Dec 18, 2005

Next Year...

on TIME.


Blogger airJackie said...

Your already person of the year to people who know how hard your working to end this corruption. So smile. Now to business Abramoff is getting a plea agreement so he'll sing like a bird and he has to give a big fish. If he gives DeLay then maybe to save himself from going to Fox River jail and meeting Teabag he'll sing about Rove/Cheney/Bush. It could happen just have a little faith.

1:59 PM  
Blogger SP Biloxi said...


You don't have to be on a Time magazine to show people that you are the person of the year. You have always been person of the year and always will be from your integrity of your work.

4:17 PM  
Blogger SP Biloxi said...

You better revisit the Times magazine, Fiz, because your name and picture is in the section of the people most mattered in 2005. I just seen it. So, you were not chosen for person of the year but you were still recognized for your work. So, did Cindy Sheehan, Kanye West, John Roberts, Joe and Valerie Wilson (she was recognized) etc... Congratulations!!!

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please stop the diabolical Administration from their 'next act' -- hopefully a stunner will come soon in Jan as I'm not clear how much more the American people, the Constitution, are able to take!

To actually now sit in front of the camera and basically say,
'..just try and make us stop..'


He truly believes he is above the law, God and Country -- is this
guy SATAN or WHAT?

I'm really beginning to believe so-
he is out of control to say the least-

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If.. the Prez must protect us from leaks according to the speach today....
..what about those leaks in the White House so close to home..

hipocracy afoot???

Where is our "kissus" present ???

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll be on




probably greater than 75% of its issues!!!!!!

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the reason for Time is to use it as a tool to get the Truth out my dear, blue wild- you know this, and go check the group, you are the Queen for a few months while I go get married and find a heart, lung, God the list goes on, Specialists or end up at Mayo Clinic. By the way Fitz, you have an army of activists and advocates awaiting your arrival back in Chi town. Do you think I got this sick laying around eating bon bons? (giggle for me) And blue wild should be covering the east coast- I hope you are girl! You have got a Millitary Hero from the Airforce madder than hell, my Uncle Marvin, ready to re-assign the troops. (giggle some more for me will ya?) Oh, by the way, for the naughty retards here, I am ready to Testify. I've got nothing to hide since ALL OF YOU have been watching spying and lying in my computer, around my house, and I know what you have done. Mayor Johnson, if you get on here, cause I can't find you DON"T GIVE UP. I've got a little secret, and it has already made your opponent puke. I love messing with the bad guys. Fitz- watch Evita and find a spiritual leader for America, a woman this time, cause there are too many retards out there claiming to be Jesus. Illuminatae- not Skull and Bones you retards. Especially you Bush!!!!!!!! Isn't that why you have continud to persecute my family- or is it because we know the bigger scam you are pulling. Bush and Cheney- if you ever, ever, murder another one of my family members for control, like Ryan did, I will go postal. You thought you had the mafia hide his body- you thought he'd never be found- WRONG!!!!!!!!
We know where he lays, God bless his soul. Our family won't go get him until things are safe enough so that we aren't accussed. Make it that way Fitz. For the love of a true Swiss German American family, "Get em good Fitz, get em good". Love and Peace. ex aviation baby

12:01 PM  

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