The judge said AIPAC spy case has to prove harm to US. Hmmm. Lemme think. Richard Perle wrote "Rebuilding America's Defenses" and "Securing the Realm," and then says he does not have dual loyalty, and previously, he went utter ballistic over the Sy Hersch story about him: They lied us into a war that they intended to profit over, personally and weaseled all sorts of contracts to ISraeli companies, like Jack Abramoff's ISraeli Wireless Antennae company which is still bugging capital hill.
Michael Ledeen cooked up the intelligence which resulted in the Fitzgerald Plame investigation.
US Foreign Policy under Bush trained by Perle, personally, resulted in a massive loss of life, that was the result of a deliberate fraud concocted by Richard Perle.
So how does this apply to AIPAC? The Rebuilding America's Defenses papern was written for Israel, and is specifically about a global violent hegemony, but which identified the necessity of a catalytic event like a New Pearl Harbor.
Now, on my website, you can see linked the YouTube video where Larry Silverstein admits he had a building pulled because it was too hot.
So, how was it rigged to be pulled, if it was too hot to go in there?
There's a lot of data which shows deliberate harm to this country. The biggest two were 9/11 Thermite in the WTC and the phoney Niger Uranium Letter.
The research found that the sweetener was associated with unusually high rates of lymphomas, leukemia's and other cancers in rats that had been given doses of it starting at what would be equivalent to four to five 20-ounce bottles of diet soda a day for a 150-pound person. The study, which involved 1,900 laboratory rats and cost $1 million, was conducted at the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences, a nonprofit organization that studies cancer-causing substances; Dr. Soffritti is its scientific director.
Wow, when relatives and friends kept griping at me to quit drinking Diet Pepsi because of this..I was skeptic but did. I never drank that much a day anyway, now coffee is a different story. This is the first MSM story I've seen on it. Better late than never. I guess it is true about Rumsfeld's part in it too. And I recognize Monsanto too. Hmmm...connecting some dots here, Monsanto
Agent Orange? Big Pharma, the suppression of the Fox News *the decent good story which led to the firing of reporters* about chemical additives in milk. Terminator seeds to India, sponsor of Disney. Celebrex?
Robert J Stevens CEO-- Lockheed Martin used to be associated with Monsanto. Oh, such a small, small world.
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- The federal government has agreed to pay an Oregon lawyer $2 million to settle part of a lawsuit he filed after the FBI misidentified a fingerprint and wrongly arrested him in the 2004 Madrid terrorist bombings. Two internal Justice investigations cleared the FBI and prosecutors of wrongdoing, she said. A December 2005 review by the department's Office of Professional Responsibility found that federal prosecutors who handled the investigation acted appropriately.
I look forward to the day the Patriot Act is declared unconstitutional, and all citizens are safe from unwarranted arrest and searches by the federal government," Mayfield said in a statement.
I think he attended Washburn University in Kansas or is doing so now. I hadn't known he was from around here. Glad they got that settled and admitted their mistake.
quote: I look forward to the day the Patriot Act is declared unconstitutional, and all citizens are safe from unwarranted arrest and searches by the federal government," Mayfield said in a statement.
In order to make that happen we have to get a REAL investigation into the 9/11 events and currently there's Obstruction of Justice from both the Republicans and the Democrats on this issue..
..And they know full well why!
The American people aren't ready for the truth on that yet..
So we better get used to living in our new Fascist State for the meantime..
It is amazing that the chimpster can have holiday meal like that and not give a damn about the welfare and the needs of all troops and not the ones that he hand picks! I have donated goods and money to the Salvation Army. I don't give to the Red Cross after the mismanagement of money that they did with 9/11 and Katrina victims.. I am giving food to the troops overseas..
So, course I don't expect KBR, Halliburton, CACI, Blackwater, Titan, the chimpster or McVeep to give any kindly donations. They all will be haunted by the Xmas future as the ghost tells them what the future will be for the "heckva job" that they done for this country!
"Don't forget to put Bechtel on that naughty list.."
Thanks for the reminder.
And let not forget date today.
On the evening of December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, an African American, was arrested for disobeying an Alabama law requiring black passengers to relinquish seats to white passengers when the bus was full. Blacks were also required to sit at the back of the bus. Her arrest sparked a 381-day boycott of the Montgomery bus system and led to a 1956 Supreme Court decision banning segregation on public transportation.
Thanks for that GEF. Had me laughing till the tears started pouring from my eyes.
Now for some more serious stuff, this time flight 93.
Quite simple to pull off really, all they had to do was have explosives planted in the base of the towers, and on 9/11 they pretended like 4 planes were being hijacked when really they just rerouted them to Pennsylvania, then flew two military jets into the World Trade Center filled with more explosives and shot down all the witnesses on Flight 93 with an F-15 after blowing up the Pentagon with a cruise missile. It was only the world's most intricate and flawlessly executed plan ever, ever.
GEF, Loved the clip of the homicide detective. Bob and Tom show, Indpls, WFBQ EST in the mornings. Hilarious, I'm still laughing. Thanks for posting it.
Not to mention the first time a building has been successfully controlled exploded(vs implosion)...
They did it in two stages.. The first stage was the internal implosion of the hard core then the external explosion of the shell within and they shaped the blasts towards the interior of the structure instead of the exterior..
It was a first in demolition technology! Awesome!!
Matter of fact a demolition company was instrumental in the cleanup..
Btw...along with donations of money..I always give coats and blankets to the charities. Unfortunately, America has homeless people that are living outdoors in the snow, ice and terribly cold temperatures!
quote: Btw...along with donations of money..I always give coats and blankets to the charities. Unfortunately, America has homeless people that are living outdoors in the snow, ice and terribly cold temperatures!
One year I bought a backpack in the sporting section of a store and filled it with survival gear and put in a blanket. I forgot to add some food in it but I gave the person some money..
Last I saw he was sharing it with some of his buds.. :)
I should have included a tent but that Christmas tapped me out!
"That's proof of one person's conviction towards Justice!"
Amen to that.
And also one person who made a difference to affect other people's lives in a positive way. As Ms. Parks stood up for her rights that day, it is a learning lesson for all of us that the struggles today for the freedom that we have and want in this country is a life long commitment.;)
Top of the morning all I often wonder why people have to be reminded that Christmas is for giving I thought that's what it was always for. This year as Americans aren't sure if they will have a job or the cuts due to as Grandmanuk said the spoiled child President most people will barely make it this Christmas. Our troops are far from home and the government gives lip service so it is up to the American people to take care of them. I like to give something to a person who has no one on the holidays. I remember Peaches gave her Christmas cookies to a neighbor who had no family. She called an told me Oh Mom those cookies you gave me I gave away to someone who had no gifts or family. That's when I knew I did a good job in teaching her values.
I should have included a tent but that Christmas tapped me out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You have a kind heart and I'm sure what you gave made a difference to some! I've seen homeless in numerous cities living under tarps and nothing else! In the rain and freezing temps! Sad...
"So who's your Congress persons and Senators and what are their E-mail and Snail mail addresses ??"
You are right. Folks,get ready to followup and follow thought to your Congress person and Senator in your state come January. Hold them accountable and stay on their rear ends...
The quote for the day! LOL!
GrandmaNuk said...
Anthony.....all are preaching to the choir!
Top o' the mornin' all!
7:09 AM
I had to crack up of what Grandmanuk said. The Gerbil is talking about nothing but gerbilspeak. And we are still waiting on a translator 'cause I certainly can't comprehend the chimpster.
Detectives are investigating letters smuggled out of Russia purporting to show the existence of a secret squad set up to target poisoned spy Alexander Litvinenko and others.
Scotland Yard has been passed copies of two letters apparently penned in jail by former Russian intelligence officer Mikhail Trepashkin, in one of which Mr Litvinenko is warned that both he and his family are at risk.
Prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks overheard in Hebrew
In October 2000, at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, a former IDF member and veteran of the Yom Kippur War overheard, in Hebrew:
"The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September."
In closing, here are some additional quotes to consider carefully.
I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing - although that was part of it - by a sovereign government...It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now."
--Senator Graham (FL) as quoted in Senator: At Least One Foreign Country Assisted the 9/11 Terrorists
"While I agree with you, if I say anything about US geopolitical interests with Israel, I might as well clean off my desk."
-- Unnamed reporter as quoted in American Media Censorship and Israel
"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying ... is considered career suicide."
-- Carl Cameron, as quoted in The Spies Who Came In From The Art Sale
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.
In a document called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" published by The American Enterprise's "Project for a New American Century"(1), System Planning Corporation (SPC) International executive, Dov Zakheim, called for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" being necessary to foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the Middle East that would politically and culturally reshape the region. A respected and established voice in the intelligence community, his views were eagerly accepted, and Dov went from his position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. (2) Perhaps not so coincidentally, it was an SPC subsidiary, TRIDATA CORPORATION, that oversaw the investigation after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.
Was the use of polonium to kill Litvinenko a clue to the identity of the killer or killers?
There is increasing evidence that the radioactive poisoning assassination of ex-KGB and FSB agent and Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko was the result of a plot by anti-Vladimir Putin criminal syndicates based in Britain, Israel, Ukraine, and Poland to embarrass the Russian government.
Last year I saw Laura Bush (aka murderess) with the staff of volunteers decorating the White House with all kinds of real fruit and if it was not perfect for the different rooms, i.e. pears, tangerines etc. depending on the room they threw it out. Also they changed out the fruit often when it looked, well not perfect. This is our tax dollars at work. They never mentioned giving the fruit to a food pantry or anything, just the garbage.
Tonight, Keith took on Newt Gingrich's controversial remarks from earlier this week where he suggested we re-think free speech as we know it in order to effectively combat the threat of terrorism. Needless to say, Keith — like any true American — took offense to this and didn't hold back.
Olbermann: "What a dark place your world must be, Mr Gingrich. Where the way to save America is to destroy America. I will awaken every day of my life thankful I am not with you in that dark place. And I will awaken every day of my life thankful that you are entitled to tell me about it. And that you are entitled to show me what an evil idea lurks there and what a cynical mind. And that you entitled to do all that thanks to the very freedoms you seek to suffocate."
Didn't they decorate the trees with fresh red roses last year too? Can you imagine the cost? Where is the leadership in cutting back?
Everyone always made fun of Jimmy Carter but I bet us that were learning to drive around then will never forget the speed limit--- 55 saves lives...and fuel. We had the smaller cars then, not the big gas hogs like government drives now. grr, don't mind me--$500 bucks in propane last night.
Frank Flynn – The Irish Bulletin Blogspot November 30, 2006
On a day in which the Alexander Litvinenko scandal hit Ireland with the convenient - but likely unrelated - "poisoning" of former Russian Prime Minister, Yegor Gaider on these shores, authoritative sources close, and exclusive, to this blog have learned of the definitive solution to the Litvinenko "mystery".
Yes one room fresh roses, one lilies, one pears, one tangerines and I think limes, and I can't remember the rest of the rooms, but it was way over the top considering we are at war and the economy was really bad last year, with food pantries not having enough. We would get announcements at church that the food pantries can't even come close to meeting the demand. I am sure it was no different in the rest of the country. Last years theme according to Laura was everything fresh. Even if they had to change out everything frequently, and throw away anything that wasn't just so.
Britain and Russia sign extradition agreement You won't find the real reason behind Litvinenko's murder in the mainstream British media. As disclosed by the Khaleej Times, days before his death Britain and Russia were due to sign an extradition agreement
GEF, I would have like to see her passing out food or working the soup kitchen instead. But that's not going to happen.
Our Lt. Governor, Pat Quinn goes out to the neediest neighborhoods, no body gaurds because he thinks it a waste of taxpayer money, and he passes out Turkey's for Thanksgiving etc. Many voted for Blagojevich because they like our Lt. Governor a lot, and well if he gets indicted/convicted we have a really good replacement already.
But among their top priorities when they take over Congress next month is passing a permanent tax cut of their own. Included in their "Six for '06" platform that they say helped them win majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats promised to: "Make college tuition deductible from taxes, permanently."
They could decrease the student loan interest that got raised this year.
"I think any time you murder somebody, you're a criminal." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was the Gerbil!
PRESIDENT BUSH: Well that's -- killers taking innocent life is, in some cases, sectarian. I happen to view it as criminal, as well as sectarian. I think any time you murder somebody, you're a criminal. And I believe a just society and a society of -- that holds people to account and believes in rule of law protects innocent people from murderers, no matter what their political party is.
With such raw intelligence I ask myself how does the gerbil have enough brainpower left to help him open a bottle of whiskey ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CHICAGO (AP) - The season's first major snowstorm marched across the Plains and Midwest on Friday, slopping up highways, shuttering schools and knocking out power to more than 2 million homes and businesses.
Yep, it is the beginning of high school basketball season. Either we get a major snow/ice storm or everyone is deathly sick at the kick-off tournament each year. My daughter has 2 games to make up already from being called off. Last year, my son's temperature was 105 degrees at this time, scary.
I miss my sons playing ball, they went to state almost every year. ;(
It's an absolute mess in Lebanon and Iraq. This is the price you pay for electing an idiot as president. The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.
The president and first lady plan four dinners, one lunch and 19 receptions for the holidays. Although the decor is classic, the White House's holiday menu will feature both traditional and "not- so-traditional" American cuisine, said chef Cristeta Comerford.
Yup four dinners, one lunch, and 19 receptions while this country's debt is in the hole and many people are trying to make ends meet. That's pure hypocritical by "chip malfunctioned in the brain" Laura and the chimpster. They can have this expensive event while their daughters, Jen and Tonic, are running wild in Argentina.
No Laura, no invitation for me. I just do what I do best: eat my dinner from out of a bag thank you very much!
Speaking of Christmas, Kansas stations are warning people of gift card scams. Crooks hang out in stores where the codes are visible (the kind where you can redeem the card online), write down the code, wait and then when you go to redeem your gift, it is milked dry by thieves. The Asshats.
Try to purchase ones where codes are not visible or partially hidden or gift cards are behind the counter.
quote: "They might not invite you to the White House this year because they fear you make take a bite out of the 300 lb Gingerbread house on your way in!"
He's fine, S-Q. He's run a tad higher even. He's one of those kids if he got hurt in sports then his immune system went right into illness. I'm hoping he outgrows this and the high temps.---he is at K-State this year and I always worry what germs are floating around.
Chicago Native, I learned not to hang onto gift cards either---they charged a fee per month on those buggers.
After she openly said she wanted to chip us all and then was seen at a Bilderberg meeting and her husband was seen with Chimpster sr as chums, it just doesn't seem right to give her anybodies vote..
We just can't trust Hillary..
Trust is not automatic by party you know! It must be earned!
LOL! Are you kidding? He can't get his asses through the door. And notice that I said asses not ass! Hastert ate too many dunkin donuts that brought a sparetire to his stomach and few friends in the rear end. Hastert's body need plumbing service.
Cheney in the Plot for the Puppet Government of Syria: Kill Hariri, blame it on Syria, order a regime change, ho hum..
WASHINGTON - Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby says that during the investigation into the leak of a CIA agent‘s identity he was preoccupied with terrorist threats, Iraq ‘s new government and emerging nuclear programs in Iran , Pakistan and North Korea.
A redacted copy of Walton‘s opinion revealed that Libby wants to use 129 classified documents. Walton said Libby could discuss documents that fell on or near key dates in the case, such as when the aide spoke to reporters and investigators.
Walton said he tried to balance national security concerns with Libby‘s right to a fair trial. The judge stressed that pre-approving classified evidence "requires a court to play the role of Johnny Carson‘s character Carnac the Magnificent by requiring it to render rulings before knowing the exact context of how those rulings will coincide with other evidence that has actually been developed at trial."
Interesting that Scooter was preoccupied with terrorists threats from N. Korea (which the Gerbil made threats to), Iran (Gerbil wants to invade), and Pakistan (Gerbil messed up that country).
NEW YORK (Reuters) -- The dramatic declines in teenage pregnancy rates noted in the United States between 1995 and 2002 were largely due to improved contraceptive use, not to abstinence, a new study shows.
"The current emphasis of U.S. domestic and global policies, which stress abstinence-only sex education to the exclusion of accurate information on contraception, is misguided," warn doctors in a report just released online by the American Journal of Public Health.
People should be thankful and keep talking to their kids. No one wants their kids having sex but protected is better then denial of reality.
And I didn't know how many classified documents that the smurf wanted to use. 129? Man, no wonder the rugby man was pretty pissed and fought tooth and nail to protect national security. That is way too many documents to give to little Irve over some retarded excuse of memory loss. I would find 129 classified documents to comb through a bit overwhelming and I am not suffering from memory loss..
NCLB is nothing more than "no child left untested". It appears to be designed to enrich test publishers like Neil Bush and others and to make our children into test-taking obedient workers.
NCLB gives military recruiters access to the personal information of all graduating seniors. (my high school principal, yea!)
Teak, taking the SAT or ACT in the past meant the military recruiters got everybody's addresses, even back in the early 1980s. What bugs me the most about NCLB is that kids are going to grow up without any kind of critical thinking or problem solving skills. Only being able to memorize things is not good enough for an education.
Wait until those kids grow up and enter the workforce . . . and some of them are growing up with helicopter parents. Some of those helicopter parents are coming with their kids after college for JOB INTERVIEWS. Yeah, that's what employers are looking for, a crop of 22-year-olds who cannot even go to a job interview by themselves.
Another contender, Evan Bayh. He's charismatic, too. Jackie, I don't think Sen. Bayh would need any fashion help either.
The past few presidents have been govenors at some time or in the case of Daddy Bush, an administrator. I do not think Bayh (or Obama) would piss off world leaders. The next president needs to work effectively with world leaders (obvious), not be stubborn, and have some sort of administrative experience so he or she can see how all the pieces fit together.
Stephen Cambone, the U.S. Defense Department's top intelligence official and a close aide to outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, will resign on December 31, the Pentagon said on Friday.
Mark Ames is on it in his usual style. One of his better lately...
"This sort of line on Litvinenko-the-martyr was splattered all over the Western media: "fierce critic of Putin's regime," "Kremlin's most outspoken enemy," etc. Like most of what you've heard about this story in the mainstream media, this is complete bullshit."
SARASOTA—After the second day of the state’s audit of Sarasota County voting machines apparently failed to yield useful information, People For the American Way Foundation’s Florida Legal Counsel, Reggie Mitchell, issued the following statement: “Another day of auditing, and we still don’t know anything more than when we started. No surprise there. This audit was doomed from the start. The election officials overseeing the audit have a vested interest in its outcome. They looked at only five of the 1,500 machines used on Election Day. And even with these limitations, the testers still can't seem to get it right. What could we possibly learn from this exercise in futility?
If some fat cat pulling the strings actually went to jail and paid a hefty fine, this might just stop.
An explosive CBS News report on September 4, 2002 fully exposed the existence of Cambone’s September 11 notes and explained their contents—including the “go massive” and “things related and not” references to war against Iraq.
The newspaper reported that two companies — Chugach Development Corp. and International Microwave Corp., which was purchased in 2002 by L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. — were allowed to cut corners in providing the sensors and cameras to the U.S. Border Patrol.
The newspaper also reported that investigators want to learn more about the role of *Rebecca Reyes*, 33, in managing the $239 million project, known as the Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System (ISIS). Reyes is the daughter of Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso. She was hired by Chugach and International Microwave, and is currently a vice president with L-3 Communications. She works in the company's Washington, D.C., area office.
You hit the jackpot (well, the author did) if the author is correct about two things: 1. If Litvninenko was really not good in English and those accusations were in English, and typed. 2. If that guy was really in the Ministry of Interior. Geez! Ministry of Interior troops are about the equivalent of a shopping mall guard in the U.S.--they may have a gun but no one in their right mind would want them to try to use it. Think Gary Coleman as a mall guard, just in case there are any real shopping mall security guards reading this who feel insulted. I have no way of determing if #1 and #2 have any truth to them or not.
Politkovskaya's last story was really nothing new; I looked at it expecting something big. I could not finish reading her book (published in 2004?) because it made me sick to my stomach. But everybody already knew this: "Her last article for the Novaya Gazeta, published after her death, supposedly implicated Chechnya's Russian-installed leader Ramzan Kadyrov in kidnappings and tortures . . ." It was not sensational at all, not like her 2004 book. The stories in the parallel with information collected by Human Rights Watch. Her death was not really noticed by the Western media. It was reported but then there was some other story that got popular in the Western media right after that (I forgot what that was, probably something to do with Paris Hilton.)
She was an easy target. That was just too strange to be on Putin's birthday. It took him a while to respond--he was probably checking his people to see if any of them did it. No one would have suspected Berezovsky. Kadryov's people are suspected, as well as Putin's, and Putin's people acting without orders are also suspected.
I know Putin wants to restrengthen the FSB. But how can two assassinations restrengthen the FSB if everybody finger points to the FSB? But, there is an element of loyalty to the Motherland, and the ideas of killing him out of revenge and/or teaching other defectors a lesson probably should stay on the table. Berezovsky has tons of motive to discredit Putin (that would be hundreds of millions in motive). He was making unimaginable amounts of money before Putin's election and the gravy train ended.
One thing the author does not emphasize enough--if someone wanted to kill Litvninenko for revenge or send a message to other exiles, then it should have been fast. Doctors would have been less likely to figure it out if it was a fast death. It took a long time for him to die. I think I wrote something the other day saying that maybe something did not go as planned because he died slowly, unless someone was trying to discredit Putin.
Something else to emphasize in questioning, if Litvninenko suspected Putin, then why wait until he is already dead to accuse him of something? Nothing stopped Litvninenko from criticizing Putin earlier.
One more for CJT, the Chechnya list (mostly Europeans and I'm sure, monitored by the FSB) ran Limonov's piece out of the Exile, but skipped Pankratov's.
Interesting choice.
Limonov cannot think objectively-- too many bad experiences with the Russian system for political prisoners.
I heard another Bush team member bailed out with the same old excuse " leaving to spend time with family". Now he's looking for a job so much for the family excuse. These guys have to come up with something else. The spy case is taking on more twist and turns even James Bond would be jealous. Nice to hear that Judge Walton was a Johnnie Carson fan. Libby is alone now as the Gerbil is really gone mad and Cheney shuts animals and labels them the people he really wants to shoot. Welcome to all the new bloggers you'll really enjoy this web site.
Nightowl here's Ames on Politkovskaya. I'm no where near the Russophile you are but my gut feelings on both murders were mob related, still, like you said earlier, one can't take Putin entirely of the table but it goes against logic mostly here. He really clobbers the US MSM in this one!
"What exactly was Anna Politkovskaya's bullet-riddled corpse worth to the West? No surprise here: A juicy opportunity to demonize Putin and Russia. Immediately after her murder, Reuters showed how her death was going to be spun with the headline, "Outspoken Putin Critic Shot Dead In Moscow." The implication was obvious: Putin ordered it.
Frank Flynn – The Irish Bulletin Blogspot November 30, 2006
On a day in which the Alexander Litvinenko scandal hit Ireland with the convenient - but likely unrelated - "poisoning" of former Russian Prime Minister, Yegor Gaider on these shores, authoritative sources close, and exclusive, to this blog have learned of the definitive solution to the Litvinenko "mystery".
It seems that days before the poisoning of the former KGB agent hit the headlines, Russia and the government of the United Kingdom (I stress the government, not any particular person within that structure) were preparing to sign an extradition treaty guaranteeing mutual co-operation in transferring criminal elements from one country to the other, as the need arises.
Of course, top of that extradition list would be one Mr. Boris Berezovsky, who is wanted by the Russian authorities for a variety of crimes. Facing the dock for looting Russia of billions - ostensibly for the benefit of his "motherland" of Israel - it's clear that the former oligarch, a close friend of Blair, Bush and co., needed a distraction - and quickly. The Russians were fully aware of this from the beginning, thus explaining their calm, collected approach to the contrived "East-West crisis".
Draw your own conclusions, but Berezovsky's role in this whole affair has been eagerly downplayed by corrupt elements within British media and political circles, all in a bid to launch egregious attacks against President Vladimir Putin, who has consistently sought to curb bids for a neo-con world hegemony.
For Berezovsky, however, and his "friends in high places", it appears that the game is well and truly up.
Accordingly therefore, Mr. Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the United States (federal government) appearing ex rel. Paul Andrew Mitchell, Private Attorney General, hereby makes its formal DEMAND that you convey our previously lodged VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, ON INFORMATION, formally charging Messrs. George W. Bush, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Cheney and Does 1 thru 100 with multiple felony federal offenses, to a lawfully convened federal grand jury forthwith.
----------- I am not familiar with this sort of thing, maybe SPB or someone can explain later. ---------------
Nightowl said ...then why wait until he is already dead to accuse him of something?
That's what doesn't make sense to me! Why have a friend read/give to Scotland Yard afterward? Would another state set Putin up? hmm
Have a great Saturday, I'm off to the Guard holiday party this afternoon. Going as a room mother answering to no chain-of-command, HA
The Iraqi government is in danger of being brought down by the wholesale smuggling of the nation's oil and other forms of corruption that together represent a "second insurgency", according to a senior US official. Stuart Bowen, who has been in charge of auditing Iraq's faltering reconstruction since 2004, said corruption had reached such levels that it threatened the survival of the state.
"There is a huge smuggling problem. It is the No 1 issue," Mr Bowen told the Guardian. The pipelines that are meant to take the oil north have been blown up, so the only way to export it is by road. "That leaves it vulnerable to smuggling," he said, as truckers sell their cargoes on the black market.....
Surprise, the U.S. is involved. The Iraqis deserve better, Americans deserve better, the world deserves better.
Post-war Contractors Ranked by Total Government Earnings All federal contracts from 1990 through fiscal year 2002
rufus rumquart said... Dammit I've been up all night trying to find a way to blame the Jews for that too. You beat me to it!
7:30 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh shit! My dirty little secret is out!
Better not to have pointed the finger of suspicion at an immensely wealthy oligarch who made himself rich by buying publicly-owned Russian corporations at a snip, would have benefited by anything damaging to UK/Russia’s relationship (coming extradition treaty now down the drain?), and who happens also to be Jewish.
Because sooner or later some bright spark will work out that I’m anti-semitic!
Acclaimed screen star DUSTIN HOFFMAN has slammed US President GEORGE W BUSH for manipulating the 9/11 terrorist attacks to facilitate the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The RAIN MAN actor now feels "self-conscious" about being American because he can understand why the nation has become a focus for resentment around the world. He says, "I think that the administration manipulated the grief of 9/11. They did it then and they do it now. "Everybody knows why they wanted to go into Iraq and it had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction.
He should take a look at who gained the most, it is clear who is losing the most.
9:23 am -- What is up with this Lyndon LaRouche crap? I had to look his name up. Why was he held as a prisoner anyway?
Cults are evil in any regard, brainwashing is horrid in every way. Did this guy speak a bit about the truth that makes people nervous or something? One doesn't have to be anti-Semitic to ask questions about Israel's leadership or their policies. I find it odd that people are suppose to accept as a fact all these years (after blindly believing for years and years) everything about the state of Israel. But yet, things such as the Kennedy's deaths, MLK, 9/11, OKC, and various other events...oh no, we cannot be told. How about the brainwashing of American citizens and the abuse of them? How about the Nazis brought in this country and allowed to run amok in the universities and hospitals?
Perhaps you don't get it, Americans are searching for the truth. Frankly, it makes me wonder what are you trying to hide? We have been stolen from, lied to, manipulated, brainwashed and frankly our eyes are open finally. We would like to think for ourselves, if it takes reading everything we can get our hands on--so be it. Maybe that great propaganda machine with all the taxpayers' money funding it should just stop. Now, who are you trying to control?
What is interesting, t, when I’m not sparing with rufus, is the “previously lodged VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, ON INFORMATION, formally charging Messrs. George W. Bush, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Cheney and Does 1 thru 100 with multiple felony federal offenses”.
Just follow the link as it appears in text VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, ON INFORMATION
In the meantime, I’ll create a digest of the counts against these criminal psychopaths which I’ll post on this blogsite shortly.
COUNT ONE: 18 U.S.C. 1958 use of interstate commerce facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire (multiple violations as a principal)
commission of multiple federal felonies by traveling in and causing others to travel in interstate and foreign commerce, and using and causing others to use the mail and other facilities in interstate and foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of the United States, New York State, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as consideration for the receipt of, and/or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay, anything of value, and conspiring to do all of the above, in connection with the deaths of at least 2,000 civilians, 343 personnel of the New York City Fire Department, 37 personnel of the New York Port Authority, and 23 personnel of the New York City Police Department before, during, and after the events of September 11, 2001, in violation of the federal criminal statute and RICO predicate act at 18 U.S.C. 1958 -- one count per enumerated death;
LaRourche was jailed for tax fraud and imbezzlement of his cults members credit cards among other crimes.
His cult leadership uses extremely damaging and extensive brainwashing techniques to control the minds and lives of the members. Every paranoiac design of his has it's roots in Israel's suppossed total domination of the US government.
He is the preeminent neo facist in the US still today that believes he should reign as a benign dicatator that will meld industry/business with the government (himself).
His first great action will be to imprison all the "rich jews" in concentration camps.
His members are notorious lately for flooding political blogs with none stop propaganda just as this was recently done here by the now anonymous Roger Rancourt.
I jest with you Anthony, I don't truly call you an anti-semite but do so to Roger and his ilk.
As I Bible-believing Christian (no, not the right-wing pulpit goon type), I have, for most of my life, supported the right for Jews to live in their ancient homeland, although I do not support everything the Israeli government does.
I did in fact look up Lyndon Larourch on Wikipedia to inform myself as to who he is.
However misguided he may have been, the Israeli lobby is very powerful in the US and I believe that some of the neocons have dual citizenship.
For Bush to call N. Korea, Iraq and Iran the axis of evil really does take the biscuit.
The same could be said of Washington, London and Tel Aviv.
BTW, I'm not really a member of the British peerage.
COUNT ONE: 18 U.S.C. 1958 use of interstate commerce facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire (multiple violations as a principal)
commission of multiple federal felonies by traveling in and causing others to travel in interstate and foreign commerce, and using and causing others to use the mail and other facilities in interstate and foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of the United States, New York State, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as consideration for the receipt of, and/or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay, anything of value, and conspiring to do all of the above, in connection with the deaths of at least 2,000 civilians, 343 personnel of the New York City Fire Department, 37 personnel of the New York Port Authority, and 23 personnel of the New York City Police Department before, during, and after the events of September 11, 2001, in violation of the federal criminal statute and RICO predicate act at 18 U.S.C. 1958 -- one count per enumerated death;
racketeering and conspiring to engage in a pattern of racketeering activities (multiple violations as a principal)
commission of multiple federal felonies by directly and indirectly acquiring and maintaining an interest in and control of an enterprise which is engaged in, and the activities of which affect, interstate commerce through a pattern of racketeering activities; also associating with an enterprise engaged in a pattern of racketeering activities which affect interstate commerce, and directly and indirectly conducting and participating in the conduct of such enterprise's affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity; and, conspiring to engage in a pattern of racketeering activities, all in connection with the deaths of at least 2,000 civilians, 343 personnel of the New York City Fire Department, 37 personnel of the New York Port Authority, and 23 personnel of the New York City Police Department before, during, and after the events of September 11, 2001, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1962(b), (c) and (d) -- one count per enumerated death;
Actually Anthony it was Kathleen that set me off on anti-semitism. Not to say that she is either in entirety but I expected this polonium mystery to be eventually pointed in that direction here.
The lobbyists in the interests of Israel of course hold much sway here as there is very large Jewish population in States and some powerful money does accompany the same.
I just tend to tire of all "jews this and the jews that" raising it's ugly head here in our New Fatherland.
Also I am quite aware of the Mossad agents arrest immediately after 911. I could easily accept that they knew it was to occur by means of intelligence.
Berezovsky had to have known about the extradition agreement going through, since whether or not he goes to jail hinges on it. I doubt I need to mention that Russian jails are unpleasant. Even the restrooms in the Hermitage Museum are unpleasant. He would not last in a Russian jail. Either the jailers would kill him or his cellmates and the guards would look the other way. Plus, he is used to living in a very nice lifestyle. They don't have 'Armani suits' in Russian prisons.
The usual poker-faced Putin looked uncomfortable about Politkovskaya's murder which was done just like a trademark Russian mafia style hit (the weapon was purposely left at the scene), probably with the timing of his birthday. For the West, it seemed like people pretty much ignored Politkovskaya's work. Had they paid more attention, then she would have been worth more to the West alive than dead. Thinking that some Western government wants to discredit Putin seems like a really big stretch, especially after they gave him the green light to join the World Trade Organization. Had the West wanted to block that or make Putin look stupid, then they could have used human rights violations in Chechnya as criticism and not let him join the big boy's WTO club, and I do not recall that happening. Putin got the green light for joining the WTO even after Putin snubbed Western oil companies temporarily after W. Bush's stupid quote about how Russia should have an Iraqi-styled democracy at/before the G-8 meeting. Plus, Putin is giving the Iranians some really big equipment. If the next plan by the West is to go after Iran, then a non-discredited Putin is better to the West for that.
Kadryov in Chechnya also had motive for Politkovskaya's murder. He is unpleasant, he wants a promotion from Moscow, and her report was going to make him look worse than he already did. He also bought some fancy car on Putin's birthday in celebration of the day. Politkovskaya's murder also kind of looked like a birthday 'present' for Putin. I'm sure he does not miss her, although I doubt he liked her murder on his birthday, some other day, maybe.
So, I'm scratching off the West discrediting Putin and leaving Kadryov on the table for having lots of motive for Politkovskaya (she was irritating to him, he wants to kiss ass to Putin, and she was about to make him look worse), and I'll put Putin's people acting on revenge without orders on a chair next to that table for motive. Oh, and Berezovsky can be on the table for hiring that hit, too. It is still possible that it was done to make Putin look bad and because there was not enough press about it, then perhaps Litvninenko was next. What better way to get lots more attention than have such a sensational story? Key ingredients, the ex-spy spin(shopping mall guard) and radiation. Berezovsky would have enough money to hire that out, too.
It does not seem like anyone in the media is considering that Politkovskaya and Litvninenko could be unrelated. The fact that Mario the Italian received e-mail (From whom?? No one has said, geez, e-mail is so traceable.) with information on Politkovskaya and a hit list with Litvninenko's name on it, hey, that's just good BAIT. BAIT cannot get any better than that, plus it also orchestrates people automatically connecting what happens next with Putin.
Gaidar (if he was indeed poisoned) cannot be a FSB hit. Why? Because he is still alive! Politkovskaya and Litvninenko can be expendable but killing an ex-prime minister is way too risky, even if he is such a has-been. Gaidar was ineffective as a prime minister and he did not have power long enough to make a big list of enemies. He is not in Putin's way at all but he can still get invites by Western countries for meetings, speaking engagements, etc. I cannot see any motive that Putin would have to make Gaidar sick. Gaidar's buddy Chubais is a total has-been, too.
OK, on Berezovsky for Litvninenko, he no longer had any value for the rich dude. Litvninenko claiming there was a hit on Berezovsky years ago did not work and only got Litvninenko in trouble. Litvninenko's book on tagging the Moscow apartment bombings on the FSB is only popular with conspiracy theory people and did not get enough attention (until now, after his death). Not even the pro-Chechnya independence people consider that story credible enough. No matter who killed Politkovskaya, it did not get enough media attention to discredit Putin (until now, after Litvninenko's death). With the West now screaming about Putin, Berezovsky's previously inevitable extradition to Russia certainly seems postponed.
Hmm, it is seeming as though Litvninenko is worth more to Berezovsky dead than alive. Berezovsky had motive and complete opportunity to know Litvninenko's whereabouts. And, as I mentioned earlier, Putin made Berezovsky's gravy train derail. I am not sure how much more money Berezovsky would have without Putin, probably somewhere between hundreds of millions and a couple of billion.
Lastly, whoopedo about 60 or so FSB agents in the U.K. Everybody spies on everybody else, even allies. There are probably that many Brits spying on the U.S. and probably more U.S. spies in the U.K. spying on them.
I could easily accept that they knew it was to occur by means of intelligence.
Mee too, but dressed as arabs cheering in the streets, filming from the rooftops and bridges.... I don't go to ball games and cheer when the other team scores.. DUH
How many Jewish or people from Israel died in the towers?
Were they warned not to go to work? Why the comments about the towers destruction and loss of many citizens from so many nations was good for Israel? Who was the cabal in the Pentagon pushing for war?
Why were the intelligence doing lurking around in this country anyway? In moving vans? In other parts of the country?
P.S. Whoopedo on Berezovsky giving chump change in Israel. Money is relative, Berezovksy giving that money is roughly the equivalent to the money I have dropped in my car during transactions picking up fast food and never bothered to retrieve. Berezovsky throws some petty cash there, just because he thinks he can atone for the sins he knows he committed, plus it makes him look better. That's it. There is no Jewish agenda with that at all, just him sucking up to others. A high profile criminal like him needs to do things that suck up to world leaders once in a while, and by whining about Putin being mean to him, Berezovsky looks less like a criminal.
Some loose ends still need tying, night owl. Such as, why the change in the story concerning Mario the Italian.
First he is.
Italian in Russian spy case not contaminated
29 Nov 2006 11:54:17 GMT Source: Reuters
ROME, Nov 29 (Reuters) - An Italian contact of Alexander Litvinenko, the former Russian spy who died of radiation poisoning in Britain on Thursday, has not been contaminated by the deadly Polonium 210, his lawyer said on Wednesday.
Mario Scaramella, the Italian academic who met the poisoned ex-KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko on the day he fell ill, has tested positive for polonium 210 ...
In a document called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" published by The American Enterprise's "Project for a New American Century"(1), System Planning Corporation (SPC) International executive, Dov Zakheim, called for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" being necessary to foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the Middle East that would politically and culturally reshape the region. A respected and established voice in the intelligence community, his views were eagerly accepted, and Dov went from his position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. (2) Perhaps not so coincidentally, it was an SPC subsidiary, TRIDATA CORPORATION, that oversaw the investigation after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.
On Sept. 10 2001, just 24 hours before the WTC attack, The Washington Times ran an article quoting intelligence sources who described Israel’s Mossad as “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.” Moreover, they said, it was generally known in the intelligence community that the Mossad had penetrated every Muslim organization and would have little problem in finding any number of fanatics to carry out a suicide mission in the belief they were serving Allah. Ed.
This report was sent by a German source in January of 2002 to a number of interested individuals.
Initially, it was very loudly rejected by fringe groups, unhappy, doubtlessly, that they had not been on the list of recipients. Unfortunately, counter-government web sources have the tendency to screech with rage if another source scoops them. We subsequently sent a copy of this to the German Embassy in Washington for comment. The reply they gave after their receipt of the attached document is that the papers had been sent on to Germany for comment on their authenticity.
After a reasonable lapse of time, we again contacted the Embassy and at that point were advised that “the German authorities would neither confirm nor deny the authenticity nor the authorship of” the document.
In view of this response, we present this for the comments of readers. The original document has been scanned and follows the translation. WS
Comment on Physics 9/11
The following document was published in June of 2002. If genuine, it must rank as one of the most remarkable documents in history. It purports to be a top-secret report from the German external intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) prepared with assistance from an internal German intelligence agency, the BfV. Among the most important claims it makes are the following: German intelligence detected plans for an attack by Arab extremists on the United States, to take place on September 10 or 11, 2001. Israel was aware of the plans and wished the attack to take place without hindrance. The German ambassador informed the President of the US of the impending attacks. He thanked the ambassador and said that he already knew. Subsequently, his administration urgently requested the suppression of information on this warning. The report elaborates that among the various reasons for the attack being encouraged by the US administration was a desire to have a pretext to attack Afghanistan to secure a pipeline route for western oil companies to export oil from the Caspian basin. Despite angry denunciations of the authenticity of the report from various quarters, the German government has to the best of our knowledge not issued a denial of its authenticity. Even if it were to do so, the alleged urgent request for secrecy could provide grounds for such a denial. No other effective refutation of the accuracy of the report has been seen by the editors of this website. Consequently, it is presented for what it is worth as a possibly genuine document of immense historical significance.
Original Document including German and English Translation has a free download video of General Ben Partin giving a presentation before a ministry show. Long but chock full of pics of the destruction funny biz.
The URL is too long to post go to their video section and look for Partin under the heading Globalism the Program.
Brig. General Ben Partin (weapons developer and engineer - he started college at age 16), goes over the OK City bombing and how it is impossible for a fertilizer bomb to do that much damage to that building. He is convinced there were bombs inside the building or some other form of explosive used; science and seismographs support this. He also has aerial pictures of a Ryder truck at a military base with a temporary walls surrounding the Ryder truck and all the equipment needed to make a fertilizer bomb. The picture was taken just prior to the attack, another picture taken later shows a vacant lot.
Thanks for sharing that filing by Paul Mitchell, prviate attorney out in California. That filing has to do with the Wilson's civil case not the criminal case against the smurf. But, remember, the Wilsons' are using Fitz's filings, findings, and Fitz's press conference from the leak case and as precedent for their civil lawsuit. Now, what Mitchell is saying that Libby hasn't been tried or convict of his charges. So, therefore there shouldn't a lawsuit on Libby when Libby is still presumed innocent of his charges.
Libby is simply trying to get out the civil case. The charges of the civil case is different from the charges of the criminal case of Libby. In the criminal case, Libby is charged 5 counts: lying to the investigators, obstruction of justice, and making false statement. Libby is not charged as the leaker. In the civil case, Libby, Rove, and Cheney are charged in the civil case as conspiring a plot to discredit and seek revenge against Joe Wilson for speaking the truth behind his finding in Niger, and ruining Valerie Wilson's career and exposing her employment. Libby is simplying digging himself out of the civil case because the civil case goes to court in February 2007.
In the O.J. Simpson case, when Simpson was found not guilty for his crimes, the Goldmans and the Browns immediately sued Simpson after the criminal trial. Simpson wasn't guilty in criminal but guily in the civil. Also, in the Robert Blake case, when he was found not guilty, the family of Bonnie Lee Bakeley sued Mr. Blake. Blake was found not guilty for criminal but found guilty in the civil. In other words, both criminal cases were used as precedent in the civil case. But, in Libby's case, his charges in both criminal and civil are different.. Sorry, Libby, you lose on this one...
American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a major American insurance corporation based in New York City. It is the fourth-largest company in the world according to the 2006 Forbes Global 2000 list. The company became a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average on April 8, 2004. [1]
What's a little mass murder when there is money to made? Evil-doers.
Anthony--"Sounds to me as if there's a bit of hanky-panky going on in the reporting of all this."
You bet. I have no way to know exactly yet who hired whom to deliver the polonium-210. Until the investigation is completed and evidence collected, then everything is all just theorectical speculation. It always requires patience. At the same time, however, from having the personal experience of visiting two different vampires at two different doctor's offices to get stuck twice because someone botched the first routine blood test, testing negative and later testing positive could mean absolutely nothing. I cannot imagine that medical labs have all that much experience testing for polonium-210 anyway.
Someone was trying to pin doing the poisoning on Mario, too, from that story that he only drank water and looked nervous. Geez, if he took that e-mail seriously that his own name was on a hit list, then he had every reason to be nervous. In regards to just drinking water, there might be evidence whether or not that was true from the restaurant receipts. And, just like accusing Putin, if Lit. really thought Mario was a suspect, why wait so long to hurl that suspicion? It would have been a lot more helpful to know what was in the poison sooner.
Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally
- I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly
It is a good org-
I certainly hope KBR, Fleur, and CACI have given a GENEROUS donation;-)
The judge said AIPAC spy case has to prove harm to US. Hmmm. Lemme think. Richard Perle wrote "Rebuilding America's Defenses" and "Securing the Realm," and then says he does not have dual loyalty, and previously, he went utter ballistic over the Sy Hersch story about him:
They lied us into a war that they intended to profit over, personally and weaseled all sorts of contracts to ISraeli companies, like Jack Abramoff's ISraeli Wireless Antennae company which is still bugging capital hill.
Michael Ledeen cooked up the intelligence which resulted in the Fitzgerald Plame investigation.
US Foreign Policy under Bush trained by Perle, personally, resulted in a massive loss of life, that was the result of a deliberate fraud concocted by Richard Perle.
So how does this apply to AIPAC? The Rebuilding America's Defenses papern was written for Israel, and is specifically about a global violent hegemony, but which identified the necessity of a catalytic event like a New Pearl Harbor.
Now, on my website, you can see linked the YouTube video where Larry Silverstein admits he had a building pulled because it was too hot.
So, how was it rigged to be pulled, if it was too hot to go in there?
There's a lot of data which shows deliberate harm to this country. The biggest two were 9/11 Thermite in the WTC and the phoney Niger Uranium Letter.
I hope the big oil companies have given generous donations ...with their record profits this year!
Yep, Big Pharma should donate millions of toys with all that bullion they got..
Give till it hurts boys...
and they won't so it is up to people like you. $20 goes a long way to the official DoD handoff for widows while receiving no government support.
Helping other people will make us all feel better this Holiday Season.
Yep, every year without fail..
Oh I even give to the Salvation Army corps..
But we're not the problem..
The research found that the sweetener was associated with unusually high rates of lymphomas, leukemia's and other cancers in rats that had been given doses of it starting at what would be equivalent to four to five 20-ounce bottles of diet soda a day for a 150-pound person. The study, which involved 1,900 laboratory rats and cost $1 million, was conducted at the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences, a nonprofit organization that studies cancer-causing substances; Dr. Soffritti is its scientific director.
Wow, when relatives and friends kept griping at me to quit drinking Diet Pepsi because of this..I was skeptic but did. I never drank that much a day anyway, now coffee is a different story. This is the first MSM story I've seen on it. Better late than never. I guess it is true about Rumsfeld's part in it too. And I recognize Monsanto too. Hmmm...connecting some dots here,
Agent Orange? Big Pharma, the suppression of the Fox News *the decent good story which led to the firing of reporters* about chemical additives in milk. Terminator seeds to India, sponsor of Disney. Celebrex?
Robert J Stevens CEO-- Lockheed Martin used to be associated with Monsanto. Oh, such a small, small world.
What evil.
Good, Funny!
Gives good technique on how to be an abusive copper asshole.
Now I know how to be a vicious insane cop.
Re BigPharma.
Ya really gotta know what you're talking about. Do you really think any of these journalists know what they're talking about?
They don't.
If you want to know about the shenanigans @ BigPharma, spend about a year on my website.
ROFLMAO! That was too funny!!!
I just addied it to ya..
I was ROTFL on that one!
I might use it if they get too pesky with me...
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- The federal government has agreed to pay an Oregon lawyer $2 million to settle part of a lawsuit he filed after the FBI misidentified a fingerprint and wrongly arrested him in the 2004 Madrid terrorist bombings.
Two internal Justice investigations cleared the FBI and prosecutors of wrongdoing, she said. A December 2005 review by the department's Office of Professional Responsibility found that federal prosecutors who handled the investigation acted appropriately.
I look forward to the day the Patriot Act is declared unconstitutional, and all citizens are safe from unwarranted arrest and searches by the federal government," Mayfield said in a statement.
I think he attended Washburn University in Kansas or is doing so now. I hadn't known he was from around here. Glad they got that settled and admitted their mistake.
You were on the floor? I'm still down here and can't stop laughing long enough to get up! LOLMAO
Got it! Thanks! :)
I look forward to the day the Patriot Act is declared unconstitutional, and all citizens are safe from unwarranted arrest and searches by the federal government," Mayfield said in a statement.
In order to make that happen we have to get a REAL investigation into the 9/11 events and currently there's Obstruction of Justice from both the Republicans and the Democrats on this issue..
..And they know full well why!
The American people aren't ready for the truth on that yet..
So we better get used to living in our new Fascist State for the meantime..
ROFLMAO @ the telemarketing stunt. Sometimes I'll ask the telemarketer for their phone number so I can call them back.
Thanks for the TAPS reminder. I will put them on my list for Christmas.
Busy weekend here...I just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a nice weekend!
It is amazing that the chimpster can have holiday meal like that and not give a damn about the welfare and the needs of all troops and not the ones that he hand picks! I have donated goods and money to the Salvation Army. I don't give to the Red Cross after the mismanagement of money that they did with 9/11 and Katrina victims.. I am giving food to the troops overseas..
So, course I don't expect KBR, Halliburton, CACI, Blackwater, Titan, the chimpster or McVeep to give any kindly donations. They all will be haunted by the Xmas future as the ghost tells them what the future will be for the "heckva job" that they done for this country!
Hi Chimpcoulter,
Maybe when they call we should start selling them useless stuff!
Like: "Hey I got this old Blender I'm selling and it's in good shape! I paid 29.95 but I'll let you have it for only 14.95 and $2.00 shipping..
And if you hurry and say yes I'll throw in an old Spatula for free..
You want that on your Visa card ?
Don't forget to put Bechtel on that naughty list..
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
"Don't forget to put Bechtel on that naughty list.."
Thanks for the reminder.
And let not forget date today.
On the evening of December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, an African American, was arrested for disobeying an Alabama law requiring black passengers to relinquish seats to white passengers when the bus was full. Blacks were also required to sit at the back of the bus. Her arrest sparked a 381-day boycott of the Montgomery bus system and led to a 1956 Supreme Court decision banning segregation on public transportation.
:) Thanks for the reminder...
Here's the Info on Mrs Parks
That's proof of one person's conviction towards Justice!
It still lives no matter what!
Thanks for that GEF. Had me laughing till the tears started pouring from my eyes.
Now for some more serious stuff, this time flight 93.
Quite simple to pull off really, all they had to do was have explosives planted in the base of the towers, and on 9/11 they pretended like 4 planes were being hijacked when really they just rerouted them to Pennsylvania, then flew two military jets into the World Trade Center filled with more explosives and shot down all the witnesses on Flight 93 with an F-15 after blowing up the Pentagon with a cruise missile. It was only the world's most intricate and flawlessly executed plan ever, ever.
GEF, Loved the clip of the homicide detective. Bob and Tom show, Indpls, WFBQ EST in the mornings. Hilarious, I'm still laughing. Thanks for posting it.
Not to mention the first time a building has been successfully
controlled exploded(vs implosion)...
They did it in two stages..
The first stage was the internal
implosion of the hard core then the
external explosion of the shell
within and they shaped the blasts
towards the interior of the structure
instead of the exterior..
It was a first in demolition technology! Awesome!!
Matter of fact a demolition company
was instrumental in the cleanup..
Btw...along with donations of money..I always give coats and blankets to the charities. Unfortunately, America has homeless people that are living outdoors in the snow, ice and terribly cold temperatures!
Btw...along with donations of money..I always give coats and blankets to the charities. Unfortunately, America has homeless people that are living outdoors in the snow, ice and terribly cold temperatures!
One year I bought a backpack in the sporting section of a store and filled it with survival gear and put in a blanket. I forgot to add some food in it but I gave the person some money..
Last I saw he was sharing it with some of his buds.. :)
I should have included a tent but that Christmas tapped me out!
"That's proof of one person's conviction towards Justice!"
Amen to that.
And also one person who made a difference to affect other people's lives in a positive way. As Ms. Parks stood up for her rights that day, it is a learning lesson for all of us that the struggles today for the freedom that we have and want in this country is a life long commitment.;)
You got that right..
Democracy is NOT a spectator sport..
So turn off the TV and get involved!
Just think now of the Traveling salesman who put his foot in the door..
Time for all of us to put our foot in the door!
So who's your Congress persons and Senators and what are their E-mail and Snail mail addresses ??
Top of the morning all
I often wonder why people have to be reminded that Christmas is for giving I thought that's what it was always for. This year as Americans aren't sure if they will have a job or the cuts due to as Grandmanuk said the spoiled child President most people will barely make it this Christmas. Our troops are far from home and the government gives lip service so it is up to the American people to take care of them. I like to give something to a person who has no one on the holidays. I remember Peaches gave her Christmas cookies to a neighbor who had no family. She called an told me Oh Mom those cookies you gave me I gave away to someone who had no gifts or family. That's when I knew I did a good job in teaching her values.
I should have included a tent but that Christmas tapped me out!
You have a kind heart and I'm sure what you gave made a difference to some! I've seen homeless in numerous cities living under tarps and nothing else! In the rain and freezing temps! Sad...
"So who's your Congress persons and Senators and what are their E-mail and Snail mail addresses ??"
You are right. Folks,get ready to followup and follow thought to your Congress person and Senator in your state come January. Hold them accountable and stay on their rear ends...
The quote for the day! LOL!
GrandmaNuk said...
Anthony.....all are preaching to the choir!
Top o' the mornin' all!
7:09 AM
I had to crack up of what Grandmanuk said. The Gerbil is talking about nothing but gerbilspeak. And we are still waiting on a translator 'cause I certainly can't comprehend the chimpster.
What really happened to flight 93?
More on flight 93 from humint events blogspot
Ground Zero Smoking Cannon: Where Are All the Core Columns and Beams???
"Top of the morning all
I often wonder why people have to be reminded that Christmas is for giving I thought that's what it was always for."
And meaning of Christmas (giving and serving others) should be everyday and not just Dec. 25th.
Breaking News from
Detectives are investigating letters smuggled out of Russia purporting to show the existence of a secret squad set up to target poisoned spy Alexander Litvinenko and others.
Scotland Yard has been passed copies of two letters apparently penned in jail by former Russian intelligence officer Mikhail Trepashkin, in one of which Mr Litvinenko is warned that both he and his family are at risk.
Letters 'revealed secret hit squad'
Prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks overheard in Hebrew
In October 2000, at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, a former IDF member and veteran of the Yom Kippur War overheard, in Hebrew:
"The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September."
In closing, here are some additional quotes to consider carefully.
I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing - although that was part of it - by a sovereign government...It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now."
--Senator Graham (FL) as quoted in Senator: At Least One Foreign Country Assisted the 9/11 Terrorists
"While I agree with you, if I say anything about US geopolitical interests with Israel, I might as well clean off my desk."
-- Unnamed reporter as quoted in American Media Censorship and Israel
"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying ... is considered career suicide."
-- Carl Cameron, as quoted in The Spies Who Came In From The Art Sale
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.
Dov Zakheim and the 9/11 Conspiracy
By 'Shadow' and 'Pax' - Conspiracynewsnet
In a document called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" published by The American Enterprise's "Project for a New American Century"(1), System Planning Corporation (SPC) International executive, Dov Zakheim, called for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" being necessary to foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the Middle East that would politically and culturally reshape the region. A respected and established voice in the intelligence community, his views were eagerly accepted, and Dov went from his position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. (2) Perhaps not so coincidentally, it was an SPC subsidiary, TRIDATA CORPORATION, that oversaw the investigation after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.
Was the use of polonium to kill Litvinenko a clue to the identity of the killer or killers?
There is increasing evidence that the radioactive poisoning assassination of ex-KGB and FSB agent and Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko was the result of a plot by anti-Vladimir Putin criminal syndicates based in Britain, Israel, Ukraine, and Poland to embarrass the Russian government.
Scaramella tests positive for polonium
"Significant" level of radiation threatens health of Italian academic who met ex-spy.
GEF had to go get some McRib sandwiches before they're all gone! LOLMAO
Ok Warning get your barf bags out for this
Last year I saw Laura Bush (aka murderess) with the staff of volunteers decorating the White House with all kinds of real fruit and if it was not perfect for the different rooms, i.e. pears, tangerines etc. depending on the room they threw it out. Also they changed out the fruit often when it looked, well not perfect. This is our tax dollars at work. They never mentioned giving the fruit to a food pantry or anything, just the garbage.
Back to giving for a moment --
animal shelters can always use more old, clean bath towels.
Here's your chance to dump the crummy ones you've had since college and buy new matching sets!
"GEF had to go get some McRib sandwiches before they're all gone!"
All GEF can afford is a slurpee. Maybe he raided the WH to get his hands on the holiday meal. I hope GEF has his green card handy.
Hee hee hee..
VIDEO: Olbermann grabs Newt Gingrich's Nazi monacle and smashes it on the floor!
Tonight, Keith took on Newt Gingrich's controversial remarks from earlier this week where he suggested we re-think free speech as we know it in order to effectively combat the threat of terrorism. Needless to say, Keith — like any true American — took offense to this and didn't hold back.
Olbermann: "What a dark place your world must be, Mr Gingrich. Where the way to save America is to destroy America. I will awaken every day of my life thankful I am not with you in that dark place. And I will awaken every day of my life thankful that you are entitled to tell me about it. And that you are entitled to show me what an evil idea lurks there and what a cynical mind. And that you entitled to do all that thanks to the very freedoms you seek to suffocate."
Go Olbermann Go!
No ACHTUNG for Newt Gingrich!!
Hee hee hee!
Didn't they decorate the trees with fresh red roses last year too? Can you imagine the cost? Where is the leadership in cutting back?
Everyone always made fun of Jimmy Carter but I bet us that were learning to drive around then will never forget the speed limit--- 55 saves lives...and fuel. We had the smaller cars then, not the big gas hogs like government drives now. grr, don't mind me--$500 bucks in propane last night.
Litvinenko: Case closed
Frank Flynn – The Irish Bulletin Blogspot November 30, 2006
On a day in which the Alexander Litvinenko scandal hit Ireland with the convenient - but likely unrelated - "poisoning" of former Russian Prime Minister, Yegor Gaider on these shores, authoritative sources close, and exclusive, to this blog have learned of the definitive solution to the Litvinenko "mystery".
More from theirishbulletin at:
Third Gereration Chicago Native,
Re: Throwing out food!
"Well what do you expect from over indulged spoiled rich people who would otherwise be committing suicide because of lack of purpose ?"
They have to stir up trouble somehow in order to keep everyone focused on them as the center of attention..
Gawd I'm sounding more like Olbermann everyday...
Hee hee hee!
Yes one room fresh roses, one lilies, one pears, one tangerines and I think limes, and I can't remember the rest of the rooms, but it was way over the top considering we are at war and the economy was really bad last year, with food pantries not having enough. We would get announcements at church that the food pantries can't even come close to meeting the demand. I am sure it was no different in the rest of the country.
Last years theme according to Laura was everything fresh. Even if they had to change out everything frequently, and throw away anything that wasn't just so.
From the truth seeker
Britain and Russia sign extradition agreement You won't find the real reason behind Litvinenko's murder in the mainstream British media. As disclosed by the Khaleej Times, days before his death Britain and Russia were due to sign an extradition agreement
Olberman spanks cry baby Neuter Newt.
I would have like to see her passing out food or working the soup kitchen instead. But that's not going to happen.
Our Lt. Governor, Pat Quinn goes out to the neediest neighborhoods, no body gaurds because he thinks it a waste of taxpayer money, and he passes out Turkey's for Thanksgiving etc. Many voted for Blagojevich because they like our Lt. Governor a lot, and well if he gets indicted/convicted we have a really good replacement already.
Who said:
"I think any time you murder somebody, you're a criminal."
Clue: It wasn't Chance the Gardener.
But among their top priorities when they take over Congress next month is passing a permanent tax cut of their own.
Included in their "Six for '06" platform that they say helped them win majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats promised to: "Make college tuition deductible from taxes, permanently."
They could decrease the student loan interest that got raised this year.
Who said:
"I think any time you murder somebody, you're a criminal."
It was the Gerbil!
PRESIDENT BUSH: Well that's -- killers taking innocent life is, in some cases, sectarian. I happen to view it as criminal, as well as sectarian. I think any time you murder somebody, you're a criminal. And I believe a just society and a society of -- that holds people to account and believes in rule of law protects innocent people from murderers, no matter what their political party is.
Anthony, s-q,
With such raw intelligence I ask myself how does the gerbil have enough brainpower left to help him open a bottle of whiskey ?
The sheer dexterity of his fingers would severely limited in grasping anything after a sheer display of
raw genius..
"I think any time you murder somebody, you're a criminal."
No and no I say..
I think Porkrind was helping him..
With such raw intelligence I ask myself how does the gerbil have enough brainpower left to help him open a bottle of whiskey ?
He doesn't! Barney does that for him! LOL
CHICAGO (AP) - The season's first major snowstorm marched across the Plains and Midwest on Friday, slopping up highways, shuttering schools and knocking out power to more than 2 million homes and businesses.
Yep, it is the beginning of high school basketball season. Either we get a major snow/ice storm or everyone is deathly sick at the kick-off tournament each year. My daughter has 2 games to make up already from being called off. Last year, my son's temperature was 105 degrees at this time, scary.
I miss my sons playing ball, they went to state almost every year. ;(
Laura Bush is going Crystal, Red and silver, and fake snow for the White House trees this year.
2006 holiday theme - "Deck the Halls and Welcome All."
The Gerbil world
From Americablog:
It's an absolute mess in Lebanon and Iraq. This is the price you pay for electing an idiot as president. The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.
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Looks like I'm going to the White House for Christmas this year.
George is my buddy, he don't care if i'm illegal.
The president and first lady plan four dinners, one lunch and 19 receptions for the holidays. Although the decor is classic, the White House's holiday menu will feature both traditional and "not- so-traditional" American cuisine, said chef Cristeta Comerford.
Yup four dinners, one lunch, and 19 receptions while this country's debt is in the hole and many people are trying to make ends meet. That's pure hypocritical by "chip malfunctioned in the brain" Laura and the chimpster. They can have this expensive event while their daughters, Jen and Tonic, are running wild in Argentina.
No Laura, no invitation for me. I just do what I do best: eat my dinner from out of a bag thank you very much!
Also on American Blog you can get a link to Coulters column free! Bonus! NOT!
Speaking of Christmas, Kansas stations are warning people of gift card scams. Crooks hang out in stores where the codes are visible (the kind where you can redeem the card online), write down the code, wait and then when you go to redeem your gift, it is milked dry by thieves. The Asshats.
Try to purchase ones where codes are not visible or partially hidden or gift cards are behind the counter.
Thanks good advice, I'm not a shopper and I'm a giftcard giver!
They might not invite you to the White House this year because they fear you make take a bite out of the 300 lb Gingerbread house on your way in!
Last year, my son's temperature was 105 degrees at this time, scary.
That is very scary when they get a temp that high! I hope all are well now!!
"They might not invite you to the White House this year because they fear you make take a bite out of the 300 lb Gingerbread house on your way in!"
*lol* Or they might have me arrested for not being a koolaid drinker.. You know I have to spray my hands in the way going to the WH.
"Also on American Blog you can get a link to Coulters column free! Bonus! NOT!"
LOL! Or take the print out from Coultergeist's column and used it in my fireplace to warm my buns...
No more rubber stamping Congress campaign part 1
No more rubberstamping Congress part 2
"They might not invite you to the White House this year because they fear you make take a bite out of the 300 lb Gingerbread house on your way in!"
So Denny Hastert will be by the door then ?
Who needs Rancourt when you've got Anthony right?
Denny Hastert by the door? He can't even get thru the door!
He's fine, S-Q. He's run a tad higher even. He's one of those kids if he got hurt in sports then his immune system went right into illness. I'm hoping he outgrows this and the high temps.---he is at K-State this year and I always worry what germs are floating around.
Chicago Native, I learned not to hang onto gift cards either---they charged a fee per month on those buggers.
Fine with me, because Edwards has been.
maybe Hastert is the door
ar ar ar ar
No Robin, Hastert is too big to be the door!
After she openly said she wanted to chip us all and then was seen at a Bilderberg meeting and her husband was seen with Chimpster sr as chums, it just doesn't seem right to give her anybodies vote..
We just can't trust Hillary..
Trust is not automatic by party you know! It must be earned!
"So Denny Hastert will be by the door then?"
LOL! Are you kidding? He can't get his asses through the door. And notice that I said asses not ass! Hastert ate too many dunkin donuts that brought a sparetire to his stomach and few friends in the rear end. Hastert's body need plumbing service.
Hastert and Cheney side by side could be a whole barn though!
yes, GEF. Hilary is sinister.
yes, GEF. Hilary is sinister.
Cheney in the Plot for the Puppet Government of Syria: Kill Hariri, blame it on Syria, order a regime change, ho hum..
Anon 550
i didnotice that Hastert has deflated somewhat after MAF54 incident
maybe he is on a bs diet
he is cutting back on bs
"Hastert and Cheney side by side could be a whole barn though!"
LOL! That's cold Anon.. You make them sound like they are the human submarine sandwich!
"i didnotice that Hastert has deflated somewhat after MAF54 incident"
"maybe he is on a bs diet"
Sort of a "see food" diet. See a food and eat it!
I want to see Ambien in cuffs and yelling obsenities at his jailers..
That's when my Kodak smile goes up!
Starving alligators in DC
After they shake all the sh*t out of the Congressmen there is nothing left but a briefcase!
lol ;)
Global Evildoer Fighter said...
GEF! That's too funny...*
Denny and Ambien together ?
Oh man there's a new zip code right there..
We'll have to fly helicopters around them in order to secure the acreage perimeter..
Anon 6:02.
After they shake all the sh*t out of the Congressmen there is nothing left but a briefcase!
a briefcase and an indictment on the floor..
"Denny and Ambien together?"
Well, the two are them together are toxic. It will be more of polluting Lake Michigan...
Don't laugh so hard..
You don't want to trigger that sleep button...ZZZZZZZZ...
Glad you liked it!
Share it! :)
I'm looking for a guy named Hastert
Eww! Gross!
just look around you roto rooter
Hastert is this whole complex
Update in the Libby trial:
Court records may preview Libby trial
WASHINGTON - Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby says that during the investigation into the leak of a CIA agent‘s identity he was preoccupied with terrorist threats, Iraq ‘s new government and emerging nuclear programs in Iran , Pakistan and North Korea.
A redacted copy of Walton‘s opinion revealed that Libby wants to use 129 classified documents. Walton said Libby could discuss documents that fell on or near key dates in the case, such as when the aide spoke to reporters and investigators.
Walton said he tried to balance national security concerns with Libby‘s right to a fair trial. The judge stressed that pre-approving classified evidence "requires a court to play the role of Johnny Carson‘s character Carnac the Magnificent by requiring it to render rulings before knowing the exact context of how those rulings will coincide with other evidence that has actually been developed at trial."
Interesting that Scooter was preoccupied with terrorists threats from N. Korea (which the Gerbil made threats to), Iran (Gerbil wants to invade), and Pakistan (Gerbil messed up that country).
Hastert and Cheney side by side a human submarine sandwich.
More like a whole Subway Shop!
lol ;0
re: Libby case.
Very Interesting Stuff Biloxi
I didn't know the Carson trial set a Precedent..
It must have been some trial!
NEW YORK (Reuters) -- The dramatic declines in teenage pregnancy rates noted in the United States between 1995 and 2002 were largely due to improved contraceptive use, not to abstinence, a new study shows.
"The current emphasis of U.S. domestic and global policies, which stress abstinence-only sex education to the exclusion of accurate information on contraception, is misguided," warn doctors in a report just released online by the American Journal of Public Health.
People should be thankful and keep talking to their kids. No one wants their kids having sex but protected is better then denial of reality.
Anon 6:37,
People should be thankful and keep talking to their kids. No one wants their kids having sex but protected is better then denial of reality.
What about the people who've already purchased this device!
The Trunk Monkey Shaperone version!
It's a parent's best friend!
"Very Interesting Stuff Biloxi"
And I didn't know how many classified documents that the smurf wanted to use. 129? Man, no wonder the rugby man was pretty pissed and fought tooth and nail to protect national security. That is way too many documents to give to little Irve over some retarded excuse of memory loss. I would find 129 classified documents to comb through a bit overwhelming and I am not suffering from memory loss..
The judge stressed that pre-approving classified evidence "requires a court to play the role of Johnny Carson‘s character Carnac the Magnificent by requiring it to render rulings before knowing the exact context of how those rulings will coincide with other evidence that has actually been developed at trial."
NCLB is nothing more than "no child left untested". It appears to be designed to enrich test publishers like Neil Bush and others and to make our children into test-taking obedient workers.
NCLB gives military recruiters access to the personal information of all graduating seniors. (my high school principal, yea!)
Please sign the petition to end the "No Child Left Behind" act. Thanks.
129 documents?!
It's a parent's best friend!
No kidding! Hilarious!! LOL
Teak, taking the SAT or ACT in the past meant the military recruiters got everybody's addresses, even back in the early 1980s. What bugs me the most about NCLB is that kids are going to grow up without any kind of critical thinking or problem solving skills. Only being able to memorize things is not good enough for an education.
Wait until those kids grow up and enter the workforce . . . and some of them are growing up with helicopter parents. Some of those helicopter parents are coming with their kids after college for JOB INTERVIEWS. Yeah, that's what employers are looking for, a crop of 22-year-olds who cannot even go to a job interview by themselves.
I'm looking for information on the polonium-210 for my blog.
Another contender, Evan Bayh. He's charismatic, too. Jackie, I don't think Sen. Bayh would need any fashion help either.
The past few presidents have been govenors at some time or in the case of Daddy Bush, an administrator. I do not think Bayh (or Obama) would piss off world leaders. The next president needs to work effectively with world leaders (obvious), not be stubborn, and have some sort of administrative experience so he or she can see how all the pieces fit together.
Hi Anya Welcome,
Yep, 129...
Libby(Smurf) thinks he just open up the way the Government works to all the world..
But then again Smurf should be accused of Leaking Secrets instead of Lying and Obstructing...
So is it a surprise that a leaker wants to leak some more ?
Thank you global evildoer fighter.
When is the trial for Libby?
Major Anya,
Go to E-bay..
Where else ? You can buy the stuff!
hee hee hee!
I don't want to buy it.
Major Anya,
Er..sorry just using humor there..
Its my way.. :)
Zdrasvuitsya Tvarisha Amasova,
Actually, Wikipedia has a very good entry on polonium.
Nice hat!
GEF and I were thinking of the same thing, at the same time.
I'm going to run and hide now!
global evildoer fighter I didn't know your sense of humor. Sorry I didn't laugh.
Night Owl,
I get that a lot!!
Some tell me to get out of their heads...
But that's just talk!
Thank you night owl for that very good information.
Major Anya,
That's ok, it grows on ya! :)
global evildoer fighter I'll be looking for a mushroom soon. haha
Blackwater doesn't have a good reputation in most folks' minds.
Uh oh...did a shoe drop? Cambone just resigned and its Friday so you know what that usually means...
Great Hidden Map of the Cabal
Kittybowtie, come with me to thee Casbah....
Stephen Cambone, the U.S. Defense Department's top intelligence official and a close aide to outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, will resign on December 31, the Pentagon said on Friday.
Mark Ames is on it in his usual style. One of his better lately...
"This sort of line on Litvinenko-the-martyr was splattered all over the Western media: "fierce critic of Putin's regime," "Kremlin's most outspoken enemy," etc. Like most of what you've heard about this story in the mainstream media, this is complete bullshit."
Errr. Not ames but still good a read.
t why is he resigning?
SARASOTA—After the second day of the state’s audit of Sarasota County voting machines apparently failed to yield useful information, People For the American Way Foundation’s Florida Legal Counsel, Reggie Mitchell, issued the following statement:
“Another day of auditing, and we still don’t know anything more than when we started. No surprise there. This audit was doomed from the start. The election officials overseeing the audit have a vested interest in its outcome. They looked at only five of the 1,500 machines used on Election Day. And even with these limitations, the testers still can't seem to get it right. What could we possibly learn from this exercise in futility?
If some fat cat pulling the strings actually went to jail and paid a hefty fine, this might just stop.
He resigned after being caught with an underage проститутка.
Thank you night owl for the compliment on my hat.
Cambone, why not?
An explosive CBS News report on September 4, 2002 fully exposed the existence of Cambone’s September 11 notes and explained their contents—including the “go massive” and “things related and not” references to war against Iraq.
Lots of hidden links.
Oh look an old interview with cambone via google
Great Hidden Map of the Cabal
That map is funny but pretty close to the truth! LOL
So, Cambone is leaving! GREAT!! :)
hi everybody.
This has some great timeline of media happenings concerning iraq and the case for invasion.
GEF and anthony still deluded, lol. up the republic.
Pelosi chooses Reyes???
The newspaper reported that two companies — Chugach Development Corp. and
International Microwave Corp., which was purchased in 2002 by L-3
Communications Holdings Inc. — were allowed to cut corners in providing the
sensors and cameras to the U.S. Border Patrol.
The newspaper also reported that investigators want to learn more about the
role of *Rebecca Reyes*, 33, in managing the $239 million project, known as
the Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System (ISIS). Reyes is the
daughter of Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso. She was hired by Chugach and
International Microwave, and is currently a vice president with L-3
Communications. She works in the company's Washington, D.C., area office.
flight 93 destination? camp david or sears tower?
are you the same anon that was here last night?
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pepe no no kittybow
Rummy's henchmen at the Pentagon bails out.
Good night! Biloxi out!
My only question is WHAT or WHO is NEXT?
You hit the jackpot (well, the author did) if the author is correct about two things: 1. If Litvninenko was really not good in English and those accusations were in English, and typed. 2. If that guy was really in the Ministry of Interior. Geez! Ministry of Interior troops are about the equivalent of a shopping mall guard in the U.S.--they may have a gun but no one in their right mind would want them to try to use it. Think Gary Coleman as a mall guard, just in case there are any real shopping mall security guards reading this who feel insulted. I have no way of determing if #1 and #2 have any truth to them or not.
Politkovskaya's last story was really nothing new; I looked at it expecting something big. I could not finish reading her book (published in 2004?) because it made me sick to my stomach. But everybody already knew this: "Her last article for the Novaya Gazeta, published after her death, supposedly implicated Chechnya's Russian-installed leader Ramzan Kadyrov in kidnappings and tortures . . ." It was not sensational at all, not like her 2004 book. The stories in the parallel with information collected by Human Rights Watch. Her death was not really noticed by the Western media. It was reported but then there was some other story that got popular in the Western media right after that (I forgot what that was, probably something to do with Paris Hilton.)
She was an easy target. That was just too strange to be on Putin's birthday. It took him a while to respond--he was probably checking his people to see if any of them did it. No one would have suspected Berezovsky. Kadryov's people are suspected, as well as Putin's, and Putin's people acting without orders are also suspected.
I know Putin wants to restrengthen the FSB. But how can two assassinations restrengthen the FSB if everybody finger points to the FSB? But, there is an element of loyalty to the Motherland, and the ideas of killing him out of revenge and/or teaching other defectors a lesson probably should stay on the table. Berezovsky has tons of motive to discredit Putin (that would be hundreds of millions in motive). He was making unimaginable amounts of money before Putin's election and the gravy train ended.
One thing the author does not emphasize enough--if someone wanted to kill Litvninenko for revenge or send a message to other exiles, then it should have been fast. Doctors would have been less likely to figure it out if it was a fast death. It took a long time for him to die. I think I wrote something the other day saying that maybe something did not go as planned because he died slowly, unless someone was trying to discredit Putin.
Something else to emphasize in questioning, if Litvninenko suspected Putin, then why wait until he is already dead to accuse him of something? Nothing stopped Litvninenko from criticizing Putin earlier.
That was a great article.
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Pepe has made many mistakes before. Cest la vie. Let this not stop us mon cheri.
Балшой Спасиба
I did not know blogger could handle Cyrillic. I could have been irritating people more effectively. >;-)
hi, everybody. peace and love. We can't say that often enough.
One more for CJT, the Chechnya list (mostly Europeans and I'm sure, monitored by the FSB) ran Limonov's piece out of the Exile, but skipped Pankratov's.
Interesting choice.
Limonov cannot think objectively-- too many bad experiences with the Russian system for political prisoners.
I heard another Bush team member bailed out with the same old excuse " leaving to spend time with family". Now he's looking for a job so much for the family excuse. These guys have to come up with something else.
The spy case is taking on more twist and turns even James Bond would be jealous.
Nice to hear that Judge Walton was a Johnnie Carson fan. Libby is alone now as the Gerbil is really gone mad and Cheney shuts animals and labels them the people he really wants to shoot.
Welcome to all the new bloggers you'll really enjoy this web site.
Nightowl here's Ames on Politkovskaya. I'm no where near the Russophile you are but my gut feelings on both murders were mob related, still, like you said earlier, one can't take Putin entirely of the table but it goes against logic mostly here. He really clobbers the US MSM in this one!
"What exactly was Anna Politkovskaya's bullet-riddled corpse worth to the West? No surprise here: A juicy opportunity to demonize Putin and Russia.
Immediately after her murder, Reuters showed how her death was going to be spun with the headline, "Outspoken Putin Critic Shot Dead In Moscow." The implication was obvious: Putin ordered it.
Litvinenko: Case closed
Frank Flynn – The Irish Bulletin Blogspot November 30, 2006
On a day in which the Alexander Litvinenko scandal hit Ireland with the convenient - but likely unrelated - "poisoning" of former Russian Prime Minister, Yegor Gaider on these shores, authoritative sources close, and exclusive, to this blog have learned of the definitive solution to the Litvinenko "mystery".
It seems that days before the poisoning of the former KGB agent hit the headlines, Russia and the government of the United Kingdom (I stress the government, not any particular person within that structure) were preparing to sign an extradition treaty guaranteeing mutual co-operation in transferring criminal elements from one country to the other, as the need arises.
Of course, top of that extradition list would be one Mr. Boris Berezovsky, who is wanted by the Russian authorities for a variety of crimes. Facing the dock for looting Russia of billions - ostensibly for the benefit of his "motherland" of Israel - it's clear that the former oligarch, a close friend of Blair, Bush and co., needed a distraction - and quickly. The Russians were fully aware of this from the beginning, thus explaining their calm, collected approach to the contrived "East-West crisis".
Draw your own conclusions, but Berezovsky's role in this whole affair has been eagerly downplayed by corrupt elements within British media and political circles, all in a bid to launch egregious attacks against President Vladimir Putin, who has consistently sought to curb bids for a neo-con world hegemony.
For Berezovsky, however, and his "friends in high places", it appears that the game is well and truly up.
Sue the Bastards!! Take the E-Voting Machine Manufacturers and Secs of State To Court
by Rob Kall
Muchas Gracias para informacion de
Litvinenko: Case closed
Frank Flynn – The Irish Bulletin Blogspot November 30, 2006
Estados Unitos a Israel !!
Y muchas informacion de "Conspiracy to Defraud the United States."
Dammit I've been up all night trying to find a way to blame the Jews for that too. You beat me to it!
Good Morning All,
Fitz I hope you are getting some rest while pouring over Judy's phone records;-)
What is this? Anyone? see below
Accordingly therefore, Mr. Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the United States (federal government) appearing ex rel. Paul Andrew Mitchell, Private Attorney General, hereby makes its formal DEMAND that you convey our previously lodged VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, ON INFORMATION, formally charging Messrs. George W. Bush, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Cheney and Does 1 thru 100 with multiple felony federal offenses, to a lawfully convened federal grand jury forthwith.
I am not familiar with this sort of thing, maybe SPB or someone can explain later.
Nightowl said ...then why wait until he is already dead to accuse him of something?
That's what doesn't make sense to me! Why have a friend read/give to Scotland Yard afterward? Would another state set Putin up? hmm
Have a great Saturday, I'm off to the Guard holiday party this afternoon. Going as a room mother answering to no chain-of-command, HA
Wow, t. Where did you find that?
The Iraqi government is in danger of being brought down by the wholesale smuggling of the nation's oil and other forms of corruption that together represent a "second insurgency", according to a senior US official. Stuart Bowen, who has been in charge of auditing Iraq's faltering reconstruction since 2004, said corruption had reached such levels that it threatened the survival of the state.
"There is a huge smuggling problem. It is the No 1 issue," Mr Bowen told the Guardian. The pipelines that are meant to take the oil north have been blown up, so the only way to export it is by road. "That leaves it vulnerable to smuggling," he said, as truckers sell their cargoes on the black market.....
Surprise, the U.S. is involved. The Iraqis deserve better, Americans deserve better, the world deserves better.
Post-war Contractors Ranked by Total Government Earnings
All federal contracts from 1990 through fiscal year 2002
Add 4 years to those earnings, wow indeed.
rufus rumquart said...
Dammit I've been up all night trying to find a way to blame the Jews for that too. You beat me to it!
7:30 AM
Oh shit! My dirty little secret is out!
Better not to have pointed the finger of suspicion at an immensely wealthy oligarch who made himself rich by buying publicly-owned Russian corporations at a snip, would have benefited by anything damaging to UK/Russia’s relationship (coming extradition treaty now down the drain?), and who happens also to be Jewish.
Because sooner or later some bright spark will work out that I’m anti-semitic!
Does Lyndon LaRouche have branch organizations in the UK? Just curious.
Acclaimed screen star DUSTIN HOFFMAN has slammed US President GEORGE W BUSH for manipulating the 9/11 terrorist attacks to facilitate the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
The RAIN MAN actor now feels "self-conscious" about being American because he can understand why the nation has become a focus for resentment around the world.
He says, "I think that the administration manipulated the grief of 9/11. They did it then and they do it now.
"Everybody knows why they wanted to go into Iraq and it had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction.
He should take a look at who gained the most, it is clear who is losing the most.
sir rufus rumquart said...
Does Lyndon LaRouche have branch organizations in the UK? Just curious.
Couldn't tell you, old boy.
Who is Lyndon Larouche anyway? Sounds like a management consultancy or accountancy firm to me.
9:23 am -- What is up with this Lyndon LaRouche crap? I had to look his name up. Why was he held as a prisoner anyway?
Cults are evil in any regard, brainwashing is horrid in every way. Did this guy speak a bit about the truth that makes people nervous or something? One doesn't have to be anti-Semitic to ask questions about Israel's leadership or their policies. I find it odd that people are suppose to accept as a fact all these years (after blindly believing for years and years) everything about the state of Israel. But yet, things such as the Kennedy's deaths, MLK, 9/11, OKC, and various other events...oh no, we cannot be told. How about the brainwashing of American citizens and the abuse of them? How about the Nazis brought in this country and allowed to run amok in the universities and hospitals?
Perhaps you don't get it, Americans are searching for the truth. Frankly, it makes me wonder what are you trying to hide? We have been stolen from, lied to, manipulated, brainwashed and frankly our eyes are open finally. We would like to think for ourselves, if it takes reading everything we can get our hands on--so be it. Maybe that great propaganda machine with all the taxpayers' money funding it should just stop. Now, who are you trying to control?
What is interesting, t, when I’m not sparing with rufus, is the “previously lodged VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, ON INFORMATION, formally charging Messrs. George W. Bush, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Cheney and Does 1 thru 100 with multiple felony federal offenses”.
Just follow the link as it appears in text VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, ON INFORMATION
In the meantime, I’ll create a digest of the counts against these criminal psychopaths which I’ll post on this blogsite shortly.
George W. Bush with:
COUNT ONE: 18 U.S.C. 1958
use of interstate commerce facilities
in the commission of murder-for-hire
(multiple violations as a principal)
commission of multiple federal felonies by traveling in and causing others to travel in interstate and foreign commerce, and using and causing others to use the mail and other facilities in interstate and foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of the United States, New York State, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as consideration for the receipt of, and/or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay, anything of value, and conspiring to do all of the above, in connection with the deaths of at least 2,000 civilians, 343 personnel of the New York City Fire Department, 37 personnel of the New York Port Authority, and 23 personnel of the New York City Police Department before, during, and after the events of September 11, 2001, in violation of the federal criminal statute and RICO predicate act at 18 U.S.C. 1958 -- one count per enumerated death;
LaRourche was jailed for tax fraud and imbezzlement of his cults members credit cards among other crimes.
His cult leadership uses extremely damaging and extensive brainwashing techniques to control the minds and lives of the members. Every paranoiac design of his has it's roots in Israel's suppossed total domination of the US government.
He is the preeminent neo facist in the US still today that believes he should reign as a benign dicatator that will meld industry/business with the government (himself).
His first great action will be to imprison all the "rich jews" in concentration camps.
His members are notorious lately for flooding political blogs with none stop propaganda just as this was recently done here by the now anonymous Roger Rancourt.
I jest with you Anthony, I don't truly call you an anti-semite but do so to Roger and his ilk.
thanks for that rufus.
As I Bible-believing Christian (no, not the right-wing pulpit goon type), I have, for most of my life, supported the right for Jews to live in their ancient homeland, although I do not support everything the Israeli government does.
I did in fact look up Lyndon Larourch on Wikipedia to inform myself as to who he is.
However misguided he may have been, the Israeli lobby is very powerful in the US and I believe that some of the neocons have dual citizenship.
For Bush to call N. Korea, Iraq and Iran the axis of evil really does take the biscuit.
The same could be said of Washington, London and Tel Aviv.
BTW, I'm not really a member of the British peerage.
Relator hereby formally charges:
George W. Bush with:
COUNT ONE: 18 U.S.C. 1958
use of interstate commerce facilities
in the commission of murder-for-hire
(multiple violations as a principal)
commission of multiple federal felonies by traveling in and causing others to travel in interstate and foreign commerce, and using and causing others to use the mail and other facilities in interstate and foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of the United States, New York State, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as consideration for the receipt of, and/or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay, anything of value, and conspiring to do all of the above, in connection with the deaths of at least 2,000 civilians, 343 personnel of the New York City Fire Department, 37 personnel of the New York Port Authority, and 23 personnel of the New York City Police Department before, during, and after the events of September 11, 2001, in violation of the federal criminal statute and RICO predicate act at 18 U.S.C. 1958 -- one count per enumerated death;
18 U.S.C. 1962
racketeering and conspiring to engage
in a pattern of racketeering activities
(multiple violations as a principal)
commission of multiple federal felonies by directly and indirectly acquiring and maintaining an interest in and control of an enterprise which is engaged in, and the activities of which affect, interstate commerce through a pattern of racketeering activities; also associating with an enterprise engaged in a pattern of racketeering activities which affect interstate commerce, and directly and indirectly conducting and participating in the conduct of such enterprise's affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity; and, conspiring to engage in a pattern of racketeering activities, all in connection with the deaths of at least 2,000 civilians, 343 personnel of the New York City Fire Department, 37 personnel of the New York Port Authority, and 23 personnel of the New York City Police Department before, during, and after the events of September 11, 2001, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1962(b), (c) and (d) -- one count per enumerated death;
Actually Anthony it was Kathleen that set me off on anti-semitism. Not to say that she is either in entirety but I expected this polonium mystery to be eventually pointed in that direction here.
The lobbyists in the interests of Israel of course hold much sway here as there is very large Jewish population in States and some powerful money does accompany the same.
I just tend to tire of all "jews this and the jews that" raising it's ugly head here in our New Fatherland.
Also I am quite aware of the Mossad agents arrest immediately after 911. I could easily accept that they knew it was to occur by means of intelligence.
Things are starting to make a lot more sense.
Berezovsky had to have known about the extradition agreement going through, since whether or not he goes to jail hinges on it. I doubt I need to mention that Russian jails are unpleasant. Even the restrooms in the Hermitage Museum are unpleasant. He would not last in a Russian jail. Either the jailers would kill him or his cellmates and the guards would look the other way. Plus, he is used to living in a very nice lifestyle. They don't have 'Armani suits' in Russian prisons.
The usual poker-faced Putin looked uncomfortable about Politkovskaya's murder which was done just like a trademark Russian mafia style hit (the weapon was purposely left at the scene), probably with the timing of his birthday. For the West, it seemed like people pretty much ignored Politkovskaya's work. Had they paid more attention, then she would have been worth more to the West alive than dead. Thinking that some Western government wants to discredit Putin seems like a really big stretch, especially after they gave him the green light to join the World Trade Organization. Had the West wanted to block that or make Putin look stupid, then they could have used human rights violations in Chechnya as criticism and not let him join the big boy's WTO club, and I do not recall that happening. Putin got the green light for joining the WTO even after Putin snubbed Western oil companies temporarily after W. Bush's stupid quote about how Russia should have an Iraqi-styled democracy at/before the G-8 meeting. Plus, Putin is giving the Iranians some really big equipment. If the next plan by the West is to go after Iran, then a non-discredited Putin is better to the West for that.
Kadryov in Chechnya also had motive for Politkovskaya's murder. He is unpleasant, he wants a promotion from Moscow, and her report was going to make him look worse than he already did. He also bought some fancy car on Putin's birthday in celebration of the day. Politkovskaya's murder also kind of looked like a birthday 'present' for Putin. I'm sure he does not miss her, although I doubt he liked her murder on his birthday, some other day, maybe.
So, I'm scratching off the West discrediting Putin and leaving Kadryov on the table for having lots of motive for Politkovskaya (she was irritating to him, he wants to kiss ass to Putin, and she was about to make him look worse), and I'll put Putin's people acting on revenge without orders on a chair next to that table for motive. Oh, and Berezovsky can be on the table for hiring that hit, too. It is still possible that it was done to make Putin look bad and because there was not enough press about it, then perhaps Litvninenko was next. What better way to get lots more attention than have such a sensational story? Key ingredients, the ex-spy spin(shopping mall guard) and radiation. Berezovsky would have enough money to hire that out, too.
It does not seem like anyone in the media is considering that Politkovskaya and Litvninenko could be unrelated. The fact that Mario the Italian received e-mail (From whom?? No one has said, geez, e-mail is so traceable.) with information on Politkovskaya and a hit list with Litvninenko's name on it, hey, that's just good BAIT. BAIT cannot get any better than that, plus it also orchestrates people automatically connecting what happens next with Putin.
Gaidar (if he was indeed poisoned) cannot be a FSB hit. Why? Because he is still alive! Politkovskaya and Litvninenko can be expendable but killing an ex-prime minister is way too risky, even if he is such a has-been. Gaidar was ineffective as a prime minister and he did not have power long enough to make a big list of enemies. He is not in Putin's way at all but he can still get invites by Western countries for meetings, speaking engagements, etc. I cannot see any motive that Putin would have to make Gaidar sick. Gaidar's buddy Chubais is a total has-been, too.
OK, on Berezovsky for Litvninenko, he no longer had any value for the rich dude. Litvninenko claiming there was a hit on Berezovsky years ago did not work and only got Litvninenko in trouble. Litvninenko's book on tagging the Moscow apartment bombings on the FSB is only popular with conspiracy theory people and did not get enough attention (until now, after his death). Not even the pro-Chechnya independence people consider that story credible enough. No matter who killed Politkovskaya, it did not get enough media attention to discredit Putin (until now, after Litvninenko's death). With the West now screaming about Putin, Berezovsky's previously inevitable extradition to Russia certainly seems postponed.
Hmm, it is seeming as though Litvninenko is worth more to Berezovsky dead than alive. Berezovsky had motive and complete opportunity to know Litvninenko's whereabouts. And, as I mentioned earlier, Putin made Berezovsky's gravy train derail. I am not sure how much more money Berezovsky would have without Putin, probably somewhere between hundreds of millions and a couple of billion.
Lastly, whoopedo about 60 or so FSB agents in the U.K. Everybody spies on everybody else, even allies. There are probably that many Brits spying on the U.S. and probably more U.S. spies in the U.K. spying on them.
I could easily accept that they knew it was to occur by means of intelligence.
Mee too, but dressed as arabs cheering in the streets, filming from the rooftops and bridges....
I don't go to ball games and cheer when the other team scores..
How many Jewish or people from Israel died in the towers?
Were they warned not to go to work? Why the comments about the towers destruction and loss of many citizens from so many nations was good for Israel? Who was the cabal in the Pentagon pushing for war?
Why were the intelligence doing lurking around in this country anyway? In moving vans? In other parts of the country?
P.S. Whoopedo on Berezovsky giving chump change in Israel. Money is relative, Berezovksy giving that money is roughly the equivalent to the money I have dropped in my car during transactions picking up fast food and never bothered to retrieve. Berezovsky throws some petty cash there, just because he thinks he can atone for the sins he knows he committed, plus it makes him look better. That's it. There is no Jewish agenda with that at all, just him sucking up to others. A high profile criminal like him needs to do things that suck up to world leaders once in a while, and by whining about Putin being mean to him, Berezovsky looks less like a criminal.
Well, is he or isn't he?
Some loose ends still need tying, night owl. Such as, why the change in the story concerning Mario the Italian.
First he is.
Italian in Russian spy case not contaminated
29 Nov 2006 11:54:17 GMT
Source: Reuters
ROME, Nov 29 (Reuters) - An Italian contact of Alexander Litvinenko, the former Russian spy who died of radiation poisoning in Britain on Thursday, has not been contaminated by the deadly Polonium 210, his lawyer said on Wednesday.
Then he is.
Scaramella tests positive for polonium, United Kingdom - Dec 1, 2006
Mario Scaramella, the Italian academic who met the poisoned ex-KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko on the day he fell ill, has tested positive for polonium 210 ...
Spy's wife said to test positive for polonium-210; mystery deepens USA Today
Sounds to me as if there's a bit of hanky-panky going on in the reporting of all this.
Dov Zakheim and the 9/11 Conspiracy
By 'Shadow' and 'Pax' - Conspiracynewsnet
In a document called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" published by The American Enterprise's "Project for a New American Century"(1), System Planning Corporation (SPC) International executive, Dov Zakheim, called for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" being necessary to foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the Middle East that would politically and culturally reshape the region. A respected and established voice in the intelligence community, his views were eagerly accepted, and Dov went from his position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. (2) Perhaps not so coincidentally, it was an SPC subsidiary, TRIDATA CORPORATION, that oversaw the investigation after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.
Electronically Hijacking the WTC Attack Aircraft
By Joe Vialls, October 2001
On Sept. 10 2001, just 24 hours before the WTC attack, The Washington Times ran an article quoting intelligence sources who described Israel’s Mossad as “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.” Moreover, they said, it was generally known in the intelligence community that the Mossad had penetrated every Muslim organization and would have little problem in finding any number of fanatics to carry out a suicide mission in the belief they were serving Allah. Ed.
The German Intelligence Report
This report was sent by a German source in January of 2002 to a number of interested individuals.
Initially, it was very loudly rejected by fringe groups, unhappy, doubtlessly, that they had not been on the list of recipients. Unfortunately, counter-government web sources have the tendency to screech with rage if another source scoops them.
We subsequently sent a copy of this to the German Embassy in Washington for comment. The reply they gave after their receipt of the attached document is that the papers had been sent on to Germany for comment on their authenticity.
After a reasonable lapse of time, we again contacted the Embassy and at that point were advised that “the German authorities would neither confirm nor deny the authenticity nor the authorship of” the document.
In view of this response, we present this for the comments of readers. The original document has been scanned and follows the translation. WS
Comment on Physics 9/11
The following document was published in June of 2002. If genuine, it must rank as one of the most remarkable documents in history. It purports to be a top-secret report from the German external intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) prepared with assistance from an internal German intelligence agency, the BfV. Among the most important claims it makes are the following: German intelligence detected plans for an attack by Arab extremists on the United States, to take place on September 10 or 11, 2001. Israel was aware of the plans and wished the attack to take place without hindrance. The German ambassador informed the President of the US of the impending attacks. He thanked the ambassador and said that he already knew. Subsequently, his administration urgently requested the suppression of information on this warning. The report elaborates that among the various reasons for the attack being encouraged by the US administration was a desire to have a pretext to attack Afghanistan to secure a pipeline route for western oil companies to export oil from the Caspian basin. Despite angry denunciations of the authenticity of the report from various quarters, the German government has to the best of our knowledge not issued a denial of its authenticity. Even if it were to do so, the alleged urgent request for secrecy could provide grounds for such a denial. No other effective refutation of the accuracy of the report has been seen by the editors of this website. Consequently, it is presented for what it is worth as a possibly genuine document of immense historical significance.
Original Document including German and English Translation
Original German Document Scan PDF
Oh my. I have never seen this before, but that matches.
Whoever has this site must know something because it seems they have a lot of information that the rest of us damn sure don't.
Zakheim_surplus.htm has a free download video of General Ben Partin giving a presentation before a ministry show. Long but chock full of pics of the destruction funny biz.
The URL is too long to post go to their video section and look for Partin under the heading Globalism the Program.
Brig. General Ben Partin (weapons developer and engineer - he started college at age 16), goes over the OK City bombing and how it is impossible for a fertilizer bomb to do that much damage to that building. He is convinced there were bombs inside the building or some other form of explosive used; science and seismographs support this. He also has aerial pictures of a Ryder truck at a military base with a temporary walls surrounding the Ryder truck and all the equipment needed to make a fertilizer bomb. The picture was taken just prior to the attack, another picture taken later shows a vacant lot.
Interesting to hear Strassmeirs name again, Wonder if he is connected to Mohamed Attas friend Wolfgang Bohringer???
Google Wolfgang Bohringer Alert
My Pet Goat & Anthony
Your posts are very interesting indeed.
Thanks for sharing that filing by Paul Mitchell, prviate attorney out in California. That filing has to do with the Wilson's civil case not the criminal case against the smurf. But, remember, the Wilsons' are using Fitz's filings, findings, and Fitz's press conference from the leak case and as precedent for their civil lawsuit. Now, what Mitchell is saying that Libby hasn't been tried or convict of his charges. So, therefore there shouldn't a lawsuit on Libby when Libby is still presumed innocent of his charges.
Libby is simply trying to get out the civil case. The charges of the civil case is different from the charges of the criminal case of Libby. In the criminal case, Libby is charged 5 counts: lying to the investigators, obstruction of justice, and making false statement. Libby is not charged as the leaker. In the civil case, Libby, Rove, and Cheney are charged in the civil case as conspiring a plot to discredit and seek revenge against Joe Wilson for speaking the truth behind his finding in Niger, and ruining Valerie Wilson's career and exposing her employment. Libby is simplying digging himself out of the civil case because the civil case goes to court in February 2007.
In the O.J. Simpson case, when Simpson was found not guilty for his crimes, the Goldmans and the Browns immediately sued Simpson after the criminal trial. Simpson wasn't guilty in criminal but guily in the civil. Also, in the Robert Blake case, when he was found not guilty, the family of Bonnie Lee Bakeley sued Mr. Blake. Blake was found not guilty for criminal but found guilty in the civil. In other words, both criminal cases were used as precedent in the civil case. But, in Libby's case, his charges in both criminal and civil are different.. Sorry, Libby, you lose on this one...
American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a major American insurance corporation based in New York City. It is the fourth-largest company in the world according to the 2006 Forbes Global 2000 list. The company became a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average on April 8, 2004. [1]
What's a little mass murder when there is money to made? Evil-doers.
Anthony--"Sounds to me as if there's a bit of hanky-panky going on in the reporting of all this."
You bet. I have no way to know exactly yet who hired whom to deliver the polonium-210. Until the investigation is completed and evidence collected, then everything is all just theorectical speculation. It always requires patience. At the same time, however, from having the personal experience of visiting two different vampires at two different doctor's offices to get stuck twice because someone botched the first routine blood test, testing negative and later testing positive could mean absolutely nothing. I cannot imagine that medical labs have all that much experience testing for polonium-210 anyway.
Someone was trying to pin doing the poisoning on Mario, too, from that story that he only drank water and looked nervous. Geez, if he took that e-mail seriously that his own name was on a hit list, then he had every reason to be nervous. In regards to just drinking water, there might be evidence whether or not that was true from the restaurant receipts. And, just like accusing Putin, if Lit. really thought Mario was a suspect, why wait so long to hurl that suspicion? It would have been a lot more helpful to know what was in the poison sooner.
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