Apr 26, 2006

"Prosecutor Loosens Up..."

was I wound too tight?

WASHINGTON — News flash: The prosecutor in the CIA leak case has given an exclusive interview.

Under a front-page headline that says "Alum Takes On The White House," The Owl of Regis High School in New York City profiled Patrick J. Fitzgerald, class of '78, in a 1,700-word story.

The prosecutor who obtained a grand jury indictment against Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff declared, "My job every day is to do the right thing."

Offering up more about himself than he has to anyone else in the media, Fitzgerald described himself as "a longtime Seinfeld fan." He advised the students at Regis: "As much as you take school seriously, you should not take yourself too seriously."

"Every day is new and every day is interesting," Fitzgerald told The Owl. "I love being a prosecutor; it is a great job, and it is very engaging."

As for the prosecution of I. Lewis Libby and the ongoing criminal investigation, Fitzgerald had nothing to say _ which is a good thing.

A federal judge is unhappy with some contacts with the press by people involved in the Libby case and is considering imposing a gag order on prosecutors and defense attorneys.

Fitzgerald granted the interview to his old high school newspaper on Feb. 13. The story appeared in The Owl on April 5.

Randall Samborn, a spokesman for the prosecutor, said Tuesday he does not know the circumstances that led to the interview.
Alum Takes on the White House: Exclusive with Patrick J. Fitzgerald (April 5) - Patrick Fitzgerald ‘78, a well-respected and diligent federal prosecutor, was appointed by George W. Bush as Special Counsel for the ongoing “CIA Leak Case” of October 30, ... continued
Joseph Santo, class of '06 welcome to the BIG Leagues, kiddo! ;)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll just bet their will be a bust of you in one of the display cases soon..
as the man who saved this great Nation

5:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, geez PJ. I didn't think you could get much cooler, but you have.

Agreeing to the interview in the first place is a very cool move, and then making it such a good interview is a very cool move. Thank you for not talking down to the high-schooler.

(BTW, I love Seinfeld too! Maybe I'm Bizarro PJ?)

6:03 AM  
Blogger airJackie said...

Ok Fitz the press wants dirt nothing else will do just dirt. You are as loose as they come if you any looser I'll have to repair you with glu. I remember reading your report to the school nice. The news, reporters are just looking for that big story not caring about the person. You have so many great qualities and humor thats who Patrick Fitzgerald is. You also have been chosen for an assignment to bring down the evil doers. We like you just as you are. What other Proscutor do you know has the Flygirls watching his/her back?

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a great interview. Very inspiring, especially considering what's to come in the future with this case.
And yes, most of the lawyers I know have a wonderful sense of humor. PJF (and SPB) and staff certainly do. It is heartwarming to see PJF doing "public service" even on his time off.
Those kids will never forget it :-)

8:52 AM  
Blogger SP Biloxi said...

I knew that you would post that one about your interview. I was surfing the internet very late. That is great for your school to interview you. And it was a very good article to read. It kind of brings back memories of my own high school. It is amazing. I was not the popular person in my high school nor the person most likely to succeed and was nominated for Valedictorian (I loss to that). Very ambitious in high school. And years back, I went to my high school reunion a long time ago and didn't recognize any my high school classmates. And many had really changed for good or bad. But, it is amazing to look back at the decisions and dreams that you make as high school kid. Some people went after their dreams and some let their dreams die. When I said that I didn't recogize alot of classmates, that is because I have changed and grown into a better and strong human being. It would be very interesting interview from my high school of myself.... Fitz, there will be more interviews to come for you after this case is over. Thank goodness that you haven't forgotten who you are and where you came from. Many people in this world have... You have taught all us on this blog what we can be....

9:31 AM  
Blogger SP Biloxi said...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Folks!

Happy Wednesday!

I thought I jump on the blog. This is a very busy day for me. I will back on the blog very late today. I am sure Fitz will pass along some more news today... Got to run... See you later....

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No; not wound too tight.

Smart. Very very smart, that's what it is and the slimey media
can't stand it; the Oval/WHIGs would love to see you make a misstep.

You and your team are too brilliant and many steps ahead of those insidious clowns.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


brain fingerprinting

10:46 AM  
Blogger KitNeill said...

Jackie has it right, as usual, we're watching your back.

In high school my teacher put me on student council, hoping that I would quit cutting classes. Not only did it work in high school, but it carried over into a lifetime of community involvement.

Interviewing you will always be remembered as a high point for that young person and may even start a wonderful and productive career.

You give back in so many ways, the rest of us are inspired by that dedication.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get the indictments rolling NOW and pull out all the big guns....

Time's almost arrived.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to extend my deepest thanks to Patrick J. Fitzgerald for granting The Owl this interview. My name is Joseph R. Santo and I am from Regis High School.

Believe it or not, when I was doing research before my interview with Fitzgerald, I had also read through all of the comments on this website.

I have read all of your comments, and believe me, I am extremely gracious to Fitzgerald for his personable and relaxed nature, especially during our interview.

I wanted to try to combat certain misconceptions about Fitzgerald's character. I.E.: it seemed to me, as I was researching the CIA Leak Case, Fitzgerald seemed to be viewed in an inhuman (machine-like) light.

Thank you for hosting the article link on your website. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this.

Joseph R. Santo
Contact: Joseph.R.Santo@gmail.com

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!
» » »

4:03 PM  
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5:23 AM  

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