Crossing I's And Dotting T's...
Court Gonna Busta Move Against White House
WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. magistrate indicated Wednesday that a federal court may order the Bush administration to preserve copies of all White House e-mails, a move that a government lawyer argued strongly against.
U.S. Magistrate John M. Facciola asked Justice Department attorneys and a private group for suggested wording on a proposed court order in a lawsuit stemming from problems with the White House e-mail system.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington sued the Executive Office of the President last month, demanding that any e-mails lost from White House computer servers be restored from computer backup tapes.
In the weeks since the group filed its lawsuit, the private organization says it has been unable to get assurances from the government that all White House backup tapes containing copies of e-mails will be preserved. The group, known by the acronym CREW, also says it has been unable to get assurances that the White House is using the backup tapes only once.
Facciola made clear that he is concerned.
Can the government provide assurances that the White House backup tapes of its e-mails have not been "obliterated and recycled?" asked Facciola.
CREW is trying to make sure the e-mail copies are being preserved so that the lawsuit "does not become an academic exercise," said Facciola.
"The Office of Administration is not recycling backup tapes," Justice Department attorney Helen Hong told the judge.
In response, CREW attorney Anne Weismann said the group is concerned about past practices by the Executive Office of the President and private contractors who might have handled backup tapes.
"I don't know how the White House defendants could have been made it more clear," Hong said. She said the administration's position is that there is no need for a court order. She offered to have the administration provide a sworn declaration of what it is preserving.
Facciola adjourned court for 20 minutes, asking the two sides to try to work out wording on an agreement of what has been preserved. After the attorneys said they were at an impasse, Facciola suggested the requirements for a court order had been met.
The Federal Records Act and the President Records Act require that all White House e-mail be preserved.
The lawsuit by CREW last month is similar to one filed earlier by the National Security Archive, a private group advocating public disclosure of government secrets.
The first indication of a problem with the White House e-mail system came nearly two years ago when special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald raised the possibility that records sought in the CIA leak investigation involving the outing of Valerie Plame could be missing because of an e-mail archiving problem.
The issue arose again early this year amid the controversy over the firing of U.S. attorneys. Aides to Bush improperly used Republican Party-sponsored e-mail accounts for official business and an undetermined number of e-mails were lost.
Ultimately, the e-mails will be important years from now to historians delving into the inner workings of the Bush administration.
U.S. Magistrate John M. Facciola asked Justice Department attorneys and a private group for suggested wording on a proposed court order in a lawsuit stemming from problems with the White House e-mail system.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington sued the Executive Office of the President last month, demanding that any e-mails lost from White House computer servers be restored from computer backup tapes.
In the weeks since the group filed its lawsuit, the private organization says it has been unable to get assurances from the government that all White House backup tapes containing copies of e-mails will be preserved. The group, known by the acronym CREW, also says it has been unable to get assurances that the White House is using the backup tapes only once.
Facciola made clear that he is concerned.
Can the government provide assurances that the White House backup tapes of its e-mails have not been "obliterated and recycled?" asked Facciola.
CREW is trying to make sure the e-mail copies are being preserved so that the lawsuit "does not become an academic exercise," said Facciola.
"The Office of Administration is not recycling backup tapes," Justice Department attorney Helen Hong told the judge.
In response, CREW attorney Anne Weismann said the group is concerned about past practices by the Executive Office of the President and private contractors who might have handled backup tapes.
"I don't know how the White House defendants could have been made it more clear," Hong said. She said the administration's position is that there is no need for a court order. She offered to have the administration provide a sworn declaration of what it is preserving.
Facciola adjourned court for 20 minutes, asking the two sides to try to work out wording on an agreement of what has been preserved. After the attorneys said they were at an impasse, Facciola suggested the requirements for a court order had been met.
The Federal Records Act and the President Records Act require that all White House e-mail be preserved.
The lawsuit by CREW last month is similar to one filed earlier by the National Security Archive, a private group advocating public disclosure of government secrets.
The first indication of a problem with the White House e-mail system came nearly two years ago when special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald raised the possibility that records sought in the CIA leak investigation involving the outing of Valerie Plame could be missing because of an e-mail archiving problem.
The issue arose again early this year amid the controversy over the firing of U.S. attorneys. Aides to Bush improperly used Republican Party-sponsored e-mail accounts for official business and an undetermined number of e-mails were lost.
Ultimately, the e-mails will be important years from now to historians delving into the inner workings of the Bush administration.
God bless CREW!
Get those things crossed off the list for sure LOL Go CREW!
From Reporters without Borders. BTW, the United States is ranked 48th in journalistic freedoms-Nicaragua is above us...
17.10 - Paraguay? ya don't say (ranked 90th-so Bushco really did buy the place down there?) two journalists threatened by politicians in pre-election period
Prospective election candidate for the ruling Colorado party, Francisco Alvarenga, today issued a death threat against Carlos Mariano Godoy, a correspondent for the daily ABC Color in Coronel Oviedo, Caaguazú department.
Alvarenga, once nicknamed the “diputado pistolero” (trigger-happy deputy) for having opened fire on someone during a volleyball match, phoned the newspaper to threaten the journalist, who had used his name in articles yesterday about politicians who had a negative image with the public. The prospective candidate to general and departmental elections due in April 2008, said on the phone, “If I wasn’t a potential candidate at the elections, I would have gone to the correspondent’s home to put bullets in him”. He added that, “it was nothing to kill someone”, but he was “curbed” by his position as a prospective candidate and that the journalist would do well “not to put himself in my path”.
Is something about to happen or is this another build up to a let down?
I hope to be surprised this time. Peace and love to all. ;D
Morning Justice Bloggers!
C-Span caller at 6:34 AM asked guest Sen. Sheldon Whitehour of the Senate Judciary Committee:
"I'm not hearing y'all asking Judge Mukasy one question. Do you serve the United States or do you serve the President?"
Whitehouse was mealy-mouthed. Whitehouse was not forthright and did not give his opinion directly.
I wonder if Senator Whitehouse serves King Bush? Whitehouse is a Democrat.
A caller just hammered Whitehouse.
Whitehouse replied: "Glen Fine(sp) is a good man, let him finish his job." Re: Investigating Gonzales.
Celeste Aida
Wiki on Mukasey:
"Tony Fratto, a presidential spokesman affirmed that Mukasey has a close friendship with former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. He also said that Mukasey will recuse himself from any case involving Giuliani. Newspaper reports assumed that Mukasey will further recuse himself from cases involved Bernard Kerik, a former New York City police commissioner under Giuliani. (Kerik is under federal investigation for bribery and other offenses.) Neither Mukasey nor the presidential press secretary returned New York Times reporters' requests for confirmation of potential recusal from the Kerik case"
Morning CJ, CA other JB's;)
Mukasey=more bad news. Untrustworthy and I'm surprised at Whitehouse. Maybe, just maybe is aware of something we aren't supposed to be aware of...thanks for the info CA
Wanted you all to know that Ohioans are working on a constitutional amendment, to go on the ballot. It's called "Protect Ohio" which will state the Ohio Nat Guard reserves cannot be deployed, for any reason, to an overseas or foreign location in the absence of a formal declaration of war. (Hasn't been one since WWII)
Has overwhelming bi-partisan support and other states are adapting for their use. As you may know, Bushco hates the Guard guarding the US and plans to send 8 more brigades out this summer to Iraq and Afghanistan.
I say dump HIM off in Iraq-he still owes the Guard and this nation 8 months of service time, the coward. Sending young men and women off to the same situation he refused to participate in when in was "his turn", what a gutless misleader. He thinks being a bully means he isn't gutless. Serial killers by proxy...
Unrelated, but:,BC-IL--Fitzgerald-Engage.article
Hearts are breaking :(
Congrats to PJF!!!
"The federal prosecutor who spearheaded Washington's CIA leak investigation and the trial of former administration aide I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby is engaged to be married, an aide confirmed today.
Patrick J. Fitzgerald, 46, the U.S. attorney in Chicago since September 2001, plans to marry Jennifer Letzkus, 34, a teacher, spokesman Randall Samborn confirmed."
To my beloved prosecutor and his beloved girlfriend. A Lithuanian girl? Very good people. And a teacher? Very, very nice.
I think it's safe to say, this is for life.
Celeste Aida
La Chaim!
uber-shiksa Julie Andrews sings Yiddish wedding song from Thoroughly Modern Millie
If it's possible to have two feelings simultaneously...yes my heart is breaking but also rejoicing;)
Celeste Aida
If it's possible to have two feelings simultaneously...yes my heart is breaking and my heart also rejoicing, at the possibility of love ;)
Celeste Aida
and don't forget to kill BOB P. BURNS AND ALL HIS FRIENDS.
---Aileen Aranzamendez-Large----by the way, BOB P. BURNS WORKED FOR HOMELAND SECURITY AS A DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL TECH, HE NOW WORKS FOR DARPA. If he or any of his friends cannot arrest me for writing this---what does that tell you about me? I AM NOT CRAZY. I AM ALLOWED TO WRITE THESE THINGS AND WHEN BOB P BURNS IS KIDAPPED, ALONG WITH HIS FRIENDS---that tells you that I am right all along.
So be smart and help me. I keep my promises.
DON'T FORGET MY NAME: AILEEN ARANZAMENDEZ-LARGE ALSO KNOWN AS AILEEN LARGE. if you googled and you read this---then be smart about it--the tech I am talking about is true and I will sue for billions of dollars with the others too.
Blogger Aileen, the Victim of State sponsored Microwave and Mind Control Weapons said...
The monsters are putting air pressure in both my ears. And it is uncomfortable. Please burn the people who are guilty of this in the government of the United States--those with the Nazis or the Chinese and the Russians--who are doing it for profit or ideology. Pleaes burn them to death as soon as you can. Bec. children will be hit by them.
Aileen Aranzamendez-Large 5/4/23 10:02 PM
Make sure that my dog Spike sleeps well tonight like last night and that he does not wake me or my husband in the middle of the night. I need help with blood sugar--it is so high, it's in the 200s. I have not exercised bec. I feel so tired.
Aileen Aranzamendez-Large 6/1/2023 1:11 AM
Torture and tag Islamic men will propose to Christian women to marry them and convert to Islam. Torture and tag them IF they are like J. Cox's first husband, who was Islamic and who married her only for a green card and then got his brother or sister to live with them (from the Middle East) in New York. He then proceeded to sexually touch his niece in front of her. She asked for a divorce. She told me never to trust Islamic men--in the beginning, I thought she was generalizing but she was true.
Torture Islamic men who are like that old man who proposed to me while I was tutorting him in Jersey State College in the early 1980s. He was so persistent. He kept saying that his wife was sick and that he needed me to be his girlfriend bec. he needed someone. It was through tutoring him that I learnt about Nasser, the Egyptian President and Nazi. He was an admirer of Nasser. The article he had to write was about Nasser. Please make sure that these Islamic men can never propose to Chritian women again. Do not let them charm them with money and gifts. PLEASE. ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES. DO NOT ALLOW IT.
Torture men who are like Nabil Sari who married my close friend Malou Pantaleon in the 1980s. I wrote that here already. After she married him, she could not see her family and kill her father and brother bec. she told me that it is forbidden in the Koran. No one would have thought that Nabil Sari believed those things bec. he acted nice outside his home. When we attended her baby shower--her sister and mother were not in attendance. She broke the hearts of the people who loved and raised her by marrying into an Islamic family. She was forbidden to go to the Village bec. there were homosexuals and lesbians there. She was forbidden to do many things. I hope she is miserable. She lied too when it came to money and never paid my mom back. Her mother gave her the money to pay my mom back but she gave it to Nabil (before she married him) . I heard her mother being very angry at her on the phone when I called to ask for the money. With Nabil, she would like without qualms to her parents and friends.
That is just for starters. Let me tell you later about how Nabil's mother hired an investigator to investigate Malou. Who does that mother think her son is? The King of Jersey City?
I'll write more later.
So--from Mexico to Honduras (turn at Honduras?)? Whose flight? ISLAMIC terrorists IT? Russians? AND WITH WHOM? Who are the countries benefitting from it?
Aileen Aranzamendez-Large 6/12/2023 9:19 PM
THEY are giving me a hard time again and repeating the bad things and unnecessary inconveniences. I am trying to pay my AETNA CVS premium and the website for payment does not recognize my account. I also tried paying using the phone, and the same thing happened. Please burn Patrick Fitzgerald and Scooter Libby together. I am very sick at the moment. I had been hacking and hacking for two nights now with cough. Please burn the people who continue to make me a targeted victim, in spite of the fact that I have not committed any crime at all. Please do it tonight. Do you
Aileen Aranzamendez-Large Please make sure theya re burnt to death. Thank you. 9:43 pm ANd please burn the guilty people in the FBI too--there who are in cahoots with these horrific abusers and the people in the US Marshalls too. I know that there are many part of the world that can read what I write here. Please emake sure it happens Bec. this is horrible. The US is horrible to allow this to happen to their own citizens without explanation, in spite of the fact that the CIA was hit in many countries. It will be hit again and I am not saying you where even if the name of the places where they will be hit is told to me. They will also commit suicide by burning themselves to death IF they ARE GUILTY of these ab uses. Please to the same thing to guilty HOMELAND SECURITY WHICH IS BLAMING EVErything ON THE CIA>
Aileen Aranzamendez-Large 9:47 pm Feb. 1, 2025
It's Princeton repeating it again (back and forth) to the whole world. Please confirm if it is true. Then please hit Princeton with the worse fire in the history of the world if that is true. Nakaw din. They are repeating it. Make sure Princeton pays horribly for this, if it is true.
If it's not true, don't.
Aileen Aranzamendez-Large two 9:53 pm Feb. 1, 2025
starting tae blood(red) again and art. Please do everything to burn these technologist and schools to death and seci scientist to death.
Very very bad for business--if you want to look at it from that perspective.
Aileen Aranzamendez-Large 10:21 pm S(I was thinking of Sept all of a sudden). Atomic bombs in Septem ber?
I know how it will be caused and who will attack first I was also told about that in Jan. 2025 You are hopeless. I will not tell you anything anymore. Fuck you Military subcontractors and deon demon worshippers and anti-Christians fuck you/.
Look at this: My premium is only around: $11. and I have paid it already for Jan. but they are charging me-$22.08 here's a copy of it:
Current Plans
Silver 2 Advanced: Aetna Whole Health network + $0 MinuteClinic + $0 CVS Health Virtual Primary Care
Plan Logo: Silver 2 Advanced: Aetna Whole Health network + $0 MinuteClinic + $0 CVS Health Virtual Primary Care
Current Payment Due
Paid Through: January 31, 2025
Due by
February 28, 2025
Status: Delinquent
Effective: 01/01/2025
You have to burn to death these bastards bec they are really bad for business. Also the subcontractors who want one world government though the uses of AI (ue typo) and mind control. YOu have to burn them to death. Burn to death especially those who made me a targeted individual and who made good people targeted victims as soon as possible.
Aileen Aranzamendez-Large url above above 10:30 pm Sep(typo I always put S here Bec. I always think of September all of a sudden once I am at this stage). 10:31 on Feb 1, 2025
Patay ka Jimenez kapag guilty ka.
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