The existence of a hideous plan to sacrifice a U.S. Aircraft Carrier as a pretext for war with Iran is presently being uncovered!
The Hal Turner Show has been told that within the next five (5) weeks, the United States will "suffer" a missile attack upon the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, presently on patrol near the Persian Gulf. This attack will appear to be from numerous "Silkworm" and/or "Sunburn" missiles which will sink the vessel and kill most of the 5,000 crew onboard.
The "attack" will be blamed on Iran and thus provide the Bush Administration with an excuse to go to war with that nation.
The Hal Turner Show has learned that the missiles used to attack the USS Enterprise will not be fired from or by Iran, but rather will be a "false flag operation" made to LOOK as though Iran carried out the attack!
The USS Enterprise is the worlds first nuclear powered aircraft carrier. It was Commissioned in 1961 and is due to be decommissioned in 2014 or 2015. The ship was selected to be the "victim" of this "attack" due to its age.
THOSE PLANNING THE ATTACK ARE INSIDE THE U.S. AND ISRAELI GOVERNMENTS and view the loss of the Enterprise crew as a necessary sacrifice to induce Americans to support war against Iran. Put bluntly, the ship and crew are to be cannon fodder.
I am being fed more information and expect to be able to name names as to who is behind this plan. Check back often. . . . . . .
US naval war games off the Iranian coastline: A provocation which could lead to War? Michel Chossudovsky / | October 25 2006 There is a massive concentration of US naval power in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. Three US naval strike groups off the Iranian coastline are deployed: USS Enterprise, USS Eisenhower and USS Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group. The naval strike groups have been assigned to fighting the "global war on terrorism." Tehran considers the US war games to be conducted in the Persian Gulf, off the Iranian coastline as a provocation, which is intended to trigger a potential crisis and a situation of direct confrontation between US and Iranian naval forces in the Persian Gulf: "Reports say the US-led naval exercises based near Bahrain will practise intercepting and searching ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles. Iran's official news agency IRNA quoted an unnamed foreign ministry official as describing the military manoeuvres as dangerous and suspicious. Reports say the US-led naval exercises based near Bahrain will practise intercepting and searching ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles. The Iranian foreign ministry official said the US-led exercises were not in line with the security and stability of the region. Instead, they are aimed at fomenting crises, he said." (quoted in BBC, 23 October 2006) USS Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG 5) to arrive in Arabian Sea The USS Boxer (LHD 4), --which is the flagship for the Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG 5)-- which left Singapore on October 16, is scheduled to join the three naval strikes groups. ESG 5 is comprised of USS Boxer, Bunker Hill, USS Dubuque (LPD 8), USS Comstock (LSD 45), USS Benfold (DDG 65), and USS Howard (DDG 83). ESG 5 also includes PHIBRON 5, the 15th MEU, Coast Guard Cutter Midgett (WHEC 726).
“We are about to enter a part of the world that can be very dangerous,” said Chief Aviation Ordnanceman (AW/SW) Jacques Beaver, Boxer’s flight deck ordnance chief. “We must be flexible and prepared to defend ourselves from any threats.” Boxer has been preparing for the weapons upload for two months by completing required maintenance and electronic pre-checks. Checks ensure that the ship’s missile and launching systems are up to standard and safe to load with live ordnance. “It has taken a lot of hard work for our people to get this done,” said Chief Fire Controlman (SW) William Lewis, combat systems, fire control division’s leading chief petty officer. “You cannot measure the importance of having these defenses guarding the lives of the Sailors and Marines in this strike group.” BOXESG is comprised of USS Boxer (LHD 4), USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), USS Dubuque (LPD 8), USS Comstock (LSD 45), USS Benfold (DDG 65) and USS Howard (DDG 83). The strike group also includes Amphibious Squadron 5, the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, Coast Guard Cutter Midgett (WHEC 726) and Canadian Frigate HMCS Ottawa (FFH 341). BOXESG is currently conducting operations in support of the global war on terrorism while transiting to the Arabian Gulf." ( Canada is part of the Expeditonary Strike Group (ESG 5) Canada is formally participating in this military deployment under the disguise of the "war on terrorism". The Canadian Navy has dispatched Frigate HMCS Ottawa, which is now an integral part of ESG 5, under US Command. It is worth noting that particular emphasis has been given to medical evacuations and combat medical support suggesting that a combat scenario could be envisaged. Boxer and Ottawa, both operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility, know that they can play a vital role to aid humanitarian assistance operations, medical evacuations or combat medical support that would rely heavily on the medical capabilities of the Boxer strike group. Cross training Sailors from ship to ship helps ensure the success of the strike group should BOXESG have to respond to any medical scenario, according to Richardson. “Training is a necessary part of any evolution,” said Richardson. “Anytime you’re working with another nation, it’s important that we understand their capabilities just as much as they understand ours, so in the event anything occurs we know where our assets are.”
The cross training also fostered cooperation between the two allies which provided Verville and Boxer corpsmen a forum to learn about each other’s navies and each other’s culture." ( October 2006) Dangerous Crossroads: Tonkin II? "An incident" in the Persian Gulf could be used by the US as a pretext for war against Iran. A war pretext incident, similar to "the Gulf of Tonkin Incident", which triggered the Vietnam war, could be used by US forces, with a view to justifying retaliatory military action against Iran. In August 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson claimed that North Vietnamese forces had attacked US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Tonkin incident, which had been manipulated, contributed to unleashing a full-fledged war against Vietnam: "A phantom attack on two U.S. destroyers cruising the Gulf of Tonkin was staged by the Pentagon and the C.I.A. The bogus attack occurred early in August, 1964. That evening President Lyndon Johnson went on television giving the grim details of the non-attack. Later, however, it was revealed that navy commander James Stockdale flew cover over the Gulf of Tonkin that night. Stockdale disclosed that U.S. ships were firing at phantom targets—targets that didn’t exist. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident that drew the U.S. into the quagmire of Viet Nam simply didn’t happen. Johnson, as presidents so often do, lied to the American people. The result was the rapid passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which was the sole legal basis for the Viet Nam War. As a result of Johnson’s lie, three million Vietnamese people and fifty eight thousand U.S. soldiers died." (Charles Sullivan, Global Research, January 2006) ANNEX: US NAVY
Navy Personnel Active Duty: 349,783
Officers: 51,979
Enlisted: 293,368
Midshipmen: 4,436 Ready Reserve: 131,802 [As of 30 September]
Selected Reserves: 70,500
Individual Ready Reserve: 61,302 Reserves currently mobilized: 5,996 [As of 18 October] Personnel on deployment: 36,037 Navy Department Civilian Employees: 175,454
Ships and Submarines Deployable Battle Force Ships: 280
Ships Underway (away from homeport): 133 ships (47% of total)
On deployment: 104 ships (37% of total)
Attack submarines underway (away from homeport): 22 submarines (40%)
On deployment: 11 submarines (20%) Ships Underway
Carriers: USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) - Philippine Sea USS Enterprise (CVN 65) - Persian Gulf USS Nimitz (CVN 68) - Pacific Ocean USS Dwight D.Eisenhower (CVN 69)- Mediterranean Sea USS Ronald Reagan - Pacific Ocean
Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG): USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) - Persian Gulf USS Nashville (LPD 13) - Persian Gulf USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41) - Persian Gulf
Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG): USS Boxer (LHD 4) - Indian Ocean USS Dubuque (LPD 8) - Indian Ocean USS Comstock (LSD 45) - Indian Ocean
Essex Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG): USS Essex (LHD 2) - South China Sea USS Juneau (LPD 10) - South China Sea USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49) - South China Sea
Amphibious Warfare Ships: USS Tarawa (LHA 1) - Pacific Ocean USS Saipan (LHA 2) - Persian Gulf USS Wasp (LHD 1) - port visit, Copenhagen, Denmark USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) - Atlantic Ocean USS Bataan (LHD 5) - Atlantic Ocean USS Cleveland (LPD 7) - Pacific Ocean USS Shreveport (LPD 12) - Atlantic Ocean USS Ponce (LPD 15) - Atlantic Ocean USS San Antonio (LPD 17) - Atlantic Ocean USS Ashland (LSD 48) - Atlantic Ocean USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) - Pacific Ocean Aircraft (operational): 4000+ currently/or en route in/to Persian Gulf-Arabian Sea (according to available information)
ManTech, a Virginia-based communications company, employs Renzi's father, Eugene, a retired Army general, as executive vice president, according to the Times.
ManTech International interests have been Renzi's top political contributor, giving him $36,200,
There has been a MILLION dead or wounded human beings in the Iraq War. Former Ms. RED CROSS wanting to make another Million? Or is she holding out for Iran and Syria?
Someone needs to ask her who the pedophiles are on capitol hill, she sure was mentioned in the 80s. I bet they are still around like she seems to be. Cover-up Queen Dole.
DALLAS - Oil industry behemoth Exxon Mobil's earnings rose to $10.49 billion in the third quarter, the second-largest quarterly profit ever recorded by a publicly traded U.S. company. Its shares briefly rose to a 52-week high.
Happy Thursday!! We're over hump day and it's almost Friday...which means it's almost the weekend! :D
There are so many great things in this country but I think the greatest thing about America, are it's people! It's like a house is a house but the people make it a home. :)
However, there are people in this country that are racists and I think as a country, we need to work on that as whole! Yes, the civil rights movement made a difference but we need to work on it more ..and often!
Also, we need to work on other issues.. such as drugs, alcoholism, pedophiles, and domestic abuse. We really have a lot of things that need our attention in this country and we need to be the example for our youth. I think there is a great need for volunteers... which brings me to the famous words of JFK..
"Ask not what your country can do for you...ask what you can do for your country."
Also, to anyone posting a lengthy news article, may I offer this suggestion? Just give us a teaser and then the link please. They're too long and most folks will skip over those...which is defeating your purpose!
" One German agent was said to have compared the actions of the US interrogators to Serbian war criminals during the break up of Yugoslavia. "The Serbs ended up before the international court in The Hague for this kind of thing," he was quoted as saying."
Everytime I see something like this about torture and what Bushcons have done to our country and reputation---I think of that soldier on top of that tank doing that goofy little dance and song for the Iraqi kids. Remember him? That soldier got it, what he thought he was suppose to do and should have done. Look at the mess now. You think he's alive yet or how about those kids?
"Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry are tapping their sizable campaign warchests in an effort to elect a Democratic Congress.
The Massachusetts Democrats donated 500-thousand dollars apiece, half to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and half to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee."
After 2 stolen elections they must be all real proud of that fact! ================================ Hi GEF: :)
That caught me off guard! ROFLMAO!! A lot of truth in those words!
Did you catach Keith Olbermann last night?
"The White House Press Secretary is now revising his revisionist history on the phrase and still coming up short. First saying that the President never said "stay the course" then yesterday, saying this to Fox News:
Well sure, to be fair, the President did say "Stay the Course" eight times.
So there they are, the eight — and only eight — times President George W. Bush ever said the phrase "Stay The Course"
And now you know tomorrow's headline from Mr. Snow.
"I never said he only said it eight times; I said we could only find eight times."
Evidently, somebody at the White House needs a little help with "The Google."
quote: I dunno fer heavens sakes! Gosh, gee, by golly! I'll use "the google" find out! I'll let ya know big feller! LOL
bwahahahahahahaha... good ones..
btw s-q: About you spilling the popcorn all over me last night at the movies...I was mad at first and a little warm but it's ok, I was clumsy too spilling my soda all over your shirt like that... sorry...(nice view though).. :)
Man we were a bunch of nervous dolts around each other huh ?
At least I was a perfect gentlemen...
Next time I'm bringing a roll of paper towels....geez..
Republicans are mad about corruption probe leaks before the election and are privately grumbling that "rogue elements" within the Department of Justice are trying to help tip the election to Democrats, according to Roll Call.
Citizens are pissed about rogue elements in every area of government, too. Namely the Republicans.
quote: Republicans are mad about corruption probe leaks before the election and are privately grumbling that "rogue elements" within the Department of Justice are trying to help tip the election to Democrats, according to Roll Call.
Citizens are pissed about rogue elements in every area of government, too. Namely the Republicans.
By rogue elements they mean Patriotic American Citizens who don't like the smell of dictatorship up in the WH!
Unfortunately this type of Rogue element is everywhere in America!
Matter of fact. The Polls show that the Rogue Elements are about 75% of the Population...
btw s-q: About you spilling the popcorn all over me last night at the movies...I was mad at first and a little warm but it's ok, I was clumsy too spilling my soda all over your shirt like that... sorry...(nice view though).. :) ================================== GEF:
Yeah, funny how you "accidentially" spilled that soda all over my shirt..while I was cleaning the popcorn off your pants!
And, what was that cologne you were wearing? I know it wasn't 'Old Spice'.. time, I will wear a heavier shirt..that lace was glued to me all night!
quote: And, what was that cologne you were wearing? I know it wasn't 'Old Spice'..
Cologne ? That wasn't cologne, That was GEF nervous-around-a-beautiful-woman smell... I should bottle that! :) time, I will wear a heavier shirt..that lace was glued to me all night!
LOL*) Well imagine me walking home full of butter on my pants...If it was daytime and I was at the beach I would've had birds running after me like a scene from Alfred Hitchcocks the Birds...Good thing none of my friends saw me..
Just 12 more days...and I am getting more anxious every day! How can you relax when you know we can take back this country and restore The Constitution? This must be how our forefathers felt when they wrote it! :)
GOP is done for in this country! Rove thinks he knows the polls...he is so far out of touch with the people...he doesn't know the PEOPLE!
I'm finally catching up to the blog and current news.
Well, so, I hear that Twinkletoes Fitzgerald wants to invade Jamaica with his tight speedos and fake dreads... That would be a sight to see. The SP with tight booty shorts (speedos) with fake dreadlocks chillin with Walton! LOL! That ticket should be sent to yours truly and I'll for my suitcase later.. I ceratinly need some R &R! I wouldn't be bringing with me court papers! Forget that! I've seen enough of that.. Well, maybe one or two court filings!
Anyhoo, I wanted to answered the blogger Bubby about Skilling:
Skilling was ordered immediately to home confinement. Skilling will serve his time at the Federal Correctional Center in Butner, N.C., which is located near the Research Triangle area of Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill.
And Skilling's lawyer, Daniel Petrocelli will be arguing in Skillings' appeal:
1. Petrocelli argues that there was no evidence by government witnesses that said Skilling directed anyone to change numbers or keep things from accountants.
2. Petrocelli points out a couple of big issues. One of them is the judge’s refusal to move the case out of Houston, combined with later refusal to allow us to individually examine jurors in order to pick a fair jury. Petrocelli felt that Skilling didn't get a fair trial in Houston.
Well, I have news for Petrocelli. Every state was affected by Enron in every aspect including outside the country. Good luck Petrocelli!
Thanks for your opinion GEF on Hillary I don't agree but I respect you point of view. I really hadn't noticed Obama as black just a strong Senator I guess I should open my eyes to color next time. As for the crooks coming out well we'll see more before and after the election. These guys have been working hard at crime for 5 years so we really don't know how many there are. As for bombing Iran. Well if Bush does bomb Iran that would give support to other countries that all should get weapons to protect themselves. Plus Iran hasn't attacked the US and that would make it illegal under UN policy. But we did invade Iraq just to remove Saddam so now the world we only have to wonder who will the US invade next. Watch the countries of the world join in to support Iran as the cowboy uses his weapons just because they were thinking. Talk about sick and evil Bush fits that bill.
quote: Just 12 more days...and I am getting more anxious every day! How can you relax when you know we can take back this country and restore The Constitution? This must be how our forefathers felt when they wrote it! :)
GOP is done for in this country! Rove thinks he knows the polls...he is so far out of touch with the people...he doesn't know the PEOPLE!
Well even if they do better than expected at the polls one thing is for certain...
The gerbils' mandates and blank checks are all cashed...and his magical GOP congress and rubber stamp Senate is a thing of the past..
The people are mad, as mad as they were back when they voted out all the DEMs from office. They're gonna have to pony up some responsibility!
"This morning about 6:45 I'm getting ready for work and have the radio tuned to the local mega talk station. The hosts are talking about the heat that the Corker/RNC ads are picking up, but are pretty neutral on them themselves, suggesting that the ruckus--and the suggestions of racism--are overblown. They're going through some callers, when one says, "That's nothing. Have you heard the jungle drums on the radio ad?"...
So they play it, and, sure enough, the caller's right. Soaring music underneath the copy when discussing Corker's merits, jungle-like drumming when cutting to Ford's demerits. The hosts were stone-silent when it finished, until one whistled, and said, "Damn." They both agreed that the drumming--and the intent--was obvious.
teak about Elizabeth Dole, had an appointment scheduled 2 weeks in advance with her-for a military mom who lost her son in Iraq. She promised she would personally attend. She didn't--in fact she had four big tough guys meet with us instead. I guess they thought we'd be mousy around their bullies-but it didn't work...the surprise was on them hehe
You will not catch me with dreads but just the drink.. A three piece suit? Give me a break. I wear that monkey suit all day long. And good old Biloxi has to rest up to fight evildoers. You know, let me hair down (what little that I have left!).. Anyhoo, flip flops, T-shirt, and short (and I need a tan of course)will do. You never know. I may see Halle Berry while I am there. I need to show her my good side!
Glad you all enjoy the video. I still love that video. On a side note: that young man who created that video for fun works for Pixar.
What is it with Republican women and their red dresses? Usually they are the aging ones like Libby Dole and have the same shade of red smeared on their lips. Libby was loaded down with her gold jewelry the other day too.
On and on she went how Democrats can't protect Americans the way Republicans can, will raise taxes and take your money. They should have Libby on Sunday morning talk shows more often--red, bold, gold, smeared, lying and rich. She'll get the dems some more votes.
In a radio interview Tuesday, Vice President Cheney confirmed that detainees were subjected to water-boarding, the first such admission by a Bush administration official. “It’s a no-brainer for me,” Cheney said.
And where is Foley?
Former Rep. Mark Foley checked himself into the Sierra Tucson Treatment Center in Arizona two days after he resigned from Congress in disgrace, ABC News has learned. Lawyers for Foley confirm he's been an inpatient at the facility since Oct. 1.
Say hi to Foley for me, S-Q! LOL!
Quote of the day:
“Lies got us into this war. Only the truth will get us out.”
"Republicans are mad about corruption probe leaks before the election and are privately grumbling that "rogue elements" within the Department of Justice are trying to help tip the election to Democrats, according to Roll Call.
"For House Republicans, it seems that every week brings a new report about a GOP lawmaker under investigation by the Justice Department for alleged corruption," John Bresnahan writes. "And with the elections just 12 days away, Republicans are crying foul, complaining bitterly that the negative press spurred by the public disclosure of those criminal probes could help cost them their House majority."
Pinellas County, Florida appears to be making up the election results out of thin air. Spokeswoman for the County Supervisor of Elections blames report on false information, even though it was her office that furnished that information. 10-26
EVANSVILLE, Ind. - An embattled Indiana congressman has launched a new campaign ad that warns a vote for his Democratic opponent could trigger a shift in House leadership and advance a “homosexual agenda.”
Oh, if the Republicans want to get into the 80s, we Americans really, really do welcome that. Expose it all.
The biggest meth lab in Colorado.. Interesting.. Many years ago, there was a tenant in an apartment that a friend of mines used to live who had a wealthy relative had a meth lab in the complex for months (the tenant had enough to serously destroy the complex).. The guy got busted when there were gun shots in that apartment. At least 10 squad cars were at that apartment.. So, meth labs are happening everywhere. And there needs to be a major crackdown.
I used to work with people that apparently got on that stuff. It changed good kids to back-stabbing, liar, thieves. You cannot even communicate with those people. Manipulative and evil overnight.
I grew up on a farm, when my dad drove in from the fields with that fertilizer tank---you knew to haul butt away from it. ("Get away from this damn tank and don't play around it!") This was ahem, a few years ago. Nowadays, I think they've changed how they rent the tanks or the company is responsible. Too many farmers' places/fields were targeted by druggies looking to siphon that crap.
I hadn't eaten anything yet this morning and GEF was talking about the popcorn last night and made me hungry! And, that donut looked good too...
So, I thought "hmmm..I'll nuke the popcorn and then put the donut in the bag with the popcorn for the last remaining minute..just to warm up the donut a little"..
NEVER and I mean NEVER..put a donut in the popcorn bag!! OMG! What a mess!!
I don't know if every state now has in place where they put the things to make this crap --(whatever cold medicine) behind the pharmacy counter and you have to sign for it or get only a box or so. A good law. All states should have that.
Rep. Jean Schmidt blasted Democrat Victoria Wulsin on Wednesday for allegedly breaking a U.S. House rule that prohibits using the broadcast of House floor proceedings in campaign ads.
"Her continued violation will land her in serious trouble with the House Ethics Committee," Schmidt's spokesman Matt Perin said in a release, referring to the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, which the release mistakenly referred to elsewhere as the "House Committee on Official Standards and Conduct."
Besides those errors, there's just one more tiny problem: Wulsin, who is challenging Schmidt in the 2nd District, is not a member of the House. Not yet anyway.
Wulsin's new ad shows Schmidt telling Democratic Rep. John Murtha that "cowards cut and run, Marines never do."
Schmidt, a Miami Township Republican, was booed after her Nov. 18, 2005, speech. It's against House rules to refer to another lawmaker by name or to disparage him on the House floor.
"The only person in this race who has broken House rules is Jean Schmidt," Wulsin spokesman Ady Barkan said. "If she didn't want people to see this ad, then she shouldn't have given that speech." Malia Rulon
Well, you shouldn't be worrying about Foley, S-Q, since he is not into women!
This is interesting that I found on WSJ and this website of Enron emails:
In October 2003 the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission placed 200,000 of Enron's internal emails from 1999-2002 into the public domain as part of its ongoing investigations. The archive offers an extraordinary window into the lives and preoccupations of Enron's top executives during a turbulent period.
One sample email:
(no subject) Email details
From: To: Kenneth Lay , , , , Sent: 18/01/2002 at 19:32 Email metadata Themes: Employee Meeting ________________________________________ The message
Ken, Here are a few items that should be addressed and/or corrected. 1. A recent caller on a Houston talk radio show stated that you personally own, not just one, but several jet aircraft and travel in them on a regular basis. 2. The Houston Chronicle stated that you spent time in Aspen between Christmas and the New Year. 3. People in the media are asking, "Why is Ken not attending the upcoming employee meeting?" I'll forward anything else I hear or read immediately. Love, David.
Well, that tells you how bizaare the Enron company were. I saw an Enron email regarding Chaney's response to the Calif. energy crisis. And Cheney blamed the state for their issues.. People will never forgive what Enron and the exceutives did if people read some of the email that I read...
In a radio interview Tuesday, Vice President Cheney confirmed that detainees were subjected to water-boarding, the first such admission by a Bush administration official. “It’s a no-brainer for me,” Cheney said.
For all the bloggers who use Anon to blog and give their support to the Bush gang I forward this info to our troops in Iraq/Afghan just to let them know what the White House really thinks of them.
Snow: With Black Candidates, ‘There Is Always An Attempt…To Attribute Something To The Race Card’
FYI our troops are a team of brother/sisters who protect and respect each other. As I send care packages Peaches reminds me it for the team so send enough for everyone. I hear from her follow soldiers their nice they blank out the curse words. So I know the White House knows that they are disrepecting the troops of color are they have Tony Snow give his racist remarks. Nice way to support our troops.
And let's not forget the amount of money that we as taxpayers are paying for to fill the pockets of KBR-Halliburton and the Ambien. this really pisses me off.
The unending game of “pretend” that the U.S. media allow George Bush to play on the global stage, so often letting his lying utterances hang suspended, unchallenged, in the middle of the story, as though they were plausible — as though a class of third-graders couldn’t demolish them with a few innocent questions — feels like the journalistic equivalent of waterboarding. Gasp! Some truth, please!
I suggest the prez has forfeited the right to command a headline, or half a story, or an uninterrupted quote: “. . . we’ll defend ourselves, but at the same time we’re actively working with our partners to spread peace and democracy,” he said last week in Austria.
The bodies keep piling up, the toxic horrors spread. Hasn’t anyone in this place ever heard of depleted uranium? Is the health crisis in Iraq and, indeed, throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, not to mention Kosovo and among returning vets for the last four American wars, somehow irrelevant to “the course” we’re asked to stay?
“Two strange phenomena have come about in Basra which I have never seen before. The first is double and triple cancers in one patient. For example, leukemia and cancer of the stomach. We had one patient with two cancers — one in his stomach and kidney. Months later, primary cancer was developing in his other kidney — he had three different cancer types. The second is the clustering of cancer in families. We have 58 families here with more than one person affected by cancer. . . . My wife has nine members of her family with cancer.”
Not all that post as anonymous are against the troops nor do they support the actions of any President or regime that uses these types of weapons. One might wonder why our troops are put into harm when this has been going on since the Persian Gulf War or "Desert Storm". Had you bothered to look at the link, you might have seen a sick child. Hard to tell whether the child was "for or against us". Depleted uranium doesn't discriminate.
I am S-Q, the desirable, beautiful, talented and simply irresistable girl..and..I can cook but I rarely have time for that Susie-Homemaker stuff! LOL
I start work early..around 5:00AM and usually end my work day around 5-6:00PM. So, I am working 60-65 hours per week...but I make lots of $$$ for my hard work!
So, cooking is the last thing on my mind.. after that many hours!
I work hard and I play hard! And, I love to have fun! :D
"I have a few phone conferences early this evening but then I am free to go..."
GEF has to check in with the mental hospital to take his meds in the evening. Hope you don't mind waiting on GEF's motor scooter since he doesn't own a car.
"I start work early..around 5:00AM and usually end my work day around 5-6:00PM. So, I am working 60-65 hours per week...but I make lots of $$$ for my hard work!"
Gosh, those are alot of hours. Where does she find the time to blog with those type of hours?
Man, looks like we have a love connection on the blog: Homeless Henry and Homeless Joe! LOL! Cracking up of your comments. Who ever thought Fitz's blog would bring two homeless bloggers together!
How about a nice heaping bowl of momma's homemade spagetti with momma's homemade garlic bread and I'll bring a nice Rosetta to see how it weds with it..
If it's that good tee, I'm gonna sit down and tell you a story about a really contented man full of food...
I'll join the two of you down by the river tonight. I'll bring lots of hotdogs, buns, etc. We can roast hotdogs over the open fire and tell wild stories! Do either of you dance? :) LOL
Location: U.S. Attorney On Assignment - WDC, Illinois, United States
Think Globally Prosecute Locally
- I grew up in Flatbush, kept my nose clean, went to law school. Now that I am in Chicago and D.C. I have found that the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty - a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
---Favorite quote --- "Conditional love is an oxymoron." - Yours truly
Good Morning Justice Bloggers and Fitzie!
Two more crooks added...Melanie's list is growing so fast it's off the page...
Go CREW, Go Fitzie & team!
And Go Cards! (if it ever stops raining in St. Louis)
Saturday, September 30, 2006 3:04 PM EDT
The existence of a hideous plan to sacrifice a U.S. Aircraft Carrier as a pretext for war with Iran is presently being uncovered!
The Hal Turner Show has been told that within the next five (5) weeks, the United States will "suffer" a missile attack upon the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, presently on patrol near the Persian Gulf. This attack will appear to be from numerous "Silkworm" and/or "Sunburn" missiles which will sink the vessel and kill most of the 5,000 crew onboard.
The "attack" will be blamed on Iran and thus provide the Bush Administration with an excuse to go to war with that nation.
The Hal Turner Show has learned that the missiles used to attack the USS Enterprise will not be fired from or by Iran, but rather will be a "false flag operation" made to LOOK as though Iran carried out the attack!
The USS Enterprise is the worlds first nuclear powered aircraft carrier. It was Commissioned in 1961 and is due to be decommissioned in 2014 or 2015. The ship was selected to be the "victim" of this "attack" due to its age.
THOSE PLANNING THE ATTACK ARE INSIDE THE U.S. AND ISRAELI GOVERNMENTS and view the loss of the Enterprise crew as a necessary sacrifice to induce Americans to support war against Iran. Put bluntly, the ship and crew are to be cannon fodder.
I am being fed more information and expect to be able to name names as to who is behind this plan. Check back often. . . . . . .
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US naval war games off the Iranian coastline: A provocation which could lead to War?
Michel Chossudovsky / | October 25 2006
There is a massive concentration of US naval power in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. Three US naval strike groups off the Iranian coastline are deployed: USS Enterprise, USS Eisenhower and USS Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group.
The naval strike groups have been assigned to fighting the "global war on terrorism."
Tehran considers the US war games to be conducted in the Persian Gulf, off the Iranian coastline as a provocation, which is intended to trigger a potential crisis and a situation of direct confrontation between US and Iranian naval forces in the Persian Gulf:
"Reports say the US-led naval exercises based near Bahrain will practise intercepting and searching ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles.
Iran's official news agency IRNA quoted an unnamed foreign ministry official as describing the military manoeuvres as dangerous and suspicious.
Reports say the US-led naval exercises based near Bahrain will practise intercepting and searching ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles.
The Iranian foreign ministry official said the US-led exercises were not in line with the security and stability of the region. Instead, they are aimed at fomenting crises, he said." (quoted in BBC, 23 October 2006)
USS Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG 5) to arrive in Arabian Sea
The USS Boxer (LHD 4), --which is the flagship for the Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG 5)-- which left Singapore on October 16, is scheduled to join the three naval strikes groups. ESG 5 is comprised of USS Boxer, Bunker Hill, USS Dubuque (LPD 8), USS Comstock (LSD 45), USS Benfold (DDG 65), and USS Howard (DDG 83). ESG 5 also includes PHIBRON 5, the 15th MEU, Coast Guard Cutter Midgett (WHEC 726).
“We are about to enter a part of the world that can be very dangerous,” said Chief Aviation Ordnanceman (AW/SW) Jacques Beaver, Boxer’s flight deck ordnance chief. “We must be flexible and prepared to defend ourselves from any threats.”
Boxer has been preparing for the weapons upload for two months by completing required maintenance and electronic pre-checks. Checks ensure that the ship’s missile and launching systems are up to standard and safe to load with live ordnance.
“It has taken a lot of hard work for our people to get this done,” said Chief Fire Controlman (SW) William Lewis, combat systems, fire control division’s leading chief petty officer. “You cannot measure the importance of having these defenses guarding the lives of the Sailors and Marines in this strike group.”
BOXESG is comprised of USS Boxer (LHD 4), USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), USS Dubuque (LPD 8), USS Comstock (LSD 45), USS Benfold (DDG 65) and USS Howard (DDG 83). The strike group also includes Amphibious Squadron 5, the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, Coast Guard Cutter Midgett (WHEC 726) and Canadian Frigate HMCS Ottawa (FFH 341).
BOXESG is currently conducting operations in support of the global war on terrorism while transiting to the Arabian
Gulf." (
Canada is part of the Expeditonary Strike Group (ESG 5)
Canada is formally participating in this military deployment under the disguise of the "war on terrorism". The Canadian Navy has dispatched Frigate HMCS Ottawa, which is now an integral part of ESG 5, under US Command. It is worth noting that particular emphasis has been given to medical evacuations and combat medical support suggesting that a combat scenario could be envisaged.
Boxer and Ottawa, both operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility, know that they can play a vital role to aid humanitarian assistance operations, medical evacuations or combat medical support that would rely heavily on the medical capabilities of the Boxer strike group. Cross training Sailors from ship to ship helps ensure the success of the strike group should BOXESG have to respond to any medical scenario, according to Richardson.
“Training is a necessary part of any evolution,” said Richardson. “Anytime you’re working with another nation, it’s important that we understand their capabilities just as much as they understand ours, so in the event anything occurs we know where our assets are.”
The cross training also fostered cooperation between the two allies which provided Verville and Boxer corpsmen a forum to learn about each other’s navies and each other’s culture." ( October 2006)
Dangerous Crossroads: Tonkin II?
"An incident" in the Persian Gulf could be used by the US as a pretext for war against Iran.
A war pretext incident, similar to "the Gulf of Tonkin Incident", which triggered the Vietnam war, could be used by US forces, with a view to justifying retaliatory military action against Iran. In August 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson claimed that North Vietnamese forces had attacked US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Tonkin incident, which had been manipulated, contributed to unleashing a full-fledged war against Vietnam:
"A phantom attack on two U.S. destroyers cruising the Gulf of Tonkin was staged by the Pentagon and the C.I.A. The bogus attack occurred early in August, 1964. That evening President Lyndon Johnson went on television giving the grim details of the non-attack. Later, however, it was revealed that navy commander James Stockdale flew cover over the Gulf of Tonkin that night. Stockdale disclosed that U.S. ships were firing at phantom targets—targets that didn’t exist. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident that drew the U.S. into the quagmire of Viet Nam simply didn’t happen. Johnson, as presidents so often do, lied to the American people. The result was the rapid passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which was the sole legal basis for the Viet Nam War. As a result of Johnson’s lie, three million Vietnamese people and fifty eight thousand U.S. soldiers died." (Charles Sullivan, Global Research, January 2006)
Navy Personnel
Active Duty: 349,783
Officers: 51,979
Enlisted: 293,368
Midshipmen: 4,436
Ready Reserve: 131,802 [As of 30 September]
Selected Reserves: 70,500
Individual Ready Reserve: 61,302
Reserves currently mobilized: 5,996 [As of 18 October]
Personnel on deployment: 36,037
Navy Department Civilian Employees: 175,454
Ships and Submarines
Deployable Battle Force Ships: 280
Ships Underway (away from homeport): 133 ships (47% of total)
On deployment: 104 ships (37% of total)
Attack submarines underway
(away from homeport): 22 submarines (40%)
On deployment: 11 submarines (20%)
Ships Underway
USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) - Philippine Sea
USS Enterprise (CVN 65) - Persian Gulf
USS Nimitz (CVN 68) - Pacific Ocean
USS Dwight D.Eisenhower (CVN 69)- Mediterranean Sea
USS Ronald Reagan - Pacific Ocean
Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG):
USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) - Persian Gulf
USS Nashville (LPD 13) - Persian Gulf
USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41) - Persian Gulf
Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG):
USS Boxer (LHD 4) - Indian Ocean
USS Dubuque (LPD 8) - Indian Ocean
USS Comstock (LSD 45) - Indian Ocean
Essex Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG):
USS Essex (LHD 2) - South China Sea
USS Juneau (LPD 10) - South China Sea
USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49) - South China Sea
Amphibious Warfare Ships:
USS Tarawa (LHA 1) - Pacific Ocean
USS Saipan (LHA 2) - Persian Gulf
USS Wasp (LHD 1) - port visit, Copenhagen, Denmark
USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) - Atlantic Ocean
USS Bataan (LHD 5) - Atlantic Ocean
USS Cleveland (LPD 7) - Pacific Ocean
USS Shreveport (LPD 12) - Atlantic Ocean
USS Ponce (LPD 15) - Atlantic Ocean
USS San Antonio (LPD 17) - Atlantic Ocean
USS Ashland (LSD 48) - Atlantic Ocean
USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) - Pacific Ocean
Aircraft (operational): 4000+
currently/or en route in/to Persian Gulf-Arabian Sea
(according to available information)
Now there's a surprise ha
ManTech, a Virginia-based communications company, employs Renzi's father, Eugene, a retired Army general, as executive vice president, according to the Times.
ManTech International interests have been Renzi's top political contributor, giving him $36,200,
So many coincidences
anon links would have been just fine.
Good Afternoon Fitz and Justice bloggers,
Anon 10:17,
If that happens to the USS Enterprise or the USS Lincoln, I really wouldn't be surprised...
The Gulf of Tonkin proves that this is possible.
We know what are Government is capable of..
Question is, now that we're aware of these facts...
The only way around...Is through!
Elizabeth Dole:
"Democrats around the country are seeking to exploit the Iraq war to gain electoral advantage."
There has been a MILLION dead or wounded human beings in the Iraq War. Former Ms. RED CROSS wanting to make another Million? Or is she holding out for Iran and Syria?
Someone needs to ask her who the pedophiles are on capitol hill, she sure was mentioned in the 80s. I bet they are still around like she seems to be. Cover-up Queen Dole.
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I don't have any problem with Women President. It's an idea who's time has come. So is a Black president.
I do have a problem with Hillary Clinton however.
Alot of people have that same problem with Hillary..
Fyi: Hillary Clinton as President would enact law to have all of us implanted with a National ID chip as soon as elected...
That's not my idea of Freedom
She would be worse than gerbil!
DALLAS - Oil industry behemoth Exxon Mobil's earnings rose to $10.49 billion in the third quarter, the second-largest quarterly profit ever recorded by a publicly traded U.S. company. Its shares briefly rose to a 52-week high.
Good morning everyone:
Happy Thursday!! We're over hump day and it's almost Friday...which means it's almost the weekend! :D
There are so many great things in this country but I think the greatest thing about America, are it's people! It's like a house is a house but the people make it a home. :)
However, there are people in this country that are racists and I think as a country, we need to work on that as whole! Yes, the civil rights movement made a difference but we need to work on it more ..and often!
Also, we need to work on other issues.. such as drugs, alcoholism, pedophiles, and domestic abuse. We really have a lot of things that need our attention in this country and we need to be the example for our youth. I think there is a great need for volunteers... which brings me to the famous words of JFK..
"Ask not what your country can do for you...ask what you can do for your country."
Also, to anyone posting a lengthy news article, may I offer this suggestion? Just give us a teaser and then the link please. They're too long and most folks will skip over those...which is defeating your purpose!
" One German agent was said to have compared the actions of the US interrogators to Serbian war criminals during the break up of Yugoslavia. "The Serbs ended up before the international court in The Hague for this kind of thing," he was quoted as saying."
Everytime I see something like this about torture and what Bushcons have done to our country and reputation---I think of that soldier on top of that tank doing that goofy little dance and song for the Iraqi kids. Remember him? That soldier got it, what he thought he was suppose to do and should have done. Look at the mess now. You think he's alive yet or how about those kids?
Note: The ONLY way that the GOP can win an Election is by cheating...
After 2 stolen elections they must be all real proud of that fact!
thanks t and s-q for the tip. I will do so in future.
"Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry are tapping their sizable campaign warchests in an effort to elect a Democratic Congress.
The Massachusetts Democrats donated 500-thousand dollars apiece, half to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and half to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee."
After 2 stolen elections they must be all real proud of that fact!
Hi GEF: :)
That caught me off guard! ROFLMAO!! A lot of truth in those words!
Did you catach Keith Olbermann last night?
"The White House Press Secretary is now revising his revisionist history on the phrase and still coming up short. First saying that the President never said "stay the course" then yesterday, saying this to Fox News:
Well sure, to be fair, the President did say "Stay the Course" eight times.
So there they are, the eight — and only eight — times President George W. Bush ever said the phrase "Stay The Course"
And now you know tomorrow's headline from Mr. Snow.
"I never said he only said it eight times; I said we could only find eight times."
Evidently, somebody at the White House needs a little help with "The Google."
So, how will Tony Snowjob spin this now?? LOLMAO!
P.S. Olbermann showed Bush saying "stay the course" 29 times! LOL
Stay the Course
Oh, how very interesting.
Thanks, Wot.
Yeah I saw Olbermann... LOL*)
It's getting to be a tragic comedy the way the NeoConJobs bold face lie in your face like that...
But sadly that's all they have left is lies and trickery...
The GOP koolaid is all gone...Not a smidgen left!(Who talks like that?)
hee hee hee.. :)
Not a smidgen left!(Who talks like that?)
I dunno fer heavens sakes! Gosh, gee, by golly! I'll use "the google" find out! I'll let ya know big feller! LOL
OMG, I haven't had a belly laugh like that in a long time. I finally watched Olbermann's "Stay the Course". Still laughing at the end. LOL.
I dunno fer heavens sakes! Gosh, gee, by golly! I'll use "the google" find out!
I'll let ya know big feller! LOL
bwahahahahahahaha... good ones..
btw s-q: About you spilling the popcorn all over me last night at the movies...I was mad at first and a little warm but it's ok, I was clumsy too spilling my soda all over your shirt like that... sorry...(nice view though).. :)
Man we were a bunch of nervous dolts around each other huh ?
At least I was a perfect gentlemen...
Next time I'm bringing a roll of paper towels....geez..
hee hee hee..
Republicans are mad about corruption probe leaks before the election and are privately grumbling that "rogue elements" within the Department of Justice are trying to help tip the election to Democrats, according to Roll Call.
Citizens are pissed about rogue elements in every area of government, too. Namely the Republicans.
Republicans are mad about corruption probe leaks before the election and are privately grumbling that "rogue elements" within the Department of Justice are trying to help tip the election to Democrats, according to Roll Call.
Citizens are pissed about rogue elements in every area of government, too. Namely the Republicans.
By rogue elements they mean Patriotic American Citizens who don't like the smell of dictatorship up in the WH!
Unfortunately this type of Rogue element is everywhere in America!
Matter of fact. The Polls show that the Rogue Elements are about 75% of the Population...
Again, mixing up words...Trickery!
btw: Wonder how many Generals are voting for Democrats
They must be rogue elements too! ;)
btw s-q: About you spilling the popcorn all over me last night at the movies...I was mad at first and a little warm but it's ok, I was clumsy too spilling my soda all over your shirt like that... sorry...(nice view though).. :)
Yeah, funny how you "accidentially" spilled that soda all over my shirt..while I was cleaning the popcorn off your pants!
And, what was that cologne you were wearing? I know it wasn't 'Old Spice'.. time, I will wear a heavier shirt..that lace was glued to me all night! sure was fun GEF! :D
My step-mother hates politics and even she says she is sick of the Republicans' crap.
And, what was that cologne you were wearing? I know it wasn't 'Old Spice'..
Cologne ? That wasn't cologne, That was GEF nervous-around-a-beautiful-woman smell... I should bottle that! :) time, I will wear a heavier shirt..that lace was glued to me all night!
Well imagine me walking home full of butter on my pants...If it was daytime and I was at the beach I would've had birds running after me like a scene from Alfred Hitchcocks the Birds...Good thing none of my friends saw me..
quote: sure was fun GEF! :D
Yep, that it was s-q...that it was! :D
My step-mother hates politics and even she says she is sick of the Republicans' crap.
Yep, believe you me I'm hearing similar words from alot of people these days...
Just 12 more days...and I am getting more anxious every day! How can you relax when you know we can take back this country and restore The Constitution? This must be how our forefathers felt when they wrote it! :)
GOP is done for in this country! Rove thinks he knows the polls...he is so far out of touch with the people...he doesn't know the PEOPLE!
I read Rove and his posse met with talking heads of radio shows.
"Rove claimed that the polls "add up to a Republican Senate and a Republican House."
"You may end up with a different math, but you're entitled to your math," Rove said. "I'm entitled to 'the' math."
Like he did the "the math" on the last stolen elections? America's shame.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening folks!
Happy Thursday!
I'm finally catching up to the blog and current news.
Well, so, I hear that Twinkletoes Fitzgerald wants to invade Jamaica with his tight speedos and fake dreads... That would be a sight to see. The SP with tight booty shorts (speedos) with fake dreadlocks chillin with Walton! LOL! That ticket should be sent to yours truly and I'll for my suitcase later.. I ceratinly need some R &R! I wouldn't be bringing with me court papers! Forget that! I've seen enough of that.. Well, maybe one or two court filings!
Anyhoo, I wanted to answered the blogger Bubby about Skilling:
Skilling was ordered immediately to home confinement. Skilling will serve his time at the Federal Correctional Center in Butner, N.C., which is located near the Research Triangle area of Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill.
And Skilling's lawyer, Daniel Petrocelli will be arguing in Skillings' appeal:
1. Petrocelli argues that there was no evidence by government witnesses that said Skilling directed anyone to change numbers or keep things from accountants.
2. Petrocelli points out a couple of big issues. One of them is the judge’s refusal to move the case out of Houston, combined with later refusal to allow us to individually examine jurors in order to pick a fair jury. Petrocelli felt that Skilling didn't get a fair trial in Houston.
Well, I have news for Petrocelli. Every state was affected by Enron in every aspect including outside the country. Good luck Petrocelli!
Thanks for your opinion GEF on Hillary I don't agree but I respect you point of view. I really hadn't noticed Obama as black just a strong Senator I guess I should open my eyes to color next time.
As for the crooks coming out well we'll see more before and after the election. These guys have been working hard at crime for 5 years so we really don't know how many there are.
As for bombing Iran. Well if Bush does bomb Iran that would give support to other countries that all should get weapons to protect themselves. Plus Iran hasn't attacked the US and that would make it illegal under UN policy. But we did invade Iraq just to remove Saddam so now the world we only have to wonder who will the US invade next. Watch the countries of the world join in to support Iran as the cowboy uses his weapons just because they were thinking. Talk about sick and evil Bush fits that bill.
Just 12 more days...and I am getting more anxious every day! How can you relax when you know we can take back this country and restore The Constitution? This must be how our forefathers felt when they wrote it! :)
GOP is done for in this country! Rove thinks he knows the polls...he is so far out of touch with the people...he doesn't know the PEOPLE!
Well even if they do better than expected at the polls one thing is for certain...
The gerbils' mandates and blank checks are all cashed...and his magical GOP congress and rubber stamp Senate is a thing of the past..
The people are mad, as mad as they were back when they voted out all the DEMs from office. They're gonna have to pony up some responsibility!
"This morning about 6:45 I'm getting ready for work and have the radio tuned to the local mega talk station. The hosts are talking about the heat that the Corker/RNC ads are picking up, but are pretty neutral on them themselves, suggesting that the ruckus--and the suggestions of racism--are overblown. They're going through some callers, when one says, "That's nothing. Have you heard the jungle drums on the radio ad?"...
So they play it, and, sure enough, the caller's right. Soaring music underneath the copy when discussing Corker's merits, jungle-like drumming when cutting to Ford's demerits. The hosts were stone-silent when it finished, until one whistled, and said, "Damn." They both agreed that the drumming--and the intent--was obvious.
You can listen to the ad right
12 more days for November election!
A dedication to the GOPs:
The GOP song
Good Day Jackie, Teak, Chimpcoulter, Biloxi...
Happy Thursday...INDEED! :D
btw: Biloxi I don't picture you in Jamaica with fake dreads, a jamaican red beer and floppy sandals either...
I picture you in Jamaica in a 3 piece suit and busting half the country for drinking by the beach!
hee hee hee!! :)
ROFLMAO! I had to watch it twice! Too funny!
teak about Elizabeth Dole, had an appointment scheduled 2 weeks in advance with her-for a military mom who lost her son in Iraq. She promised she would personally attend. She didn't--in fact she had four big tough guys meet with us instead.
I guess they thought we'd be mousy around their bullies-but it didn't work...the surprise was on them hehe
Moussaoui Dreams
re: GOP SONG...
reminds me of CRUSHED ICE! :)
SPB, that was cute! :-D
DALLAS (AP) - Oil industry behemoth Exxon Mobil's earnings rose to $10.49 billion in the third quarter, the second-largest quarterly profit ever recorded by a publicly traded U.S. company. Its shares briefly rose to a 52-week high.
The report Thursday comes as high crude prices this year have fueled record profits in the oil industry, triggering an outcry from consumers who were being asked to pay about $3 a gallon for gasoline in early August.
Just another reason to vote on Nov. 7th!!!
You will not catch me with dreads but just the drink.. A three piece suit? Give me a break. I wear that monkey suit all day long. And good old Biloxi has to rest up to fight evildoers. You know, let me hair down (what little that I have left!).. Anyhoo, flip flops, T-shirt, and short (and I need a tan of course)will do. You never know. I may see Halle Berry while I am there. I need to show her my good side!
Glad you all enjoy the video. I still love that video. On a side note: that young man who created that video for fun works for Pixar.
"I will survive.."... Yeah right! LMAO!
We will survive!
Vote November 7th...
And that disco ball will fall on the GOPs come November!
What is it with Republican women and their red dresses? Usually they are the aging ones like Libby Dole and have the same shade of red smeared on their lips. Libby was loaded down with her gold jewelry the other day too.
On and on she went how Democrats can't protect Americans the way Republicans can, will raise taxes and take your money. They should have Libby on Sunday morning talk shows more often--red, bold, gold, smeared, lying and rich. She'll get the dems some more votes.
In other news:
German ministers 'knew about CIA torture cells'
In a radio interview Tuesday, Vice President Cheney confirmed that detainees were subjected to water-boarding, the first such admission by a Bush administration official. “It’s a no-brainer for me,” Cheney said.
And where is Foley?
Former Rep. Mark Foley checked himself into the Sierra Tucson Treatment Center in Arizona two days after he resigned from Congress in disgrace, ABC News has learned.
Lawyers for Foley confirm he's been an inpatient at the facility since Oct. 1.
Say hi to Foley for me, S-Q! LOL!
Quote of the day:
“Lies got us into this war. Only the truth will get us out.”
Throw the bums out come November!
Those Whiney Repugs...Cry Me a River...
"Republicans are mad about corruption probe leaks before the election and are privately grumbling that "rogue elements" within the Department of Justice are trying to help tip the election to Democrats, according to Roll Call.
"For House Republicans, it seems that every week brings a new report about a GOP lawmaker under investigation by the Justice Department for alleged corruption," John Bresnahan writes. "And with the elections just 12 days away, Republicans are crying foul, complaining bitterly that the negative press spurred by the public disclosure of those criminal probes could help cost them their House majority."
12 more days!
Pinellas County, Florida appears to be making up the election results out of thin air. Spokeswoman for the County Supervisor of Elections blames report on false information, even though it was her office that furnished that information. 10-26
Breaking News...
Meth ring broken up 'Monstrous amount' seized; 12 suspects in country illegally
EVANSVILLE, Ind. - An embattled Indiana congressman has launched a new campaign ad that warns a vote for his Democratic opponent could trigger a shift in House leadership and advance a “homosexual agenda.”
Oh, if the Republicans want to get into the 80s, we Americans really, really do welcome that. Expose it all.
Way to go Colorado! Bust them up!! :)
Major meth bust, by the numbers
21 People indicted on charges of transporting methamphetamine from southern California for sale in northern Colorado, with Greeley as the hub.
45 Amount in pounds of meth seized during a 13-month investigation, including 4 pounds packed in a child's Elmo doll.
$865,000 Estimated wholesale value
99% Purity of meth seized
700 Number of small labs that would have to be raided to equal the quantity seized in this sweep.
The biggest meth lab in Colorado.. Interesting.. Many years ago, there was a tenant in an apartment that a friend of mines used to live who had a wealthy relative had a meth lab in the complex for months (the tenant had enough to serously destroy the complex).. The guy got busted when there were gun shots in that apartment. At least 10 squad cars were at that apartment.. So, meth labs are happening everywhere. And there needs to be a major crackdown.
I used to work with people that apparently got on that stuff. It changed good kids to back-stabbing, liar, thieves. You cannot even communicate with those people. Manipulative and evil overnight.
I grew up on a farm, when my dad drove in from the fields with that fertilizer tank---you knew to haul butt away from it. ("Get away from this damn tank and don't play around it!") This was ahem, a few years ago. Nowadays, I think they've changed how they rent the tanks or the company is responsible. Too many farmers' places/fields were targeted by druggies looking to siphon that crap.
I hadn't eaten anything yet this morning and GEF was talking about the popcorn last night and made me hungry! And, that donut looked good too...
So, I thought "hmmm..I'll nuke the popcorn and then put the donut in the bag with the popcorn for the last remaining minute..just to warm up the donut a little"..
NEVER and I mean NEVER..put a donut in the popcorn bag!! OMG! What a mess!!
And..that's your S-Q tip for the day! :D
Eww, S-Q.
Say hi to Foley for me, S-Q! LOL!
No thanks! Not going near Fingers Foley!! Let's send Former Fed...he lives down there! LOL
Where are you hiding these days, Former Fed?? :)
So, meth labs are happening everywhere. And there needs to be a major crackdown.
Yes and a lot of those meth houses have small children living there too! They are subjecting those innocent kids to an early death!
Also, the heroin problem will be worse now... since Afghanistan has such a huge poppy crop this year!!
I have read about this a few times now. I hope they caught all involved in this mess. This is damn scary.
I don't know if every state now has in place where they put the things to make this crap --(whatever cold medicine) behind the pharmacy counter and you have to sign for it or get only a box or so. A good law. All states should have that.
Schmidt angry to see 'cowards' speech in TV ad
Rep. Jean Schmidt blasted Democrat Victoria Wulsin on Wednesday for allegedly breaking a U.S. House rule that prohibits using the broadcast of House floor proceedings in campaign ads.
"Her continued violation will land her in serious trouble with the House Ethics Committee," Schmidt's spokesman Matt Perin said in a release, referring to the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, which the release mistakenly referred to elsewhere as the "House Committee on Official Standards and Conduct."
Besides those errors, there's just one more tiny problem: Wulsin, who is challenging Schmidt in the 2nd District, is not a member of the House. Not yet anyway.
Wulsin's new ad shows Schmidt telling Democratic Rep. John Murtha that "cowards cut and run, Marines never do."
Schmidt, a Miami Township Republican, was booed after her Nov. 18, 2005, speech. It's against House rules to refer to another lawmaker by name or to disparage him on the House floor.
"The only person in this race who has broken House rules is Jean Schmidt," Wulsin spokesman Ady Barkan said. "If she didn't want people to see this ad, then she shouldn't have given that speech." Malia Rulon
LOL, I was looking at 'the Google' for images of Jean Schmidt wearing the signature Red dresses of the Republican woman.
Look what I found instead.
You think ole Smurf might regret writing his little book?
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Well, you shouldn't be worrying about Foley, S-Q, since he is not into women!
This is interesting that I found on WSJ and this website of Enron emails:
In October 2003 the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission placed 200,000 of Enron's internal emails from 1999-2002 into the public domain as part of its ongoing investigations. The archive offers an extraordinary window into the lives and preoccupations of Enron's top executives during a turbulent period.
One sample email:
(no subject)
Email details
Kenneth Lay , , , ,
18/01/2002 at 19:32
Email metadata
Employee Meeting
The message
Here are a few items that should be addressed and/or corrected.
1. A recent caller on a Houston talk radio show stated that you personally own, not just one, but several jet aircraft and travel in them on a regular basis.
2. The Houston Chronicle stated that you spent time in Aspen between Christmas and the New Year.
3. People in the media are asking, "Why is Ken not attending the upcoming employee meeting?"
I'll forward anything else I hear or read immediately.
I don't know about you but I never sign my business emails with LOVE! Hmm..makes you wonder...LOL
The Cabal's weapons that keep on giving or taking. Has Bush worried about his own today?
Well, you shouldn't be worrying about Foley, S-Q, since he is not into women!
Oh, I'm not worried about him doing anything to me...but I might tell him what I think of him! And, it wouldn't be very nice!!
Well, that tells you how bizaare the Enron company were. I saw an Enron email regarding Chaney's response to the Calif. energy crisis. And Cheney blamed the state for their issues.. People will never forgive what Enron and the exceutives did if people read some of the email that I read...
Patriot girl,
I rather punch the real Gerbil! He is a disgrace to mankind and this country!
for bluedog
Another Disastrous Coverup: Forward Base Falcon Disaster
In a radio interview Tuesday, Vice President Cheney confirmed that detainees were subjected to water-boarding, the first such admission by a Bush administration official. “It’s a no-brainer for me,” Cheney said.
For all the bloggers who use Anon to blog and give their support to the Bush gang I forward this info to our troops in Iraq/Afghan just to let them know what the White House really thinks of them.
Snow: With Black Candidates, ‘There Is Always An Attempt…To Attribute Something To The Race Card’
FYI our troops are a team of brother/sisters who protect and respect each other. As I send care packages Peaches reminds me it for the team so send enough for everyone. I hear from her follow soldiers their nice they blank out the curse words. So I know the White House knows that they are disrepecting the troops of color are they have Tony Snow give his racist remarks. Nice way to support our troops.
Bush Cheney Commercial
And let's not forget the amount of money that we as taxpayers are paying for to fill the pockets of KBR-Halliburton and the Ambien. this really pisses me off.
Halliburton Billed Gov't $163 Million for Administrative Costs in Iraq
Record profits for Exxon Mobil...while the earth is toasting..
Toast the Earth with Exxon Mobil
Where would you like to go to dinner tonight? My breakfast turned out to be a disaster...
I have a few phone conferences early this evening but then I am free to go...
You name it! :D
"Where would you like to go to dinner tonight?"
A la McDonald's! You can get the Thursday's night special: 2 cheeseburgers for a buck!
Tribune Media Services
June 29, 2006
The unending game of “pretend” that the U.S. media allow George Bush to play on the global stage, so often letting his lying utterances hang suspended, unchallenged, in the middle of the story, as though they were plausible — as though a class of third-graders couldn’t demolish them with a few innocent questions — feels like the journalistic equivalent of waterboarding. Gasp! Some truth, please!
I suggest the prez has forfeited the right to command a headline, or half a story, or an uninterrupted quote: “. . . we’ll defend ourselves, but at the same time we’re actively working with our partners to spread peace and democracy,” he said last week in Austria.
The bodies keep piling up, the toxic horrors spread. Hasn’t anyone in this place ever heard of depleted uranium? Is the health crisis in Iraq and, indeed, throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, not to mention Kosovo and among returning vets for the last four American wars, somehow irrelevant to “the course” we’re asked to stay?
“Two strange phenomena have come about in Basra which I have never seen before. The first is double and triple cancers in one patient. For example, leukemia and cancer of the stomach. We had one patient with two cancers — one in his stomach and kidney. Months later, primary cancer was developing in his other kidney — he had three different cancer types. The second is the clustering of cancer in families. We have 58 families here with more than one person affected by cancer. . . . My wife has nine members of her family with cancer.”
Not all that post as anonymous are against the troops nor do they support the actions of any President or regime that uses these types of weapons. One might wonder why our troops are put into harm when this has been going on since the Persian Gulf War or "Desert Storm". Had you bothered to look at the link, you might have seen a sick child. Hard to tell whether the child was "for or against us". Depleted uranium doesn't discriminate.
Where would you like to go for dinner tonight?
Your local Homeless Shelter has a special on soup!
Gef, forget her-she'll feed you stale donuts and popcorn for breakfast heehee
You'll be so content once I cook for you, you'll say S-Q who?;-)heeheehee
Nice stress relief game , Patriot Girl :-D
anon, military families and geologists have been saying that for years
"Where would you like to go for dinner tonight?"
I still live with my mother. Let's bum off of my moms. We are having cabbage stew. Bring your spray.
Nice try! LOL
GEF, now listen to me...
I am S-Q, the desirable, beautiful, talented and simply irresistable girl..and..I can cook but I rarely have time for that Susie-Homemaker stuff! LOL
I start work early..around 5:00AM and usually end my work day around 5-6:00PM. So, I am working 60-65 hours per week...but I make lots of $$$ for my hard work!
So, cooking is the last thing on my mind.. after that many hours!
I work hard and I play hard! And, I love to have fun! :D
"I have a few phone conferences early this evening but then I am free to go..."
GEF has to check in with the mental hospital to take his meds in the evening. Hope you don't mind waiting on GEF's motor scooter since he doesn't own a car.
"I am S-Q, the desirable, beautiful, talented and simply irresistable girl..and..I can cook but I rarely have time for that Susie-Homemaker stuff!"
Sounds like a personal ad looking for a mate.
LOL! I have never written a personal ad but yeah..that would probably work for someone that was going to write one! ROFL!
"I start work early..around 5:00AM and usually end my work day around 5-6:00PM. So, I am working 60-65 hours per week...but I make lots of $$$ for my hard work!"
Gosh, those are alot of hours. Where does she find the time to blog with those type of hours?
I am a great multi-tasker! I can talk on the phone, send emails..and blog.. all at the same time! Jealous?
hmmm...Tee a home cooked meal ?
Uh Tee, what's on the Menu ?
If I look nervous around dinner tonight it's because I like ya so feel free to spill anything on me to break the tension...
hee hee hee ;)
You work real hard...
Let's take a break tonight...
no rush! ;)
Where would you like to go for dinner?
You could grab a can of beans and roast wieners over a fire down by the river!
Very romantic!
S-Q said...I am a great multi-tasker! I can talk on the phone, send emails..and blog.. all at the same time! Jealous?
Ha, no way so can his secretary!
Geffy sweet, what would you like, name it. I can cook anything, including Chinese and Italian. (and blog, answer email etc-big whoop s-q heehee)
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"You could grab a can of beans and roast wieners over a fire down by the river!"
Are you available, Joe?
Homeless Henry said: Are you available Joe?
Homeless Joe said: I'll meet you down by the river at 6:00!
I'll supply the buns!
And you know what "let's take a break means"
See he's no good for you, S-Q! (so I'll take him ;-)
dudes..he's guilty
I was on a phone call...
You're always the playah! You crack me up!! LOL
You really have no idea what I do and yes, it is a big whoop! If you only knew... LOLMAO!
And, Homeless Henry and Homeless Joe:
Down by the river roasting franks sounds very enjoyable to me right now! :D
"I'll supply the buns!"
Hey, now! Now I am ready to chow down! I haven't had a decent meal in 6 weeks. I'll make sure I find some deodorant to kill the stinky odor!
I also have blankets and popcorn for later!
"I also have blankets and popcorn for later!"
Yeah baby! *wink*
Man, looks like we have a love connection on the blog: Homeless Henry and Homeless Joe! LOL! Cracking up of your comments. Who ever thought Fitz's blog would bring two homeless bloggers together!
S-q said You really have no idea what I do and yes, it is a big whoop! If you only knew... LOLMAO
I know your a big whoop heehee das why its funny:-D
Hey some of us are in the non-profit business-but your generous contribution is tax deductible sister moneybags hehe
How about a nice heaping bowl of momma's homemade spagetti with momma's homemade garlic bread and I'll bring a nice Rosetta to see how it weds with it..
If it's that good tee, I'm gonna sit down and tell you a story about a really contented man full of food...
I hope you can Dance...
Now that's funny... LOL*)
I donate to several charities...of my choice, of course.
What is the name of the non-profit that you work for? What is your title? I want to check it out.
Who ever thought Fitz's blog would bring two homeless bloggers together!
You're funny! LOLMAO!
Did you receive my last email regarding that incident in CA?
I donate to several charities...of my choice, of course.
What is the name of the non-profit that you work for? What is your title? I want to check it out.
Homeless Joe and Homeless Henry:
I'll join the two of you down by the river tonight. I'll bring lots of hotdogs, buns, etc. We can roast hotdogs over the open fire and tell wild stories! Do either of you dance? :)
You're a silly boy! LOLMAO
Remember to keep them downwind...
That smell will make you cry...
bwahahahahahaha! ;O
They may smell bad but they are probably better people than those GOP scumbags in Washington that smell good and live only for money/graft!
Gotta run conferences.. bbl
Have a very nice dinner GEF!
I'll be waiting for your answer. Really, I want to check it out! :)
Me and Homeless Henry dance real good. Especially when we eat too many beans!
Oh, and SQ can you bring along a little Wild Turkey?
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Me and Homeless Henry dance real good. Especially when we eat too many beans!"
Yeah, especially on a full belly.. Looking forward to our dance, Joe!
Homeless Joe & Henry:
I'm not gonna dance with any guys eating beans!!
You guys can dance together!!
And, no Wild Turkey either! :P
Okay, SQ just bring some cheap wine. We is not particular.
It's getting kinda cold out here.
Come and warm us up.
Henry broght deodorant along we don't smell so bad now
Joe & Henry:
I'll see if SPB will donate some 'Old Spice" to you boyz! hehe
Man! Those beans make an awful smell! LOL
If you want me and other folks to donate to that non-profit organization that you belong to... you need to provide the name of it and how to contact.
That is good business sense. :)
To tell you the truth SQ, Henry and me are not real big fans of Old Spice.
We like Grey Flannel or Aramis
Oh come on, Homeless know that 'Old Spice' will keep the bugs away from ya!! LOLMAO
It will keep everything else away from you too! LOL
SQ do you give massages?
Henry just gave blood and got some extra bucks we're ordeing a pizza tonite can you come?
Homeless ones:
Enjoy your pizza! :)
look everywhere , not just congress, see executive branch , land deals...........
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