clients.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank should be more upset that his son is a thief and con artist rather than angry at George Clooney.

BTW, Fitz you don't bring me flowers anynore!

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, Jacques, fail to see the humour in this.

10:44 PM  
Blogger SP Biloxi said...

I did read Frank Abramoff's open letter to actor, George Clooney. Sure, Mr. Abramoff will defend his son, Jack in what Frank calls: a attack by George Clooney on his son. Mr. Abramoff is living good in Rancho Mirage, California. Jack's fsther is in an expensive area of Palm Springs (close to the Bob Hope classic golf tournament or near the 5 star resort hotels) and in a Indian reservation area. How ironic? Jack Abramoff steals the money from the Indians and make sure that his father lives good in an area that is on Indian reservation. And Jack says that he is broke and tired. I don't think so. Frank doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds him.

11:10 PM  
Blogger SP Biloxi said...

One last thing, George Clooney did deserve the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in "Syrianna." He did play the ex-CIA Robert Baer very well. Maybe Frank was mad because the theme in Syrianna hit home with the current criminal charges against his son, Jack.

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prsctr Bil
with your last entry,

me thinks you're


er, how could Frankie forgit where he lives .. mmm on that Indian land. .


Sure he is 78; where is his dignity and fortitude about


11:20 PM  
Blogger SP Biloxi said...

6 miles:

When you are arragant as Jack Abramoff was (before he got caught) and lived off the hog for a long time, you tend to forget that your daddy lives in a exclusive area in Palm Springs that is on Indian Land. Rancho Mirage has million dollar properties. Frank may be 78 years old. But, he will do anything that he can to help his son so that he won't lose what he has. Frank's moral value and dignity went out the window for the almighty dollar. It is a shame. Both Frank and Jack sold their souls to the devil.

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet this has affected Frank's golf game! The DOJ should be disbanded.

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A parent will always defend his/her child no matter what they have done. But Frank is well taken care of by his son. Living a life we would all love to live but just not with stolen money. Jack stole from any/everybody and his Father is benefiting from it. Like the rest of the criminals they will find anyway to spin the blame. Its sad but true. To look at his son behind bars while the Father is living the good life with the stolen money must be causing such pain. All the current and future crooks and liars must get use to people talking about them. If Jack wasn't guilty yet someone else was Jack would be making the jokes and his Father would be laughing.

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Connect the dots....all prosecutors..

Samuel Alito hates Zionists and Gays, so why shouldn't he be on the high court?

Cases for Israel-first traitors are coming up fast...Why not have a judge who hates them for the task?

Connect the dots & play connect-a-dot....Jack Abramoff to AIPAC, to Michael Ledeen, To Lewis Libby, Karl Rove, and Dick Cheney.

And why who else my friend, but John Bolton....Connect all the dogs together with dots...and nail Israel-Likud and neocons for treason...

Why did we get here in the first place?

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


They are israelis. Most of them are made to think.

Most of them are Zionists, all of them are NeoCons. They are always thinking and scheming and we simply have to think ahead with heavy arms.

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez, what a frankoff!

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Papa Abramoff wrote a letter to his own son, berating him for the shame and dishonour he brought to the family by calling his clients morons, monkeys and troglodytes?

.....Didn't think so.

1:29 PM  
Blogger KitNeill said...

Most people learn their sense of morality from their parents. Frank Abramoff raised a larcenous, greedy, morally bankrupt son.

So he's not someone I care to listen to, especially about George Clooney.

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. E machine laptop hard drives Timeshare disney package diner Dodge quantis gearbox

5:11 AM  

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