Jack Abramoff - This Is Your Life...

Several hundred friends, relatives and those touched by Jack rose to the occasion to ask the judge for leniency in his sentencing today, including his longtime friend Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) who wrote to - "Over many years, I've known a far different Jack than the profit-seeking megalomaniac portrayed in the press. Jack was a selfless patriot for most of the time I knew him."
Maybe we have Jack all wrong? Wait there's more!
"Friend Monty Warner wrote that Abramoff's glitzy capital restaurant, Signatures, wasn't just for wining and dining lawmakers or hosting political fundraisers. It also was a place where Abramoff gave free meals and advice to friends down on their luck. 'Jack was the kind of person who would offer his guest a glass of water if a server wasn't around to do so,' Mr. Warner said, noting that Abramoff always picked up the check as he counseled friends on financial, marital or career problems."
At this point, if your keyboard is still functioning in spite of all your tears you can read on here.
Now I am feeling kind of bad that more people didn't write letters to the judge...what would you write?
FYI, the sentencing hearing will begin at 1:00 pm ET today.
FYI, the sentencing hearing will begin at 1:00 pm ET today.
UPDATE: Our letters and prayers worked! Abramoff Sentenced to Nearly 6 Years in Prison in Fraud Case - NY Times - NOTE: This is only for the Miami fraud charges. The Graft in DC charges and sentencing are DEVELOPING...
Dear Judge:
I am an ordinary American citizen with no ties to Abramoff.
P.S. Judge:
Judges used to hang horse thieves for stealing old, broken down horses.
Dear Judge,
Please allow Jack to serve water for free in prison.
Most sincerely,
Dear Judge:
Do not be swayed by these letters of support from the friends of Jack Abramoff. He showed no shame in bilking millions of dollars from innocent Indian tribes and others. The only real shame that he shows is that he produced a pathetic movie in the 80's called "Red Scorpion".
(The last part about Red Scorpion courtesy of Raw Story)
Mr. Fitzgerald, I am just a disabled former server (waitress) and that was the first thing that caught my eye--how noble of Jack to serve water!
Reminded me of my former boss, friend of a certain Senator in Kansas.
May all the ones on the receiving end of Jack's favors be served water in prison soon.
What did he get in return for serving that water?
Dear Judge
Will he be testing the water for cocaine...and will this be the job for all who follow him to jail?
Beautiful. Terrific.
Perhaps 100 years total once you're done w/all of the charges?
What would I write to the judge?
First, are these "letters of leniency" public?
We should know all whom are his
"loyal friends" ... wrap that up in another present, with a huge, fat, ginormous bow, to the Grand Jury. What absolute drivel, these judges get snarled up in.
Dear Judge:
Please hang him high by his toenails.
if not:
please make Abramoff serve on the front lines in Iraq w/the insufficient gear all those men and women have to use, make sure if he rides in a tank he's the one holding the bag, eh?
When he's done that for the next 5 to 7 years, then he may come back to prison and scrub the floors, toilets - no pay.
Serve water... some how I think pretty boy will be quite served up.
Dear Judge:
I would like a raise from 3 cents to 10 cents in 6 months for making license plates. I have a lifestyle that I am accustomed to. And can the C.O. let me know when Kmart has a sale on tuna?
P.S. When do I get conjugal visits? And can I get cable in my cell?
Did hear about his sentence. That's good news. Looking forward to the Hammer getting nailed!
Dear Judge
Jack should do the max for the crimes he committed. Remember the victims when you sentence him.
Dear Judge,
Let Jack Abramoff serve cold wine on all fours for his best friend Tommy Delay. I'm sure they will all get along just fine with all that graft!
And please Jack, bring Ney, Dana Rohrbacker, Steny Hoyer and your other best friends to the same prison.
It was the hamster rescuer reference that caused my facial tissue stock to rise tee-hee.
Dear Judge:
Make sure you let Jack tell everything he knows and then decide how much time he deserves. The more he can help clean up Congress the less time he should serve but not less then the minimum sentence. Mostly, let's make sure his old friends and cronies join him in his new accomadations.
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